(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
All of the Articles from 2006

All of the Articles from 2006

> An American in Florence Rewrites Italian Sacred Art
In three large volumes, two millennia of Christian art are recounted for the first time in their original context: the liturgy. The author of the work is Timothy Verdon: the art historian whom Benedict XVI wanted at his side during the last synod of bishops

> A Summary Account of Four Voyages – And a Year’s Pontificate
This is the synthesis that Benedict XVI read in person to the Roman curia, in the traditional pre-Christmas address. At the center of it all is the question of God. Everything relates to this – the clash of civilizations, Islam, the Holocaust, the drop in the birth rate, gay marriage, clerical celibacy...

> Holy Midnight in Roma: "God made his Word short, he abbreviated it..."
The homily of the pope in the midnight Mass of the solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, Vatican Basilica, December 25, 2006

> R&R, Inc. The Vicar of Christ As Explained by His Vicar
An enthusiastic cardinal Ruini gives his priests a lecture on the “heart” of Ratzinger’s teaching. And he tells them why the pope wanted to write a book about Jesus

> Christmas, 2006: the French and Spanish versions arrive
For www.chiesa, translation in English isn't enough anymore. Beginning today, Sandro Magister's website has four sections, with two new languages - for the readers on the five continents, over 100,000 and constantly growing

> The 2007 World Day of Peace – Everyone to “Grammar” School
It is the natural law imprinted by God upon the heart of every man, Benedict XVI writes in his message. Those who desire peace must also defend the right to life and to religious freedom

> “Habemus Papam.” Twenty Months Later, a Portrait
Benedict XVI doesn’t seek applause, he doesn’t harangue the crowds, but he’s still extremely popular. He himself has explained his secret: it is “obedience to the truth, not to the dictatorship of popular opinion”

> Rediscoveries: A Laocoön for the Church of the Twenty-first Century
A major exhibit in Rome on the most celebrated statue of antiquity. Pope Julius II had it brought to the Vatican – for reasons identical to those maintained by Benedict XVI in Regensburg

> After the Visit to Turkey, the Travel Diary of His Holiness
Here is how Benedict XVI recounted to the faithful his four days in Ankara, Ephesus, and Istanbul

> The Lecture in Regensburg Continues to Weigh on the Islamic Question
But it also continues to divide: both Muslims among themselves, and Catholics. A dossier from the journal “Oasis,” published by the patriarchate of Venice, and a counter-reply by Alessandro Martinetti to the Arab theologian Aref Ali Nayed

> Peter Visits Andrew – And Prays at the Blue Mosque
For Benedict XVI, reconciliation between the Church of Rome and the Eastern Churches is part and parcel of the Church’s proclamation to non-Christians. The symbol of the Hagia Sophia

> In Turkey, Benedict XVI Becomes a Defender of Freedom
And he appeals that “the religions utterly refuse to sanction recourse to violence.” As an example of the “particular charity” between Muslims and Christians, he cites an Arab prince of the eleventh century, one esteemed by Pope Gregory VII

> Ratzinger Corrects the Books About Jesus – And Writes a New One
It will come out in the spring of 2007, but its preface has already been released. Meanwhile, the theologian of the pontifical household deeply criticizes a book that is the opposite of the one written by the pope

> This Is the Vatican. Communications Have Been Interrupted
Benedict XVI speaks to the world. But his words reach the general public with great difficulty – and sometimes not at all. Here’s what isn’t working in the communication system that should assist the pope

> Abuse of Minors by Priests: An Assessment of the “Purification” underway
They are “heart-rending” crimes, an increasingly severe and demanding Benedict XVI said to the bishops of Ireland. A summary of two years of repression: what has been done, and what is left to do

> Either Peace or Life – Benedict XVI Debunks a False Dilemma
Speaking to the Swiss bishops, the pope replies to the main objection directed against the Church’s hierarchy by the progressive Catholics. And to the German bishops, he says...

