The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is a Nintendo 3DS remake of the Nintendo 64 game, Ocarina of Time. It was officially announced in E3 2010, where only a couple of screenshots of the introduction were released.[10][11][12] In the 2011 Game Developers' Conference, Satoru Iwata hinted at a June release date.[13] Japan's release date was later confirmed to be June 16, 2011,[14] followed by the European release date on June 17[15] and finally releasing in the U.S. on June 19, 2011.[16] The game also includes a remake of Master Quest, which was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube, as an unlockable game mode.[17]

Changes and Additions


The 3DS version is the first port of Ocarina of Time that recreates the graphics, instead of simply porting over the N64 ones, to take advantage of the more powerful hardware and fit modern standards. It is the first version of the game that is not an emulation, as the GameCube and Wii versions are. As such, most textures are significantly more detailed, and many models consist of more polygons than the original and are generally more faithful to the game's concept and promotional art. In addition, the frame rate has been increased to 30 FPS, compared to the original's 20 FPS. This reduces choppiness significantly.

Revamped Item System

The game includes an all-new system for equipping items. Specifically mentioned at the game's announcement were the Iron Boots, due to the constant swapping necessary in the Water Temple. Both the Iron Boots and Hover Boots have been converted into items, as the Iron Boots are in The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. In addition, the three different arrow types are accessed in a "sub-menu" that is brought up when the player selects their bow twice in their inventory, rather than being treated as separate items. The new item system consists of two items that are mapped to the X and Y Buttons, and two touch-screen only slots that are labeled I and II. Any item can be mapped to these, and they can also be cleared. The item screen now allows players to organize their inventory themselves, rather than each item having a set spot on the subscreen. When acquired, items are automatically placed in the next available spot in the 4×5 grid. Selecting an item shows its full "collection" model on the upper screen, as well as a description, the description being a feature that was first implemented in Majora's Mask.

Controls and Gameplay

Most of the original HUD has been moved down to the touch screen, leaving the upper screen mostly clear of graphic overlays. The only part of the HUD still on the top screen is the A Button prompt, which has been redesigned to look transparent. From this bottom screen the player has quick access to their inventory, equipment, and map. The Ocarina is permanently assigned to the bottom-left. The bottom screen can also be tapped to switch between inventory, equipment, and map, making it much easier and quicker to switch between tunics, swords, and boots.[18] The bottom screen has a camera icon that can be tapped to switch to view mode, which can be controlled by using the Circle Pad. The camera can also be controlled by physically moving the 3DS around; for example, if the Nintendo 3DS is held up, Link will look up. The view mode is also used to aim projectile weapons, such as the Fairy Slingshot and Fairy Bow. If the L Button is held, it is possible to slightly look around and increase the viewing window by moving the 3DS; this may have been done to accommodate the smaller 3DS screen. Note that this cannot be done when an enemy is being targeted. Any time Navi wants to give advice, the view icon will be replaced with a Navi icon that can be touched to hear what she has to say, and her name will flash along the bottom of the top screen.[19][18]

Boss Challenge

Main article: Boss Challenge
The Boss Challenge selection screen

After defeating a boss, Link has the option of battling against it once again after completing the Forest Temple. This can be done by going to his house and approaching his bed to have the option to go to sleep, which allows him to rest up and recover his lost health.[20] From then, Link has the opportunity to fight against any boss he has already beaten.

In this new feature, battles are timed, although they are still played the same. Each time a boss is defeated during the Boss Challenge, the game tallies up the victory and shows how many times that boss has been defeated as well as the record time.

After having defeated every boss once again, the Boss Gauntlet is unlocked. In this mode, Link has to fight through every boss, one after another. At the end of each fight, the young hero is rewarded with a Treasure Chest containing a power-up, such as Deku Nuts or hearts. Throughout the Boss Gauntlet mode, Link can only restore his life between battles by using any of the bottled items he might have with him.

