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Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Export Diversification: Evidences from Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. (2009). Mengistu, Alemu Aye .
In: Ethiopian Journal of Economics.

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  2. Do countries’ geographical locations moderate the tourism-led economic growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa?. (2022). Marfo, Nana Amaniampong ; Lassey, Vera Ogeh ; Agbloyor, Elikplimi Komla ; Baidoo, Francis.
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  3. The nexus of intellectual capital and operational efficiency: the case of Indian financial system. (2021). Raman, T V ; Gupta, Kanishka.
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  6. Diversification des exportations et transformation structurelle au Maroc: Quel rôle pour les IDE ?. (2016). moussir, charaf eddine ; Tabit, Safaa .
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  7. Foreign direct investment and structural transformation of exports. (2016). Stojcic, Nebojsa ; Orlic, Edvard.
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  8. Exports diversification and knowledge sharing from south-south and south-north economic cooperation: evidence from the Central and West Africa. (2015). Ndambendia, Houdou.
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References cited by this document

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