(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Xu Shen 許慎 (www.chinaknowledge.de)

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Persons in Chinese History - Xu Shen もとまき

Periods of Chinese History
Xu Shen もとまき (ca. 58- ca. 147), courtesy name Xu Shuzhongもと叔重, style Xu Jijiu もとさいしゅ "Libationer Xu", was a Confucian scholar and philosopher of the early Later Han period こうかん (25-220 CE). He is particularly famous for his character dictionary Shuowen jiezi せつぶんかい. Xu Shen came from Zhaoling 召陵 in the commandery of Runan なんじみなみ (modern Yancheng 郾城, Henan), and occupied the position of head of the commandery labour section (jun gongcao こおりいさお曹), and then rose to the office of Defender-in-chief (taiwei ふとしじょう) and then libationer (jijiu まつりしゅ, i.e. director) of the Southern Hall みなみかく (the offices directly under the Counsellor-in-chief) and then magistrate of Jiaoxian 洨縣 (modern Guzhen かた鎮, Anhui). He was a disciple of Jia Kui 賈逵 and fellow student of Liu Zhen りゅうちん and Ma Rong うまとおる, who substantially promoted his career. These scholars all belong to the old-text school (guwen jingxue 古文こぶん經學けいがく) that interpreted the Confucian Classics as historical texts and not as the writings of a "saint", as the new-text school believed. Working in the Eastern Hall (Dongguan ひがしかん), Xu Shen had access to the complete imperial library and archives, which was a precondition for his deep insight into ancient texts in different versions. He commented on the canon of the Five Classics (wujing 五經ごきょう) and pointed out "different meanings" in this corpus of texts. His book Wujing yiyi 五經ごきょう異義いぎ is only transmitted in fragments because the eminent master Zheng Xuan ていげん later criticized Xu Shen's interpretation of the Classics. Fragments were collected by the Qing period きよし (1644-1911) scholar Chen Shouqi ちんひさし祺 (Wujing yiyi shuzheng 五經ごきょう異義いぎ疏證).
His dictionary Shuowen jiezi せつぶんかい is an analytic collection of characters in different shapes, from so-called "ancient script" (guwen 古文こぶん, used in old-text writings) and the "large seal script" (zhouwen 籀文) to the "small seal script" (xiaozhuan 小篆しょうてん) that was made the empire-wide standard under the First Emperor of Qin はた始皇帝しこうてい (r. 246-210 BCE). Xu Shen analysed each character according to its meaning, its composition and shape, and in some cases also concering pronuncation. Xu divided all characters into five different types (liushu 六書りくしょ). Although the dictionary is not preserved in the orginal shape but only in a reconstructed version created by Xu Xuan じょ鉉 during the tenth century, it constituted an important research tool for the philological methods of Confucian scholars of the Han-texts School (Hanxue 漢學かんがく) during the mid-Qing period, and is today still oftenly quoted. This dictionary is the oldest Chinese book that makes use of the concept of character radicals (bushou 部首ぶしゅ).
Fragments of Xu Shen's commentary on the book Huainanzi 淮南ワイナン (Huainanzi zhu 淮南ワイナンちゅう) were collected by Tao Fangqi すえかた琦, but of his comments on the history Shiji 史記しき (Shiji zhu 史記しきちゅう) and the Classic Xiaojing (Guwen Xiaojing shuo 古文こぶんこうけいせつ) nothing has survived.

Sources: Chen Gaochun ひねだかはる (ed. 1986), Zhongguo yuwen xuejia cidian 中國ちゅうごく文學ぶんがく辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe), p. 15. ● Huang Banghe 邦和くにかず, Pi Mingxiu がわあきら庥 (ed. 1987), Zhong-wai lishi renwu cidian 中外ちゅうがい歷史れきし人物じんぶつてん (Changsha: Hunan renmin chubanshe), p. 150. ● Pang Pu 龐樸 (ed. 1997), Zhongguo ruxue 中國ちゅうごく儒學じゅがく (Shanghai: Dongfang chuban zhongxin), Vol. 2, p. 67. ● Liu Qingwu りゅうけいにわか (1997), "Xu Shen de Shuowenxue もとまきてきせつ文學ぶんがく", in Men Kui もん巋, Zhang Yanjin ちょうつばめ瑾 (ed.), Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華ちゅうか國粹こくすいだい辭典じてん (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), p. 726. ● Zhou Zumo しゅう謨 (1988), "Xu Shen もとまき", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuyan wenzi かたりげん文字もじ (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), p. 436.

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