(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Regional State of Jin 晉 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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The Regional State of Jin すすむ

Nov 1, 2018 © Ulrich Theobald
Don't confound this regional state of the Zhou period with the Jin dynasty すすむ (265-420).

Jin すすむ was one of the large regional states of the Zhou period しゅう (11th cent.-221 BCE). It was located in modern Shanxi. During the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent.), Duke Wen すすむぶんこう (r. 636-628) acheived supremacy over the other regional states and was elected hegemonial lord (ba 霸).

Three sidebranches of the house of Jin, Han かん, Wei ,and Zhao ちょう, became more powerful and finally divided the territory of Jin among themselves. The official appointment of the lords of these three countries as as marquesses (hou ほう) by the king of Zhou in 403 is seen as the beginning of the Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE), or alternatively their destruction of the noble houses of Fan 范, Zhonghang なかぎょう and Zhi in 454 BCE.

Map 1. The regional state of Jin すすむ (11th cent. - 376 BCE)
Map according to Tan Qixiang 谭其骧 (1987), Zhongguo lishi ditu ji 中国ちゅうごく历史图集. Jin was located in the southern parts of today's Shanxi province. It was one of the strongest state of the Spring and Autumn period, but was then divided among the lords of Han, Wei and Zhao. Click to enlarge.

The ruling dynasty of Jin was founded by Kang Shu Yu から叔虞, a son of King Wu しゅうたけしおう, founder of the Zhou dynasty, and a brother of King Cheng しゅうしげるおう (r. 1116-1079 BCE). His state of Tang から had originally been ruled by descendants of the mythological emperor Yao 堯, yet these rebelled under King Cheng and were executed. The young king thereupon bestowed the territory upon his younger brother Yu おそれ to whom he had promised a state when playing with him. This was the statelet of Yu おそれ.

Yu's son Xie Fu 燮父 moved the seat of this state southwards to the banks of the River Jin すすむ (Fen River 汾河). Xie Fu was therefore the first to be called "Marquis of Jin" すすむこう. The exact reign dates of the marquesses of Jin are known from the rule of Marquis Jing すすむやすしこう (r. 859-841) on.

The Competition Between Jin and Quwo

Marquis Mu すすむきよしこう (r. 812-785) had two sons, the older of which was called Chou かたき (literally: revenge), while the younger prince had the name Chengshi なり (literally: accomplished army). This was seen as a bad omen for the future of the dynasty. When Marquis Mu died, his younger brother "Uncle" Shangshu 殤叔 (r. 785-781) usurped the throne. Shangshu was expelled by the righteous heir, Prince Chou, four years later. Chou is known as Marquis Wen すすむぶんこう (r. 781-746). When the Zhou court fled to the east in 700, Marquis Wen escorted King Ping 周平しゅうへいおう (r. 770-720 BCE) to Luoyang 洛陽らくよう (modern Luoyang, Henan) and so ensured the foundation of the Eastern Zhou dynasty あずまあまね (770-221 BCE).

His successor, Marquis Zhao すすむあきらこう (r. 745-740), made his uncle Prince Chengshi governor of the territory of Quwo きょく沃 (modern Wenxi 聞喜, Shanxi) that possessed a town greater and richer than the capital seat of the marquis of Jin, which was called Yi つばさ. The posthumous title of Prince Chengshi is "Uncle" Huan Shu 桓叔 (r. 745-732). Chengshi's chief advisor was Luan Bin 欒賓, a descendant of Marquis Jing. The Prince of Quwo was very popular, and it was well known at that time that one day his family might challenge the rulers of Jin. In 740 Pan Fu はんちち assassinated Marquis Zhao and invited the Prince of Quwo to mount the throne, yet the retainers of the house of Jin defended the capital against the usurper and enthroned the son of the late marquis, Prince Ping ひらめ, who is posthumously known as Marquis Xiao すすむこうこう (r. 740-724).

