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BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Are video games only for men?

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Last Updated: Friday, 20 May, 2005, 12:26 GMT 13:26 UK
Are video games only for men?
Nintendo Revolution
Video games must be rethought radically if they are to become part of mainstream entertainment, a leading figure has warned.

Doug Lowenstein, president of the US trade body the Entertainment Software Association says makers have failed to come up with mass market products the helps encourage women to play - unlike film or TV.

His warning comes after the three big companies - Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony - showcased their latest consoles.

Do you think too many games are aimed at young men? Which of the three consoles do you prefer? Would you be tempted to make them the digital hub of your living rooms?

This debate is now closed. You can read a selection of your comments below.

Computer games are aimed more for men
Emma, Wantage, Oxfordshire
I do feel computer games are aimed more for the men, especially all the war games etc but it doesn't bother me one bit, my husband spends hours on his Xbox and it keeps him quiet so I can watch my soaps in peace!
Emma, Wantage, Oxfordshire

It's not that gaming is just for men, it's that women have a conscience and think of all the more worth worthwhile things they could be doing with their time and money!
Naomi, Sheffield, UK

My wife and children seem to have way more time and/or energy for video games. Me? Once I'm done earning, I'm burning. Exercise is my pursuit.
Mike Page, Folkestone

I am a 48 year old female and have been playing these games for at least 10 years. Sexism stinks.
Lynn Hillier, Scotland

I have been disappointed too many times from the N64 and GameCube
Stephen H, Car D Glasgow
Having bought every Nintendo since the NES I can say without doubt that I will not be buying Nintendo's latest effort. I have been disappointed too many times from the N64 and GameCube and I vow not to make the same mistake again. I'll probably go for the new PlayStation.
Stephen H, Car D Glasgow

I'll buy a Nintendo Revolution as soon as it's available - I've been a fan of Nintendo for a long time and they never disappoint. I've always found Nintendo's consoles and games the most fun to play and the most innovative gaming experiences. Sony and Microsoft concentrate on producing 'sequel' games and borrowing ideas from Nintendo for their all-round entertainment systems. Interesting to see that Microsoft and Sony are adopting Nintendo's wireless controller technology. Unlike their rivals, Nintendo seem to concentrate on providing the most fun gaming experience - long live Mario!
Rich Allen, Woking, UK

Alas I feel for the once mighty Nintendo - In an age of powerful processors and large hard drives, the gaming beef in console world is clearly stocked by Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's strategy is essentially a vision of pure gaming - but will this be enough?
Andy Barry, Murmansk, Russia

I am very excited at the releases of the new next-gen consoles. I think Xbox 360's release in December will be the most exciting. Bring on Fifa 2006!
Joe Belcher, Birmingham, England

So far I'm a little unimpressed. I've heard rumours that something big about the Revolution will be revealed tomorrow. Hopefully this is true, as I think this next console will either make or brake Nintendo in the home console market.
Daniel Samwel, LaSalle, Ontario, Canada

Yes! Nintendo will always be the forerunners of gaming innovation. Criticism for their lower numbers of games (in comparison to Xbox and PS3) is completely unwarranted: Nintendo is about quality, not quantity. Factor into the mix all three of Nintendo's current gaming platforms and they are well in the lead, not only in terms of creative energy, but shear brute gaming force as well. Good luck with the revolution, let's hope that it lives up to its hype, I have faith that it will.
Daniel Rourke, Kumamoto, Japan

More excuses to milk long-suffering parents
Andy Millward, Broxbourne, UK
Does it matter? It's only more excuses to milk long-suffering parents for the costs of proprietary hardware and software.
Andy Millward, Broxbourne, UK

It's not the consoles themselves that matter, it's how many games appear and how good they are. Microsoft has the advantage in that their technology is based on existing chip design. Sony has a new chip which will require a different approach to programming. It may take longer for games to appear and they'll probably cost more.
Andy, Warrington, Cheshire

With 20 years worth of software library downloadable I hope that the free Wi Fi internet connection to be made available for DS applies for the Revolution as well. I also want good prices for the games while on line, don't want to pay £40 for a game. I would also like to see something like the Sony Eye Toy made for the Revolution - the idea of no controllers etc.
Michael, London

I believe that the prospects of bigger and better home entertainment systems such as those announced this week are detrimental to society. They are causing our young people to lose touch with reality and from gaining social skills. Bring back the age of the tree house in your local park!
Wayne Evans, Taunton

I think that with all three giants clashing, Sony will stay number one at home, Nintendo will remain the best in handheld. As for the new Xbox 360 well Microsoft never learns!
Hend, Cairo, Egypt

Games aren't what they used to be
Stephen Henderson, Osaka, Japan
I've pretty much given up on console gaming. Each time the big 3 release a new system, there is competition between them, the games are overpriced, and only one or two really catch my interest with each new batch of bigger and better. Give me a C64 any day for TRUE fun. Back in the day game makers had to think about GAMEPLAY, not graphics, sound, and all the other bells and whistles. Games aren't what they used to be.
Stephen Henderson, Osaka, Japan

All consoles are good. I like the new look of the XBOX. Out of all the systems, I think that the XBOX will come out on top.
Brandon Richards, Kingston, Jamaica

Here is what my son who is a sophomore at UNM and a gamer said. He said the Xbox is an ugly design and there aren't any good games developed for the system. The PlayStation 3 is okay but has an ugly controller that is hard to use. He would buy the Nintendo system because you can play all of the games that Nintendo has developed. It's a better buy. My son has a collection of video game systems that includes an Atari system his father picked up at an antique shop. I think that he is addicted to gaming and electronics. I guess it's better than him being addicted to drugs.
Kay Nixon, Albuquerque, N.M., USA

Nintendo aren't leaving out details because they aren't ready with the machine. They're leaving out details because they don't want their competitors stealing their ideas. Games technology is not about specifications, it's about fun and only Nintendo seem to realise this. Can't wait.
Alan, Leicester, UK

Although Microsoft has invested a lot of money in the gaming industry, it will never be able to compete with Nintendo and Sony. Nintendo, the creator of Super Mario Brothers, is a true legend in the industry and has been able to adapt to the unpredictable changes in the market. I feel that Nintendo has focused its resources into attracting young consumers (age under 12), while Sony attracts older gamers. Where does that leave Microsoft? Nowhere! The X-Box has no particular advantage over the other consoles and all the video games that Microsoft produces lack creativity and are cliché.
Amjad Afanah, Cambridge, Massachusetts - MIT

Online capabilities will definitely play a huge role
Garrett, Oregon, USA
The thing that is going to sell me on which console to buy next year is innovation. I want to see genre-transcending games that will make us do things we have never done in games before. Online capabilities will definitely play a huge role in this. I'm happy the competition is as fierce as ever, which no doubt will result in some incredible games!
Garrett, Oregon, USA

These new consoles may have high processing power, they may have blistering graphic displays, but the games lack game play. I still play games that are over 20 years old on my Sinclair Spectrum. The graphics are poor, and the processing power is awful, but I continue to smile!
Barry Q, Devon, UK

I don't think its fair to comment on which is the best until we, the consumers are given the opportunity to actually go out and play on the consoles. How can anyone make a decision based on images broadcast from an event that is closed to the gamers that are actually going to buy the consoles?
Joe Cashman, Northampton, UK

After two decades of gaming in the mainstream, sometimes I feel that the mainstream scene shoves down my throat what 'fun' is meant to be. I think I'm beginning to burn out of that. Nintendo seems to tap into the simplest element of 'fun' that exists inside me with their games, not the other way around. I think Nintendo knows why people ever start gaming in the first place.
Bryan Hues, England

I think that specific great games will be what sell any console
Brian Irwin, Sheffield, UK
Since all of the consoles are coming out at the same time, I tend to think that the console specs will not be a deciding factor for buyers. I think that specific great games will be what sell any console. So whoever gets out the top games first will take the lead.
Brian Irwin, Sheffield, UK

All consoles are very good. Sony should dominate though because they have the most, and in my opinion best, games. Nintendo should do quite well but never as well as they do in the handheld market.
Ben Davis, England

The GameCube failed because Nintendo aimed it at the younger gamer then tried a rethink. The new system looks more mature but I don't think it will have the mass appeal the PS3 and Xbox 360 have.
McMillan, Aberdeenshire

Sony's newfound good relationship with Apple Computer is sure to bring yet more innovations to our homes. I think that PS3 will continue Sony's history of sturdy and affordable products that we can really use and rely on.
James Harding, London, England

Nintendo never disappoint on hardware or games
Steve Armstrong, Sunderland, England
Nintendo never disappoint on hardware or games, but desperately need to get their act together on marketing. They are actually much more successful financially in the video games market, than either Sony or Microsoft. They need to use the profit to support the product!
Steve Armstrong, Sunderland, England

Most comments have been about Nintendo, which may indicate that they haven't yet left the public's mind and shouldn't be written off just yet.
Ben Francis, Manchester

The Xbox looks like a Sky+ box. Surely they could have come up with something more original?
Trig, Aberdeen

Until we can compare the three consoles side by side with a fair representation of games on each, the question is impossible to answer. However, given that PlayStation smashed aside the stale old timers like Sega and Nintendo, and the PlayStation 2 is still outselling the technically superior Xbox, my educated guess would go to the PS3.
Dan, Yateley, UK

