Wikidata:Status updates/2018 08 20

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2018-08-20.

  • Google Summer of Code:
  • Design Challenges in Named Entity Transliteration (Q56152111) - a paper discussing "fundamental design challenges that impact the development of a multilingual state-of-the-art named entity transliteration system", with reference to Wikidata
  • Quicksilver: Training an #ML system to generate draft Wikipedia articles and Wikidata entries simultaneously, slides by John Bohannon and Vedant Dharnidharka

Other Noteworthy Stuff

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  • Show Senses in WhatLinksHere (phab:T200980)
  • Build ability to remove Senses (phab:T196283)
  • Reference a Sense in a statement (phab:T196263)
  • Improve the language code check for Lexemes (phab:T198202)
  • Prepare item/property link formatter that uses cache instead of wb_terms DB table (phab:T201831)
  • More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T198104)
  • Showing the Lemma or Representation when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
  • Add new monolingual language codes: uga (Ugaritic), rar (Rarotongan), gmy (Mycenean Greek), mnw (Mon), mid (Modern Mandaic), haz (Hazaragi)
  • Fix a bug on the Query Service interface (phab:T201951)
  • Add number of results in embed map view of the Query Service (phab:T201908)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks