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Regency (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Feb 14, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Regency (shezheng 攝政せっしょう) was a legal means to hold up government affairs for a child emperor (nian you としよう) or if an emperor was seriously ill. It was executed by one or several persons.

The paradigm of a regent was the Duke of Zhou しゅうこう, who during the early Western Zhou period 西にしあまね (11th cent.-770 BCE) reigned (jianzuo er zhi 踐阼而治 "he rose the steps [to the throne] and arranged [political matters]", from Liji れい, ch. Wenwang shizi ぶんおう世子せいし) for the young ruler King Cheng しゅうしげるおう (trad. r. 1116-1079 BCE).

In his book Xinyu 新語しんご, Lu Jia りく賈 (240-170) explained that a regent (fuzheng 輔政) was someone with a "high standing like a Saint" (yi shengren ju gaochu shang 以聖じんきょだかしょじょう) and used to govern with "kindheartedness and righteousness" (yi ren yi wei chao仁義じんぎため) in order to steer through dangers "with the stave of a Saint and worthy" (yi shengxian wei zhang 以聖かしこためつえ). A good regent was a person of softness, warmth, and austerity.

In fact, contemporaries of the Duke charged him with attempted usurpation. His regency initiated a debate over the role of ministers in the Zhou kingdom, in which the Duke of Zhou gave privileges to ministers over kings, while the Duke of Shao 召公 supported the king's prerogative to rule as the Son of Heaven (Shaugnessy 1993).

There were indeed several cases in history, when a regent replaced the ruling dynasty, for instance, Wang Mang おう莽 (45 BCE-23 CE), who overthrew the Former Han 前漢ぜんかん (206 BCE-8 CE) and founded the Xin dynasty しん (8-23 CE), or Cao Pi 曹丕 (187-226), who ended the Later Han かん (25-220 CE) and founded the Wei dynasty (220-265).

In the early imperial age, the Empress Dowager (huanghou 皇后こうごう), the widowed primary consort of a deceased ruler, took normally over regency. The most famous examples are Empress Dowager Lü りょふとしきさき (d. 180 BCE) from the early Former Han, Empress Wu Zetian 武則たけのりてん (regent 684-690, ruler 690-704) from the Tang とう (618-907), and Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧ふとしきさき (1835-1908) from the late Qing きよし (1644-1911) period.

Yet there are also plenty of examples when brothers or other close relatives of empresses dowager took over regency, particularly during the Han period, as for instance, Huo Guang 霍光 (d. 68 BCE) or He Jin なんしん (d. 189 CE).

During the early Qing, a consortium of regents run the state during the youth of the Shunzhi 順治じゅんじみかど (r. 1643-1661) and the Kangxi やすし熙帝 (r. 1661-1722) emperors. The most famous of these regents were Dorgon (Ch. Duo'ergun なんじ袞, 1612-1650) and Oboi (Ch. Aobai 鰲拜, c. 1610-1669). Zaifeng 灃 (1883–1951), Prince Chun あつし親王しんのう, reigned for his son, the three-year old Xuantong Emperor せんすべみかど (r. 1908-1912).

When a young emperor came of adulthood he "personally took over the government" (qinzheng 親政しんせい).

The term shezheng was still used in the Republican era (1912-1949), when the cabinet (neige 內閣) took over the executive of the post of President (da zongtong だい總統そうとう), for instance, Prime Minister (guowu zongli 國務こくむ總理そうり) Gao Lingwei だかしのげ霨 (1870-1940) in 1923 and Prime Minister Gu Weijun 顧維ひとし (Wellington Koo, 1888-1985) in 1927.

The regency of an empress dowager was called linchao chengzhi 臨朝しょうせい "face the court and pronounce edicts" or linchao tingzheng 臨朝聽政 "face the court and listen to governmental affairs", even if this expression is normally used for an active ruler. The commentator to the official dynastic history Hanshu 漢書かんしょ, Yan Shigu かおいにしえ (581-645), explains that there were two types of documents issued by an emperor, namely edicts or decrees (zhishu せいしょ), and proclamations or announcements (zhaoshu 詔書しょうしょ). A reigning empress dowager was actually not allowed to pronounce edicts. This argument is directed (unless Yan's argument is wrong) against Empress Dowager Lü from the early Former Han period, but would also be applicable to Empress Dowager Liu りゅうふとしきさき (Empress Zhangxian あきらけんじきさき, 968-1033), who reigned "by pronouncing edicts" (linchao chengzhi) for the Song そう (960-1279) emperor Renzong そうひとしそう (r. 1022-1063).

