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Names of persons and titles of rulers (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Names of Persons and Titles of Rulers

Sep 23, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald

Students of Chinese history are often confused by the multitudiness of names a person is referred to. This article tries to explain the most basic facts. At the same time, it provides an overview of the most common temple names and posthumous honorific titles of Chinese persons.

One short example (the founder of the Ming dynasty あきら, 1368-1644) will highlight the complexity of this issue:

Table 1. Example for the multiplicity of names
Personal and family name (xingming 姓名せいめい) Zhu Yuanzhang しゅもとあきら
Courtesy name (zi ) (Zhu) Guorui (しゅ)こくみず
Temple name (miaohao びょうごう) Ming Taizu 明太めんたい
Posthumous title (shihao 謚號) Ming Gaodi 明高みょうこうみかど
Reign motto (nianhao 年號ねんごう) Hongwu ひろしたけ

The personal name (corresponding to Western "first names", ming めい and zi )

The ming めい was a personal name (in addition to a real childhood name, youming 幼名ようみょう) used until the age of 20 sui, when boys were "capped" (guan かんむり) and became an adult. At that time they adopted an adult name or courtesy name, the zi . Girls underwent the "pinning" (ji 笄) ritual at the age of 15 sui and were then called with their courtesy name. Both terms are today combined (mingzi 名字みょうじ) and mean the whole name, "first name" as well as family name (normally referred to as xingming 姓名せいめい). The ming was from adulthood on a very intimate name and only used by friends, but also when a person spoke of himself. When addressing someone else in a very polite way, the zi name was to be used. In biographies of famous persons, both names are mentioned, yet the ming name is then preferred to the courtesy name. In rare cases, the zi was the commonly used name (yi zi xing 以字ぎょう "he went with the courtesy name [in public]"), for instance, the Tang-period とう (618-907) poet Li Bai 李白りはく (701-762), who is in Europe better known with his zi name Taibai 太白たいはく, or Chiang Kai-shek (Chinese reading Jiang Jieshi 蔣介せき), whose original ming was Ruiyuan みずもと, the chosen ming, Zhongzheng 中正ちゅうせい, and the zi (by which he is commonly known) Jieshi.

The courtesy name is used especially in tomb inscriptions or in letters with formal character. The ming name was often a one-syllable word, while the zi could be a one-syllable or a two-syllable word. Sometimes the courtesy name was only an extension of the ming name, like the Ming-period scholar Huang Sheng もり (fl. 1570), whose courtesy name was Huang Dasheng 大盛おおもり.

In Chinese biographies, the family name is normally not repeatead when listing the courtesy name, like in:

かんいよいよ退すさこれ,鄧州南陽なんようじん "Han Yu, courtesy name Tuizhi, hailed from Nanyang in the prefecture of Dengzhou."

Both names, ming and zi, often had a similar meaning. Qu Yuan's こごめはら (c. 343-c. 278 BCE) zi name, for instance, was Yuan げん "levelled, flat", his ming was Ping ひら "even, flat". Zhuge Liang's しょかずらあきら (181-234) ming was Liang あきら "bright", and his zi was Kongming 孔明こうめい "enlightened hole" (Kong あな standing alone can also be a family name, like that of Confucius). Yue Fei's たけ (1103-1142) ming was Fei "flying", and his zi was Peng おおとり "phoenix". Ban Gu's はんかた (32-92 CE) ming was Gu かた "stable, secure", and his zi was Mengjian はじめけん "rude and solid".

The zi name of Sun Wen まごぶん (1866-1925), Wen being his ming, was Yixian はぐれせん. He is therefore known in the West as Sun Yat-Sen (Yixian in Cantonese pronunciation), but not so in China, because telling him with the courtesy name would be too formal. Some persons have two courtesy names, like Wen Tianxiang ぶんてんさち (1236-1283), who was formally called Songrui そうみずほ or Lüshan くつぜん. Today, personal names (ming) can either be one-syllable long or two syllables.

Some personal names, especially that of girls, consist of a repetitive syllable, like Yuanyuan えんえん or Bingbing 冰冰. During history, personal names were also subject to changes à la mode, like Ruzi 孺子じゅし, Xiangru しょう如 or Shizhi しゃく during the Han かん (206 BCE-220 CE) and Wuji during the Tang period とう (618-907).

There is no fix repertoire of personal names like the "Christian" or biblical names in the West. Instead, families used to name their sons with words used in a certain poem (banci lian はんれん, paizi ge or xing beizi pai くだり辈字), often written by an ancestor. Each generation obtained a new character - the generation word (zibei やから or banci はん) - as part of their name. Brothers had often a common character in their name (like the brothers Lü Dazhong りょだいちゅう, Lü Dafang りょだいぼう, Lü Dajun りょだいひとし and Lü Dalin りょだい臨) or at least a character with a similar graphical element (like the brothers Su Shi 軾 and Su Zhe わだち, both with the element しゃ).

