(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
wujue 五爵 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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wujue 爵, the Five Ranks of Nobility

Sep 16, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

The wujue 爵 "five titles of nobility" were used throughout history but were subject to change depending on the general constitution of the state administration.

Table 1. The Five Ranks of Nobility (wujue 爵)
おおやけ gong duke
ほう hou marquis
はく bo earl
zi viscount
おとこ nan baron

In the pre-imperial age (before 221 BCE), the titles of nobility were interconnected with the family relationship of the holder towards the ruling house, but afterwards - and partially already before - became an expression of meritocracy. Each of the five titles then express a rank relative to the other titles. In most cases, the bearer of the title of nobility was also entitled to be given a fixed income paid by the state.

The title jun きみ "noble" is rather unspecific and is commonly translated as "lord". In pre-imperial China it is interchangeable with the title hou.

The order of the five titles appears in the book Mengzi 孟子もうし from the late Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE). From inscriptions on bronze vessels it can be seen that the statement in the Mengzi is correct.

About the system of titles of nobility during the Shang period しょう (17th-11th cent. BCE), not much is known, and the meaning and order of the titles remains unclear. The title of fangbo ほうはく seems to have been preferred for rulers not subject to the Shang, while those within Shang territory and submissive to the Shang were called bo or hou. It is still in discussion if tian or dian 甸 were also titles of nobility during the Shang period.

The factual feudal system of the Zhou period (11th cent.-221 BCE)

The title of wang おう was reserved for the Son of Heaven (tianzi 天子てんし), the single powerful ruler of a dynasty, during the Shang as well as during the Zhou period しゅう (11th cent.-221 BCE). Yet the rulers of Non-Chinese states also called themselves king, like the kings of Lü りょ, Xu じょ and Feng ゆたか in the east and Chu すわえ, Wu and Yue えつ in the south and southeast. The last three survived as powerful states into the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent. BCE), Chu even longer.

The title of gong "duke" was reserved for relatives of the house of Zhou, as well as members of the central government, high ministers, or deserved persons. The dukes of Zhou しゅうこう and Shao 召公 were, although being given territories far away from the capital, members of the central government in the west. The dukes of Zhou were concurrently dukes of Lu 魯, and the dukes of Shao concurrently dukes of Yan つばめ (at that time written Yan 郾 or 匽). Other minister-dukes were the dukes of Bi 畢, Ming あきら, Jing , Mao and Rui 芮. Their names are known from historiographical sources as well as from bronze inscriptions on vessels discovered as archaeological findings. After the conquest of the Shang, the kings of Zhou invested their supporters as rulers (hou) over territories in the Central Plain along the Yellow River. Some of them were kinsmen of the house of Zhou (family Ji ひめ), but many others not (like the house of Jiang きょう in Qi ひとし or the house of Gui 嬀 in Chen ひね). Such were Kang やすし, Xing 邢, Teng 滕, Yu おそれ, Xun 荀, Zeng 曾, Jin すすむ, Zheng てい, Chen ひね, Wei まもる, Song そう, Cao 曹, Cai 蔡, Qi ひとし, and so on.

Not all of the names of the regional states are known, and not all of them played an important role in the history of the centuries to come. Interestingly enough, bronze inscriptions prove that the "dukes" of the regional states as mentioned in historiographical sources were originally ennobled as hou "marquis", not as gong "duke". The reason for this is that these states later adopted the title gong and retrospectively raised the title of their ancestors in the house chronicles. It might also have been that not each successor to a regional ruler (zhuhou 諸侯しょこう) was automatically reinstated with the title of his father. The rulers of Zheng and Cao, for example, are sometimes mentioned with the title bo "earl". Some of the regional rulers of the early Zhou period had already existed earlier, under the Shang, and were re-instated during the Zhou (like Chen ひね, Zhu and Ji ).

The title of bo "earl" was mainly reserved for those given a smaller territory around the capital, like the earls of Rong さかえ, Jing , Du もり, Dan たん, San , Zheng ちょう, Guo or Yi えびす. The title of zi "viscount" appears very seldom in bronze inscriptions, and also not often in historiographical sources. Examples are the viscounts of Bei きた and Shen 沈. There is only one example for a holder of the title of nan "barons", i.e. the baron of Xu もと (also written 鄦).