> The Mass of Saint Pius V: The French Bishops Raise a Shout with the Pope
They want to maintain the right of veto against the use of the Tridentine missal. But Benedict XVI is set to liberalize it. Arinze’s harangue against the postconciliar liturgical abuses

> Jihad Finds a Strange Advocate: “La Civiltà Cattolica”
The authoritative magazine publishes a shocking editorial, in which its stance on Islam looks a lot like a surrender. It’s as if Benedict XVI had never delivered the lecture in Regensburg

> With Hummes, There Arrives at the Curia a World Champion Brazil
It had the primacy as the most populous Catholic nation. But today Brazil faces the challenge of the formidable growth of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. How will the Church of Rome respond? A survey by the Pew Forum

> The Church and Islam: A Sprig of Dialogue Has Sprouted in Regensburg
After the storm, the Muslim world is also producing signs of discussion “according to reason.” An erudite question-and-answer between the Catholic Martinetti and Muslim theologian Aref Ali Nayed. And cardinal Bertone writes...

> After Verona: How to “Restore Full Citizenship to the Christian Faith”
Pope Ratzinger and his vicar, Ruini, see in Italy “a rather favorable terrain” for the public rebirth of Christianity in Europe and the world, too. But many do not accept their view. And the archbishop of Milan, Tettamanzi, has placed himself at the head of the opposition

> Benedict XVI Is Betting on Christian Italy: For a "Great Service to Europe and to the World As Well”
The programmatic address from the pope to the National Conference of the Church in Italy, delivered in Verona on the morning of Thursday, October 19, 2006. With the original section headings

> The Regensburg Effect: The Open Letter from 38 Muslims to the Pope
Instead of saying they are offended and demanding apologies, they express their respect for him and dialogue with him on faith and reason. They disagree on many points. But they also criticize those Muslims who want to impose, with violence, “utopian dreams in which the end justifies the means”

> A Church of the People or a Church of the Elite? Verona’s Dilemma
The transmission of the faith and attention to its “quality” are at the center of a major conference of Italian Catholics. The key point will be an address from the pope. The controversy over “Christian distinctiveness”

> “A brusqueness that we find unacceptable...”
All the modifications introduced by Benedict XVI into the definitive version of his September 12, 2006 lecture at the University of Regensburg

> Gregorian Chant: The Secret Thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger
They are well explained by Giacomo Baroffio, a great expert in liturgical music, using the device of an imaginary discourse written by the current pope, and a request for forgiveness left in his predecessor’s desk

> Two Muslim Scholars Comment on the Papal Lecture in Regensburg
They are Khaled Fouad Allam and Aref Ali Nayed. The former is more in agreement with Benedict XVI, the latter very critical, in a sneak peek of his essay published here. Faith, violence, and reason at the center of the confrontation between Christianity and Islam

> The Vatican Secret Archive Has Opened a New Mine for Historians
It is the pope’s private archive: a thousand years of documents in eighty kilometers of shelving. Since September 18, thirty thousand new volumes of papers are available for consultation, for the period from 1922 to 1939, corresponding to the pontificate of Pius XI. Including the previously unpublished diaries of then-cardinal Eugenio Pacelli

> Why Benedict XVI Did not Want to Fall Silent or Backpedal
If in Regensburg the pope cited the dialogue between the emperor of Byzantium and his Muslim adversary, he did so with deliberation. His thesis is that – then as now – religion must wed itself, not with violence, but with reason. An analysis by Pietro De Marco and a commentary by Lucetta Scaraffia

> Islam’s Unreasonable War Against Benedict XVI
In Regensburg, the pope offered as terrain for dialogue between Christians and Muslims ?“acting according to reason.” But the Islamic world has attacked him, distorting his thought, confirming by this that the rejection of reason brings intolerance and violence along with it. The uncertainties about the trip to Turkey

> Munich, Altötting, Regensburg: Diary of a Pilgrimage of Faith
An anthology of the homilies and speeches delivered by Benedict XVI during his trip to Bavaria. “Faith’s vision embraces heaven and earth, past, present and future, eternity. And yet it is simple...”