The use of ming and zi names in Western secondary literature is in some cases deviating from that in China. The most famous case is Wang Yangming おう陽明ようめい (1472-1529), who is in China better known as Wang Shouren おうもりじん. Yangming was actually his style, and not a ming or zi.

Young people today often adopt English names, partially because it seems more fashionable, and partly because Chinese names are not easy to pronounce for foreigners. The Hong Kong singer Lau Tak-Wah (Liu Dehua りゅういさおはな), for example, calls himself Andy Lau. On the other hand, foreigners often adopt a Chinese name. Such names can vary in quality and can often at first sight be identified as that of a foreigner. The Jesuits in China accommodated to Chinese culture and had Chinese names. Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), for instance, was called Li Madou 瑪竇 (Li for Ricci and Madou for Matteo).

Traditionally, the personal names of women are seldomly explicitly told in literature, yet there are also exceptions like Li Dewu qi Pei, zi Shuying 德武とくたけつま裴,よしえい "Li Dewu's wife Ms Pei, courtesy name Shuying". Even empresses are regularly called only with their family names, like Yehenala shi 赫那ひしげ "Ms Yehenala", the Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧ふとしきさき (1835-1908; Cixi is not her personal name but only her title, "Benevolent-Auspicous", as Empress and Empress Dowager), or Xuanzong guifei Yang shi げんそうたか楊氏 "Emperor Xuanzong's honoured consort, Ms Yang", who is known as Yang Guifei 楊貴妃ようきひ (719-756) "Honoured consort Yang". Yet some sources say that her personal name was Yuhuan だまたまき. A concubine of Emperor Cheng of the Han dynasty was called Zhao Feiyan ちょう飛燕ひえん (31-1 BCE) "Flying swallow" because of her dancing talents. Feiyan was surely not her real name.

The family name (corresponding to the Western "surname", xing せい and shi )

"Surnames" or family names (xing せい) in Chinese are standing in front position, while the personal name or "first name" (ming ) follows at the end. The Chinese actress Gong Li 鞏俐, for example, has the family name Gong and the personal name Li. This is also use in other East Asian names in Japan (Koizumi Junichirō 小泉こいずみ純一郎じゅんいちろう, the former Prime Minister), Korea (Kim Yong Il きむ英逸えいいつ) and Vietnam (Hồ Chí Minh 胡志明ほうちみん).

There are only a few hundred family names in Chinese, of which about two dozen are much more frequently used than others. To the most common family names belong Wang おう, Zhang ちょう, Ma , Zhao ちょう, Chen ひね and Li , while names like Diao 刁 or She 佘 are very rare. Chinese family names are also not equally distributed over China. Chen (Chan) ちん, Liang (Leung) りょう and Lin (Lam) はやし are typical names from the south, Zhu しゅ and Gu 顧 are often seen in the lower Yangtze area, while Cheng ほど, Kong あな and Guo かく are northern names.

Most family names are only one-syllable long, yet there are a few and rarely seen two-syllable family names (fuxing ふくせい), the most common of which are Ouyang おう, Sima 司馬しば and Zhuge しょかずら. Some of these names are of foreign origin (e.g. Türkic or Mongolian), like Geshu 哥舒, Linghu れいきつね or Yelü 耶律. In ancient China, such names were more common than today.

The term xingming means family and personal name ("first and last name"). The two kinds of surnames are traditionally often used as one term, xingshi 姓氏せいし. They originate in the earliest times of Chinese history, at latest the Zhou period しゅう (11th cent.-221 BCE), and are used for the paternal and the maternal line, respectively. The Song-period そう (960-1279) history Tongzhi つうこころざし says that shi was the name of the paternal family, xing せい that for the mother (therefore the radical "woman" おんな). There was the rule that a marriage was only possible if the maternal family of two partners was not identical, yet whether the paternal line was the same or not, did not play a role (shi tong xing bu tong zhe, hunyin ke tong 同姓どうせい不同ふどうしゃ婚姻こんいんどおり).

The xing can be seen as a family name in the modern sense (all persons that descend from a particular ancestor), while the shi is in many cases a single branch of a family, often related to a place name. In other words, the xing expresses descendency from a "large" ancestral line (dazong 大宗たいそう, see zongfa 宗法しゅうほう), and the shi the descendency from a particular "lesser" or "lateral" line (xiaozong しょうむね). In imperial times, the difference between xing and shi as maternal and paternal lines ceased to play a role. The use of both terms was different from then on. Shi was seen as a distinctive criterion subordinated to the xing, meaning that shi indicated a more concrete branch or location of the family (like Pingyang Zhang たいらようちょう "the Zhangs from Pingyang"). Such a distinction was all the more important as the population increased and people often changed the place where they lived.

