(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
shumiyuan 樞密院 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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shumiyuan 樞密院すうみついん, the Bureau of Military Affairs

Dec 30, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

The shumiyuan 樞密院すうみついん "Bureau of Military Affairs" was the highest instiution in the military hierarchy of the political system from the Five Dynasties period 五代ごだい (907-960) to the end of the Yuan period もと (1279-1368). It was headed by a shumishi くるる密使みっし "Military Affairs Commissioner". The term shumishi was introduced by Emperor Daizong とうだいむね (r. 762-779) of the Tang dynasty とう (618-907) when it was used for a provisional palace secretary (the work of which was actually be taken over by the Palace Secretariat zhongshusheng 中書ちゅうしょしょう). The post of this novel institution were occupied by eunuchs. Although it was not really regularized, the secretaries wielded greatest power and were able to determine the accession to the throne, and the appointment and dismission of chief ministers. The two shumishi ("palace secretaries") and the commanders of the capital Army of Inspired Strategy (shencejun かみさくぐん, concretely spoken, the two palace commandant-protectors, hujun zhongwei まもるぐん中尉ちゅうい and palace protectors, zonghujun なかまもるぐん) were so powerful that they were called the "four nobles" (sigui よんたか).

The Later Liang dynasty はり (907-923) founded the institution of the Office for the Veneration of Governance (Chongzhengyuan たかしせいいん), in which state officials were employed that administered important military matters. The first holder of the office of shumishi was Jiang Xuanhui 蔣玄あきら (d. 906), the dynastic founder's trusted minister. The Later Tang dynasty とう (923-936) changed the name of the Chongzhengyuan to shumiyuan, the ancient name of the Palace Secretariat. Its head, the shumishi, assisted the Left Counsellor-in-Chief (zuo zaixiang ひだり宰相さいしょう) and was specialized on military affairs. His status was further elevated after the foundation of the Song dynasty そう (960-1279). While the regular Palace Secretariat (zhongshusheng) was responsible for civilian matters, the Shumiyuan administered military affairs. Both were called the "two offices" (erfu ) or the "two places" (erdi ), the former the "Western Office" (xifu 西府にしふ), the latter the "Eastern Office" (dongfu ひがし).

Head of the Bureau of Military Affairs was the Military Affairs Commissioner (shumishi), also called Administrator of the Bureau of Military Affairs (zhi shumiyuan shi 樞密院すうみついんごと), when the holder of the office was nominally holding another position. His deputy was called Vice Military Affairs Commissioner (shumi fushi 樞密すうみつ副使ふくし) or Administrator of the Bureau of Military Affairs (tongzhi shumiyuan shi どう樞密院すうみついんごと, when he nominally held another post). The notaries of the bureau were called qianshu shumiyuan shi 簽書樞密院すうみついんごと, and vice notaries tong qianshu shumiyuan shi どう簽書樞密院すうみついんごと. Between 1078 and 1089 the offices of the commissioner and the vice commissioner were called zheng zhangguan せい長官ちょうかん and fu zhangguan ふく長官ちょうかん.

Towards the end of the Northern Song period きたそう (960-1126), numerous high state officials were bestowed the honorific title of Military Affairs Commissioner. The position was often held concurrently by the Counsellor-in-chief.

After the defeat of the Song by the Jurchens in 1126 and the foundation of the Southern Song みなみそう (1127-1279), the Bureau of Military Affairs was reinvigorated, and the office of shumishi was elevated above that of zhi shumiyuan shi. It was common to appoint a civilian official with the post of Military Affairs Commissioner, following the concept of premature of the civilian realm over the military realm. The Counsellor-in-chief often acted concurrently as Military Affairs Commissioner (shumishi and zhi shumiyuan shi), but it was also common that the Vice Commissioner acted concurrently as Participant in Determining Governmental Matters (can zhizheng shi まいり政事せいじ).

The Bureau of Military Affairs was divided into six departments (fang ぼう) that managed affairs according to the traditional division of the Six Ministries (liubu ろく), namely military, personnel, finance, rites, justice and works. The departments were headed by a Recipient of Edicts (chengzhi うけたまわむね, later called Chief Recipient of Edicts du chengzhi うけたまわむね), and each department by one or two Vice Repicipents of Edicts (fu chengzhi ふくうけたまわむね). The number of departments was gradually increased. At the beginning of the Southern Song period there were already more than twenty departments that were in 1127 reduced to the traditional six, and one for miscellaneous matters.

When the Kitans founded the Liao dynasty りょう (907-1125) in the northern part of China, they adopted many parts of the the political system of the Five Dynasties. The first Military Affairs Commissioner was the defector Li Song 崧 (d. 948). He was responsible for the administration of the Chinese military units, while those of the Kitan federation remained in the hands of the Kitan princes. It was therefore also called "Southern" or "Chinese" Military Affairs Bureau (nan shumiyuan みなみ樞密院すうみついん, Han shumiyuan かん樞密院すうみついん). Emperor Shizong りょうむね (r. 947-950) founded a Bureau of Military Affairs for the Kitan people that was divided into a northern and a southern department. The northern department administered military matters, the southern department civilian matters.

The Jurchens in 1123 similarly founded a Bureau of Military Affairs to administer the surrendering Kitan and Chinese military units. Two years later Emperor Taizong 金太きんたむね (r. 1123-1134) founded the Chief Military Command (du yuanshuai fu 元帥げんすい). Prince Hailing うみりょうおう (r. 1149-1160) later renamed this institution shumiyuan. The traditionalist Emperor Zhangzong きむあきらそう (r. 1189-1208) preferred the older name in 1206, but in 1208 chose the term shumiyuan again.

The Mongols also adopted this institution. The post of shumishi was normally held by the heir apparent of the Yuan dynasty もと (1279-1368), but in fact left vacant, while the Bureau was guided by the zhi shumiyuan shi. In the beginning of his uprising against the Mongol Yuan dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang しゅもとあきら (Emperor Taizu 明太めんたい, r. 1368-1398), founder of the Ming dynasty あきら (1368-1644), created temporary Bureaus of Military Affairs, but he decided to abolish this term in 1361, and to replace it with that of Chief Military Command (da dudu fu だいとく).

Chen Zhen ひね, Wu Yue おど (1992). "Shumiyuan 樞密院すうみついん", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 2, 950-951.
Fang Jiliu かたせきろく (1992). "Shumishi くるる密使みっし", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 2, 950.
Designations, as far as possible, according to Charles O. Hucker (1985), A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China (Stanford, Cf.: Stanford University Press).