In a world obsessed with technical specs Nintendo has been brave enough to put game play at the heart of their new system. We will all have to wait a little longer to see what the revolutionary aspects of the new machine are. But the wait will be worth it. Viva la Revolution.
Johnny Pappas, Velindre

I've always preferred games on the PC to any of the more modern consoles available
Stewart, Berkshire
Personally, I've always preferred games on the PC to any of the more modern consoles available, but surely sheer processing power and graphical capability shouldn't be the only aspects considered - I'd much rather play a game with lacklustre graphics but great game play and storyline any day, which is why I still play a fair bit on my old Megadrive and even the truly ancient C64!
Stewart, Berkshire

The Revolution is by far the best, it proves that just because its not oversized doesn't mean its not good. Far from it! Nintendo have always been about the games rather than servicing numerous technical features. But it's good to see that the new PlayStation looks like another household object: 2 looked like a fan heater and the new one looks like a George Foreman grill on its side.
Andy Wilson, Leicester, UK

It is very probable that the Revolution will batter the Xbox 360 in terms of sales in Japan and the rest of Asia. High Asian sales added to a likely respectable Western performance, means that Nintendo will happily survive this generation of TV consoles.
Raymondo, Derby

Nintendo are all about the games unlike Sony and Microsoft and this shows in the ability to download and play their entire back catalogue. We don't know much about Revolution yet but I don't think it will disappoint
David Bell, Glasgow, Scotland

I think it's amazing that Nintendo is finally starting to bring out its heavy artillery
James Robinson, Mirfield, West Yorkshire
I think it's amazing that Nintendo is finally starting to bring out its heavy artillery at last. For the first time, a Nintendo console will have backwards capability and amazing graphics to boot.
James Robinson, Mirfield, West Yorkshire

In my view, Nintendo's future hangs in the balance and I am unsure as to how they can compete with Sony and Microsoft. The only thing we actually know about the "Revolution" is that it's probably not going to be able to compete graphically with Xbox 360 and PS3. Nintendo is left bragging vaguely about new ways of playing in the absence of concrete specs. In order for Nintendo to have a chance in the home console market the "Revolution" really will need to live up to its name. I however, am as yet, unconvinced.
Connell, Ireland

Nintendo make the best games. And thankfully now I'll be able to play my DVDs on the new console!
Gareth Evans, Reading, UK

The new Nintendo is supposed to change the way games are played. It looks to have less to it than its competitors but like the GameCube it looks more like a real alternative as PlayStation and Xbox games were very similar.
Dave, Liverpool

Nintendo is still the best and most innovative company. Although I wish they would ditch the GameBoy concept. It's stuck in a time-warp.
Nick, Crowborough E. Sussex

I love Nintendo. I'm 22 and I've been playing Nintendo systems almost exclusively since I was 3 just because they've generally offered the most entertaining games. I own Sony and Microsoft's systems, but I just don't enjoy them as much... but, with Nintendo's less-than-spectacular performance with the (generally under-rated Cube), the lacklustre Revolution unveiling leaves me ambivalent with hope and doubt, and I'm looking more with sad eyes towards the PS3 and Xbox360.
Nick, US

It appears Nintendo is in catch up mode
Mark Coyle, Nottingham, UK
I am a GameCube/GameBoy owning father of 36 with all my children and wife all games players. Nintendo's launch at E3 looks lacking in detail and too vague for a product that in theory will be launched next year. It appears Nintendo is in catch up mode. As always with Nintendo it seems it will be good product, abysmal marketing and promotion. This launch seems to re-enforce this. As soon as my kids get old enough I envisage they'll mentally relegate Nintendo and want a PS3 then Xbox360 as seems to be the trend. Nintendo simply need to do more but don't demonstrate any hunger as they feel relatively comfortable even though the trend long term is against them.
Mark Coyle, Nottingham, UK

Nintendo should be a little worried if nothing else. While they've always slammed the competition on hardware, with amazing design, cool features, and great ideas they need to catch up with what the public wants. Sony and Microsoft have opened themselves up to different ideas in terms of games plots and content while Nintendo holds on to it's image as a family company. There's nothing wrong with making kid friendly non-violent games but why not allow some new stuff to come out?
Chris Toula, High Wycombe, England

Very nice looking, but once again, Nintendo has decided to play mind games with the consumer by not revealing the specs. Does that mean it originally wasn't as powerful as Xbox 360 and PS3? As much as I hate to admit it, Nintendo may have missed the boat again, which is a shame, as the games industry needs a strong, competitive Nintendo.
Mark Nicol, Edinburgh, Scotland


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