A collective designation for the regional rulers is zhuhou 諸侯しょこう "all the marquesses" which shows that the term hou could also be used generally, and not specifically for the rank of "marquis".

During the Warring States period the system of the five ranks was deeply changed. Fifteenth-generation rulers did not any more see themselves as servants or "officials" of the kings of Zhou but started calling themselves king and used the old system of nobility for internal purposes. It was common to grant deserved persons the title of jun "lord". In the state of Qin はた, that had always stood somewhat outside the traditional system of the Zhou and was only accepted as a regional ruler in 770, a complicated system of 20 ranks of honour was introduced. The holder of each rank was allowed "to be fed" by a fixed number of households (shiyi しょく邑).

The limited feudal system of the early imperial period (202 BCE-581 CE)

The abolishment of feudal titles was not completely executed during the Qin period はた (221-206 BCE), and the Han dynasty かん (206 BCE-220 CE) therefore developmed a new system. In the beginning, the founder of the Han dynasty ennobled deserved followers with the title of "king" (wang おう), while the title of emperor (huangdi 皇帝こうてい) was reserved for himself. When some of the kings rebelled, they were replaced by relatives to the imperial house. From then on, non-relatives could only be ennobled as hou "marquis". Relatives ennobled as wang were in most cases sons and brothers of emperors, and therefore, wang is from the Former Han period 前漢ぜんかん (206 BCE-8 CE) on commonly translated as "prince". A common designation for the princes was zhuhou wang 諸侯しょこうおう, a term to be translated as "the feudal princes", and not (!) as "marquesses and kings". The non-relative kings of the first decade of the Former Han period are termed yixing zhuhou wang 異姓いせい諸侯しょこうおう "feudal princes not relative to the imperial house", or "kings not relative to the imperial house" ("kings", just because they were not relatives).

The marquesses, either relatives or non-relatives, were commonly called liehou 列侯れっこう. Each wang "prince" and hou "marquis" had a lifelong right on this title, he disposed of a territory he could live of, and had the right to pass down the land and the title to his heir. Inheritability (shixi 世襲せしゅう) is the most important feature allowing this system to be called "feudal". For the sake of the security of the imperial line, the territories of the princedoms were several times cut down in size in order to minimize the economical base of the princes of the second and third generations. Such a process even led to a large-scale rebellion in the mid-Former Han period, the rebellion of the seven princes.

In the 400-years long history of the Han dynasty, only Wang Mang おう莽 (45 BCE-23 CE) and Cao Cao 曹操そうそう (155-220) managed to get the title of wang "king" as non-relatives.

Princesses were given so-called "bath towns" (tangmu shiyi 沐食邑).

In early imperial times, there were several grades of marquesses, given districts (xian けん; as xianhou けんこう "district marquis"), townships (xiang さと; as xianghou さとこう "township marquis") or neighbourhoods (ting ちん; as tinghou ちんこう "neighbourhood marquis"). Princes were given a "state" (guo くに; as guowang 國王こくおう "prince of a state") or a commandery (jun ぐん; as junwang ぐんおう "commandery prince"). During the Later Han period かん (25-220 CE), there were many kinsmen of empresses (waiqihou 外戚がいせきこう) and eunuchs (huanzhehou 宦者こう) made marquesses, as well as other persons, by grace (enzehou 恩澤おんたくこう). The three other ranks, bo, zi and nan, were practically not used during the Han period.

The rank of marquis was divided into 19 sub-ranks. The nine highest sub-ranks could only be bestowed to someone who had earned military laurels. The owners of these ranks were tax-exempt. The lower ranks were bestowed because of other merits, for example, during natural calamities or through exemplary behaviour. They could also be purchased under certain conditions by the delivering of grain to the army or to regions where drought or inundations made it necessary to supply the population with grain. During the end of the Later Han period, such ranks of nobility were only granted on paper, and not equipped with an estate.