During the Wei 曹魏 (220-265) and Jin すすむ (265-420) periods the distinction of the shi was connected to a general classification of the family into one of nine ranks that allowed them to enter a certain stage of the bureaucracy (the jiupin system きゅうひん). Among the nobility, the name of the regional states or those of the smaller statelets in the earliest times was transformed into a surname, like the son of the Duke of Zhou しゅうこう who was appointed ruler of the territory of Xing 邢. His descendants adopted Xing as their surname. A lot of surnames can be derived from the names of states and statelets of the Zhou period (Zhou しゅう, Qi ひとし, Qin しん, Wu くれ, Cai 蔡, Tang とう, Song そう, Wei , Cao 曹 or less oftenly seen names like Xue 薛 or Tan たん). After the Tang period とう (618-907) the term shi became less important and was only rarely used in the original sense.

During the Qing period きよし (1644-1911), the Manchus had a clan system (Man. hala, Ch. shi ) which is still imperfectly investigated. A list of Manchu clan names can be found in the compendium Baqi Manzhou shizu tongpu 八旗滿洲氏族通譜.

Already in earlier times, but still in late traditional China, shi was used in the same sense as xing, often replacing the personal name in abbreviations like りょ "Master Lü", instead of the full name Lü Buwei りょ韋 (d. 253 BCE).

The term shi is also used to indicate the family name of a woman, like in Fang Xuanling qi Lu shi ぼうげんよわいつま "Fang Xuanling's wife Ms Lu".

It is not custom in China that women adopt the family name of their husband after marriage.

The tabooed personal name (hui いみな)

It was, even after their death, forbidden to tell the personal name (ming) of an emperor. Instead, the personal name is referred to as hui いみな in imperial biographies, but does actually mean either ming or zi. The characters of their names were often also slightly altered so that it seemed as if the word was not written. The surname of the founder of the Ming dynasty, for instance, was written 硃 instead of しゅ, which was the original – but during the Ming period tabooed - character.

こう祖神そしん大聖たいせい大光たいこうこう皇帝こうていせいいみなふち "The High Ancestor, Divine Yao, Great Saint, the Filial Emperor of Great Refulgence, family name Li, taboo name (personal name) Yuan."

In the history Jinshu すすむしょ, written during the Tang period, Liu Yuan りゅうふかし (r. 304-309, a Xiongnu chieftain) is called with his courtesy name, Yuanhai もとうみ, in order to avoid the name of the founder of the Tang, Li Yuan ふかし (Tang Gaozu から高祖こうそ, r. 618-626). The avoidance of an emperor's name could even have influence on book titles like the Taixuanjing ふとしげんけい that was called Taiyuanjing ふともとけい during the reign of the Kangxi emperor やすし熙帝 (r. 1661-1722) and even decades later, because his personal name was Xuanye げん燁.

Another trick to avoid the word げん was to write it without the last dot, like 𤣥, or 𢎞 for ひろし, a character in the personal name of the Qianlong Emperor いぬいたかしみかど (r. 1735-1796), Hongli ひろれき.

During his lifetime an emperor was usually addressed as Shang うえ "Your Highness", Huangshang すめらぎじょう "Your August Highness" or Bixia 陛下へいか "Below the Steps to the Throne" (in order to avoid a direct addressing).

The style (hao ごう)

The hao "style" is a freely chosen alternative name. It was either a cognomen or a nickname, but especially among literati it was common to adopt a style for the own studio (shi しつ, ju , zhai とき, xuan のき, ting ちん, lou ろう etc.). This studio name (shiming しつめい or zhaiming ときめい) often replaced the real name, like Songxuezhai 松雪まつゆきひとし as that of the calligrapher Zhao Mengfu ちょうはじめ頫 (1254-1322).

Quite a few scholars used several styles, like the Song-period calligrapher Huang Tingjian 黃庭堅おうていけん (1045-1105; Tingjian was his courtesy name, while his ming was Luzhi 魯直) who called himself Fuweng 涪翁 "Old man from Fu (a place name in Sichuan)" or Shangu daoren 山谷やまたに道人みちひと "Daoist from the mountain valley". He is therefore also known as Huang Shangu 山谷さんや. The Republican scholar Wang Guowei 王國おうこく維 (1877-1927) had the studio name Wang Guantang おう觀堂かんどう because his studio was called Guantang 觀堂かんどう "Contemplation Hall". The Song-period writer Ouyang Xiu おうおさむ (1007-1072) called himself Zuiweng よいおう "Old drunkard" or Liu-yi jushi ろくいち居士こじ "Scholar of the six ones" (meaning one ten-thousand いちまん books, one thousand rubbings, one zither, one chess board, one jug of wine, and one old man [himself]). The titles of collected writings of literati often use the style of the author, for instance, like Zhao Ruteng's ちょうなんじあが (d. 1261) Yongzhai ji いさおときしゅう "Collection of the Ordinary Hut", Zhao Mengjian's ちょうはじめけん (1199-1264) Yizhai wenbian つねときぶんへん "Compiled prose writings of the Tripod Studio", Zhao Kan's ちょうただし Zhuxuan ji つたなのきしゅう "Collection of the Simple Dwelling" or Tang Shichi's とうはじ (fl. 1225) Lingyan ji れいいわおしゅう "Collection of the Numinous Cliff".