Prince Chengshi was succeeded by his son Shan 鱓, who is known as Earl Zhuang of Quwo きょく沃莊はく (r. 732-717). Earl Zhuang attempted a second time to usurp the throne of Jin and killed Marquis Xiao, but he had to return to Quwo without success. Marquis Xiao was succeeded by his son Prince Xi 郄, who is known as Marquis E すすむ鄂侯 (r. 724-718). His early death instigated Earl Zhuang to a new attempt to occupy the throne of Jin. This time King Ping of Zhou 周平しゅうへいおう (r. 770-720 BCE) ordered the duke of Guo 虢 to defend the institutional order in the state of Jin, and again, Earl Zhuang was forced to withdraw to Quwo. Marquis E was succeeded by his son Prince Guang こう, who is known as Marquis Ai すすむあいこう (r. 718-710). The Earl of Quwo also died and was succeeded by his son Cheng たたえ, who is posthumously known as Duke Wu of Quwo きょく沃武こう (r. 717-677).

In 710, Earl Wu (the later Duke Wu) attacked Marquis Ai at Fenbang 汾旁 and arrested the ruler of Jin. His son Xiaozi しょう (r. 710-706, this is not actually a personal name, but a term to express that he mounted the throne before his father was dead) was thereupon proclaimed marquis of Jin. Yet shortly later, Earl Wu ordered his uncle Han Wan かんよろず to kill the captive marquis. Not long thereafter, the powerful earl even went a step further, "summoned" Marquis Xiaozi to Quwo and killed him. King Huan of Zhou しゅう桓王 (r. 720-697) thereupon ordered the duke of Guo once more to punish Earl Wu. The duke's campaign at least forced Earl Wu to enthrone the younger brother of Marquis Ai, Prince Min 湣, as ruler of Jin (r. 706-678). He was not granted a posthumous title because he was the last of this family branch and had no heir. In 678, Earl Wu killed him, looted his capital seat and presented the treasury of the marquesses of Jin to King Xi of Zhou しゅう釐王 (r. 681-677). The King thereupon granted to Earl Wu the title of duke (gong おおやけ) of Jin. Earl (Duke) Wu of Quwo is therefore also known as Duke Wu of Jin すすむたけこう.

The Way to Hegemony

Duke Wu, the first ruler of the Quwo line in Jin, was succeeded by his son Guizhu 詭諸, who was posthumously called Duke Xian すすむけんじこう (r. 677-651). In 672, Duke Xian attacked the "barbarian" Rong tribes of Li 驪戎 and captured two Rong princesses that became his favourites. A nobleman of Jin, Shi Wei 蒍, warned him that the many princes of Jin might one day threaten his dynasty. Duke Xian thereupon executed all princes of the lateral branches and founded a new capital called Jiang 絳 (modern Jicheng 冀城, Shanxi). The surviving princes fled to Guo, a smaller state that had already several times challenged the power of Jin.

Shi Wei warned the duke that it was still not time to attack Guo. One of the Rong princesses gave birth to a son, Prince Xiqi 奚齊, whom Duke Xian wanted to make heir apparent. The other princes were thereupon sent to border towns to take residence there as defenders against the state of Qin はた in the west. Prince Shensheng さるせい was sent to Quwo, Prince Chong'er じゅうみみ to Pu がま, and Prince Yiwu えびすわれ to Qu こごめ. Yet matters were more complex than the Duke had hoped. The mother of the former heir apparent, Prince Shensheng, Qi Jiang ひとしきょう, was a daughter of Duke Huan of Qi ひとし桓公かんこう (r. 685-643), and his sister was a secondary wife of Duke Mu of Qin はたきよしこう (r. 660-621). The mothers of the princes Chong'er and Yiwu were sister princesses from the Hu きつね family of the wild Di tribes 翟.

