(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Zhao Feiyan 趙飛燕 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Zhao Feiyan ちょう飛燕ひえん

Dec 29, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald

Zhao Feiyan ちょう飛燕ひえん was a consort of Emperor Cheng かんなりみかど (r. 33-7 BCE) of the Han dynasty かん (206 BCE-220 CE).

She was a daughter of Zhao Lin ちょう臨, and was a dancing maid in the household of Princess Yang'a おもね公主こうしゅ. She was known as the "Flying Swallow" (feiyan 飛燕ひえん) because she was able to dance in a bird-like manner. When Emperor Cheng visited the Princess he found great pleasure in the arts and the beauty of Zhao Feiyan and made her his concubine. Not soon after, her sister Zhao Hede ちょうごうとく also entered the imperial harem. Both were made court ladies of the rank of Lady of Handsome Fairness (jieyu 婕妤).

The sisters had conquered the heart of the emperor so that he decided to depose Empress Xu もと皇后こうごう and Lady Ban はん婕妤, his second consort, because of sorcery, and to make Zhao Feiyan his new empress. This step incited the opposition of the Empress Dowager because Zhao Feiyan was of a humble origin. Yet the emperor simply gave Zhao Lin the title of Marquis of Chengyang なりこう, so that she was of noble origin and could be elevated to the position of empress, while Zhao Hede was given the title of a court lady of the rank of Lady of Light Deportment (zhaoyi あきら, see female officals).

Emperor Cheng did not father a son, and even inspite of all attempts of Zhao Feiyan to get pregnant (she was even said to have intercourse with some palace slaves for this purpose), she did not succeed, while Lady Cao 曹宮 and Lady Xu もと美人びじん bore sons to the emperor. Zhao Feiyan had killed all of them, so that in the end, Emperor Cheng decided to name his nephew, Liu Xin りゅう欣, Prince of Dingtao ていすえおう, his heir apparent. When he died, Zhao Hede was forced to commit suicide, while Zhao Feiyan was declared Empress Dowager by Liu Xin (known as Emperor Ai かんあいみかど, r. 7-1 BCE).

After the death of Emperor Ai, when his wife Wang Zhengjun 王政おうせいくん and her nephew Wang Mang おう莽 took over regency, Zhao Feiyan was put into arrest in the Northern Palace (Beigong 北宮きたみや) and was later demoted to a commoner. She was sent to the tomb mound of Emperor Cheng, where she was ordered to care for the offerings in the tomb garden. That same day she committed suicide.

Xue Hong 薛虹 et al., ed. (1998). Zhongguo huangshi gongting cidian 中國ちゅうごく皇室こうしつ宫廷辭典じてん (Changchun: Jinlin wenshi chubanshe), 820.