Visions and Sheikah Stones

Main articles: Vision and Sheikah Stone
The Visions selection screen

The main quest of Ocarina of Time 3D also implements a variation of the "Super Guide" feature to show players where to go next if they are stuck at a certain point in the game. This feature, which is simply called Visions, are short clips that demonstrate how to advance in the game instead of completing the puzzle directly for the player like in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.[21] These can be accessed via Sheikah Stones, which are larger, more animated versions of the Gossip Stones from the original game.[22] Link has the option to crawl inside these Sheikah Stones to bring up the Visions screen.[23] From here, the player can choose one of the Visions listed and get hints on how to complete the specified puzzle or defeat a boss.

Each Vision will only become available once a certain point in the game has been reached or the player has attempted to solve the puzzle.[24] Once a new Vision is unlocked, it will be labeled in red as "New" on the Visions screen, and it will be replaced with a green checkmark once the Vision has been watched. When the goal shown within the Vision is completed, a green "Clear" will appear next to it in the Vision selection screen.

Other Changes


  • Ruined Castle Town is more intact, allowing the buildings to be identified as the Bazaar, Happy Mask Shop, etc.
  • The Happy Mask Shop has an almost completely new look, resembling a small mansion instead of a small shop. The interior of the shop also features the salesman's masks and backpack from Majora's Mask.
  • While in the back alleys of Castle Town, the camera will follow Link instead of staying in place.
  • The walls in most towns are given more detail, such as Dodongo cave art in Goron City and posters in Kakariko Village.
  • Various minor changes to the world geometry have been made, such as more slopes on the banks of the Hyrule Field section of Zora's River, and uneven steps leading up to Kakariko Village.
  • The Fishing Pond has been greatly redesigned, looking more realistic, and the Sinking Lure has changed locations.[verification needed]
  • The music no longer mutes certain instruments in the Lost Woods while trying to find Saria for the first time. The only area where instruments are muted is the area with the entrance to the Sacred Forest Meadow, where the player otherwise wouldn't be able to progress.
  • The Royal Family's Tomb now has a door at the beginning.
  • The Fire Medallion symbol is missing on the platform where Link has to use Din's Fire to open the entrance to the Shadow Temple, due to it possibly referencing a scrapped feature from the original game.
  • Instead of pre-rendered backgrounds, the 3DS version instead renders the areas in 3D like other areas.
  • The hidden grotto with two Wolfos in the Sacred Forest Meadow looks completely different. Instead of metallic walls that shift color as Link moves, the grotto features rock walls that shift color more subtly. Glowing particles fill the air.
  • The Kokiri still fade out of sight, but at a farther distance.
  • The stone obstacle inside the Gerudo's Fortress is replaced with a wooden one.
  • The entrance to the Bottom of the Well is now blocked with a boulder during the past. The boulder is removed once the well is emptied.
  • The Super Mario 64 Easter egg found in the Castle Courtyard is replaced with one from New Super Mario Bros..
  • One of the walls in the Graveyard is now taller, preventing a skip into the Shadow Temple.