In 661 Duke Xian conquered the states of Huo 霍, Wei , and Geng 耿 that had belonged to side branches of the ruling dynasty of Jin. He confirmed Prince Shengcheng as lord of Quwo and granted the territory of Geng to Zhao Su ちょう夙 and the territory of Wei to Bi Wan 畢萬. Both Shi Wei and Bu Yan ぼく偃 warned the duke to bestow such honours upon them because these positions might enable them to challenge the rule of the lords of Jin one day. Duke Xian also entrusted his heir apparent with the supreme command of the campaign against the Red Di tribes あか狄 of Dongshan 東山ひがしやま, which was not appropriate according to traditional customs, as Li Ke さとかつ explained to the duke. Shortly later, the duke for the first time attacked the state of Guo. In 655, the army of Jin conquered Guo, and then the small state of Yu おそれ.

When Duke Xian planned to nominate Prince Xiqi heir apparent, his mother secretly intrigued against the actual heir apparent, Prince Shensheng, and machinated that he offered poisoned meat to his father, the Duke. The Duke knew of these machinations and offered his son to flee to another country, but Prince Shensheng refused and committed suicide. Prince Chong'er and Prince Wuyi thereupon fled to their territories and fortified them. Prince Chong'er was not able to defend his town because his retainers were not loyal, and fled to the Di tribes, where his mother came from. Shortly after, Qu fell and Prince Wuyi also escaped to the Di tribes, yet he was urged to flee to Liang はり, a town in the vicinity of the state of Qin that Duke Xian of Jin would surely not dare to attack. When Jin attacked the Di tribes, they successfully defended themselves in the battle of Niesang かじくわ.

Prince Xiqi was now the heir apparent. He had a younger brother called Daozi 悼子. Both were still young, and so Duke Xian entrusted them to his counsellor Xun Xi 荀息. When the Duke died, Li Ke and Pei Zheng 邳鄭 suggested inviting Prince Chong'er to mount the throne, but Xun Xi refused because he had made a promise to the late duke to enthrone Prince Xiqi. Li Ke thereupon killed Prince Xiqi. Xun Xi enthroned Prince Daozi in order to correctly perform the burial of Duke Xian. When the funeral was over, Li Ke also killed Daozi and sent for Prince Chong'er, but Chong'er refused because the burial of his father had not been performed in a regular way.

His brother Prince Wuyi was willing to become the next duke, but he was advised by Lü Sheng りょしょう and Xi Rui 郤芮 to seek the protection of Duke Mu of Qin and to offer him the territory of Hexi 河西かさい. At the same time, the hegemonial lord Duke Huan of Qi arrived in Jin to restore order. Prince Wuyi is known as Duke Hui of Jin すすむめぐみこう (r. 651-637). Once on the throne, Duke Hui refused to cede the territory of Hexi, refused to appoint Li Ke governor of Fenyang 汾陽, as promised, and finally ordered him to commit suicide, fearing that Li Ke might support his older brother Prince Chong'er who still was in exile. Pei Zheng, who had ben sent to Qin, conspired with Duke Mu of Qin and explained to him that the nobles Lü Sheng, Xi Cheng 郤稱 and Xi Rui would support Prince Chong'er.

When Jin was affected by a draught, the duke of Qin willingly sent grain, yet a year later, when Qin needed grain, Duke Hui of Jin refused to send relief. Qin therefore attacked Jin and defeated it at Hanyuan かんばら. Duke Hui was captured but soon released because his sister was a wife of Duke Mu of Qin. Back in Jin, Duke Hui suspected his ministers of conspiring with Prince Chong'er, and ordered to kill him, yet his brother heard of the plot, left the Di tribes an escaped to Qi in the far east. The son of Duke Hui, Prince Yu 圉, was sent to Qin as a hostage. When his father fell ill, the Prince left Qin and returned to Jin, where he was enthroned as Duke Huai すすむふところこう (r. 637).

