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label description start point destination point start time end time via participant WP ?sl ?st
Journey of Manuel II to Western Europe Travel Constantinople London 1399 1403 Morea
Manuel II Palaiologos
Jean Le Maingre
en 2 20
Treasure voyages seven Ming-era maritime voyages of the treasure fleet between 1405 and 1433 1405 1433 Zheng He en 25 21
first voyage of Christopher Columbus voyage that led to the discovery of America Palos de la Frontera Palos de la Frontera 1492-08-03 1493-03-15 Canary Islands Martín Alonso Pinzón
Vicente Yáñez Pinzó
Rodrigo de Triana
Juan de la Cosa
Columbus' fleet
12 24
voyages of Vasco da Gama 1497-1503 voyages across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans 1497 1503 0 5
John Cabot's Expedition to America first European since the Norse colonization of North America to explore coastal parts of North America 1497 John Cabot 0 6
3eme expédition de Christophe Colomb Sanlúcar de Barrameda Cádiz 1498-05-30 1500-11-25 Gulf of Paria
Pedro Alonso Niño 5 16
Fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus Spanish maritime expedition, 1502–1504 Cádiz 1502-05-09 1504-11-07 Cayman Islands Ferdinand Columbus
Bartholomew Columbus
en 6 13
DeLeon expedition to Puerto Rico Early Spanish new world settlement 1508-07-12 1509-04 Juan Ponce de León 0 7
Expedición de Solís al Río de la Plata 1515 1516 3 5
Magellan’s expedition 16th-century Spanish maritime expedition Seville Seville 1519-08-10 1522-09-08 Rio de Janeiro
Río de la Plata
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Canary Islands
Antonio Pigafetta
Juan de Arratia
Juan de Zubileta
Juan Akurio
Enrique of Malacca
João Serrão
Gaspar de Quesada
Duarte Barbosa
Álvaro de Mezquita
Juan de Cartagena
Luis de Mendoza
Andrés de San Martín
Pedro de Valderrama
en 26 50
Narváez expedition 16th-century Spanish journey of exploration in North America 1527 1528 Pánfilo de Narváez
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Alonso del Castillo Maldonado
Andrés Dorantes de Carranza
Marcos de Niza
en 9 17
Rut's voyage English maritime voyage, 1527–1528 1527-06 1528 en 1 7
Coronado expedition 1540 1542 Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Pedro de Castañeda Nájera
García López de Cárdenas
Tristán de Luna y Arellano
1 10
Descubrimiento del río Amazonas 1541-02-04 1541-08-26 2 5
Villalobos Expedition (1542-1543) 16th-century Spanish maritime expedition, a failed attempt to control the East Indies Barra de Navidad Philippines 1542-11-01 1546 Revillagigedo Islands
Marshall Islands
Caroline Islands
Maestre Anes
Bernardo de la Torre
Ginés de Mafra
Juan Gaetano
Francisco Ruiz
Yñigo Ortiz de Retez
Guido de Lavezaris
Ruy López de Villalobos
0 28
Výprava české šlechty do Janova 1551 1552 Vratislav von Pernstein
Zacharias of Hradec
William of Rosenberg
Jaroslav I. Smiřický ze Smiřic
1 8
Chamuscado and Rodriguez Expedition expedition to New Mexico 1581 1582 en 3 7
First Polar Expedition first expedition by Willem Barentsz Kara Sea 1594-06-05 1594-09-16 1 12
First Dutch Expedition to Nusantara first voyage of Dutch ships to Nusantara in 1595–1597 Texel Indonesia 1595-04-02 1597-08-14 Cornelis de Houtman
Frederick de Houtman
Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser
en 6 14
Tweede Noordreis 1595-07-02 1595-11 1 5
Derde Noordreis Amsterdam 1596-05-10 1597-10-29 1 5
overwintering on Nova Zembla historical event in 1596-1597 1596-09 1597-06 Willem Barents
Jacob van Heemskerck
Gerrit de Veer
3 15
Second Dutch Expedition to Nusantara second voyage of Dutch ships to Nusantara in 1598–1600 Texel Indonesia 1598-05-01 Jacob Cornelisz. van Neck
Willem Janszoon
en 4 9
English expedition to Valdivia John Narborough's expedition to Chile in 1670 1669-09-26 John Narborough en 2 5
Monsoon expeditions river expeditions in Brazil during the end of the colonial period 17th century 19th century 2 7
Grovestins' Cavalry Raid 1712 cavalry expedition by Dutch States Army 1712-06-10 1712-07-28 Dutch Republic
Kingdom of France
en 2 14
Northwest Passage expedition of 1741 1741 1742 en 2 6
Expedición de Mateo Abraham Evrard Expedition to rescue the rests of HMS Wager of Anson flote 1743 1743 1 5
Arabian expedition Expedition led by Carsten Niebuhr Copenhagen Copenhagen 1761-01-04 1767-11 Marseille
Carsten Niebuhr
Peter Forsskål
Georg Wilhelm Bauernfeind
Frederik Christian von Haven
Christian Carl Kramer
en 6 20
tour du monde de Louis-Antoine de Bougainville 1766-12-05 Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
Philibert Commerson
Charles Routier de Romainville
Pierre-Antoine Véron
Charles Henry of Nassau-Siegen
Jeanne Baret
0 12
voyages of James Cook 1768-1779 voyages to Oceania commanded by Captain James Cook 1768-08-26 1780-10-04 James Cook 1 14
Portolà expedition exploration of the present-day state of California, United States, 1769–1770 1769-07-14 1770-01-04 en 10 8
Spanish shipments to Tahiti Callao Tahiti 1772 1775 1 9
first Spanish expedition to Tahiti part of the Spanish expeditions to Tahiti (1772-1773) 1772 1773 0 5
second Spanish expedition to Tahiti part of the Spanish expeditions to Tahiti (1774-1775) 1774 1775 0 5
third Spanish expedition to Tahiti part of the Spanish expeditions to Tahiti (1775) 1775 1775 0 5