Place names were also popular hao names, like Yichuan 伊川いがわ (a river near Luoyang) for Cheng Yi ほど頤 (1033-1107). Zhuge Liang しょかずらあきら (181-234) called himself Wolong 臥龍がりょう "Sleeping Dragon". Wei Yingwu 韋應ぶつ (737-791) was called Wei Suzhou 韋蘇州そしゅう because he hailed from that city.

Important offices a scholar-official had occupied were also often used as styles, like Du Gongbu もりこう "Du, Minister of Works" for the poet Du Fu もりはじめ (712-770), or Liu Zhonglei りゅうちゅうるい "Liu from the Capital Guard" for the bibliographer Liu Xiang りゅうむかい (79-8 or 77-6 BCE). Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Wen まごぶん) called himself Zhongshan 中山なかやま "Central Mountain" (probably from the Japanese family name Nakayama) and is therefore in China best known as Sun Zhongshan まご中山なかやま and also called Guofu 國父こくふ "Father of the Nation". His political heir Chiang Kai-Shek 蔣介せき is called Zhongzheng Xiansheng 中正ちゅうせい先生せんせい "Master Central Orthodoxy" (Zhongzheng was his common ming name).

Very common among modern poets is the adoption of an alias name, like Lu Xun 魯迅ろじん (1881-1936) for Zhou Shuren しゅうじゅじん or Lao She ろうしゃ (1899-1966) for Shu Qingchun 舒慶はる. The Ming-period politician, writer and philosopher Wang Shouren おうもりじん (1472-1529) is known by his style Yangming 陽明ようめい or Yangmingzi 明子あきこ, as Wang Yangming おう陽明ようめい. His courtesy name was Bo'an はくやす.

The posthumous honorific title (shihao 謚號)

The posthumous honorific title (shi 謚, also written おくりな) was granted to an emperor or a grand minister after his death and chosen according to how the respective person performed during his lifetime. The posthumous title of an emperor was chosen by the officials of the Ministry of Rites, and that of a minister by the emperor. Except those official posthumous titles, there are also private honorific titles (sishi わたし謚) given to a high-standing person and chosen by his disciples or friends. The use of posthumous honorific titles came up during the Zhou dynasty (e. g. the titles King Wen しゅうぶんおう and King Wu しゅうたけしおう for the dynastic founders). The Qin dynasty はた (221-206 BCE) did not make use of them but the emperors were posthumously to be called with a kind of number going through all (expected) generations, like Shihuang はじめすめらぎ "First Emperor", Ershihuang せいすめらぎ "Second Emperor", etc. Yet after the early demise of the Qin, the honorific titles were reintroduced by the rulers of the Han dynasty かん (206 BCE-220 CE) and continued being used until the end of the Qing dynasty. Yet not all emperors were given a posthumous honorific title: Liu Bang 劉邦りゅうほう (r. 206-195 BCE), founder of the Han dynasty, for instance, has only been given the temple name Gaozu 高祖こうそ (miaohao びょうごう). His son, Liu Ying りゅうみつる (r. 206-195 BCE), on the other hand, was only given a posthumous honorific title (Hui めぐみ "the benevolent") but no temple name because he had no surviving descendants.

Posthumous honorific titles were awarded to sovereigns (like Zhou Xuanwang しゅうせんおう "King Xuan [of Wide-Reaching (virtue)] of the Zhou" or Han Wudi かんたけみかど "Emperor Wu [the Martial] of the Han"), rulers of regional states (Lu Aigong 魯哀こう "Duke Ai [the Lamentable] of Lu"), princes bearing the title of a princedom (Liang Xiaowang りょうたかしおう "Prince Xiao [the Filial] of Liang"), as well as private persons of high standing and the class of literati (Ouyang Wenzhonggong おう文忠ふみただおおやけ "Ouyang, Duke Wenzhong [the Cultivated-Loyal]", i.e. Ouyang Xiu おうおさむ).