The regency of an empress dowager was a common and legal means of securing the regular process of day-to-day government. During the late Qing period, Empress Dowagers Ci'an 慈安ふとしきさき (1837-1881) and Cixi, primary and secondary consorts of the Xianfeng Emperor 咸豐みかど (r. 1850-1861), were several times formally invited to take over regency for a young emperor, first for Cixi's son, the Tongzhi Emperor どうみかど (r. 1861-1874), and then two times for her nephew, the Guangxu Emperor こういとぐちみかど (r. 1874-1908). Yet in practice, the daily business of government was first carried out by a consortium of Eight Regents (guming ba da chen 顧命はち大臣だいじん) consisting of Princes and ministers. Yet this consortium was soon dissolved, and the Princes Gong きょう親王しんのう (I Hin 奕訢, 1833-1898) and Chun あつしぐんおう (I Huwan 奕譞, 1840-1891, both being uncles of the emperor) took over regency.

During the childhood of the Guangxu Emperor, statutes regulated the female regency (Taihou chuilian zhangcheng ふとしきさきたれすだれ章程しょうてい). As the regency was nominally carried out by the two Empresses Dowager, the circumstance was called "regency by the two palaces" (lianggong tingzheng りょうみや聽政). In 1881, Empress Dowager Ci'an passed away, allowing Cixi to reign alone until 1888. Ten years later, the Emperor's reforms (see Hundred Days' Reform) were ended by a conservative coup d'état, and Cixi again took over regency in the form of "instructive government" (xunzheng くんせい).

The formalities to be observed were similar during the Song period, when Empress Meng はじめ (primary consort of Emperor Zhezong そうあきらそう, r. 1085-1100) was asked to reign for two short intervals in 1127 and 1129. She played an important role in securing the accession to the throne of Emperor Gaozong そうだかむね (r. 1127-1162) of the Southern Song みなみそう (1127-1279).

Since the Tang period it was common that reigning Empress Dowagers sat behind a bamboo curtain (lian すだれ) during court sessions and audiences. The ususal term for a female regency is therefore chuilian tingzheng たれすだれ聽政 or chuilian tingjue たれすだれ聽決 "listening to and deciding over policial affairs from behind the curtain". Empress Wu Zetian was perhaps the first female regent who sat behind a curtain hanging down from behind the throne (yuzuo hou 御座ぎょざ). Even if her husband, Emperor Gaozong とうだかむね (r. 649-683), was ruling actively, she assisted him so much that she was called the "Second Holy [Ruler]" (ersheng ひじり). She was the first and only female regent who eventually took over the position of the emperor.

The "ceremony of the hanging curtain" (chuilian yi たれすだれ) was an official form of congratulatory rites (jiali よしみれい, see five rites). At the time of the enthronement of the Tongzhi Emperor, the curtain was apparently just a relict from ancient times. Empress Dowagers Ci'an and Cixi received documents and decided in front of the curtain, and not behind. Quite interestingly, it was the Guangxu Emperor who was hidden behind a satin screen (shaping しゃへい) with the two regents as long as he had not taken over government affairs. Each document was formally submitted in three copies, so the emperor and the two female regents had formally one at hand.

The term jianguo かんこく "supervisor of the state" (see also liushou 留守るす, resident regents) was mainly used for temporary regents overseeing government business when the emperor was outside the capital, for instance, during a military campaign or on an inspection or hunting tour. The function was usually carried out by the Heir Apparent or a high dignitary, in case of the Emperor Chengzu's 明成めいせい (r. 1402-1424) campaign in 1410 even by the Imperial Grandson (huang zhangsun すめらぎちょうまご) Zhu Danji しゅ瞻基, the eventual Emperor Xuanzong あかりせんむね (r. 1426-1435). The term was first used in the history book Guoyu 國語こくご (ch. Jinyu すすむ 1) and the Classic Zuozhuan ひだりでん (Mingong 閔公 2).

The word zhizheng 執政しっせい, lit. "hold the government" was an ancient expression for control over government affairs by an individual official and his clients. This was not illegal, but might have the connotation of unjust dominance over potential rivals. The word is even used as a neutral term in the sense of "to execute government affairs". One example for a negative use is the abuse of power by court eunuchs during the Later Han period. They "dominated" the government without having government positions. The word zhizheng was used as a verbal phrase as well as for the persons in power.