The Duke of Qin was very discontented with this succession and supported an internal rebellion by the lords of Luan 欒 and Xi 郤 who killed Duke Huai and invited Prince Chong'er to return to Jin. He was enthroned and is known as Duke Wen of Jin すすむぶんこう (r. 637-628). Prince Chong'er had lived for almost twenty years in exile, first among the Di tribes, where his mother came from, and then in Qin. He was married to a princess of the Red Di tribes of Jiuru とがめ如 and had two sons, Prince Boshu はく鯈 and prince Shuliu 叔劉. Chong'er had many competent retainers, the "five worthies", wuxian けん, namely Zhao Shuai ちょうおとろえ (Zhao Chengzi ちょう成子しげこ), Hu Yan きつね偃, Jia Tuo 賈佗, Xian Zhen さき軫 and Wei Chou 犨 (Viscount Wu of Wei 武子たけし).

Prince Chong'er haid paid visit to virtually all of the larger regional states of the time and therefore knew their problems and strengths. At the beginning of his reign, Duke Wen was in need of a protective force of 3,000 guards from Qin, before the could master the situation and stabilize his throne. He rewarded all those that had supported him in the past. When King Xiang of Zhou しゅうじょうおう (r. 652-619) was forced into exile by his usurpatorious brother Prince Dai たい, Duke Wen of Jin was able to bring the king back to the royal capital Luoyang.

When several regional states besieged the state of Song そう, this small state asked Jin for support. Duke Wen assembled three divisions that attacked the states of Wei まもる and Cao 曹, so that the king of Chu すわえ, their mighty protector, withdrew his forces from the siege of Song. Duke Wen was also able to establish alliances (meng めい) with Qi and Zheng てい and in 632 defeated in the battle of Chengpu じょう濮 the army of Chu which were commanded by general Ziyu 子玉こだま. The king of Zhou also bestowed the title of hegemonial lord (bo はく, i.e. ba) upon Duke Wen, and all regional rulers (zhuhou 諸侯しょこう) swore allegiance to him. He assembled the regional rulers at Wen ゆたか, and later at Jiantu 踐土, to pay homage to King Xiang of Zhou. In 630, Jin and Qin attacked Zheng for its support of the state of Chu.

When Duke Wen died he was succeeded by his son Prince Guan 讙, known as Duke Xiang すすむじょうこう (r. 628-621). Under his rule the relation to Qin worsened, and Jin defeated Qin in the battle of Yao 殽. Three generals of Qin were captured. Three years later, Qin attacked Jin to take revenge, and in 623 Jin attacked Qin again. When Duke Xiang died, a succession crisis erupted because the heir apparent Prince Yigao えびす皋 was still a child. It was deliberated whether Duke Xiang's brother Prince Yong 雍 or Prince Le らく, another brother, should be enthroned, yet in the end Prince Yigao remained the legitmate ruler, known as Duke Ling すすむれいこう (r. 621-607). He was defended by general Zhao Dun ちょうたて (Zhao Xuanzi ちょう宣子のぶこ) who resisted the army of Qin that had been called to support the enthronement of Prince Yong.

Zhao Dun defeated Qin at Linghu れいきつね. He was also sent to the royal capital where after the death of King Qing しゅうごろおう (r. 619-611) the royal princes contended for power. He enforced the enthronement of King Kuang しゅうただしおう (r. 613-607). When Duke Ling was grown up he proved to be a choleric ruler who killed his counsellor, and, when they remonstrated against the murder, ordered to kill Zhao Dun and Sui Hui ずいかい. Zhao Dun planned to flee but his brother Zhao Chuan ちょう穿ほじ killed Duke Ling. The brothers managed the enthronement of Prince Heitun くろしり, a younger brother of Duke Xiang. He is known as Duke Cheng すすむなりこう (r. 607-600).