There is a fixed set of names used for posthumous honorific titles with a predefined meaning, some of them expressing the virtue (like Wen ぶん "the cultured", Hui めぐみ "the benevolent", Huan 桓 "the graceful" or Yuan もと "the primary virtuous") or martial performance (like Wu たけ "the martial") of the bearer, some of them expressing a rough conduct (like Li 厲 "the unpityful"), licentious behaviour (like Yang 煬 "like roaring fire") or superstition (like Ling れい "believer in ghosts"), some bring forward a feeling of pity for an unlucky life (like Ai あい "pityable", Min 愍 "lamentable" or Huai ふところ "deplorable"). In older times, posthumous honorific titles consisted of one syllable. From the late Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE) on, there were also combinations or "double titles" (fushi ふくおくりな), like King Wuling of Zhao ちょうたけしれいおう (r. 326-299).

Many scholars see the beginning of double titles in imperial times in the Jin period すすむ (265-420), as posthumous titles for imperial princes like Sima Tai 司馬しばやすし (d. 299), called Prince Wenxian of Gaoi 高密こうみつ文獻ぶんけんおう, or Sima Teng 司馬しばあが (d. 307), called Prince Wu'ai of Xincai しん蔡武あいおう. Emperors of the Northern Wei chose double titles, like Emperor Daowu きたどうたけみかど (r. 376/386-408) or Emperor Mingyuan きた明元あけもとみかど (r. 409-423). Double titles were very popular among Confucian scholars and state officials of high standing, like Master Zhongwen 文忠ふみただおおやけ for Su Shi 軾 (1037-1101), Duke Wumu たけきよしおおやけ for Yue Fei だけ (1103-1142), or Master Zhongjie ちゅうかいこう for Hai Rui うみみず (1514-1587). The scholar Feng Yin ふうとら said that the first character served as a kind of "adornment" (wen ぶん), the second to describe the "substance" (zhi しつ) of the personal character.

From the Tang period on the honorific designations for late emperors became very abundant - not to say bombastic - like Wenwu dasheng daguang xiao huangdi 文武ぶんぶ大聖たいせい大廣おおひろこう皇帝こうてい "Cultured and martial, filial emperor, great saint and great broadminded" for Emperor Tang Taizong からふとしそう (r. 626-649). This circumstance made honorific titles very impractical for daily use, and they were superseded by the temple names of the rulers.

Not all emperors enjoyed the honour to be granted such a title. This was expecially true for those deposed or dethroned, mostly at the end of a dynasty, or very young emperors whose descendants did not continue the dynastic line. These emperors are commonly referred to as Feidi 廢帝はいてい "Deposed Emperor" or Feizhu はいぬし "Deposed Ruler", Modi すえみかど "Last Emperor", or Shaodi しょうみかど "Child Emperor", or Youzhu 幼主ようしゅ "Infant Ruler". One minor emperor of the Han was called Ruzi Ying 孺子じゅし嬰 "Ying the Kid" (Ying was a common ming name of that time, yet it also means "baby"). Rulers that were not bestowed a honorific title or a temple name are called by other means, for instance, the name of their territory before they became emperor, like the Prince of Hailing うみりょうおう (who was emperor between 1149 and えびす1160), or according to the reign mottos, like the Gengshi Emperor かん更始こうしみかど (r. 23-25 CE). Emperor Song Huizong そう徽宗 (r. 1100-1125) was posthumously called Commandery Prince (junwang of Tianshui 天水てんすいぐんおう because he died as a prisoner of a foreign power.

Table 1. List of posthumous honorific titles
This list is based on the titles of ruling persons of the Zhou period (Zhou kings and regional rulers), as well as the rulers of all imperial dynasties. The translations are tentative.
あいai the Lamentable
やすan the Peaceful
なりcheng the Completer
たかしchong the Venerated
おきchong the Offender
chu the Last
じゅんchun the Faithful
だいda the Great
dai the Respectful
だいdai the Representative
みちdao the Well-Led
dao the Mournful
とくde the Virtuous
じょうding the Settler
du the Careful
はしduan the Upright
e the Honest
きょうgong the Reverent
ともgong the Common (=きょう)
ひかりguang the Bright
he the Harmonious
えびすhu the Reckless
ふところhuai the Mindful
huan the Effector
めぐみhui the Benevolent
hui the Honourable
jian the Simple
ふしjie the Integer
けいjing the Honorable
けいjing the Luminous
せいjing the Tranquil
jing the Quiet
かんkang the Strong
こうkao the Deceased
ただしkuang the Corrector
li the Severe
li the Well-Ordered
れつlie the Eminent
れいling the Clever
min the Grievable
min the Commiserated
min the Confused
min the Grievable
あきらming the Luminous
きよしmu the Respectful
nan the Embarrassed
やすしning the Peaceful
ひらたping the Appeaser
qin the Respected
ころqing the Inclined
ひとしren the Human
rui the Wise
shang Young Deceased
かみshen the Godlike
まきshen the Careful
きよしsheng the Holy
こえsheng the Famous
じゅんshun the Obedient
おもえsi the Thoughtful
su the Reverential
ふとしtai the Grand
みつるtong the Encompassing
wei the Mighty
ぶんwen the Cultured
たけwu the Martial
xi the Blessed
xi the Joyful
xi the Brilliant
xi the Dawning
あらわxian the Clear
けんじxian the Dedicated
けんxian the Intelligent
じょうxiang the Accomplisher
こうxiao the Filal
しんxin the Trustful
きょうxing the Prosperous
きゅうxiu the Completed
xu the Intimate
せんxuan the Propagator
げんxuan the Mysterious
へりくだxun who Abdicated
yang the Brilliant
えきyi the Amiable
yi the Modest
えびすyi the Respectful
よしyi the Kind
あつしyi the Resolute
かくれyin the Obscured
えいying the Flowering
かそけyou the Darkened
もとyuan the Originator
zao the Hot-tempered
あきらzhang the Exemplary
あきらzhao the Prominent
あきらzhe the Wise
さだzhen the Devoted
しんzhen the True
しつzhi the Elementarious
ただしzhong the Loyal
そうzhuang the Dignified

