Brookline Man Arrested for Misleading Woman into Taking Medication to End Pregnancy

The Watertown Police and Middlesex District Attorney’s Office provided the following announcement:

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Watertown Chief of Police Justin Hanrahan have confirmed that Robert Kawada, 43, of Brookline has been charged with poisoning, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on pregnant person and assault and battery on a household or family member in connection with misleading a woman, who was known to him, into taking medication to end her pregnancy.

Start of Eversource Transmission Line Project to Begin in June

The following announcement was provided by Eversource:

Starting soon, Eversource’s approved contractor McCourt Construction will begin working in local streets in Waltham, Watertown, and the Allston/Brighton neighborhood of Boston to install a new transmission line by way of reconductoring. Work in local streets will be starting in June instead of late May of this year. 

Best Selling Author to Present a Narrated Slide Show: Exploring the Hidden Charles River

Michael Tougias

The following information was provided by Michael Tougias:

Michael Tougias, author of Exploring The Hidden Charles, will present a narrated slide presentation about his beloved river. The presentation follows the Charles River on its 80 mile journey from Hopkinton to Boston, and along the way Tougias will share anecdotes, history, wildlife encounters and conservation issues. Suggestions for exploring the river and nearby reservations will also be discussed.