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火体虫属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう



这是ほん页的いち历史版本はんぽんゆかりTomchiukcとめげん | 贡献ざい2018ねん12月8にち (ろく) 10:49 くびだん:​ reformat)编辑。这可能かのうとうぜん版本はんぽん存在そんざい巨大きょだいてき异。

在东帝汶的阿陶罗岛发现的一个年轻的火体虫群体 (长约1厘米)。

からだちゅう學名がくめいPyrosomesこれたいむしたいむしたいむしこれ唯一ゆいいつてきいちぞくたいむしぞくPyrosoma物種ものだねてき通稱つうしょうひとしため自由じゆう浮动てき囊动ぶつ群落ぐんらく通常つうじょう栖息せいそくざい公海こうかいうえ层的温暖おんだん海水かいすいちゅうつきかんゆう可能かのうざいさらふか处被发现。 たいむしぐんからだよし几百到几千个被称为“个虫”(zooidてき个体组成てき圆筒がたある锥形ぐんたい,其尺寸しゃくすん范围从小于一厘米到几米长。通常つうじょうしょう为“うみあわさい[1][2]



たいむしあきらあきらてき生物せいぶつ发光からだ,闪烁あさ蓝色绿色てきひかりのう够看いたすうじゅうまい外的がいてき区域くいき。其名称めいしょう Pyrosomaまれ腊语(Pyro ="(fire)", soma ="主体しゅたい(body)")。からだちゅうあずかたる海鞘ほやゆう亲缘关系,ゆう时被しょう为"だる海鞘ほや"。すいしゅざい海上かいじょう偶尔かい观察到平静へいせいてき海面かいめんちゅう含有がんゆう很多からだちゅう所有しょゆうてき一切都在黑夜里发光。


Although many planktonic organisms are bioluminescent, pyrosome 生物せいぶつ发光 is unusual in its brilliance and sustained light emission,[3] and evoked the following comment when seen by scientist たく马斯·とおる·赫胥はじむ at sea:

"I have just watched the moon set in all her glory, and looked at those lesser moons, the beautiful Pyrosoma, shining like white-hot cylinders in the water" (T.H. Huxley, 1849).[4]

Section through the wall of a pyrosome (magnified) showing a single layer of ascidiozooids; br) branchial orifice; at) atrial orifice; tp) process of the test; br s) branchial sac

Pyrosomes often exhibit waves of light passing back and forth through the colony, as each individual zooid detects light and then emits light in response. Each zooid contains a pair of light organs located near the outside surface of the tunic, which are packed with luminescent organelles that may be intracellular bioluminescent bacteria. The waves of bioluminescence that move within a colony are apparently not propagated by neurons, but by a 光子こうし process.[5] Flashing zooids not only stimulate other zooids within the colony to bioluminesce, but nearby colonies will also display bioluminescence in response. Colonies will bioluminesce in response to mechanical stimulation (touch), as well as to light.[3]


Pyrosoma atlanticum by a tide pool in California

The following もの are accepted as valid by the World Register of Marine Species:[6]

Bloom in North Pacific

In 2017, pyrosomes were observed to have spread in unprecedented numbers along the 太平洋たいへいよう coast of 北美きたみしゅう as far north as おもねひしげ加州かしゅう. The causes remain unknown, but one hypothesis is that this bloom may have resulted in part from unusually warm water along the coast over several preceding years. Scientists were concerned that should there be a massive die-off of the pyrosomes, it could create a huge dead zone (ecology)えいdead zone (ecology) as the 分解ぶんかい作用さよう of their bodies consumed much of the dissolved in the surrounding seawater.[1][2][7]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Blob-like intruders infesting pacific coast. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Newsweek: Mysterious Sea Pickles invading West Coast in bizarre bloom. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Bowlby, M.R.; E.A. Widder; J.F. Case. Patterns of stimulated bioluminescence in two pyrosomes (Tunicata: Pyrosomatidae). Biological Bulletin (Marine Biological Laboratory). 1990, 179 (3): 340–350. JSTOR 1542326. doi:10.2307/1542326. 
  4. ^ Huxley, J. T.H. Huxley's Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Garden City, New York: Doubleday. 1936. 
  5. ^ Mackie, G.O.; Bone, Q. Luminescence and associated effector activity in Pyrosoma (Tunicata: Pyrosomida). すめらぎ學會がっかい報告ほうこく. 1978, 202 (1149): 483–495. doi:10.1098/rspb.1978.0081. 
  6. ^ Pyrosoma. World Register of Marine Species. [April 13, 2015]. 
  7. ^ Massive Bloom Of Pickle-Shaped Sea Creatures Fills The Pacific. Oregon Public Radio. [2017-11-17] えい语). 
  • Bone, Q. (编). The Biology of Pelagic Tunicates [浮游ふゆう囊动ぶつ生物せいぶつがく]. Oxford University Press. 1998: 340 pp. えい语). 