In case of misdoings, the emperor could take back title and land. If no heir was living, estate and title fell back to the empire and could be transferred to a new person. Sometimes the son of a prince or marquis was given a new title and transferred to another territory, a process called shaofeng 紹封 "joint ennoblement".

After the Han period, there were three layers of nobility. The highest were the wang "princes", the second nobles of five different ranks, and the lowest were the hou "marquesses". The Northern Dynasties 北朝ほくちょう (386~581) made no use of the rank of hou. During the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties 南北なんぼくあさ (300~600), there were still guowang "princes of a state", junwang "commandery princes", and also xianwang けんおう "district princes".

Only few non-relatives were ennobled as princes, a phenomenon much more common during the Northern Dynasties, where a lot of persons not related to the ruling house were made "prince", or, rather "king". Yet their sons were in most cases only allowed to bear the title of gong "duke". For a short time, only princes could be ennobled as junwang, categorized into three groups, determined by the proximity of their relationship to the ruling line (yi fan wang いちはんおう, er fan wang はんおう, san fan wang さんはんおう "regional prince 1st, 2nd and 3rd class"). Only sons of the ruling emperor could be made guowang.

The Western Jin dynasty 西にしすすむ (265-316) allowed the princes to sustain an own army and an own state administration. That a princely state or "princedom" (wangguo 王國おうこく) was governed by a counsellor (xiang そう), was nothing entirely new but was a relict from the Han period. Yet armies of princely states were a modern invention. Such conditions presented an ideal ground for virtual autonomy of princely states, and rebellions of princes against the central government frequently occurred during the Southern and Northern Dynasties period. Below the rank of prince, there were the five ranks of nobility known from the Zhou period. Each of these five ranks was divided into upper and lower, or 1st and 2nd class (daji だいきゅう, ciji ).

Dukes and marquesses were also allowed to sustain an army. It was regulated how many households were necessary to supply a dukedom, a marquisate, and on so on, but only during the Western Jin period. For each rank, a fixed percentage of the tax income of the estate was allowed to be consumed by the holder of the title.

During the Eastern Jin period あずますすむ (317-420), there were no such regulations, and the five ranks were not any more divided into sub-ranks. Their estates were either commanderies or districts. Kings were rated as first grade official ranks (yipinguan 一品いっぴんかん) in the system of the nine grades of state officials, the five other ranks of nobility as second rank officials. From the Eastern Jin period on, they were downgraded to the third to fifth official rank. Under the Northern Zhou dynasty きたあまね (557-581), there were also "dukes of the state" (guogong くにこう), positions occupied by important members of the central government or high generals. There were guogong "dukes of a state", jungong "commandery dukes", xiangong けんこう "district dukes", xianhou けんこう "district marquesses", xianbo けんはく "district earls", xianzi けん "district viscounts" and xiannan けんおとこ "district barons".

Below the five ranks were the "common nobles" (liehou 列侯れっこう), namely xianhou けんこう "district marquesses" (only during the Western Jin), xianghou さとこう "township marquesses" and tinghou ちんこう "neighbourhood marquesses". The Northern Wei dynasty きたたかし (386-534) abolished the ranks of the "common nobles". The lowest ranks of nobility were guanneihou 關内かんないこう "marquis within the passes" (referring to the mountain passes around the ancient metropolitan region of Chang'an 長安ながやす, Shaanxi), guanzhonghou せきちゅうこう "marquis of the passes", and guanwaihou せきそとこう "marquis outside the passes".

Under the Northern Dynasties, there were also vain titles without an estate designated by the prefix san "inactive".

The nominal feudal system of the middle and late imperial period (581-1911)

During the Sui ずい (581-618) and Tang とう (618-907) periods there were princes of the state (qinwang 親王しんのう, official rank 1A), a position exclusively occupied by sons of an emperor, and commandery princes (junwang, official rank 1B), normally occupied by relatives to the imperial house, but from the mid-Tang period on also by non-relatives. Below the princes, there were nine ranks of dukes and marquesses, similar to that mentioned in the prevous paragraphs, but all with the prefix kaiguo 開國かいこく "dynasty-founding". They were given a title of nobility and an official rank but disposed neither of an estate nor of an official post. Compared with the nobles of the Han and Jin dynasties, their political significance had substantially decreased. Their income was derived from a fixed amount of land, decreasing from 100 qing ごろ (see weights and measures) of land for a prince of the state to 5 qing for a xiannan "discrict baron". The land was, furthermore, not inheritable (no so-called yongyetian えいぎょう).

