Wikidata:Property proposal/pin out

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pin out


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

   Done: pinout (P11205) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionmapping of the physical contacts of an electrical connector or electronic component to their functions
Representspinout (Q2517415)
Data typeString
Example 1555 (Q383672)555 (Q383672)"pin out""GND"series ordinal (P1545)"1"
Example 2USB Type-A connector (Q50289351)USB Type-A connector (Q50289351)"pin out""D-"series ordinal (P1545)"2"
Example 3USB Type-A connector (Q50289351)USB Type-A connector (Q50289351)"pin out""D+"series ordinal (P1545)"3"
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Wikidata projectWikiProject Computer Science (Q6526225)



There's a large dataset of pin-outs that could be hosted on Wikidata. Use qualifier series ordinal (P1545)(for pin number) software version identifier (P348)(for different revisions) applies to part (P518)(for different sides/connectors/parts) complies with (P5009)(for I/O standards) compatible with (P8956)(for protocols or devices) voltage (P2436). Midleading (talk) 03:44, 9 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]



Sure. HDMI connector (Q58090628)

pin out
Normal rank TMDS Data2+
series ordinal 1
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data2 Shield
series ordinal 2
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data2−
series ordinal 3
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data1+
series ordinal 4
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data1 Shield
series ordinal 5
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data1−
series ordinal 6
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data0+
series ordinal 7
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data0 Shield
series ordinal 8
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Data0−
series ordinal 9
object of statement has role electrical signal connector
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Clock+
series ordinal 10
object of statement has role clock signal
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
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add value
pin out
Normal rank TMDS Clock Shield
series ordinal 11
0 references
add reference
Normal rank TMDS Clock−
series ordinal
object of statement has role clock signal
complies with Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
0 references
add reference
Normal rank CEC
series ordinal 13
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Utility
series ordinal 14
0 references
add reference
Normal rank SCL
series ordinal 15
protocol I²C interface
0 references
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Normal rank SDA
series ordinal 16
protocol I²C interface
0 references
add reference
Normal rank GND
series ordinal 17
object of statement has role ground
0 references
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Normal rank +5V
series ordinal 18
voltage 5 Volts
object of statement has role IC power-supply pin
0 references
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Normal rank PRESENTN
series ordinal 19
0 references
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add value

As you can see, there are very rich technical details, not everything has a Wikidata item. And of course the sources (datasheet) only name the pins as something like "GND" and "CLK", so that's what the sources provide us. --Midleading (talk) 10:15, 15 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]