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Framed-up Maruti Suzuki India workers demand release of Bogdan Syrotiuk

”Bogdan Syrotiuk did not do or say anything wrong,” declared Amarjeet one of 13 Indian autoworkers sentenced to life in prison on bogus murder charges. “What he did was fight for the sake of the international working class. He fought and is fighting for workers’ power.”

Our Reporters

50,000 foreclosures expected to be enforced in Greece this year

The most high-profile eviction case was that of Ioanna Kolovou, a retired journalist. She was evicted from her home along with her 28-year-old disabled son at the end of January this year. According to reports a large crowd gathered outside her home which was attacked with tear gas by the riot police who then arrested Kolovou and her son.

John Vassilopoulos

Rising unemployment and poverty in New Zealand

The National Party-led government is cutting funding for foodbanks as tens of thousands of people lose their jobs and more households struggle to pay for food, electricity and rent.

Tom Peters

This week in history: July 15-21

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

On the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

Whatever the provenance of the attack, one thing is certain: It will produce a further sharp lurch to the right of the entire political establishment. 

WSWS Editorial Board

Israeli airstrikes massacre hundreds across Gaza over the weekend

On Saturday, Israel launched a massive airstrike on a humanitarian zone in the coastal town of al-Mawasi where Palestinians had sought refuge from the relentless bombing of Gaza. The Health Ministry said it was one of the deadliest attacks in the nine-month siege, with 92 killed and 300 wounded.

Kevin Reed

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

South Korean metal workers strike for new labour law; India: 10,000 Tamil Nadu power distribution workers protest privatisation; Bangladesh university workers’ strike in second week; Australia: Serco workers strike at naval bases.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Swedish health union’s sellout of nurses’ fight for shorter hours met with outpouring of hostility on social media; strikes and protests by oil and agricultural workers and retirees over collapsing standard of living continue across Iran during presidential election; national walkout by Ghanaian state employees in all ministries over unpaid allowances and non-implemented agreed salary structure

Greek government introduces six-day working week in stepped up offensive

The New Democracy government’s attacks on the working class have earned it widespread praise from the global financial elite Standard and Poor’s has updated its outlook on Greece from “stable” to “positive”, while German business interests speak of Greece as a new model.

John Vassilopoulos

Report reveals nearly one quarter of Canadians are living in poverty

The growth of poverty, and the staggering fortunes of the corporations and the rich are not unrelated processes. They arise out of the inner workings of the capitalist system, and political decisions made by all of Canada’s major parties, including the Liberals and NDP.

Dylan Lubao

Educators in Turkey protest draft anti-labor law

While the Turkish political establishment and the trade union apparatus have been working to suppress the growing discontent of the working class against the ongoing cost of living crisis, the police attacked a protest by educators in Ankara against the new anti-labor law.

Barış Demir

Research reveals precipitous decline in UK working class living standards

The rate of material deprivation rose from 15 percent to 19 percent between 2019–20 and 2022–23, corresponding to an extra 2.8 million people. The rate of food insecurity increased from 8 percent to 11 percent over the same period, approximately 2.1 million additional people.

Simon Whelan

UN experts confirm famine throughout Gaza, condemn Israel’s starvation policy

The group's statement is an indictment all the imperialist powers, above all the United States, that have backed to the hilt Israel’s barbaric onslaught in Gaza which has reduced its buildings to rubble and its people to refugees constantly facing death by starvation, disease and bombardment.

Peter Symonds
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