> The Best of Greek Thought Is “An Integral Part of Christian Faith”
The complete text of the lecture given by the pope on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 12, 2006, in the main hall of the University of Regensburg

> Benedict XVI Has Become a Franciscan
A true Franciscan. Against all the environmentalist, pacifist, and syncretistic distortions. Rebuilding the Church was the task Jesus assigned to the saint of Assisi. The pope has made him his own, and is re-proposing him as a model for today

> Cardinal Sepe Starts Over in Naples
From prefect of the Vatican congregation for the evangelization of peoples to bishop of the diocese of saint Januarius. “It is my new mission territory.” His plans, his assessments of society and the Church

> The Pope Rewrites the Handbook of the Good Pastor
A spontaneous question-and-answer session with Benedict XVI and the priests of the diocese of Albano. On how to celebrate Mass well, and many other matters. “People know whether we’re putting on a show or are in conversation with God”

> Diplomatic Relations with China? Maybe, but on One Condition
The point that the Holy See maintains is non-negotiable is complete freedom of the appointment and activity of the bishops. “No agreement at all is better than a bad agreement,” says cardinal Zen’s trusted expert. “And the Catholics of Taiwan should know that Rome will not abandon them”

> Fr. Samir: “A Decalogue for Peace in the Middle East”
The Vatican secretariat of state is studying a ten-point plan for a comprehensive agreement in the Holy Land and the surrounding area. The author is an Arab Jesuit who is a leading scholar of Islam, and greatly admired by the pope

> “Apocalypse Now”: The Pope Rewrites the Script
In his latest Wednesday catechesis, Benedict XVI has deciphered for the faithful the enigma of the book of Revelation. It is not the Dragon that triumphs, but the Lamb: “Do not be afraid of the silence of God”

> Israel’s Ambassador: “For Peace, an Interreligious Task Force”
An interview with Jerusalem’s representative at the Vatican, Oded Ben-Hur: “A state of Israel living in security and peace with its neighbors is the only guarantee for the future of the Churches in the Middle East”

> Lebanon and Clashes of Civilization: How to Recognize the Enemy
More Gospel and less diplomacy: this is the new course set by Benedict XVI. But geopolitics also has its reasons. The theses of Vittorio E. Parsi, Giulio Andreotti, and the Jesuit scholar of Islam Samir K. Samir. Plus a comprehensive analysis by Pietro De Marco

> Benedict XVI: “So that We Can See that Believing Is Beautiful”
The complete English transcript of pope Joseph Ratzinger's interview with German televisions ARD-Bayerische Rundfunk, ZDF, Deutsche Welle, and Vatican Radio, broadcast on the night of August 13

> Creation or Evolution? Here Is the View of the Church of Rome
Creationists versus Darwinists, “intelligent design” versus random selection, the controversy is as heated as ever. The pope is studying the issue with a team of experts. Keep reading to find the truth he wants to reassert. And the confusion he wants to clear up

> From Lebanon to Central Asia, the Rise of Shia Muslims
Iran becomes a regional power and exports its revolution. Two experts in the geopolitics of Islam, Vali Nasr and Khaled Fouad Allam, analyze the shift and its consequences for the Middle East, Washington, and the Vatican

> Professor Ratzinger Goes back to School. After Islam Last Year, Darwin Topic This Year
Evolution will be the focus of the upcoming seminar between the pope and his former students in Castel Gandolfo. Meanwhile, Jesuit scholar Christian W. Troll has updated his analysis of progressive Muslim thinkers

> The Church in Spain Is Sick, but It’s not Zapatero’s Fault
The sickness is the loss of faith among the people, and the poor instructors are above all the progressive theologians. The accusation comes from the Spanish bishops. In a document coordinated with Rome, as a model for other episcopates

> At the Summit on the Middle East, Benedict XVI Preaches the Cross of Jesus
Less politics – as little as possible – and more Christian faith: this is the new approach the pope wants for the Church. While the armies fight and the diplomats negotiate, in a little mountain parish he says...