Märter-Expedition 1783 1788 Franz Joseph Maerter
Franz Bredemeyer
Franz Boos
Matthias Leopold Stupić
Bernhard Albrecht Moll
1 9
Sibthorp and Bauer expedition botanical expedition to the Eastern Mediterranean 1786 1787 John Sibthorp
Ferdinand Bauer
0 95
Vancouver Expedition 1791 voyage commanded by George Vancouver 1791 1795 George Vancouver
William Robert Broughton
en 9 9
First Russian circumnavigation Russian Voyage Kronstadt Kronstadt 1803-08-07 1806-08-06
Adam Johann von Krusenstern
Yuri Lisyansky
Nikolai Rezanov
Головачев, Петр Васильевич
Wilhelm Gottlob Tilesius von Tilenau
Grigory Langsdorff
Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen
en 7 22
First Russian Antarctic expedition 1819–1821 expedition to explore the Southern Ocean and Antarctica Kronstadt 1819-07-16 1821-06-24 en 11 9
Langsdorff Expedition 19th century expedition in Brazil 1821 1829 Ludwig Riedel
Adrien Taunay the Younger
Johann Moritz Rugendas
Édouard Ménétries
Nester Rubtsov
Grigory Langsdorff
Karl Drais
Hércules Florence
2 21
Hume and Hovell expedition exploration of eastern Australia from 1824 to 1825 1824-10-02 1825-01-18 Hamilton Hume
William Hovell
en 5 7
Atkinson-O'Fallon expedition 1825-05-16 1825-09-19 Henry Atkinson
Benjamin O’Fallon
1 7
Third circumnavigation of the Princess Louise 1832-12-09 1834-05-20 Johann Wilhelm Wendt
Dr. von Besser
0 7
Bartleson–Bidwell Party group of American settlers in 1841 1841-05-18 1841-11-04 en 3 9
United States and Mexican Boundary Survey 1848-1855 expedition to set the border between the United States and Mexico 1848 1855 William H. Emory
Charles Christopher Parry
Arthur Carl Victor Schott
Charles Wright
John Milton Bigelow
en 2 12
Amur-Expedition 1851 1855 1 5
Nias Expedition 1855 1864 en 3 6
Second Zambesi Expedition exploration of the Zambezi river by Dr. Livingstone and colleagues 1858 1864 David Livingstone
John Kirk
Thomas Baines
Richard Thornton
Charles Livingstone
en 4 16
Burke and Wills expedition Australian exploration expedition in 1860–61 led by Robert O'Hara Burke and William John Wills 1860-08-20 1861-06-28 en 14 14
Polska expeditionen 1863 1 2
Western Union Telegraph Expedition 1865-1867 expedition organized by the Smithsonian Institution to Canada, Russian-America (Alaska), and Asia 1865 1867 en 5 14
Yale College Scientific Expeditions series of annual expedition trips 1870 1873 0 7
Second Powell Expedition Expedition in 1871-1872 led by John Wesley Powell, followed the course of the Colorado River from Green River, Wyoming to Kanab Creek in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Green River Kanab Creek 1871 1872 1 10
Yellowstone Expedition of 1873 1873 US Army expedition to Dakota and Montana Territories to survey a rail route 1873-06-20 1873-09-23 United States Army en 6 13
Yale Expeditions series of expedition trips 1874 1915 0 5
Chevert Expedition of 1875 scientific expedition New Guinea 1875-05-18 1875-09 John Brazier en 1 7
Princeton Expeditions series of annual expedition trips 1877 1969 0 5
Reed-Como Party expedition trip (1881) 1881 1881 0 5
Swedish Physical-Meteorological Expedition to Spetsbergen 1882–1983 Epedition to Spetsbergen 1882–1983 1882 1883 Vilhelm Carlheim-Gyllensköld
Richard Henrik Albert Gyllencreutz
1 7
Umiak Expedition east Greenlandic expedition 1883-1885 1883-07 1885 Gustav Frederik Holm
Thomas Vilhelm Garde
Hans Knutsen
Johan Petersen
1 9
Expeditie naar Nederlandse Antillen en Suriname Expedition 1884 1884 0 7
Expedition zur Errichtung einer Forschungsstation im Kamerungebiet German colonial expedition to establish a research station in Cameroon (1886-1889) 1886 1889 Richard Kund
Kurt von Morgen
Hans Tappenbeck
1 10
Emin Pasha Relief Expedition European expedition to the African interior 1886 1889 Henry Morton Stanley
Thomas Heazle Parke
Robert H. Nelson
en 8 14
Herman ten Kate's 1886 expedition to Suriname 1886 1886 Herman Frederik Carel ten Kate 1 8
Yale Hatcher Cretaceous Expeditions series of annual expedition trips (1889-1892) 1889 1892 0 5
Swedish expedition to Spitsbergen 1890 1890 1890 Gustaf Nordenskiöld
Johan Alfred Björling
Axel Klinckowström
1 7
Axel Klinckowström's expedition to Suriname 1891 1891 Axel Klinckowström 1 6
Svenska expeditionen till Magellansländerna 1895 1897 1 6
mission Marchand 1896 1899 0 5
Calvert Expedition 1896 exploring expedition in north-central Western Australia 1896-06-13 1897 en 3 5
Carnegie expedition of 1896 Western Australian exploration in 1896 1896-07-09 David Carnegie en 2 6
Nickerie-expeditie expedition in Surinam (1897) 1897 1897 Corstiaan van Drimmelen
Herman van Cappelle
John Johnstone Kirke
0 11
S. A. Andrée's Arctic Balloon Expedition of 1897 S. A. Andrée's Arctic Balloon Expedition of 1897 Arctic 1897-07 1897-10 Salomon August Andrée
Knut Frænkel
Nils Strindberg
en 23 26
Carlsbergfund Expedition to East Greenland 1898 1900 Georg Carl Amdrup 1 7
Mendeleev's Ural expedition 1899 S. Vukolov
Dmitri Mendeleiev
Pjotr Zemjatchenskij
Konstantin Yegorov
4 9
Nickerie-expedition expedition in Surinam (1900) 1900-08-13 1900-11-04 Corstiaan van Drimmelen
Herman van Cappelle
J. Haenen
J.C. Ganzert
Herman van Cappelle
Jacob Ernestus Tulleken
1 16
The Swedish Cordiller-Chaco Expedition Argentina