The Water Temple with the new color-coded doors
The Rainbow Bridge
  • The room in the Ice Cavern where the Serenade of Water is learned has been made to look much more realistic, with large ice structures, instead of the old star-like patterns on the wall.
  • The blood that covers the floor of the central room at the Bottom of the Well looks more realistic and is therefore harder to see.
  • The brickwork in the Forest Temple is now more noticeable, and no longer looks like simple tiles.
  • One of the Crystal Switches in the Forest Temple is replaced with a Floor Switch to prevent sequence breaking.
  • On the path which leads towards the lair of Phantom Ganon in the Forest Temple, there is an addition of several paintings along the wall.
  • A few Crystal Switches located behind bars have been moved, namely in the Water Temple and the Spirit Temple. This is due to Link not being able to hit objects through walls in the 3DS version.
  • More pillars have been added to the Temple of Time, and the carpet now extends the full length of the room. The floor now shows a reflection of the temple's world geometry. There is more space between the pillars and the wall, and the pillars are much thinner. There are also Triforce-shaped chandeliers and a visible ceiling.
  • The walls in Bongo Bongo's lair are now visible.
  • The bird figurehead of the boat in the Shadow Temple has been replaced with a Death-like figure in a red hood and releases smoke from its skull when moving.
  • The walls along the stairs to Ganondorf's lair are now covered in Hylian text that changes color periodically. The same effect can also be seen along the walls in the room where Link battles Twinrova.
  • The Rainbow Bridge to Ganon's Castle created by the Sages has a more refined design, complete with railing.
  • The room in which Link battles Ganondorf has been completely re-textured, making it look more refined and well-crafted.
  • It is no longer possible to jump off the elevator in the Forest Temple while it is moving.
  • The Water Temple received the most prominent changes. Colorful borders direct Link towards the areas where he can raise/lower the water level, and some cutscene camera angles are changed to help the player solve puzzles.
  • A cutscene was added when first entering the Forest Temple that shows the Treasure Chest on the tree.


  • Sheik's model is now more curved and feminine, likely due to the debate regarding the character's gender. Sheik also now refers to the Boss Challenge mode in the Prelude of Light cutscene.
  • Navi now reminds the player to take a break every hour. She also suggests the player head to a Sheikah Stone if they appear to be having trouble in a dungeon.
  • Princess Ruto has been slightly redesigned to appear less prominently naked: she now has fins on her torso that act as a "bra".
  • Impa's default pose has been changed to have her right arm raised with the elbow resting in her left hand, while in the original game her arms were merely folded.
  • A few of Ganondorf's voice files have been changed. His laugh when he meets Link at the drawbridge to Castle Town, for instance, sounds significantly different.
    • Ganondorf's emerging from what remained of his castle just before transforming was altered slightly, as he briefly pants slightly before closing his mouth while using his Triforce of Power mark to transform. In the original game, his mouth was open much wider throughout. Because of the lighting change, Ganondorf, and by extension, his Ganon form is made more visible compared to the original game during this time.
  • Animations of almost all characters in the game have been redone, often appearing more exaggerated and elaborate.
  • When Navi wants to talk to Link, the alert will be displayed at the bottom of the top screen (as the yellow button icons are no longer present).
  • Sometimes while battling and not attacking, adult Link twirls his sword in a nearly identical manner to Twilight Princess.
  • Wallmasters have a more detailed shadow that clearly resembles a hand, rather than the original circle.
  • Iron Knuckles no longer reveal a Gerudo head if the camera is manipulated to look through the armor. This is due to the original Iron Knuckles likely using a preliminary version of Nabooru's model. Several differences, like chainmail covering the mouth, and loop earrings, can be observed in the otherwise-unused model in the original game. The Iron Knuckles' subtle Gerudo-like arms and chest can still be observed when enough armor is destroyed.
  • Navi's hint for the Shabom enemy has changed completely, now advising the player to run away instead of slashing at it.
  • The Fabulous Five Froggish Tenors in Zora's River have been remapped to closer match the 3DS's button/ocarina note layout.
  • The final blow to Ganon is reworked slightly, to show Ganon slightly turn his head just before Link does a finishing stab to his forehead. In the original game, Link actually stabbed Ganon directly inside his mouth. On a related note, a sword sheathing sound effect was added in the remake when Link removes the sword from Ganon's forehead.