> Open Questions: Communion for Divorced and Remarried Persons
The Theological Faculty of Milan proposes that they be admitted to the Eucharist, without giving up sexual relations. One of its authoritative theologians explains why, and under what conditions. How will Rome react?

> I Had a Dream: The Music of Palestrina and Gregory the Great Had Come Back
An exclusive interview with maestro Domenico Bartolucci. Who strangled Gregorian chant and polyphony – and why. And how to bring them back to life. Benedict XVI? “A Napoleon without generals”

> Israel Is Fighting for its Life, but the Vatican “Deplores”
Departing secretary of state Sodano is one of the prominent proponents of the anti-Israeli camp. But there are some who have a different view on the new war in Lebanon. An interview with Fr. David Maria Jaeger

> Ratzinger’s New Team Trains in the Holy Office
Dias, Bertone, Lajolo, Lombardi... Appointment by appointment, Benedict XVI is changing the face of the Church’s central governance. At the center is the pope himself, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

> India: Mother Teresa’s Sisters Are Also Hostage to Fanatic Hinduists
The anti-conversion laws sought by the nationalist parties are fostering violence against Christians. The protest from the pope and from Indian cardinal Ivan Dias, the new prefect of “Propaganda Fide”

> Synod on the Eucharist: The Pope Has the Last Word
Benedict XVI is writing the concluding document, which will be published this summer. Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith gives this preview: “A correction is necessary. The liturgy must be won back, in the spirit of the Council”

> The Victorious Barque of Peter, Buffeted in Vain by Satan
In his homily for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Benedict XVI describes a Church “buffeted by the wind of ideologies,” but unsinkable. Because even in the weakness of the pope, “the strength of God is revealed”

> A Change of Tune in the Vatican – And Not Only in the Secretariat of State
Bertone takes Sodano’s place. But an important shift is also taking place in liturgical music. The way was pointed out by a concert with the pope in the Sistine Chapel, conducted by maestro Bartolucci

> Orthodoxy and Islam: Benedict XVI Prepares for His Trip to Turkey
He has dedicated an entire catechesis to Saint Andrew, the apostle of Rome’s “sister” Church of Constantinople, and has expressed his hope for the teaching of the Islamic religion in European schools, under precise conditions. From Muslim thinker Khaled Fouad Allam comes a proposal in agreement with the pope

> Here’s How the Church of the Future is Experimenting in the Cathedral of Milan
With video installations, electronic music, and abstract art. With Lenten readings from Oscar Wilde and Jack Kerouac. With the pulpit given over to nonbelievers. All this in the great diocese whose patrons are Saint Ambrose and Saint Charles Borromeo

> Lajolo and Kasper, Two New Additions to Team Ratzinger
They occupy key positions in the curia, having been appointed by John Paul II. But they fully support the new course charted by pope Ratzinger. Here is what has changed with them in the areas of ecumenism and relations with Islam

> Saint Peter As Seen by His Successor
The complete texts of two catecheses Benedict XVI dedicated to the chief of the apostles. An extraordinary document on his preaching least known. And on his way of being pope

> The Pope at Auschwitz: “They wanted to kill God”
“By destroying Israel, they ultimately wanted to tear up the taproot of the Christian faith.” A startling interpretation of the Holocaust in the words of the German pope

> The New Curia of Benedict XVI Looks toward Asia
The new prefect of “Propaganda Fide” comes from India. And the new secretary of the congregation for the liturgy is from Sri Lanka. His first public address was the presentation of a book. And it was revealing

> Condoms: Yes, or No? “La Civiltà Cattolica” Cuts Off the Pass
An article in the authoritative journal confirms that the Church will not loosen its restrictions. Not even when it comes to AIDS in Africa. But fifteen months ago, in the same magazine, cardinal Martini...