1901-03-30 1902 Eric Boman
Gustaf von Hofsten
Klas Robert Elias Fries
Erland Nordenskiöld
Eric von Rosen
Sigfrid Pettersson
2 17
Coppename-expeditie Expedition in Surinam (1901) 1901-08-05 1901-11-28 Louis August Bakhuis
Bram van Stockum
Hendricus Albertus Boon
Willem Lodewijk Loth
1 12
Niger-Benue-Tschadsee-Expedition 1902 1903 1 5
1902 Karakoram expedition First serious attempt to climb K2, undertaken in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein, Aleister Crowley, Jules Jacot-Guillarmod, Heinrich Pfannl, Victor Wessely, and Guy Knowles via the Northeast Ridge K2 1902-03 1902-11 Jules Jacot-Guillarmod
Aleister Crowley
Oscar Eckenstein
Heinrich Pfannl
Victor Wessely
0 20
Saramacca-expeditie Expedition in Surinam (1902) 1902-10-31 1903-04-27 August Adriaan Pulle
Bram van Stockum
P.J. de Cock
J.W. van Gelder
0 12
Deutsch-Englische Expedition zur Vermessung der Grenze Jola-Tschadsee 1904 0 5
The Swedish Expedition 1904-1905 Bolivia
1904-01-01 1905 Erland Nordenskiöld
Didrik Bildt
2 13
1905 Kanchenjunga Expedition Failed attempt to climb the Kangchenjunga in 1905 1905-07 1905-11 Jules Jacot-Guillarmod
Aleister Crowley
en 3 11
Denmark Expedition 1906–1908 expedition to Greenland 1906 1908 Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen en 9 13
Expeditie naar Bali 1906 - 1908 1906 1908 Royal Netherlands East Indies Army 1 10
Walter Kaudern's first expedition to Madagascar Madagascar 1906 1907 Walter Kaudern 1 10
Deutsch-französische Südkamerun-Grenzexpedition 1906 0 4
Arsenyev's expedition in 1906 1906 expedition of Arsenyev 1906-05-20 1906-11-17 Vladimir Arsenyev
Dersu Uzala
Рутковский, Пётр Константинович
Nikolay Alexandrovich Palczewsky
1 12
Dutch military expedition to New Guinea last major colonial campaign in the Netherlands East Indies by colonial forces 1907 1915 O.G. Heldring 2 7
Swedish Magellanic Expedition scientific expedition to study the geography, geology and flora of Patagonia (1907-1909) Patagonia 1907 1909 Carl Skottsberg
Albert Pagels
Percy Dudgeon Quensel
Thore Gustaf Halle
en 4 14
Philippine expedition scientific research expedition to the Philippines from 1907-1910 1907 1910 en 1 4
Arsenyev's expedition in 1907 1907 expedition of Arsenyev 1907-06-11 1908-01-05 Vladimir Arsenyev
Dersu Uzala
1 9
expedició històrico-arqueològica de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans a la Vall d'Aran i la Ribagorça 1907-08-30 1907-09-14 Josep Puig i Cadafalch
Josep Goday i Casals
Guillem Maria de Brocà i de Montagut
Josep Gudiol i Cunill
Adolf Mas i Ginestà
1 12
Forstwissenschaftliche und forstbotanische Expedition in Kamerun 1908 1908 0 4
Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition To Crow Agency Rodman Wanamaker-sponsored expedition to record American Indian life in the west Crow Agency 1908 Joseph K. Dixon 0 7
Hamburg South Seas Expedition ethnographic expedition to German New Guinea (1908–1910) German New Guinea 1908 1910 en 1 5
The Hernmarck expedition Swedish expedition to Argentina and Bolivia 1908-1909 Argentina
1908-02-21 1909 Erland Nordenskiöld 2 13
Hamburger Südsee-Expedition scientific expedition (1908-1910) Bismarck Archipelago
Caroline Islands
1908-07-08 1910-04-22 Friedrich Fülleborn
Augustin Krämer
Elisabeth Krämer-Bannow
Hans Nevermann
Wilhelm Müller-Wismar
Georg Thilenius
Ernst Sarfert
Otto Reche
Franz Emil Hellwig
Georg Duncker
3 23
Wanamaker's second expedition 1909 1909 0 6
expeditie naar de Kajanrivier 1909-03 1909-05 Dirk Merens 0 5
Corantijn-expeditie expedition in Surinam (1910-1911) 1910-06-19 1911-04-02 Conrad Carel Käyser
Johannes Gijsbert Willem Jacobus Eilerts de Haan
Johannes Frederik Hulk
0 12
Zeppelin Study Expedition to Spitsbergen 1910 Kiel Kiel 1910-07-02 1910-08-24 Erich von Drygalski
Max Reich
Otto Graf von Zedlitz und Truetzschler
Adolf Miethe
Bruno Seegert
Otto Leiber
Ferdinand von Zeppelin
Prince Henry of Prussia
2 17
Walter Kaudern's second expedition to Madagascar Madagascar 1911 1912 Walter Kaudern
Teres Kaudern
1 11
Second German Antarctic Expedition antarctic research expedition 1911-05-04 1912-12 Wilhelm Filchner
Erich Przybyllok
Erich Barkow
Ludwig Kohl-Larsen
Hans Lohmann
Heinrich Seelheim
Wilhelm Ule
Paul Johan Ludvig Bjørvig
Richard Vahsel
en 13 16
The Swedish Rhodesia-Congo Expedition 1911-06-13 1912-03-13 Klas Robert Elias Fries
Eric von Rosen
1 9
Erste Thule-Expedition 1912 1933 Knud Rasmussen
Peter Freuchen
1 8
Logone River-Pama expedition German-French border expedition in 1912-13 1912 1913 Reinhard Houy
Eduard Bartsch
0 11
Eric Mjöbergs andra expedition till Australien 1912 1913 Eric Mjöberg 1 6
Third South New Guinea Expedition (1912-1913) expedition in New Guinea (1912-1913) 1912-08-21 1913-04-08 August Adriaan Pulle
Alphons Franssen Herderschee
Gerard Martinus Versteeg
Paul Hubrecht
2 19
Brusilov Expedition Russian maritime expedition to the Arctic 1912-09-17 en 4 6
The Swedish Expedition to Bolivia Bolivia
1913 1914 Erland Nordenskiöld
Olga Nordenskiöld
2 12
Rodman Wanamaker Expedition of Citizenship to the American Indian 1913 expedition 1913-06-07 1913 Joseph K. Dixon 0 9
Medizinisch-demographische Deutsch-Neuguinea-Expedition 1913-10 1914 1 7
Henry Ford Peace Expedition Henry Ford's 1915 peace mission to Europe to end World War I 1915-12-04 1915-12-21 Henry Ford 1 11
