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Adding from World Athletics athlete IDs

Gymnicus (talkcontribs)

Hello! Earlier you added World Athletics athlete IDs to various data objects using Mix'n'match and including two data objects that I had created. One of the data objects is Torben Junker (Q107447126). However, this data object already contained a World Athletics athlete ID (P1146), and in my opinion the correct one. You have added another (maybe an old) World Athletics athlete ID for this, which can be referred to as a forwarding ID. Do you find adding such World Athletics athlete IDs really useful?

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

hi! that kind of was "part of the plan". and yes, the fix is on the way.

Gymnicus (talkcontribs)

And what is the fix?

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

for those items which now has multiple IDs, remove IDs which are redirected to other ID, that item has.

Gymnicus (talkcontribs)

Okay, but why are you adding these ID's first? Only to then delete them again?

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)
  • that simplified m'n'm import process.
  • those are not incorrect IDs, but simply different type - at least World Athletics calls them in their API as "id" and "competitorId_WA". they look messy, though. when i was preparing data, some of "final" URLs, that i checked, were id's and som were competitorId_WA.
  • this also can be a double check process - if item has multiple IDs, which corresponds to different WD items, then it signals that something is wrong.
Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

and, of course, many WD items didn't had any ID

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