Russian noun with paucal (E200)

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enRussian noun with paucalRussian standard noun with paucal numberedit
frnom russe avec paucaledit
ruрусское существительное с паукальным числомописание схемы лексемы для такого типаedit
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX ontolex: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>

# Standard Russian Noun, with six cases and singular, paucal, and plural number

# SELECT ?focus {?focus dct:language wd:Q7737;wikibase:lexicalCategory wd:Q1084} limit 5

start = @<ru-n>

<ru-n> {
  dct:language [ wd:Q7737 ] ;
  wikibase:lexicalCategory [ wd:Q1084 ] ;
  wikibase:lemma [ "@ru" ] ;
  wdt:P5185 [ wd:Q1775415 wd:Q499327 wd:Q1775461] ;
  wdt:P1552 [ wd:Q51927539 wd:Q51927507] ;
  wdt:P5911 [ wd:Q66327367 wd:Q66689134 wd:Q66689140] ;
  wdt:P5911 wd:Q66329814 ;
  wdt:P5187 [];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146233] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q131105  ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146078 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q2114906 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q192997 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q145599 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146233 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q131105 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146078 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q2114906 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q192997 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q145599 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146233 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q131105 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q146078 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q2114906 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q192997 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q145599 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q489410 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ "@ru" ];