Voyage of the James Caird small-boat journey by Sir Ernest Shackleton and five companions 1916-04-24 1916-05-10 Ernest Shackleton
Frank Worsley
Thomas Crean
Harry McNish
John Vincent
Timothy McCarthy
en 15 18
Walter Kaudern's expedition to Celebes Sulawesi 1917-03 1921 Walter Kaudern
Teres Kaudern
1 11
Raid Citroën – La Traversée du Sahara Touggourt 1922-12-17 1923-01-07 1 9
Mission Tranin-Duverne French expedition in Africa Conakry Djibouti 1924-11-28 1925-03-29 Edmond Tranin
Gustave Duverne
William Borle
Henry Vallotton
2 11
The Swedish Expedition to Panama and Colombia Colombia
1927 1927 Erland Nordenskiöld
Sigvald Linné
Olga Nordenskiöld
1 12
Byrd Antarctic Expedition Antarctic expedition 1928-1930 New York City New York City 1928-08-25 1930-06-19 Richard E. Byrd
Bernt Balchen
Laurence McKinley Gould
Joseph T. Rucker
Willard Van der Veer
Russell Owen
Paul Siple
Martin Rønne
Norman D. Vaughan
Dean Smith
Arthur Treadwell Walden
Ashley Chadbourne McKinley
Jack Bursey
Harold June
Frank T. Davies
Benjamin Roth
4 35
Kelley-Roosevelts Asiatic Expedition zoological expedition to Southeast Asia 1929 en 1 4
Pinchot South Sea Expedition 1929 zoological expedition New York City 1929-03-31 1929-12 Gifford Pinchot en 1 8
German Greenland Expedition 1930–1931 expedition to the Greenland ice sheet led by Alfred Wegener 1930 Alfred Wegener en 2 5
R/V Atlantis Expeditions series of annual expedition trips (1931-1937) 1931 1937 0 5
Croisière jaune French trans-Asian expedition 1931-04-04 1932-02-12 en 9 8
Mission Dakar-Djibouti Dakar Djibouti 1931-05-31 1933-01-30 1 7
First Swedish Mexico Expedition 1932-01-14 1932-08-26 Sigvald Linné 2 9
Houston–Mount Everest flight expedition 1933 aircraft flight by Douglas-Hamilton and David McIntyre 1933-04 1933-04 Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 14th Duke of Hamilton en 2 9
Shipton–Tilman Nanda Devi expeditions Himalayan mountaineering expeditions in 1930s 1934 1936 en 1 10
Second Swedish Expedition to Mexico Teotihuacan 1934 1935 Sigvald Linné
Gösta Montell
Ola Apenes
1 11
British Trans-Greenland Expedition 1934 1934 0 6
1935 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition Mountaineering expedition led by Eric Shipton Mount Everest 1935-05 1935-08 Eric Shipton
Charles Warren
Edmund Wigram
Edwin Kempson
Dan Bryant
Michael Spender
Tenzing Norgay
en 2 18
first border expedition in Suriname expedition to the border of Suriname (1935-1936) Paramaribo Sipaliwini Savanna 1935-07-23 1936-04-26 Herman Eduard Rombouts
Antonie Jacob Herbert van Lynden
Fredericus Henricus Maria van Straelen
Conrad Carel Käyser
Krijn Meuldijk
0 15
Thorshavn Expedition 1936-37 Norwegian Antarctic expedition 1936 1937 1 6
Second border expedition in Suriname expedition in Suriname to the Brazil border (1936-1937) Albina 1936-07-21 1937-04-08 Antonie Jacob Herbert van Lynden
Claudius Henricus de Goeje
Fredericus Henricus Maria van Straelen
Krijn Meuldijk
Herman Eduard Rombouts
1 16
Carstensz Expedition Aikwa River Puncak Jaya 1936-10-29 1936-12-24 Anton Colijn
Frits Wissel
Jean Jacques Dozy
en 7 15
Sever (expedition) Arctic aerial expedition "North" organized in the USSR 1937-03-22 1937-07-25 3 7
Third border expedition in Suriname expedition tot the south border of Suriname 1937-07-10 1938-02-20 Conrad Carel Käyser
Antonie Jacob Herbert van Lynden
Fredericus Henricus Maria van Straelen
Herman Eduard Rombouts
Krijn Meuldijk
0 11
Alemaniar Espedizio Antartikoa (1938–1939) 1938-12-17 1939-04-11 0 6
Wenner-Gren scientific expedition to Hispanic America 1940-12 1941-08 Paul Fejos 1 7
Military Expedition Coppename river militairy expedition in Surinam in 1945 1945 1945 Franciscus Johannes van Neer
E. Essed
Lodewijk Schmidt
0 7
Operation Windmill Antarctica expedition 1947 1948 Gerald Ketchum en 13 9
Yale Triassic Expeditions series of expedition trips 1947 1958 0 5
Primera Expedición Antártica Chilena 1947-01-18 1947-03-26 1 6
1948 American-Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land 1948 scientific research expedition to Arnhem Land in northern Australia Arnhem Land 1948-02 1948-11 Groote Eylandt Charles P. Mountford en 2 9
Yale Seychelles Expedition (YSE) expedition trip (1957-1958) 1957 1958 0 6
Emma Keten expedition scientific expedition in Surinam in 1959 Paramaribo 1959-07-10 1959-10-28 Fredrik Pieter Jonker
J.J. Wensink
A.G.H. Daniels
H.T.L. van Eyk
0 13
Expedition Franco-Néerlandaise en Nouvelle Guinée Biak Island 1959-08 Jan Sneep
Pierre Dominique Gaisseau
Gerard Delloye
Gilbert Sarthre
Tony Saulnier
Hervé de Maigret
Jean Bordes-Pagès
1 15
Expédition féminine de 1959 au Népal Cho Oyu 1959-08-12 1959-10 Claude Kogan
Micheline Rambaud
Colette Le Bret
Jeanne Franco
Margaret Darwall
Dorothea Gravina
Eileen Healey
Loulou Boulaz
Claudine van der Straten-Ponthoz
2 24
JAHO I Yugoslav alpine expedition to Himalaya 1960-03-06 1960-08-03 2 6
1960–61 Silver Hut expedition 1960-09 1961-06 Edmund Hillary
Griffith Pugh
en 1 6
Yale Fayum Expeditions series of annual expedition trips (1961-1967) 1961 1967 0 5
Cloverly Expeditions series of annual expedition trips (1963-1964) 1963 1964 0 5
Medical Expedition to Easter Island Canadian expedition 1964-1965 1964-11 1965-02 1 11
