(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Zhou Period Regional States (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Zhou Period Regional States

Nov 8, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

The kings of the Zhou Dynasty しゅう (11th cent.-221 BCE) secured domination over a vast territory by giving distant or critical regions into the hands of regional rulers (zhuhou 諸侯しょこう, see political system), many of them related to the royal house by kinship. The rulers over these secondary states (regional states) were granted titles of nobility, like marquis (hou ほう), or viscount (bo はく). While many of the smaller regional states were conquered by larger ones during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent. BCE), the remaining of the regional rulers began during the Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE) to appropriate the title of king (wang おう).

For the Western Zhou 西にしあまね (11th cent.-770 BCE) and Spring and Autumn periods, traditional Chinese historians provide the annals and more or less complete ruler lists of 13 regional states (incl. the semi-barbarian state of Wu ), and for the Warring States period those of 7 states (including Qin はた). Information about lesser states is scarce, even if the ruler lists and genealogies of some houses can be reconstructed.

The regional rulers themselves entrusted their own relatives with offices (qing きょう, dafu 大夫たいふ) and territories inside their states. Some of the genealogies of these tertiary states survive in the chronicle Chunqiu-Zuozhuan 春秋しゅんじゅうひだりでん.

Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn Period

ZHOU しゅう (family Ji ひめ)
Cai 蔡 (family Ji ひめ)
Cao 曹 (family Ji ひめ)
Chen ちん (family Gui 嬀)
Chu すわえ (family Mi 羋)
Guo 虢 (family Ji ひめ)
Jin すすむ (family Ji ひめ) : Fan 范 - Han かん - Hu きつね - Luan 欒 - Qi 祁 - Wei たかし - Xi 郤 - Xian さき - Xu 胥 - Yangshe ひつじした - Zhao ちょう - Zhi (Xun 荀) - Zhonghang ちゅうゆき (Xun 荀)
Ju 莒 (family Ji おのれ)
Lu 魯 (family Ji ひめ) : Hou 郈 - Jisun まご - Mengsun はじめまご (Zhongsun なかまご) - Shi ほどこせ - Shusun 叔孫 - Zangsun 臧孫 - Zhan てん
Qi ひとし (family Jiang きょう)
Qi 杞 (family Si 姒)
Qin はた (family Ying 嬴)
Song そう (family Zi )
Teng 滕 (family Ji ひめ)
Wei まもる (family Ji ひめ)
Wu (family Ji ひめ)
Xu もと (family Jiang きょう)
Xue 薛 (family Ren にん)
Yan つばめ (family Ji ひめ)
Yu おそれ (family Ji ひめ)
(Yue こし (family Si 姒) *not part of the Western Zhou state system)
Zheng てい (family Ji ひめ)
Zhu 邾 (family Cao 曹)

Warring States Period

(ZHOU しゅう)
Chu すわえ
Han かん
Qi ひとし
Qin はた
(Song そう)
Wei たかし
(Wei まもる)
Yan つばめ
Zhao ちょう
(Zhongshan 中山なかやま)

Apart from these larger states, there was a abundant number of statelets that were by and by conquered by larger states:

Bei 邶, Bi 畢, Bi 偪, Bin 豳, Bo かしわ, Chao , Cheng しげる/郕, Chui たれ, Dai 戴, Dao どう, Du もり, Er , Fei , Fang ぼう, Feng 酆, Geng 耿, Guan かん, Gui ひのき, Guo 虢, Hua すべり, Huo 霍, Ji あざみ, Ji ごく, Ji 冀, Jiang 蔣, Jiao こげ, Jiao しぼ, Ju 莒, Kang やすし, Kuai 鄶, Kui 夔, Li 厲, Liao たで, Lu ろく (special reading instead of Liu), Long りゅう, Lü りょ, Mao ちがや, Mi みつ, Ni 郳, Pi 邳, Qi 其, Quan けん, Quwo きょく沃, Ran or Na 冉 (冄, 𨚗, 𨚉, Dan 𣆀), Ren にん, Ruo 鄀, Shen さる, Shi 邿, Sui したがえ, Sui たたり, Tan 郯, Tang とう, Teng 滕, Tong きり, Xi いき, Xiang こう, Xiang むこう, Xu もと, Xue 薛, Xun 郇, Yang , Yang あげ, Yi えき, Ying おう, Ying えい, Yong 鄘, Yong 雍, Yu 邘, Yu おそれ, Zeng 繒, Zeng 鄫, Zhang 鄣, Zhou しゅう, Zhu 邾 (Zou 鄒, Zou 陬 or Zhulou 邾婁), Zhu しゅく, Zhu , Zhuan 鄟, Zuo 胙.