> End of the Story for the Founder of the Legionaries of Christ
“A reserved life of prayer and penance:” this is the penalty inflicted by Benedict XVI on Marcial Maciel, after “attentive study and investigation.” He and the Legion are obeying

> A Peaceful Form of Islam at the Delta of the Ganges
Teaching it is a Muslim philosopher from the university of Dhaka, side by side with Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu instructors. Here is an interview he gave to a Catholic missionary

> In a Very Secular France, Nicolas Sarkozy Is Breaking a Taboo
In a book, the candidate for the presidency of the French republic acknowledges the public role of religion. And the Church is paying attention, in Italy and Rome, too

> The Pope Is Asking China for Freedom, Not Forgiveness
The Chinese authorities have begin ordaining illegitimate bishops again. But this time the Vatican is responding firmly. It is the new course inaugurated by Benedict XVI

> When Civilizations Meet: How Joseph Ratzinger Sees Islam
The author of this essay, Samir Khalil Samir, is an Egyptian Jesuit who is very familiar with both the pope and the Muslim religion. It was written for and published by “Asia News.” Here it is in its entirety

> Carlo Maria Martini’s “Day After”
The text of the cardinal published in “L’espresso” greatly irritated the Church’s leadership. Some have interpreted it as the manifesto of an antipope. Here is a summary of the reactions, plus a commentary by Pietro De Marco

> When Does Life Begin? Cardinal Martini Replies
And the reply is: not immediately with fertilization, but later. With the consequences that follow. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and bioethicist Ignazio Marino discuss oocytes and embryos, abortion and contraception, AIDS and euthanasia

> Benedict XVI, One Year Later: What’s New
One of the innovations introduced by pope Joseph Ratzinger is special: listening to questions in public and replying to all of them, off the cuff. He has done this with young people, priests, children

> “Holy Week at Monreale,” the Author: Romano Guardini
An extraordinary lesson on the liturgy, drawn from life and written by the theologian who was Joseph Ratzinger’s instructor. It’s a short text translated from the original German for the first time

> Oriana Fallaci Has Enrolled in the Society of Jesus
An article by one of the Jesuits of “La Civiltà Cattolica” makes an extremely critical analysis of Islam, one very similar to that of the famous author – whose work Benedict XVI reads with admiration

> Italy Is Voting. Here’s the Stance of the Church’s Hierarchy
The pronouncements come from two addresses by the pope and his vicar, and three articles in “La Civiltà Cattolica.” A question: Can everything be voted on in a democracy?

> Everyone to the Cinema, to Listen to “The Great Silence”
The film was shot at the Grande Chartreuse in Grenoble, and is 162 minutes of pure contemplation. In Germany, it has met with surprising success. And now it has come to Rome

> The Vatican’s New Policy on China Has a Color: Cardinal Red
Its emblem is the new cardinal Zen, bishop of Hong Kong. “The color of my garments,” he said, “is the blood of the unknown heroes who have suffered for their fidelity to the Church”

> A Beautiful Church Has Been Raised At Tor Tre Teste. But It Is Absentminded, and Mute
The pope visits a new church built in Rome by Richard Meier. Its walls are all bare, incapable of expressing the Christian faith. Pietro De Marco compares it with the cathedral of Monreale, and explains how to bring it back to life

> There’s a Dossier on Turkey on the Pope’s Table
Benedict XVI will go to Istanbul in November. He wants more religious liberty for Christians, and more dialogue with politically moderate Islam. An article in “La Civiltà Cattolica” explains why

> Ruini Rebuts Martino: This Is How the Qur’an Should Be Taught in School
Under the same conditions that are valid in regard to all instruction in the public schools. But Islam is very far from these conditions. This is how it is in Italy, and in many European countries. The view of the jurist Carlo Cardia

> “Credo Apostolicam Ecclesiam”: Wednesdays in Saint Peter’s Square
Benedict XVI has inaugurated a new cycle of catechesis. He has chosen as the theme the “unbreakable” bond between Christ and the Church. And in his first lesson, he made an appeal for the conversion of the Jews

> Renato Martino, a Cardinal Out of Control
His statements frequently create difficulties for the Vatican authorities and the pope. The most recent ones involve Cuba and the teaching of the Qur’an in public schools

> Cyprus: Portrait of a Christianity Obliterated
In the northern part of the island, occupied by Turkey, the churches have become stables or mosques. The diary of a trip beyond the wall