JAHO II Yugoslav mountaineering expedition 1965-08-05 1965-12-14 Metod Humar
Zoran Jerin
Tone Škarja
Andrej Otona Župančič
1 8
Yale Bighorn Basin (Willwood) Expeditions series of annual expedition trips 1968 1977 0 6
British Trans-Arctic Expedition 1968 1969 Wally Herbert
Roy Koerner
0 7
Expedition Lambaréné Old Town Square 1968-01-01 1968-09-13 Jiří Stöhr
Petr Bárta
en 3 9
Österreichische Himalaya-Expedition 1969 1969-08 1 5
JAHO III third Yugoslavian mountaineering expedition to the Himalayas 1969-08-14 1969-12-15 Aleš Kunaver
Jože Andlovic
Kazimir Drašlar
Zoran Jerin
Andrej Martinčič
Tone Wraber
1 10
Yale VP Spain-Pakistan Expedition expedition trip (1970) 1970 1970 0 7
JAHO IV Yugoslav mountaineering expedition 1972-08-15 1972-11-18 1 7
Druhá přírodovědecká expedice Národního muzea v Praze do Íránu 1973-02-13 1973-07-23 Otto Janka
Ludvík Hoberlandt
Jiří Dlabola
Josef Jelínek
Jiří Soják
1 11
Acali raft on which the Acali experiment took place Las Palmas Cozumel Municipality 1973-05-12 1973-08-21 Barbados Maria Björnstam
Santiago Genovés
José María Montero Pérez
en 7 32
JAHO VI Yugoslav mountaineering expedition 1975-08-11 1975-11-12 Aleš Kunaver
Stane Belak-Šrauf
Viki Grošelj
1 6
Třetí přírodovědecká expedice Národního muzea v Praze do Íránu 1977-03-16 1977-07-12 Otto Janka
Ludvík Hoberlandt
1 8
Polish Antarctic Expedition 1978 1979 en 1 6
1985 Catalan expedition to Everest first Catalan ascent to Mount Everest Mount Everest 1985-07-01 1985-09-01 Antoni Sors i Ferrer
Òscar Cadiach
Conrad Blanch i Fors
Nil Bohigas i Martorell
Enric Lucas Llop
Xavier Pérez Gil
Carles Vallès i Ocaña
Joan Massons i Rabassa
1 26
Tatra kolem světa Old Town Square Old Town Square 1987-03-18 1990-05-04 Jiří Stöhr
Stanislav Synek
Petr Bárta
František Jeniš
Dalibor Petr
Aleš Novák
3 14
Primera Expedición Peruana a la Antártida 1988-01-04 1988-01-25 1 5
Indian Women’s First Trans Himalayan Journey 1997 1997-02-04 Bachendri Pal
Sumita Roy Dutta
1 6
Фольклорная экспедиция радиопроекта «Песни малых народов» в Калиновку 2004-05-18 2004-05-20 Andrey Petrov 1 14
EverestMax Dead Sea Mount Everest 2005-12-21 2006-05-21 en 1 6
Afghan Expedition of Viktor Pinchuk project of the Russian traveler Samarkand Afghanistan 2008-09-25 2008-11-25 Uzbekistan
Viktor Pinchuk 3 25
AMLR 2009 Antarctic Fish Cruise on RV Yuzhmorgeologiya expedition trip 2009 2009 0 5
MLAE-2009 2009 Russian Arctic expedition 2009-03-20 2009-04-26 Vasily Yelagin en 1 7
third creative trip of Viktor Pinchuk to Africa the project of Russian traveler Cairo Africa 2010-12-03 2011-03-07 Egypt
Viktor Pinchuk 3 26
Viktor Pinchuk 's expedition to Papua New Guinea the project of the Russian traveler Peninsular Malaysia Papua New Guinea 2012-12-13 2013-06-05 Sarawak
Sumbawa Island
Western New Guinea
Hong Kong
People's Republic of China
Viktor Pinchuk 5 33
Latin American Expedition of Viktor Pinchuk the project of a Russian traveler, one of the long routes São Paulo Latin America 2014-11-24 2015-06-10 Brazil
El Salvador
Viktor Pinchuk 5 32
18. návštěvní expedice (ISS) 2015-09-04 2015-09-11 2 8
Expedition 364 Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater Expedition to drill the K-Pg impact crater Chicxulub crater 2016-04-05 2016-05-31 Johanna Lofi
Elise Chenot
Philippe Claeys
Gail L. Christeson
Charles S. Cockell
Marco J.L. Coolen
Ludovic Ferrière
Catalina Gebhardt
Kazuhisa Goto
Heather Jones
David A. Kring
Long Xiao
Christopher M. Lowery
Rubén Ocampo-Torres
Ligia Perez Cruz
Annemarie E. Pickersgill
Michael H. Poelchau
Auriol S.P. Rae
Cornelia Rasmussen
Mario Rebolledo-Vieyra
Ulrich Riller
Honami Sato
Jan Smit
Sonia M. Tikoo-Schantz
Naotaka Tomioka
Michael T. Whalen
Axel Wittmann
Kosei E. Yamaguchi
William Zylberman
Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi
Timothy J. Bralower
0 42
Viкtor Pinchuk's solo Expedition to Africa (2017/18) the project of Russian traveler Port Louis Africa 2017-11-05 2018-04-21 Mauritius
Grande Comore
South Africa
Viktor Pinchuk 3 29
Viktor Pinchuk's expedition to the islands of Oceania project of the Russian traveler Irkutsk Insular Oceania 2018-12-15 2019-03-09 South Korea
Pentecost Island
Manono Island
Viktor Pinchuk 5 33
MOSAiC Expedition scientific expedition into the Arctic in 2019-2020 2019-09 2020-10-12 en 6 8
Vyzov - Visiting Expedition 2021-10-05 2021-10-17 Klim Shipenko
Yulia Peresild
0 11
20ª Expedição Visitante 2021-12-08 2021-12-20 Alexander Misurkin
Yusaku Maezawa
Yozo Hirano
1 11
4x4electric solar-powered Africa expedition 2022-11-04 0 5
SKS 21. Krievijas viesekspedīcija 2024-03-23 2024-04-06 Oleg Novitskiy
Marina Vasilevskaya
2 10
Österreichische Expeditionsfahrten 1 2
Eulenburg Expedition diplomatic mission conducted by Friedrich Albrecht zu Eulenburg on behalf of Prussia and the German Customs Union in 1859–1862 in China, Japan and Siam Friedrich Albrecht zu Eulenburg en 6 8
Theban Mapping Project archaeological expedition devoted to Ancient Egypt en 10 5
1939 Japanese expedition to Tibet expedition en 6 2
Second Fleet Fleet of British convicts vessels bound for Australia en 6 6
1813 crossing of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales Australian mountaineering expedition Mount Blaxland, New South Wales Gregory Blaxland
William Lawson