The Song dynasty そう (960-1279) took over the system of titles of nobility from the Tang dynasty, with only minor changes. There were twelve ranks of nobility: qinwang 親王しんのう, siwang 嗣王 "prince presumptive", junwang ぐんおう, guogong くにこう, jungong こおりこう, kaiguo gong 開國かいこくこう, kaiguo jungong 開國かいこくぐんおおやけ, kaiguo xiangong 開國かいこくけんこう, kaiguo hou 開國かいこくこう, kaiguo bo 開國かいこくはく, kaiguo zi 開國かいこく, and kaiguo nan 開國かいこくおとこ. The titles of kaiguo jungong and lower were only bestowed to non-relatives to the ruling house, those above jungong exclusively to relative of the imperial house. Each persons possessing a title of nobility was fed by a fix number of households. The most part of the highest state officials was bestowed a title of nobility.

The Yuan dynasty もと (1279-1368) had a system of eight ranks of nobility, with 12 sub-ranks. The ranks were wang (official rank 1A), junwang (rank 1B), guogong (rank 2A), jungong (rank 2B), junhou (ranks 3A and 3B), junbo (ranks 4A and 4B), xianzi (rank 5A) and xiannan (rank 5B). The first rank was reserved for sons of an emperor, ranks 2 and 3 were granted to members of the imperial house and deserved persons, and the others were bestowed upon persons of high merits.

A more stringent and formal system was established under the Ming dynasty あきら (1368-1644). Sons of an emperor were made qinwang 親王しんのう "princes", the sons of princes became junwang ぐんおう "commandery princes" (in spite of the fact that long before, the system of commanderies had been replaced by prefectures). The sons of commandery princes became zhenguo jiangjun 鎮國將軍しょうぐん "defender-general of the state", the sons of the latter fuguo jiangjun 輔國將軍しょうぐん "bulwark-general of the state", their grandsons fengguo jiangjun たてまつくに將軍しょうぐん "supporter-general of the state", the next generation zhenguo zhongwei 鎮國中尉ちゅうい "defender-commandant of the state", the next generation fuguo zhongwei 輔國中尉ちゅうい "bulwark-commandant of the state", and the lowest title was fengguo zhongwei たてまつくに中尉ちゅうい "supporter-commandant of the state". The last title was inheritable in eternity.

Compared to earlier times, the imperial family and its sidelines was extremely supported. The bearer of each title was not granted a fixed amount of households, as before, but was given a fixed salary in the shape of grain (lumi 祿ろくまい). Another gratification by the state was the right to dispose of an own palace, an own tomb, and an appropriate retinue. The military importance of the princes can be seen in the names of their titles. In fact, the founder of the Ming dynasty bestowed them estates at the northern border with the order to repell any attempts at invasion by Mongolian tribes. The princes entrusted with this task were granted the title of fanwang はんおう *"prince of the border" or saiwang ふさがおう *"prince of the border passes". One of the border princes, Zhu Di しゅ棣 (the Yongle Emperor 永樂えいらくみかど, r. 1403-1424), even was able to usurp the throne of his nephew. Based on his own experience, Zhu Di abolished the border princedoms. From the mid-Ming period on central government tried to get rid of the immense burden to the state coffers required by the appanages to the many princes and their descendants. Princes bearing the title of "commandant" were forbidden to acquire any more tracts of land and were allowed to take part in the state examinations, which meant that they were practically degraded to commoners.

For the non-relatives of the imperial house, there were also the three ranks of gong, hou and bo, with four sub-ranks for each. These ranks were also inheritable, and the owners were entitled to a fixed salary in grain.

The complicated ethnic composition of the Qing empire きよし (1644-1911) made further changes necessary for the inheritable ranks (shijue 爵). There were 14 ranks and 20 sub-ranks for members of the imperial house and the Manchu family of the Gioro (Ch. Jueluo さとし儸).