> Benedict XVI, Live. Fifteen Questions, and As Many Responses
A spontaneous dialogue between the pope and the priests of his diocese of Rome. On the Bible and the Qur’an, on Pius XII, on women in the Church, on Africa, on ecumenism, on the interpretation of the Council…

> The Neocatechumenals Obey the Pope – But in Their Own Way
Communion continues to be given seated, as at a banquet. This is the upshot of a letter that the heads of the Way have written to Benedict XVI

> It’s Sunset Boulevard for the Cardinal Secretary of State
He should be the pope’s foremost collaborator. But for Benedict XVI, cardinal Angelo Sodano is more of an obstacle than a help. Especially after his failed maneuver against cardinal Camillo Ruini

> What Does the Pope-Theologian Teach? First of All, the Truth
The first ten months of Benedict XVI, a “doctor of the Church.” The naming of new cardinals. The inefficiency of the curia. Large crowds and audiences, but few collaborators

> Christians, Islam and the Future of Europe
How, and why, Islam can be part of “Catholic” Europe. On two conditions: a strong Christianity, and Muslim self-reform. A conference held in Denver, Colorado, at the invitation of the archdiocese

> China: Twenty Million Communists at Prayer
This is how many persons are thought to belong to the communist party and, at the same time, adhere to a religion. The official stance forbids it. But some think this is a mistake – and are writing about it

> Blessed Are the Meek: The Life and Martyrdom of a Priest on Mission in Turkey
Fr. Andrea wanted to live in the Middle East “as Jesus lived there, with the humble gift of his life.” They killed him, crying out “Allah is great,” while he prayed


> The End of a Taboo: Even Romano Amerio Is “A True Christian”
Amerio was the leading figure of the traditionalist opposition in the Church of the twentieth century, and was punished for this through a general ostracism. But now it turns out that his central thesis is the same as that of Benedict XVI – who wants to make peace with the Lefebvrists

> The Keys of Forgiveness: The Loving Power of the Successor of Peter
Saint Peter’s Basilica turns 500 years old. Art historian Timothy Verdon explains the message conveyed by the stones and images of the Rome of the popes

> Castel Gandolfo Revisited: The Jesuits Come to the Pope’s Defense
Fr. Fessio agrees with his fellow Jesuits Troll and Samir. And he testifies together with them that, for Benedict XVI, Islam is capable of reform and can be harmonized with modernity. But at a steep price

> “Deus Caritas Est”: The Encyclical As Explained by its Author
The preface for the first encyclical of Benedict XVI’s pontificate. “Today the word ‘love’ is so tarnished, so spoiled and so abused. We must take it up again, purify it and give back to it its original splendor...”

> Islam and Democracy, a Secret Meeting at Castel Gandolfo
The synopsis of a weekend of study on Islam with the pope and his former theology students. With two conflicting versions of how Benedict XVI views the Muslim religion

> Vatican Storylines: Those Who Are Resisting Benedict XVI
The disobedience of the Neocatechumenals. The black legends of the conclave. The translation boycott. Three different ways of opposing the new pope

> Iran and China Also Fall under the Pope’s Judgment
Benedict XVI did not cite them by name in his address to the diplomatic corps. But he clearly stated how he judges them: by the yardstick of truth and freedom. An interview with the bishop of Hong Kong

> Finally, the Truth. What the Pope Said to the Diplomatic Corps
In his first address to the ambassadors to the Holy See, Benedict XVI recalled where true peace comes from: “To all those responsible of Nations I wish to state: if you do not fear truth, you need not fear freedom!”

> Holy War: The Year the Muslims Took Rome
Few know about it, but it happened. A book published in the United States offers to the public the first comprehensive collection of the major documents on the theory and practice of jihad, from Mohammed until today

> “Land for Land”: Sharon’s Expert Reveals His Plan for Peace
The expert is Sergio Della Pergola, the leading worldwide scholar of Jewish demographics. The identity of the Israeli people is at the origin of his plan. With the Vatican as a model for the future of Jerusalem