The late Han-period book Duduan 獨斷どくだん, written by Cai Yong 蔡邕 (132-192), includes a list explaining of based on which personal characteristics posthumous titles were bestowed:

たがえばらいなり曰隱,[...]あいみんこうあずか曰惠,ひじりよし同文どうぶん曰宣,聲聞しょうもんせんとお曰昭,かつていわざわいらん曰武,聰明そうめい睿智曰獻,溫柔おんじゅうひじりよし曰懿,ぬのとくよし曰穆[...] Disobedient and imperfect persons are called "Hidden", [...] those who love the people and like to give are called "Benevolent", the virtuous and erudite are called "Propagator", the famous and far-reaching are called "Prominent", settlers of disorder are called "Martial", smart and farsighted persons are called "Dedicated", soft and virtuous men are called "Modest", and distributors of virtue and conservers of righteousness are called "Respectful" [...]

The temple name (miaohao びょうごう)

The temple name was bestowed upon a deceased emperor and was written on a tablet used during offerings in the dynastic altar (taimiao ふとしびょう). Temple names were first used during the Shang period and continued to be bestowed on dynastic ancestors until the end of the Qing dynasty. It was common that the founder of a dynasty was called Taizu ふとし, Gaozu 高祖こうそ or Shizu , their successors were often called Taizong ふとしむね or Shizong むね.

Before the Sui period the use of temple names was restricted to important rulers whose life had a great impact on the empire or the dynasty. The emperors Jing かんけいみかど (r. 157-141 BCE), Zhao かんあきらみかど (r. 87-74 BCE) and Ling かんれいみかど (r. 167-188) of the Han dynasty, for instance, did not have temple names. From the Tang period onwards, all emperors were given temple names. At the same time the designations for the temple names were combined with that of the posthumous honorific titles (yihao 謚號), like Wenzong ぶんむね or Wuzong たけはじめ. The term zu was practically given up, and all emperors had a temple name including the term zong. Temple names were also granted to an emperor's father and paternal grandfather that had not been rulers. This is called "posthumous investiture" (zhuifeng ついふう). These persons of common origin were thus made emperor after their death. The temple name of the founder of the Song dynasty for instance, Zhao Kuangyin ちょうただしたね, was Song Taizu そうふとし (r. 960-976). His father Zhao Hongyi ちょうひろしいん (899-956) was posthumously called Emperor Xuanzu そうせん, his grandfather Zhao Jing ちょうたかし Emperor Jizu そうつばさ, his great-grandfather Zhao Ting ちょう珽 Emperor Shunzu そうじゅん, and his great-great-grandfather Zhao Tiao ちょう朓 Emperor Gaozu そう高祖こうそ.

Table 2. The most important temple names
高祖こうそ Gaozu High Ancestor
こうはじめ Gaozong High Forebear
こうみかど Gaodi High Emperor
ふとし Taizu Grand Ancestor
ふとしむね Taizong Grand Forebear
嗣宗 Sizong Inheritor-Forebear
ちゅうむね Zhongzong Central/New Forebear
Shizu Generation Ancestor
むね Shizong Generation Forebear
元宗もとむね Yuanzong Original Forebear
始祖しそ Shizu Beginning Ancestor

Because virtually all dynasties have their Gaozu, Gaozong, Taizu or Taizong (Tang Taizu からふとし, Song Taizu そうふとし, Liao Taizu りょうふとし, Jin Taizu 金太きんた, Yuan Taizu もとふとし, Ming Taizu 明太めんたい, Qing Taizu せいふとし)), it is very important to always add the name of the dynasty to avoid confusion about which Gaozu or Taizong is meant. In this form, the designation Tang Taizong or Song Gaozong is a kind of parallel to the "civilian" name (family plus personal name), and using the lonely name "Gaozong" would be the same as speaking of "King Henry" (which number? English or French?).

