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Lynette Rudman :: xeno-canto

Lynette Rudman


Unique Species3
Recording Time25:19:52

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I am a keen birder in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. I have an interest in birds and their behaviour and trying to catch their actions on video, photos or in sound recordings. I'm passionate about bird calls and learning the different vocalisations of the different birds that I see in my trips around southern Africa.

Results format:

Common name / Scientific Length Recordist Date Time Country Location Elev. (m) Type (predef. / other) Remarks Actions / Quality Cat.nr.
ダチョウ Struthio camelus 0:09 Lynette Rudman 2015-06-03 10:00 South Africa Camdeboo Local Municipality, Western District, Eastern Cape750begging call

Recorded on an ostrich farm an enclosure where tiny juvenile Common Ostriches were being fed in the morning in winter.

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シロガオリュウキュウガモ Dendrocygna viduata 0:12 Lynette Rudman 2016-03-15 15:00 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

A call from a whistling duck sitting on the bank of a setting pond.

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ツメバガン Plectropterus gambensis 0:03 Lynette Rudman 2018-11-08 14:30 South Africa Bizana, Transkei District, Eastern Cape340flight call

Three geese calling while flying overhead near a small dam surrounded by grasslands in early summer.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 1:25 Lynette Rudman 2020-09-27 06:30 South Africa Aberdeen Plain, Western District, Eastern Cape460duet, flight call

A male and female circling around near their roosting tree in the early morning before sunrise. The male has the louder call while the female has the hoarse call. They circled a few times and eventually flew off to feed. No editing of this call as it was windless and ideal.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 0:56 Lynette Rudman 2021-03-07 07:00 South Africa Aberdeen Plain (near Noagashoogte), Western District, Eastern Cape460flight call

Two birds seen flying past in the early morning before sunrise in late summer on a warm calm morning. They were heading for a drainage line with bushes.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 1:42 Lynette Rudman 2019-04-28 11:00 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape550call

Two geese seen calling from a small farm dam on a calm warm autumn morning. They fly off towards the end of the sound clip.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 0:34 Lynette Rudman 2018-07-07 10:00 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape130call

A group of Egyptian Geese having a territorial dispute with another one. They eventually chased it away from the cliff where they were sitting.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 0:53 Lynette Rudman 2017-06-21 08:30 South Africa Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape40call

Two Egyptian Geese calling from a cliff face in the early morning in mid winter.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 0:27 Lynette Rudman 2016-05-04 15:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape280call

A number of these geese seen on a settling pond.

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エジプトガン Alopochen aegyptiaca 0:16 Lynette Rudman 2015-08-16 09:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Pair of geese seen and heard calling at sewage ponds in the morning in early spring.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 1:01 Lynette Rudman 2021-04-16 07:30 South Africa Makana Local Municipality (near Grahamstown), Western District, Eastern Cape600call, flight call

A pair of shelducks were calling from a large water treatment pond. The male's lower pitched honk dominates this sound clip. They female's higher pitched honk is heard in the duets and when they fly off at the end of the clip when they duet again in flight.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 1:14 Lynette Rudman 2023-03-27 09:00 South Africa Makana Local Municipality (near Makhanda), Sarah Baartman District Municipality, Eastern Cape600call

Several South African Shelducks were swimming in a settling pond and calling in the early morning in autumn.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 0:18 Lynette Rudman 2020-03-15 07:00 South Africa Makana Local Municipality, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Male shelduck calling while swimming with his mate on a settling pond in early autumn.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 0:30 Lynette Rudman 2020-03-15 07:00 South Africa Makana Local Municipality, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Both male and female swimming together on a settling pond in the early morning in autumn. The video, where this soundclip originates from can be seen on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSY6YV1WETY

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 0:51 Lynette Rudman 2016-05-01 04:30 South Africa Grahamstown (near Alicedale), Western District, Eastern Cape340call

A pair seen calling from a large settling pond in late autumn.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 0:36 Lynette Rudman 2015-08-16 10:00 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Birds seen calling from a pond in early spring.

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ネズミガシラツクシガモ Tadorna cana 0:18 Lynette Rudman 2015-02-07 11:30 South Africa Bedford, Eastern Cape650call

A pair of shelducks seen swimming on a dam.

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ケープハシビロガモ Spatula smithii 0:12 Lynette Rudman 2016-06-12 10:00 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape0call

A small group of shovelers seen calling from a small pan in the early morning in winter.

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ケープハシビロガモ Spatula smithii 0:32 Lynette Rudman 2015-11-27 05:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

A lot of shovelers swimming on a sewage pond in cool rainy weather late in the afternoon in late spring.

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ケープハシビロガモ Spatula smithii 0:17 Lynette Rudman 2015-08-19 09:30 South Africa East London (near Zwelitsha), Amatole, Eastern Cape340call

Bird seen calling amongst a group of birds on a pan of water near a busy road.

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ケープハシビロガモ Spatula smithii 0:12 Lynette Rudman 2015-08-19 10:00 South Africa East London (near Zwelitsha), Amatole, Eastern Cape340call

Bird seen calling in a group of shovelers on a sewage pan.

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シラボシガモ Anas sparsa 0:18 Lynette Rudman 2019-03-30 08:00 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape90call

Four birds seen swimming together and calling. There appeared to be two pairs and they would swim up to the mate and bob heads while calling. This took place in a deep pool in a sharp bend in a river surrounded by high cliffs in the early morning in autumn. The link to a video I took of these four ducks calling and displaying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ojz0Yzk5crg

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キバシガモ Anas undulata 0:22 Lynette Rudman 2020-02-23 08:00 South Africa Makana Local Municipality, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Duck seen calling from a seasonal pan in the early morning in mid summer.

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キバシガモ Anas undulata 0:19 Lynette Rudman 2017-07-04 04:30 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape20call

Small group of ducks seen swimming around and calling on a small dam in the late afternoon in winter.

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キバシガモ Anas undulata 0:23 Lynette Rudman 2017-07-04 04:30 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape20call

Four ducks seen swimming on a small dam and calling in the late afternoon.

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キバシガモ Anas undulata 0:40 Lynette Rudman 2016-08-23 10:00 South Africa Port Alfred, Western District, Eastern Cape30call

A number of Yellow-billed Ducks seen and heard calling from shallow pans near a large reedbed in late winter.

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アカハシコガモ Anas capensis 0:51 Lynette Rudman 2015-08-16 09:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

A group of these teals recorded while swimming on a pan at a sewage works in the early morning in early spring.

Recording (not its ID) has been discussed. See the forum.

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アカハシコガモ Anas capensis 0:38 Lynette Rudman 2016-05-05 16:00 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Typical whistle call of teals swimming in a large settling pond in the late afternoon in autumn.

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アカハシオナガガモ Anas erythrorhyncha 1:29 Lynette Rudman 2021-04-24 07:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape550call

Red-billed Teal seen swimming on the edge of the reeds of a large dam and calling continuously early in the morning in autumn.

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アカハシオナガガモ Anas erythrorhyncha 0:39 Lynette Rudman 2016-05-05 16:30 South Africa Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape600call

Birds seen swimming in a large settling pond with other water birds in the late afternoon in autumn.

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