  • Some names of items have been changed, such as the Odd Potion being renamed to Odd Poultice and the Gerudo's Membership Card to the Gerudo Token.
  • The Stone of Agony has been changed to the Shard of Agony, as no rumble pack is present on the 3DS. Instead of rumbling the controller, the shard will flash in the top-left corner of the screen and an audible tone will play to signify a secret nearby.
  • All item descriptions can be quickly skipped.
  • It is now possible to read the songs while playing the Ocarina. The Ocarina can either be played with the physical buttons or with the Touch Screen. In terms of the Ocarina's button positions, the L Button replaces the A Button from the original version.
  • The Boomerang can now be called to Link instantly instead of having to wait for its return.
  • When equipped, both the Giant's Knife and Biggoron's Sword now have their own sheath visible on Link's back (both have the same sheath design) rather than having the Master Sword's sheath and changing to the Master Sword model when sheathed.
    • There are some instances where if the broken Giant's Knife is equipped. It will have its normal, exclusive sheath but is automatically changed to the Master Sword's sheath when crouch guarding and L-Target guarding.
  • The Giant's Knife and Biggoron's Sword each have different in-game designs. The Giant's Knife's pommel is light blue (the same color as its crossguard), while the Biggoron's Sword's pommel is now golden (the same color as the crossguard's Goron-emblem).
  • Cojiro does not crow when Link enters the Lost Woods.
  • Equipping Fire, Ice, and Light arrows is now done through a small sub-menu on the touch screen.
  • When aiming with the Hookshot, the red aiming pointer is now replaced by a red laser. It also shows an extra red ring when the Hookshot is pointing at a viable target Link can reach by grappling onto it.
  • The Hover Boots now cause the pace of Link's running animation to be more brisk and fast-paced, implying he needs to put more effort to move around due to the lowered traction. This does not affect the running speed in any way, however.
  • The damage dealt while performing a Jump Slash with a Deku Stick is reduced.

Master Quest

To unlock Master Quest, the normal quest has to be completed first. Upon doing so, the player will have an option to choose between the normal quest or Master Quest after starting up the game, allowing a second playthrough of the game with redesigned dungeons. This mode has three save files of its own, separately from the normal quest. All upgrades made to the original game apply to Master Quest as well. Additionally, the entire game has been mirrored, similarly to Twilight Princess for the Wii, making Link right-handed as well as flipping the entire overworld map and the dungeons. Link takes twice as much damage, similar to Hero Mode in other games. Visions are not available in this mode.