The Takeover by the Six Ministers-Commander (Han, Wei, Zhao, Zhi, Fan, Zhonghang)

In 600, Jin sent out Viscount Huan of Zhonghang ちゅうぎょう桓子 (Xun Linfu 荀林ちち) in order to punish the state of Chen ちん that had, in fear for the mighty state of Chu in the south, refused to meet with the regional rulers at Hu 扈. Duke Cheng was succeeded by his son Prince Ju よりどころ (or Nou 獳), who is known as Duke Jing すすむけいこう (r. 600-581). In 597, Chu attacked the state of Zheng. The army of Jin, under the command of Xu Linfu, challenged Chu and was heavily defeated. Xu Linfu offered to the duke his life as a punishment for his failure, yet Sui Hui argued that the execution of a general would only profit the king of Chu, and not the state of Jin. Duke Jing also considered attacking the state of Qi because his diplomat Xi Ke 郤克 had been insulted by the Duchess Dowager of Qi.

A nobleman of Chu, Wu Chen みこしん, fled to Jin, and was appointed grand master (dafu 大夫たいふ) of Xing 邢. In 588, Duke Jing founded the six military divisions that were commanded by six ministers-commander (qing きょう, the liu qing ろくきょう), who were Han Jue かん厥 (Han Xianzi かんけんじ), Gong Shuo 鞏朔, Zhao Chuan ちょう穿ほじ, Xun Jia (Zhui) 荀騅, Zhao Kuo ちょうくく and Zhao Dan ちょう旃. Five years later, Zhao Tong ちょうどう and Zhao Kuo were executed. Han Jue lamented that the duke had forgotten the service that Zhao Shuai and Zhao Zhi had delivered to the dynasty and urged Duke Jing to appoint Viscount Wu of Zhao ちょう as head of the house of Zhao.

Two years later, Duke Jing died. He was succeeded by his son Prince Shouman ことぶき曼, who is known as Duke Li すすむ厲公 (r. 581-573). During his rule the regional rulers unfied in an alliance and attacked and defeated Qin. The "Three lords of Xi" (San Xi さん郤: Xi Qi 郤錡, Xi Chou 郤犨 and Xi Zhi 郤至) killed Bo Zong はくむね, a loyal and straightforwardly speaking minister of the duke. Duke Li personally commanded the expedition against the state of Zheng that sided with Chu. The army of Chu was defeated at Yanling 鄢陵, and King Gong of Chu すわえどもおう (r. 591-560) suffered a wound. Duke Li at that moment seemed to have revived the former hegemony of Jin over the other regional states.

Duke Li wanted to get rid of the house of Xi and sent out Luan Shu 欒書 and Xun Yan 荀偃 to have the lords of Xi executed, but Luan Shu intrigued against the Duke and his minion Xu Tong 胥童, arrested the Duke and killed Xu Tong. The Duke died a few days later. Prince Zhou しゅう (or Jiu 糾), a son of Duke Xiang, was enthroned. He is known as Duke Dao すすむ悼公 (r. 573-558).

Duke Dao assembled the regional rulers at Jize 雞澤. He made use of a handful of competent advisors that supported him to retain the ancient power of the state of Jin. Among these supporters was Wei Jiang 絳. The chronicles also say that Shi Kuang 曠 suggested to him to exert a rule of benevolence and righteousness. It is not known if this is the same person to whom authorship of a book on birds (the Qinjing 禽經) is attributed. The six ministers-commander led the joint armies of the regional rulers to attack the state of Qin and defeated it.

Duke Dao was succeeded by his son Prince Biao あや, who is known as Duke Ping 晉平しんぺいこう (r. 558-532). Duke Ping attacked Qi, defeated its troops and was even able to besiege the capital of Qi, Linzi 臨菑. Qi took revenge a few years later, and Luan Cheng 欒逞, instigated by Qi, attacked Quwo. Viscount Xian of Fan 范獻 pursued the Duke not to commit suicide, as he planned. The Viscount was right, because Luan Cheng was defeated soon, and the Duke could extinguish the noble house of Luan.

A few years later, Duke Zhuang of Qi 齊莊なりたかこう (r. 554-548) was killed. Duke Ping used this chance to crush the troops of Qi at Gaotang だかとう. The state of Qi was so threatened that even nine years later Yan Ying 晏嬰 was sent out to confirm the state of peace with Jin. He was convinced that the house of Jin would remain a hegemonial power for longer, yet another visitor to Jin, Yanling Jizi のべりょう季子としこ of the state of Wu already perceived that the power in Jin would once be transferred to the lords of Zhao, Wei and Han.