The pre-Zhou rulers (Xia and Shang) had other systems to address their ancestors. They called their forefathers with a number according to the Ten Celestial Stems, like Waibing そとへい "Outer III", Zhongren ちゅうみずのえ "Middle IX", Taijia ふとしかぶと "Great I", Woding 沃丁 "Fertile IV", Taigeng ふとしかのえ "Great VII" etc. Early Zhou-period rulers also partially use this system, like Qi Dinggong ひとしちょうこう or Qi Guigong ひとしみずのとこう. These numbers are not a counting of rulers with the same name, like Henry I, Henry II, but were given according to a genealogical system.

The reign motto (nianhao 年號ねんごう)

See more on reign mottos in the article on the Chinese calendar

Reign mottos were adopted by almost all emperors from the early Former Han period on. These mottos had often an auspicious or positive character or expressed the majesty of the ruler's ambitions. Emperor Wu of the Han was the first ruler who regularly proclaimed reign mottos. Reign mottos might change every few years (Empress Wu Zetian used 17 mottos during her 20-years long reign), but there are some examples when emperors changed their motto after a few months, often in connection with a political plan or enterprise. This can be very confusing because one year can be referred to by several different reign mottos, like the year 692 that was the third year with the reign motto Tianshou 天授てんじゅ "Celestial instruction", yet in the fourth month (approx. May-Jun) the reign motto Ruyi 如意にょい "As we wish" was chosen, and in the ninth month (approx. Oct-Nov) the motto Changshou 長壽ちょうじゅ "Longevity". Similarly confusing is a period of time when several dynasties reigned China. The year 1066, for example, was the third year with the reign motto Zhiping 治平じへい "Ruling to peace" in the Northern Song empire, the second year with the reign motto Xianyong 咸雍 "Everything in harmony" in the Liao empire and the fourth year with the reign motto Gonghua 拱化 "Towards an all-embracing [policy]" in the Western Xia empire.

From the Ming period on, all rulers only chose one reign motto that was valid for the whole period of their rule. The reign mottos of the Ming and Qing emperors are therefore in the West (and sometimes also in China) erroneously used like a personal name of the ruler, like "Emperor Kangxi" instead of a correct "the Kangxi Emperor" (Kangxi di かん熙帝 "the emperor of [the reign motto] 'Strong brilliance'"). The change of the reign motto was called gaiyuan 改元かいげん "change over to a (new) beginning". When a new emperor mounted the throne it was common that the reign motto of his predecessor (in most cases, the new emperor's father) was retained until the first day of the next year. Such a proclamation was often combined with a great amnesty (dashe 大赦たいしゃ).

Titles of nobility

See also the five ranks of nobility and female officials.

In historiography, persons are more likely to be called with their title of nobility (juelu 爵祿しゃくろく) than with their personal name. The most important titles are, of course wang "king/prince" and huangdi "emperor" (in combination with names also shortly called di or huang or enlarged to xiao...di こう...みかど, meaning "filial"). The five titles of nobility (wujue 爵) through all ages were gong おおやけ "Duke" (like Lu Aigong 魯哀こう Duke Ai of Lu), hou ほう "Marquis" (like Jin Wenhou すすむぶんこう "Duke Wen of Jin), bo はく "earl", zi "Viscount" and nan おとこ "Baron".

From imperial times on the title wang is to be translated as "Prince" if the bearer of the title was related to the imperial house (which is in most cases the fact). During the Qing period this title was called qinwang 親王しんのう "Relative Prince" (like Gong qinwang きょう親王しんのう "Prince Gong"). If a ruler was not accepted as a rightful emperor by historiographers he was called zhu しゅ "Ruler" (like Shu Qianzhu しょくぜんあるじ, Shu Qianzhu しょくさきぬし or Shu Houzhu しょくぬし).

A very generic term for ruler is jun きみ "Lord", like in Lord Mengchang はじめ嘗君 or Lord Shang しょうくん. This title was in pre-imperial times bestowed like a title of nobility and was endowed with an estate. With the foundation of the empire the term came out of use and was degraded to a very polite adress, something like "Sir".

During the Spring and Autumn period the personal names of members of the nobility are indeed very complex. Sui Hui ずいかい, for instance, had the personal name Shi Hui かい and the courtesy name Shi Ji . His estate included the territories of Sui ずい and Fan 范, for which reason he is also known as Sui Hui or Fan Hui 范會, as head of the house of Fan 范. His posthumous title is Fan Wuzi 范武 or Sui Wuzi ずい武子たけし.