William Charles Wentworth
en 2 7
Sino-Swedish Expedition bilateral Chinese-English expedition, led by Sven Hedin, which carried out scientific research in north and northwest China, 1927–1935 Sven Hedin
Folke Bergman
Ture J. Arne
Nils Ambolt
Gerhard Bexell
Karl Hill
en 7 18
Croisière noire 5 4
Deutsch-Amerikanische Himalaya-Expedition 1932 2 6
German Nanga Parbat expedition 1937 German Himalya expedition 2 5
Eyre's 1839 expeditions two expeditions en 2 3
First Fleet 11 ships that left Great Britain to found the penal colony that became the first European settlement in Australia William Bradley
Arthur Phillip
en 28 18
Ross Sea party 1914–1917 Antarctic exploration en 13 7
The Bratvaag Expedition 1930 Norwegian expedition to Franz Josef Land in the Svalbard Arctic region 1930 Victoria Island
Franz Josef Land
Gunnar Horn
Olaf Hanssen
Adolf Sørensen
en 4 15
La Grange expedition 1865 search operation in Western Australia en 2 4
Russian Antarctic Expedition en 5 2
Soviet Antarctic Expedition Antarctica research agency of the Soviet Union en 13 10
Expedition to the West Coast of Borneo en 3 5
Pancho Villa Expedition 1916 U.S. military operation against revolutionary forces in northern Mexico en 18 9
First expedition to Palembang Royal Netherlands East Indies Army en 5 5
Operation Tabarin British operation in Antarctica during World War II en 13 7
Star Mountains expedition expedition in New Guinea (1959) Star Mountains Leo Brongersma
Cornelis Kalkman
Jan Pouwer
Johannes Cornelis Anceaux
Herman Th. Verstappen
Bernnard Otto van Zanten
John Staats
2 18
Rurik Expedition Russian expedition and circumnavigation Otto von Kotzebue
Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz
Adelbert von Chamisso
Louis Choris
Morten Wormskjold
Gleb Shishmaryov
Vasiliy Stepanovich Khromchenko
en 6 13
Second Bone War en 4 2
Dutch Spitsbergen Expedition 1968-1969 2 4
circumnavigation of Francis Drake first English circumnavigation of the world Francis Drake en 4 8
Vostok traverse 1962 Australian expedition across Antarctica en 3 3
Second expedition to Palembang Royal Netherlands East Indies Army en 5 5
De Rays Expedition third New Guinea expedition of Marquis de Rays en 4 4
Saint-Domingue expedition French military expedition en 6 10
1950 French Annapurna expedition First ascent of an 8,000-metre peak en 5 4
Expéditions préludes à la fondation de l'État indépendant du Congo Congo Free State 2 5
Incan exploration of the Pacific historical hypothesis 2 2
La Korrigane ship used for South Seas ethnographic expedition 1 3
Missão Artística Francesa Gruppe französischer Künstler und Handwerker, die vom portugiesischen König Dom João VI nach Brasilien kamen en 4 8
Jean-Baptiste Charcot second expedition 6 6
The Changing Oceans Expedition 1 2
1990 International Trans-Antarctica Expedition first non-mechanised crossing of Antarctica en 3 3
Humana and Leyva expedition expedition to the Great Plains in 1594 or 1595 en 3 2
Loaísa Expedition Early Spanish expedition to Southeast Asia Maestre Anes en 9 10
La Canela legendary location in South America Gonzalo Pizarro en 4 7
list of sites and peoples visited by the Hernando de Soto Expedition Wikimedia list article en 3 3
1954 Italian Karakoram expedition to K2 The 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition to K2 was the first to successfully climb the second highest mountain Ardito Desio
Achille Compagnoni
Lino Lacedelli
en 8 7
Nile exploration by Roman emperor Nero en 8 3
53-та сезонска руска антарктичка експедиција 2 2
Alexander Nevsky (car race) cultural and sports expedition to the historical places of Alexander Nevsky 2 5
2006 Philippine Mount Everest Expedition Mount Everest en 3 6
Austin Expedition of 1854 Western Australian exploration in 1854 en 1 5
Benarat 2005 Expedition 0 1
Bindibu Expedition Donald Thomson en 1 3
Björling-Kallstenius Expedition ill-fated Arctic expedition en 2 2
Yangtze Freshwater Dolphin Expedition 2006 six-week dolphin expedition en 3 3
British Arctic Air Route Expedition 1930-31 privately funded East Greenland exploration mission en 5 3
Broadway expedition en 2 6
Expeditie naar de westerafdeling van Borneo 1 3
Falkland Islands and Dependencies Aerial Survey Expedition en 5 3
Far Eastern Party sledging component of the 1911–14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition en 6 7
German Congo Expedition en 1 2
Hamilton and Scourge – 1982 Survey Expedition search for two shipwrecks in Lake Ontario Hamilton and Scourge en 1 5
Spanish Expeditions to Salomon Islands and Vanuatu 1 3
Francisco César 2 4
Expedición de Freire Ramón Freire 1 5
Expedición de González de Haedo a la Isla de Pascua Easter Island Felipe González de Ahedo 1 6
Expedición de Grijalva al Pacífico ecuatorial 1 3
Expedición de Pedro de Valdivia a Chile Chile 2 6
Ice Challenger Expedition expedition to the geographic South Pole Andrew Regan
Jason De Carteret
en 1 5
première expédition de Chiloé 2 4
Primera expedición española a las Salomón Solomon Islands 1 6
Second auxiliary expedition to the Alto Perú 1812–1813 military campaign en 3 4
King Expedition of 1817 first exploring and surveying expedition to Australia en 1 3
Vital Alsar Pacific raft expeditions 1966-1973 multi-raft expeditions en 1 3