Duke Ping was succeeded by his son Prince Yi えびす, who is known as Duke Zhao すすむあきらこう (r. 532-526), the latter by Prince Qubing やめ, known as Duke Qing すすむごろおおやけ (r. 526-512). The six ministers-commander had meanwhile become so strong that they took over the duties of a hegemonial lord and pacified the disturbances in the royal house of Zhou after the death of King Jing しゅうけいおう (r. 545-521) by bringing King Jing しゅうたかしおう (r. 520-476) to the throne. Viscount Xian of Fan was also asked to regulate political matters in the state of Lu 魯, where Viscount Ping of Ji 平子ひらこ was ruling for Duke Zhao 魯昭こう (r. 542-510). The six ministers-commander also eliminated the house of Qi Xi 祁傒 whose members had served several dukes as chief counsellors.

Duke Qing was succeeded by his son Prince Wu うま, who is known as Duke Ding すすむていおおやけ (r. 512-475). During the long reign of Duke Ding, the houses of the six ministers-commander continued contending for power. Zhao Yang ちょう鞅, also called Viscount Jian of Zhao ちょう簡子, fought with Xun Yin 荀寅 (a grandson of Xu Yan 荀偃) and Fan Jiyi (sic) 范吉 (Fan Zhaozi 范昭), who had the Duke on their side, but Zhao Yang was supported by Xun Li 荀櫟 (Zhi Wenzi さとし文子ふみこ), Han Buxin かん不信ふしん (Han Jianzi かん簡子) and Wei Chi 侈 (Wei Xiangzi じょう). The Duke was finally convinced by the latter that the lords of Zhonghang and Fan planned a rebellion, so that the Duke ordered to fight them. The two lords escaped to the state of Qi, and their territory was divided among the victorious viscounts of Zhao, Wei, Han and Zhi さとし (or ). Duke Ding was still so powerful that he dared to contend for hegemony with King Fucha おっと of Wu at the meeting of Huangchi , yet King Fucha prevailed.

The Three Ministers Commander (Han, Wei, Zhao) Destroy the House of Jin

Duke Ding was succeeded by his son Prince Zao 鑿, who is known as Duke Chu すすむこう (r. 475-457). Under his reign the lords of Zhi , Han かん, Wei and Zhao ちょう attacked the lords of Fan 范 and Zhonghang ちゅうぎょう. In order to put down the internal rebellion Duke Chu appealed to the duke of Qi for help, yet the four lords on their side advanced their troops against Duke Chu. The duke escaped and died on his way to Qi. Zhi Bo はく (Xun Yao 荀瑤) enthroned Prince Jiao おご, a great-grandson of Duke Zhao. He is known as Duke Ai すすむあいこう (r. 457-438). His counsellor-in-chief was the Lord of Zhi. As the most powerful person in the dukedom, he was assassinated by the viscounts Xiang of Zhao ちょうじょう, Kang of Han かん康子やすこ, and Huan of Wei 桓子, and these three families remained the from then on the most powerful families in Jin. This happened in 453, a date that can be seen as the beginning of the Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE).

Duke Ai was succeeded by his son Prince Liu やなぎ, who is known as Duke You すすむかそけこう (r. 438-420). Duke You summoned the nobles of Jin to his court, but only the lords of Jiang 絳 and Quwo きょく沃 paid hommage to him, while the others swore loyalty to the Wei, Han or Zhao. Duke You is said to have been killed by bandits when he was seeking amorous adventures outside the capital. Marquis Wen of Wei ぶんこう put down the disturbances and enthroned the duke's son (or brother) Prince Zhi どめ, who is known as Duke Lie すすむれつこう (r. 420-393). In 403, the King Weilie of Zhou しゅうたけしれつおう (r. 426-402) bestowed upon the lords of Wei, Han and Zhao the title of marquis (hou ほう). Duke Lie was succeeded by his son Prince Qi 頎 (or Qing かたぶけ), who is known as Duke Xiao すすむこうこう (r. 393-378). Duke Xiao's son Prince Jujiu 俱酒 is known as Duke Jing すすむせいこう (r. 378-376). In 376, the marquesses Wu of Wei たけこう (r. 387-371), Ai of Han かんあいこう (r. 377-371), and Jing of Zhao ちょうたかしこう (r. 387-375) extinguished the last princes of the house of Jin and divided the territory of Jin into three parts. They are therefore also known as the "Three lords of Jin" (San Jin さんすすむ). The Duke himself was demoted to the status of commoner.