During the Song period, zhizheng became an official designation of a function and was a general reference to vice grand cousellors (fuxiang ふくそう) serving in the Administration Chamber (zhengshi tang 政治せいじどう) where the most important central government decisions were made; all held primary appointments in the Secretariat-Chancellery (zhongshu menxia sheng 中書ちゅうしょ門下もんかしょう) or the Bureau of Military Affairs (shumiyuan 樞密院すうみついん). (Hucker 1985: 939). The word designated all high officials of the inner circle of the government – apart from the Counsellor-in-chief (zaixiang 宰相さいしょう), namely Vice Grand Counsellors (can zhizheng shi まいり政事せいじ), Military Affairs Commissioners (shumishi くるる密使みっし), Vice Military Affairs Commissioners (shumi fushi 樞密すうみつ副使ふくし), Notaries of the Bureau of Military Affairs (qianshu shumiyuan shi 簽書樞密院すうみついんごと), Administrators of the Bureau of Military Affairs (zhi shumiyuan shi 樞密院すうみついんごと), Associate Administrators (tongzhi shumiyuan shi どう樞密院すうみついんごと), Left and Right Aides in the Imperial Secretariat (shangshu zuocheng 尚書しょうしょひだりすすむ, shangshu youcheng 尚書しょうしょみぎすすむ), Vice Directors in the Palace Secretariat (zhongshu shilang 中書ちゅうしょさむらいろう), and Vice Directors in the Chancellery (menxia shilang 門下もんかさむらいろう).

The Jurchen-Jin dynasty きむ (1115-1234) used the word as an alternative name for the Left and Right Aides in the Imperial Secretariat and the Vice Grand Councellors, and the Yuan もと (1279-1368) as a synonym of the Left and Right Aides of the Palace Secretariat (zhongshu zuo cheng 中書ちゅうしょひだりすすむ, zhongshu youcheng 中書ちゅうしょみぎすすむ). All of these posts were defined as "assistants" to the Counsellor-in-chief.

The word zhizheng was still used in 1924, when the warlord Duan Qirui だん祺瑞 (1865-1936) created a provisional cabinet (linshi zhengfu 臨時りんじ政府せいふ), in which he held the post of "executive head" (zhizheng 執政しっせい).

The term zhuanzheng せんせい has two meanings. The stronger sense is that an individual person and his clansmen dominate political affairs and the executive, like the family Luan 欒 in the state of Jin すすむ, the Three Huan families さん桓 in Lu 魯 during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent. BCE), or Wang Mang during the late Former Han period. This meaning has a slight connotation of illegality, even if the dominant officials held their functions rightfully. In modern Chinese therefore, the word zhuanzheng means "dictatorship". In a weaker sense, the term zhuanzheng just means "to act as an executive, to reign" (same as zhizheng 執政しっせい). The Chinese term for an usurpation or illegal interference into the executive was shanzheng 擅政.

He Xuzhi 旭志きょくし, ed. (1991). Zhongguo lidai zhiguan cidian 中國ちゅうごく歷代れきだいしょくかん辭典じてん (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 173.
Hucker, Charles O. (1985), A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
Li Bingzhong 秉忠, Wei Canjin まもる燦金, Lin Conglong りんしたがえりゅう, ed. (1990). Jianming wenshi zhishi cidian 簡明かんめいぶん知識ちしきてん (Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe), 458.
Li Jingwen けいぶん (1998). "Zhizheng 執政しっせい", in Tang Jiahong から嘉弘よしひろ, ed. Zhongguo gudai dianzhang da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい典章てんしょう制度せいどだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 1084.
Lü Zongli りょそうつとむ, ed. (1994). Zhongguo lidai guanzhi da cidian 中國ちゅうごく歷代れきだい官制かんせいだい辭典じてん (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe), 352, 684.
Luo Zhufeng たけふう, ed. (1990). Hanyu da cidian 漢語かんごだいてん (Beijing: Hanyu da cidian chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1077, 1131, 1270; Vol. 6, 726, 925, 970; Vol. 7, 1444.
Pi Chunxie がわじゅんきょう, Xu Liming じょさとしあきら, Cao Wenguang 曹文こう, ed. (1986). Jianming zhengzhixue cidian 簡明かんめい政治せいじがく辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe), 645.
Shaughnessy, Edward L. (1993). "The Duke of Zhou's Retirement in the East and the Beginning of the Ministerial-Monarch Debate in Chinese Political Philosophy", Early China, 18: 41-72.
Wang Songling おうまつよわい, ed. (1991). Shiyong Zhongguo lishi zhishi cidian 實用じつよう中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし知識ちしき辭典じてん (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 260.
Xue Hong 薛虹 et al., ed. (1998). Zhongguo huangshi gongting cidian 中國ちゅうごく皇室こうしつ宮廷きゅうてい辭典じてん (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 79.
Yan Chongxian がおたかしけんじ (1998). "Jianguo かんこく", in Tang Jiahong から嘉弘よしひろ, ed. Zhongguo gudai dianzhang zhidu da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい典章てんしょう制度せいどだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 366.
Zhang Xiufang ちょうしげるよし (1996). "Fuzheng 輔政", in Feng Kezheng 馮克ただし, Fu Qingsheng でんけいます, ed. Zhuzi baijia da cidian 諸子しょしひゃくいえだい辭典じてん (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 320.