  • The European/Australian version uses British English.
  • The death count in the file selection screen has been removed.
  • All censorship and other audiovisual alterations that were present in the GameCube version (and, by extent later builds of the N64 release where applicable) is carried over. Consequently, "Fire Temple" uses synthesized choirs instead of Islamic chanting, Ganondorf has green blood instead of red, and the Crest of the Gerudo is a king cobra's outer hood pattern rather than the real-world star and crescent.
  • Some of the dialogue has been altered (mostly to account for the different controls). A notable change is replacing "he or she will die" with "we will die" in the Kokiri Forest.
    • In the Japanese version, all lines that originally contained commas (、) have now been replaced with spaces. Some dialogue are also more simplified, having words that were originally written in Hiragana changed to their Kanji forms, and sometimes even vice versa.
    • The Japanese version now has Furigana.
  • Several glitches and bugs from the original game have been fixed, most notably the one that prevents Link from obtaining the Deku Nut upgrade in the Forest Stage after obtaining the Poacher's Saw.
  • A cutscene now plays when Link encounters the Club Moblin near the Forest Temple. It also now has a new death animation and less invincibility frames.
  • ReDeads' masks now resemble their official artwork and looks separate from the Spooky Mask. Most noticeably, their teeth are now shown.
  • The dark red blotches on Dead Hand are recolored bright purple.
  • The forest icon now has only three arms instead of four, most notable on the Forest Medallion. Curiously, certain icons in the Forest Temple (such as above doors) still have four arms.
  • The color of the Spirit Medallion platform in the Temple of Light is more yellowish than the original.
  • Artwork from Skyward Sword appears as an Easter egg behind the boxes in the soup room in Gerudo Fortress, behind the jars in Malon's home in Lon Lon Ranch, and in the Bombchu Shop in the alleyways of the Castle Town market.
  • During the ending, after Link lays the Master Sword back in its pedestal, he has the shield he last wore as a child.
  • Music continues to play during the cutscene where Nabooru is captured by Twinrova.
  • During the Trading Quest, the in-game description of the items received will tell Link where to go next, as well as informing that the arrows on the map indicate the place where the young hero must go.
  • L-Targeting is a tad touchier, and Navi will often target things behind Link.
  • Standard swinging of the Biggoron's Sword no longer makes Link rotate slightly.
  • The graphics have been noticeably brightened up significantly during the final boss, which is now viewable in its entirety.
  • Water looks a bit less clear.
  • While it is still possible to roll after a fall, the game is much pickier about when it can be done. Most of the time, it cannot be done where it could be done in the original.[verification needed]
  • Text scrolls far faster than in the original game and more of it can be quickly skipped.
  • Some text coloring has changed; some text that was red in the original is now blue.
  • Conversational text is not centered anymore.
  • The Great Deku Tree's Early Modern English features more accurate usage (ex. "I entreat thee" instead of "I entreat ye," the latter of which would have been considered relatively antiquated among Early Modern English speakers[25]). He also references the hint-giving Sheikah Stones in his speech after Link clears the first dungeon.
  • Many camera angles have changed, mostly the zoom-ins that occur when talking or reading signs.
  • Loading times are slightly longer. Some cutscenes also take more time to play through.
  • Footstep sounds are changed for certain materials.
  • During the battle with Ganondorf, stunning him with a Light Arrow causes the game to slow down to a crawl for a few seconds. It is unknown if this was intentional or not, as sound continues to play normally; however, it is likely not, as the slowdown is extremely choppy.
  • Link has an extra strap for his scabbard that was previously added to his Majora's Mask model.
  • In the original game, the Hylian Shield had a plain metal back while being shown when retrieved from a chest, but when equipped by Link, it had a wooden back. The 3DS version consistently has a wooden back.
  • The game now has an E 10+ rating as opposed to the original's E. The E 10+ rating was not in place when the game was first released.
  • Bugs dropped for Magic Bean Hole Gold Skulltulas cannot be recaptured.
  • At Fairy Fountains, Fairies will only be used one at a time when Link walks into them.
  • A new credits sequence for the 3DS version staff now plays at the end of the original credits. It features a new orchestral medley of various songs from the game.
  • Rolling while running does not halt abruptly at the end of the roll as much as in the original, giving the rolls much more control. This also applies to the Hover Boots.



Like the original game, Ocarina of Time 3D garnered nearly universal critical acclaim. Official Nintendo Magazine notably gave the game their highest-ever review score of 98%. The game has been commercially successful as well, having sold 5.62 million copies worldwide as of December 2017.[26]

Release Editions

The Australian Ocarina Edition

In North America and Europe, a special limited edition Nintendo 3DS bundle was released. It featured a Cosmo Black console marked with the Royal Crest, the Ocarina of Time, the Goddess's Harp, and all letters in gold, plus a copy of the game. A collector's pre-sale box featuring the golden box art and a double sized poster was also included when pre-ordering the game in Europe. In Greece, pre-order bonuses included a green cap, a keychain, a plastic Ocarina of Time replica, a 3DS pouch, a can of Great Deku Tree seeds, and a copy of the game.

In Australia, another limited edition, called Ocarina Edition, was released. It included a copy of the game, a plastic Ocarina of Time replica, song sheets for "Zelda's Lullaby" and "Epona's Song," and a link to download additional song sheets.

Ocarina of Time 3D was re-released as part of the Nintendo Selects line in North America, Europe and Japan in 2016, and in Australia in 2018.[27] In Japan, this edition was later released as a "Double Pack" also containing Fire Emblem Awakening.[28]