Marine Live Ice Automobile Expedition arctic expedition in 2011 en 1 3
Neighbors Expedition 1849 exploration of Texas en 1 4
Raynolds Expedition United States Army exploring and mapping party St. Louis en 4 7
San Juan Expedition group of Mormon settlers in Utah en 1 7
San Juan Expedition expedition in the American War of Independence Mosquitia en 4 10
Southern Ocean Expedition an expedition to Antarctica, led by John Biscoe between 1830 and 1833 en 2 5
Tanager Expedition a series of five biological surveys of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands en 2 7
The Coldest Journey 2013 expedition to Antarctica en 1 2
Zion's Camp Camp of Israel in Latter Day Saint history en 3 3
New Zealand Federated Mountain Clubs Antarctic Expedition 2 4
Česko-mongolská paleontologická expedice 1 2
expedició conjunta hispanofrancesa al Vietnam 1 2
Moto Himàlaia 1 4
Moto Igualada-Kilimanjaro 1 4
Operació Impala 1 5
Expedice Bergans Bajkal 2010 Václav Sůra 1 6
Dominguez-Escalante Expedition Spanish journey of exploration en 5 12
Joseon missions to Japan Korea to Japan diplomacy Japan en 3 7
Oxford and Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition en 1 2
Survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, 1825–30 First Beagle expedition 1 7
Expedición del HMS Beagle a las costas de América del Sur y circunnavegación del globo bajo el mando del comandante Robert Fitz Roy 1 2
Walking the Amazon walking expedition by Ed Stafford Ed Stafford en 1 3
Mulford Expedition scientific expedition to the Amazon en 1 2
Operation Sunshine United States Navy scientific expedition en 1 3
Danish Expedition to Queen Louise Land Danish expedition to North Greenland en 3 5
1934 Nanga Parbat Climbing Disaster himalayan expedition en 4 7
Dutch expedition to Valdivia naval expedition en 6 6
voyages by Christopher Columbus 1492–1504 voyages to the Americas; beginning of the Columbian exchange en 15 14
1960 Chinese Mount Everest expedition first ascent of Mount Everest via the North Ridge Mount Everest North-East Ridge Wang Fuzhou
en 4 9
Thornton expedition 1608 Italian expedition in South America en 6 2
1936 British Mount Everest expedition unsuccessful expedition led by Hugh Ruttledge Mount Everest Hugh Ruttledge
Frank Smythe
Eric Shipton
Percy Wyn-Harris
Edwin Kempson
Charles Warren
Bill Wager
Edmund Wigram
Peter R. Oliver
James M.L. Gavin
John Morris
Gordon Noel Humphreys
William R. Smijth-Windham
Tenzing Norgay
en 2 21
Bailey–Morshead exploration of Tsangpo Gorge 1913 expedition that discovered route of Tsangpo River through Himalaya Frederick Marshman Bailey
Henry Morshead
en 2 6
Missions Gradis 3 4
1938 British Mount Everest expedition low-cost, unsuccessful expedition led by Bill Tilman Mount Everest North Col Bill Tilman
Eric Shipton
Frank Smythe
Noel Odell
Peter Lloyd
Charles Warren
Peter R. Oliver
Ang Tharkay
Tenzing Norgay
Jack Longland
en 2 18
Tangaroa Expedition 2006 raft journey from Peru to Polynesia en 3 3
Spanish assault on Djerba (1520) Spanish expedition in Tunisia Hugo of Moncada en 5 6
Simpson-Roosevelts Asiatic Expedition en 1 2
Whipple Expedition en 1 4
Arctic expedition SS München 1 3
1951 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition First major reconnaissance from Nepal Mount Everest
Namche Bazaar Eric Shipton
Tom Bourdillon
W. H. Murray
Michael Ward
Earle Riddiford
Edmund Hillary
Ang Tharkay
en 2 14
1996 Indo-Tibetan Border Police expedition to Mount Everest Expedition to Mount Everesy Mount Everest en 2 4
Expedice Živá Afrika 2 3
Mørkefjord Expedition en 2 2
Kon-Tiki2 Peru Easter Island en 2 6
Militair Exploratie-Detachement in Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea O.G. Heldring
G.M.A. Elbers
2 7
Mission Gabriel Maget 1 6
Expédition Duperrey 1 4
1932-33 East Greenland expedition pan Am-financed Arctic exploration mission en 2 2
Проект по динозаврам (Сино-Канадская экспедиция) 1 2
Azerbaijan Scientific Expedition en 2 3
Middelburgse Compagnie 1 3
Crusade of the Poor military expedition en 7 4
expedition to Netherlands New Guinea (1828) expeditie 1 4
Deutsch-französische Vermarkungsexpedition der Südgrenze 0 5
Deutsch-Französische Kommission zur Feststellung der Grenze zwischen Kamerun und Französisch-Kongo 0 4
Lobaie-Pama-Sonderexpedition 0 4
Comissão Rondon Cândido Rondon 1 3
Expédition suisse au Lhotse et à l'Everest de 1956 1 3
Horlick Mountains Traverse en 1 2
Little America-Byrd Station Traverse en 1 2
Sentinel Mountains Traverse en 1 2
Arsenyev's expedition of 1908-1910 1908-1910 expedition of Arsenyev Vladimir Arsenyev 1 5
1963 American Mount Everest Expedition first traverse and American ascent Mount Everest Jim Whittaker
Nawang Gombu
en 2 7
Soviet-German Syphilis Expedition joint Soviet and German expedition that took place in 1928 en 1 3
Stuart Mission Charles Stuart Mission 0 1
Missão Austríaca 0 1
Секретные экспедиции Арсеньева (1911—1913) Vladimir Arsenyev 1 5
Олгон-Горинская экспедиция Арсеньева Vladimir Arsenyev 1 5
1939 American Karakoram expedition to K2 failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain en 3 4
Weddell Sea Expedition 2019 en 1 2
Belgian Dhaulagiri I Expedition 1982 1 4
1938 American Karakoram expedition to K2 Failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain en 3 4