Table 2. Imperial hereditary nobility of the Qing period
Chinese and transcription Manchurian English (downgrading for each generation until...)
かずせき親王しんのう "heshuo" qinwang hošoi cin wang prince with territory (down to feng'en zhenguo gong)
世子せいし shizi (son of a qinwang, three sub-ranks) sidza heir of an imperial prince
ぐんおう "duoluo" junwang doro-i giyūn wang noble commandery prince (down to feng'en fuguo gong)
長子ちょうし zhangzi (son of a junwang, three sub-ranks) jangdza heir of a commandery prince
かい勒 "duoluo beile" doro-i beile noble lord (down to buru bafen zhenguo gong)
固山こやまかい "gushan beizi" gūsa-i beise banner lord (down to buru bafen fuguo gong)
たてまつおん鎮國こう feng'en zhenguo gong kesi be tuwakiyara gurun be dalire gung defender duke by grace (down to 1st class zhenguo jiangjun)
たてまつおん輔國こう feng'en fuguo gong kesi be tuwakiyara gurun de aisilara gung bulwark duke by grade (down to 1st class fuguo jiangjun)
不入ふにゅうはちふん鎮國こう buru bafen zhenguo gong jakūn ubu de dosimbuhakū gurun be dalire gung lesser ("not encroaching on the Eight Privileges") defender duke (down to feng'en jiangjun)
不入ふにゅうはちふん輔國こう buru bafen fuguo gong jakūn ubu de dosimbuhakū gurun de aisilara gung lesser bulwark duke (down to feng'en jiangjun)
鎮國將軍しょうぐん zhenguo jiangjun (three sub-ranks) gurun de dalire janggin defender-general of the state (down to feng'en jiangjun)
輔國將軍しょうぐん fuguo jiangjun (three sub-ranks) gurun de aisilara janggin bulwark-general of the state (down to feng'en jiangjun)
たてまつくに將軍しょうぐん fengguo jiangjun (three sub-ranks) gurun be tuwakiyara janggin supporter-general of the state (down to feng'en jiangjun)
たてまつおん將軍しょうぐん feng'en jiangjun (three sub-ranks) kesi be tuwakiyara janggin general by grace

Differently to the Ming system, a prince was not automatically granted such a title but had to deserve it, either through military merits (gongfeng こうふう), imperial grace (enfeng おんふう), by inheritance of post (xifeng かさねふう) or by way of examination (kaofeng こうふう). The last possibility was open for the younger sons of a noble that were not entitled to inherit the post of their father, but only to an age of 20 sui. The inheritability was different for each rank.

Posts granted because of merits were inheritable "in eternity" (wuti 罔替). Posts bestowed because of imperial grace and because of successful examintion were only transferrable for a fixed number of generations, and for each generation the rank was diminished one level. The son of a heshuo qinwang automatically obtained the post of a duoluo junwang, the next generation that of doro-i beile, and the fifth-generation descendant obtained the post of a feng'en zhenguo gong. The heirs of him were allowd to bear this title "in eternity". Sidelines, or descendants of younger sons of the first person ennobled were allowed to bear the title of feng'en jiangjun for six generations (xi wu ci zhi かさねとめ), if the ennoblement was granted because of military merits, and for four generations in case of imperial grace or examination. Each generation received a posthumous title (yi おくりな), the first generation with one word or character, and the next generations with two characters (fuyi ふくおくりな).

Nobles given such titles were granted a salary by the state in money (fengyin 俸銀) and in kind (fengmi 俸米), estates and arable land (zhuangtian 莊田しょうだ), pastures (muchang 牧場ぼくじょう), adorned chariots (zhuxuan たまのき), residence (fudi だい), a guard (guanwei かんまもる), special robes (fuwu ふくぶつ), and much more.

The administration of the princes was in the hands of the zongrenfu 宗人むねと "Court of the Imperial Clan" (Manchurian: uksun be kadalara yamun).