Speedrun Records

Main article: Speedrun Records
Category Runner Time Date
Any% pal62 26m 58s December 18, 2022
Any% (Glitchless) gymnast86 3h 41m 27s April 8, 2022
Any% (Master Quest) Audiokillers 29m 4s November 17, 2021
Any% (Master Quest, Glitchless) Dabombster 3h 38m 49s October 17, 2018
Any% (New Game+) pal62 23m 30s August 9, 2021
100% gymnast86 4h 8m 58s Feburary 25, 2019
100% (Master Quest) Audiokillers 4h 58m 11s February 3, 2022
All Dungeons gymnast86 1h 19m 49s March 20, 2020
All Dungeons (Master Quest) TheWayfaringFox 1h 37m 59s August 24, 2019
Medallions/Stones/Trials benstephens56 1h 57m 47s September 1, 2022
Medallions/Stones/Trials (Master Quest)


External Links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Iwata Asks - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Development Staff - Page 1 , Nintendo, retrieved February 2, 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 7
  3. A 3D glasses-free spring ahead for all - Nintendo - News
  4. Nintendo of Australia Website
  5. Ocarina of Time 3D Teaser Site (Korean)
  6. Ocarina of Time 3D Traditional Chinese Site (Taiwan)
  7. Ocarina of Time 3D Simplified Chinese Site (China ,but the site address is in Hongkong)
  8. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 10
  9. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 236
  10. E3 2010: Ocarina of Time 3DS On the Way?
  11. "Zelda fans, one more thing... We're proud to introduce The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D! #NintE3ndo #E3" — @NintendoAmerica on Twitter, June 15, 2010 (Archive)
  12.'s Ocarina of Time 3D release; retrieved Oct. 2, 2010
  13. "Nintendo has confirmed that Ocarina of Time 3D* will be made available for the Nintendo 3DS during June."[1] , Nintendo 3DS Blog; retrieved Mar. 5 2011.
  14. / Ocarina of Time 3D Teaser Site (Japanese)
  15. A 3D glasses-free spring ahead for all - Nintendo - News
  16. "Nintendo of America's just confirmed Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D will release on 3DS on June 19 in the US."[2] , CVG; retrieved Apr. 12 2011.
  17. / GoNintendo - Nintendo reveals Wii/3DS/DS release dates - Wii Play Motion, Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust, Ocarina and more
  18. 18.0 18.1 Ocarina of Time 3DS: More Details -; retrieved Jan. 8 2011
  19. The Navi icon will appear in certain situations. Touch it to receive hints about your quest. (Ocarina of Time 3D manual, pg. [which page?])
  20. "-After you defeat a boss, you can “relive its memory”
    -Sleep in Link’s bed in Kokiri Forest to do this"
    [3] , Nintendo Everything; retrieved May 12 2011.
  21. "These visions are actually pre-recorded snippets of gameplay, each consisting of 3-5 short clips that loosely demonstrate what to do next."The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Hands-On (Boss Rush, Water Temple Super-Guide); retrieved May 12 2011 , GameXplain.
  22. "Scattered throughout the environment are Sheikah Stones--a larger and more animated variant of the Gossip Stones of the original. This particular model can be crawled inside in order to receive “visions” of the future."The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Hands-On (Boss Rush, Water Temple Super-Guide); retrieved May 12 2011 , GameXplain.
  23. "- Crawl inside the Sheikah Stones to receive “visions” of the future"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D details – Sheikah Stones and more; retrieved May 12 2011 , Nintendo Everything.
  24. "- Unlock the visions as you reach certain points in the game"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D details – Sheikah Stones and more; retrieved May 12 2011 , Nintendo Everything.
  25. Sacks, David (2003). Language Visible. Canada: Knopf. pp. 356–57. ISBN 0-676-97487-2.
  26. "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
    +64The numbers in the boxes represent the number of units shipped through Q3 of the fiscal year ending March 2018 *Units in 10 thousand
    562*Units in 10 thousand"
    — Nintendo, Nine Months Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year Ending March 2018 , Nintendo Co., Ltd.: Investor Relations Information (Archive), published February 1, 2018, retrieved February 10, 2018.
  27. Nintendo Selects , Wikipedia, retrieved June 14, 2021.
  28. Nintendo offering three new 3DS double packs for the Japanese market , GoNintendo, published November 23, 2017, retrieved June 14, 2021.