The term for Queen or Empress is hou きさき. The etymology of this word and character is still under discussion. It could either have been a female equivalent to the male si つかさ "governor" (which is quite improbable) or a picture of a wife giving birth to a son (a heir), or an alternative writing for こう "ruler" (like in the name of the Zhou dynasty's mythological ancestor Hou Ji きさききび, the "Lord of Millet"). After the death of her husband, a queen or empress became a taihou ふとしきさき "Empress Dowager" (or Queen Dowager, in pre-imperial times). After the death of her son a taihuang taihou 太皇太后たいこうたいこう "Grand Empress Dowager". Empresses can be called with their family name, like Lü Hou "Empress Lü", but are much more often tied to their husband in the shape of Gaozu Taimu Huanghou Dou shi 高祖こうそふとしきよし皇后こうごう竇氏 "Empress Taimu (the Great Respectful) of Emperor Gaozu, Ms Dou". Favourites of an emperor that were not officially given the title of Empress (that was reserved to one person only) were called fei "consort".

Princesses are called gongzhu 公主こうしゅ, like Yongtai gongzhu えいやすし公主こうしゅ "Princess Everlasting Greatness". Like Empresses, their name was tied to that of her husband, like Lu Yuan gongzhu 魯元公主こうしゅ "The Princess of [King] Yuan of Lu". Also here, personal names are totally neglected by historiographers. The daughter of a prince was called wangzhu おうぬし.

For court ladies, there were many different titles corresponding to a certain rank and income. The most often seen of these titles are furen 夫人ふじん "Lady", meiren 美人びじん "Beauty", jieyu 婕妤 "Lady of Handsome Fairness" and guifei "Honoured consort" (see female officals).

The religious name (fahao 法號ほうごう)

Buddhist monks and nuns adopted with their ordination, like in the West ("Sister Eusebia"), a religious name. These names have traditionally two syllables. The most famous among them are Xuanzang げん奘 (a special reading, meaning of 奘 not clear), Faxian ほうあらわ "Evidence of the dharma (the Buddha's teachings)", Jianzhen 鑑真がんじん "Mirroring the truth", or Konghai 空海くうかい "Sea of emptiness". The real names of these persons are only to be found in their biographies but are not used outside of such. It is common that Buddhist names are headed by the term Shi しゃく (from Shijiamouni 釋迦牟尼しゃかむに "Shākyamuni") to indicate that they were monks, and as a kind of replacement for the missing family name, like Shi Sengyou しゃくそうゆう "Monk Sengyou". Monks of the Chan school (Zen) adopted longer names than those of the traditional schools, for instance, Linji Qixuan 臨濟げん (d. 866), Xuefeng Yicun ゆきみねよしそん (822-908), or Dahui Zonggao だいとしそう杲 (1089-1163).

Daoists did not follow such strict rules. Their "patriarchs" continued using their original name. Yet there was an abundant treasure of honorific titles for deities in the Daoist Heaven like Taishang Laojun ふとしじょうろうくん "Old Lord of the Utmost Heights" for Laozi 老子ろうし or Nanhua zhenren みなみはな真人まさと "Perfect Man of the Southern Florescence" for Zhuangzi そう. More "human" persons also adopted picturesce epitheta like Qingyuan zhenren あおもと真人しんじん "Perfect Man of the Azure Origin", Hunranzi こんしか "Master of the Primordial Chaos", Chisongzi 赤松あかまつ "Master Red Pine", Haichan dijun うみ蟾帝くん "Imperial Lord Sea Cicada" or Zhenyi xiansheng 貞一さだいち先生せんせい "Master Pure Unity". Among Daoist patriarchs it was common that they changed their family names, in order to "inherit" the family name of the line.

Terms of address

In ancient China the term sheng なま "Master" was a common form of polite adress attached to the family name. In modern China it developed into the term xiansheng 先生せんせい "Sir, Mister". Another very polite term of address is gong おおやけ "Master", also attached to the family name. Old men can be called daye だいじい or laoye 老爺ろうや. A female person is called Taitai ふとふと "Ms" and more recently Nüshi おんな "Lady, Madam". An unmarried girl is called xiaojie しょうあね "Mistress", but recently this term can have a somewhat derogatory meaning.

Tang Jiahong から嘉弘よしひろ, ed. (1998). Zhongguo gudai dianzhang zhidu da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい典章てんしょう制度せいどだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 301, 331, 525, 552, 561, 728, 934 (articles by Cao Shusen 曹樹もり and Chu Songbo おそ松波まつなみ).
Wang Yankun おう彦坤, ed. (1997). Lidai bihui zidian 歷代れきだい避諱字典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe).
Xu Yu もと鈺, ed. (1992). Zhonghua fengsu xiaobaike 中華ちゅうか風俗ふうぞくしょう百科ひゃっか (Tianjin: Tianjin renmin chubanshe), 397.