Another series of titles was bestowed on the nobility of the Mongols, Uighurs and Tanguts (i.e. Tibetans). Their administration was in the hands of the Court of Colonial Affairs (lifanyuan はんいん). The "inner regents" ǰasaɣ of the Mongols could be granted the titles of qinwang (Mong. čin wang), junwang (Mong. giyün wang), beile (Mong. beile), beizi (Mong. beis), zhenguogong (Mong. tushiye gong) and fuguogong (Mong. tusalagči gong). Below these five ranks were that of tayiǰi たいきち (four sub-ranks) and tabunang (Ch. とうぬの囊). Sons of Mongolian nobles were also commonly ennobled as shizi and zhangzi. The salary granted to the Mongolian nobles was less than that for the imperial house. A Mongolian crown prince was called ǰinong (Ch. jinong すみのう), a descendant of Činggis Qaɣan qong tayiǰi (from Ch. huang taizi 皇太子こうたいし).

Persons neither relative to the imperial house nor of the allied Mongol tribes were ennobled according to a different system of nine ranks of nobility. The owners of such ranks were administered by the Ministry of Personnel (libu 吏部). Among those preferrably ennobled were deserved state officials or officers and soldiers (called chouyong むくいいさお "rewarding services" or jiangzhong 獎忠 "prizing loyalty"), relatives of empresses (called tui'en 推恩 "extending benevolence") and descendants of Confucius (called jiarong さかえ "enhancing glory") and the Ming dynasty (called beike 備恪 "completing respect"). The nine ranks and 27 sub-ranks were

Table 3. Non-imperial hereditary nobility of the Qing period
Chinese and transcription Manchurian English
おおやけ gong (three sub-ranks) gung duke
ほう hou (four sub-ranks) ho marquis
はく bo (four sub-ranks) be earl
zi (four sub-ranks) jinkini hafan viscount
おとこ nan (four sub-ranks) ashan i hafan baron
けいくるまじょう qingche duwei (four sub-ranks) adaha hafan commandant of light chariots
じょう jiduwei (two sub-ranks) baitalabura hafan commandant of cavalry
くもじょう yunjiwei tuwašara hafan commandant of fleet-as-clouds cavalry
おんじょう enjiwei kesingge hafan commandant of cavalry by grace

There was a special rule for the calculation of the income or the indication of the relative height of the title. The "accounting unit" was the rank of yunjiwei. The emperor thus only bestowed one or two ranks of yunjiwei. Somebody bestowed two ranks of yunjiwei was thus a 2nd-class jiduwei. If granted another rank of yunjiwei, he became a jiduwei with an additional rank of yunjiwei (or 1st-class jiduwei). The rules for the inheritability of these titles were very complicated. A 1st-class gong was inheritable 26 times, a 1st-class hou plus an yunjiwei was interitable 23 times (for 23 generations), a 1st-class bo plus an yunjiwei was inheritable 19 times, a 1st-class zi plus an yunjiwei 15 times, and a 1st-class nan plus an yunjiwei 11 times. After the fixed number of generations had passed by, the heir was ennobled as an enjiwei. All other titles could be inherited "in eternity". There was also the possibilty to pass on two accumulated ranks (bingxi 并襲) or to pass on only one of two accumulated ranks (fenxi ぶんかさね). In case of a crime a rank could be taken back (gejue かわ爵) by the emperor. A heir could nevertheless inherit the original rank of his father. After being punished and having accumulated new merits, a person fallen from grace might be bestowed with a minor rank again. Instead of taking back a rank of nobility, the emperor might also diminish a rank (jiangjue くだ爵).

All ennoblements and inheritances were at the end of the year recorded in an imperial register (huangce すめらぎさつ) that was revised every ten years. Ended lines were written in black, living lines in red.

Wang Shimin おうみん, Yang Guanghui 楊光輝こうき, Gu Cheng 顧誠, Li Guanglian ひろれん, Chen Qiangyi ひね鏘儀 (1992). "Juezhi 爵制", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 1, 502-505.
Translation of Chinese terms according to Charles O. Hucker (1985), A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China. (Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press).
Manchurian terms according to Wuti qingwen jian 五體ごたい清文せいぶんあきら/ Sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe (Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, 1987).