1965 Indian Everest Expedition first successful Indian summit of Mount Everest Mount Everest Mohan Singh Kohli
Narendra Kumar
Avtar Singh Cheema
Nawang Gombu
Sonam Wangyal
Sonam Gyatso
Ang Kami
Chandra Prakash Vohra
Phu Dorjee
Harish Chandra Singh Rawat
H. P. S. Ahluwalia
Ang Tsering
en 5 18
Wikimeetup in Saint Petersburg 2019-08-11 Andrey Petrov 4 11
Wikimeetup in Saint Petersburg 2019-12-01 1 4
1970 British Annapurna South Face expedition first ascent of Himalayan mountain face using rock climbing techniques en 1 3
1976 British and Nepalese Army Expedition to Everest Mount Everest en 1 4
Antonio de Vea expedition Spanish expedition to Patagonia, 1675–1676 en 3 2
Fourth German Inner Africa Research Expedition expedition to Nigeria and Cameroon between 1910 and 1912 en 1 2
Ninth German Inner Africa Research Expedition expedition to Southern Africa Leo Frobenius en 1 3
Proposed Anglo-Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1915–20 en 1 2
Seventh German Inner Africa Research Expedition German espionage mission to Ethiopia, 1915 en 1 2
The Jones Expedition of 1873 exploration of Yellowstone Northwestern Wyoming en 1 3
1952 British Cho Oyu expedition failed climbing expedition to Cho Oyu Cho Oyu Eric Shipton
Charles Evans
Tom Bourdillon
Ray Colledge
Alfred Gregory
Griffith Pugh
Edmund Hillary
George Lowe
Earle Riddiford
en 2 13
SKS 19. Krievijas viesekspedīcija Hazza Al Mansouri 2 8
Elder Scientific Exploring Expedition 1891-1892 expedition to explore the north of Australia Richard Helms 2 7
Blossom Expedition ornithological expedition to Africa, South America, and islands of the South Atlantic en 2 3
Zweite Thule-Expedition 2 4
Harvard-Peabody Expedition 0 1
Voyages of John Franklin three maritime voyages of John Franklin from 1819 to 1845 1 7
1956 Swiss Himalaya Expedition Mount Everest
Albert Eggler
Wolfgang Diehl
Hansruedi von Gunten
Fritz Luchsinger
Jürg Marmet
Fritz Müller
Arthur Dürst
Ernst Reiss
Dölf Reist
Ernst Schmied
Pasang Dawa Lama
Hans Grimm
Edi Leuthold
Dawag Tenzing
2 22
Alexander-Gosling Expedition British surveying expedition in Nigeria and Congo 0 8
Tweede Karakorum-expeditie Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Nederlands-Indië A Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Sumatra Expedition 0 4
Stirling expeditie Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Borneo Expedition to Borneo (1926) 0 4
Expeditie naar Celebes A Expedition 0 4
Derde Karakorum-expeditie Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Celebes B Expedition 0 3
Expeditie naar Nederlands-Indië G Expedition 0 4
Vierde Karakorum-expeditie Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Atjeh Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Enggano Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Kleine Sunda-eilanden en Timor Expedition 0 5
Expeditie naar Celebes C Expedition 0 4
Le Roux expeditie Expedition 0 4
Expeditie naar Nederlands-Indië L Expedition 0 5
Central East Borneo expedition Frederik Endert
W. Buys
H. Witkamp
Hendrik Cornelis Siebers
Frederik David Kan Bosch
1 11
expédition française en Himalaya de 1936 1 2
Primera Expedición Científica Antártica (ECA) del INACH 1 2
Wikimeetup in Saint Petersburg 2020-07-29 1 9
Transatlantische Flugexpedition 1 2
1979 Yugoslav Mount Everest expedition first West Ridge ascent of Mount Everest en 4 2
Gombessa 1 2
OYMEexpeditions 1 2
Larocque's expedition to Yellowstone River Canadian expedition to the Yellowstone River François-Antoine Larocque en 1 3
China-Canada Dinosaur Project 1986-1991 dinosaur research mission en 1 3
Thomas Cavendish's circumnavigation British naval voyage 1586–1588 en 1 2
1988 Czechoslovak - New Zealand Mount Everest Southwest Face Expedition en 1 2
1955 French Makalu expedition first ascent of fifth-highest mountain in the world en 1 3
Rusanov expedition 1912 Russian expedition to the Arctic en 1 1
The Cornell Expedition to Asia Minor and the Assyro-Babylonian Orient 2 2
Wikimeetup in Saint Petersburg 2021-05-15 Andrey Petrov 1 7
Wikiexpedition of UG EZY to Serafimovskoe Cemetery 2021-05-16 Andrey Petrov 1 8
1773 Phipps expedition towards the North Pole British Royal Navy expedition en 5 4
British Speleological Expedition to Papua New Guinea 1975 1975 expedition to caves in Papua New Guinea 0 3
Kingsbury expeditie 1 4
Retzius expedition 1 4
Endurance22 1 1
R/V Pawnee Expeditions series of annual expedition trips 0 3
R/V Pisces Expeditions series of expedition trips 0 3
Alpha Helix Expedition expedition trip 0 3
R/V Delaware II Cruise DE04-09 expedition trip 0 3
British Joint Services Expedition 1 1
Monteils Journey Bordeaux Tripoli San
Parfait-Louis Monteil 1 11
la mission Dybowski 1 2
South African Everest expedition, 1996 1996 mountain climbing expedition Mount Everest Cathy O'Dowd
Deshun Deysel
en 2 11
Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition 1874 expedition Jack Bean 0 3
GoNorth expedition en 1 1
Dakar-Djibouti Mission French ethnographic mission from 1931-33 0 4
Pet and Jackman Expedition English expedition to discover the Northeast Passage en 1 2
relief expedition 0 3
Van Houten expedition Weesp Frits Lemaire 1 10
End of automatically generated list.


  • eventually replace via and participants by a count