The name of the state of Jin served as the name of numerous princedoms and was used by the Jin Dynasty すすむ (265-420) and the Later Jin こうすすむ (936-946) of the Five Dynasties 五代ごだい (907-960).

Table 1. Rulers of the regional state of Jin すすむ
Capitals: Tang とう (near modern Yicheng つばさじょう, Shanxi), E 鄂 (modern Xiangning ごうやすし, Shanxi), Quwo きょく沃 (near modern Wenxi 聞喜, Shanxi), Jiang 絳 (Yi つばさ; near modern Yicheng), Xintian 新田にった (modern Houma こう, Shanxi), Tunliu たむろとめ (modern Tunliu, Shanxi), Duanshi はし (NE of modern 沁水 Qinshui, Shanxi)
dynastic title personal name time
Elder Tang of Jin (Jin Tangshu すすむから叔), Tang Shu Yu から叔虞 Ji Yu ひめおそれ, brother of King Zhou Chengwang しゅうしげるおう
Xie, Marquis of Jin すすむこう Ji Xie ひめ
Marquis Wu of Jin
(Jin Wuhou すすむたけこう)
Ji Ningzu ひめやすしぞく
Marquis Cheng of Jin
(Jin Chenghou すすむなりこう)
Ji Furen ひめふくじん
Marquis Li of Jin
(Jin Lihou すすむ厲侯)
Ji Fu ひめぶく
Marquis Jing of Jin
(Jin Jinghou すすむやすしこう)
Ji Yijiu ひめむべうす 859-841
Marquis Xi of Jin
(Jin Xihou すすむ釐侯, すすむ僖侯)
Ji Situ ひめつかさ 841-823
Marquis Xian of Jin
(Jin Xianhou すすむけんじこう)
Ji Ji ひめせき 823-812
Marquis Mu of Jin
(Jin Muhou すすむきよしこう)
Ji Fusheng ひめどるせい or Feiwang おう or Fuwang にえおう 812-785
Elder Shang, Ruler of Jin (Jin Shangshu すすむ殤叔) Ji Shangshu ひめ殤叔 (usurper) 785-781
Marquis Wen of Jin
(Jin Wenhou すすむぶんこう)
Ji Chou ひめかたき, son of Jin Muhou 781-746
Marquis Zhao of Jin
(Jin Zhaohou すすむあきらこう)
Elder Huan of Quwo
(Quwo Huanshu きょく沃桓叔)
Ji Bo ひめはく, murdered by minister Pan Fu はんちち
Ji Chengshi ひめしげる, brother of Jin Wenhou, usurper in 740
Marquis Xiao of Jin
(Jin Xiaohou すすむこうこう)
Earl Zhuang of Quwo (Quwo Zhuangbo きょく沃莊はく)
Ji Ping ひめひらめ, son of Jin Zhaohou, murdered by Quwo Zhuangbo
Ji Shan ひめ鱓, son of Quwo Huanshu
Marquis E of Jin
(Jin Ehou すすむ鄂侯)
Ji Xi ひめ郄, son of Jin Xiaohou 724-718
Marquis Ai of Jin
(Jin Aihou すすむあいこう)
Duke Wu of Quwo/Jin
(Quwo/Jin Wugong きょく沃/すすむたけこう), becomes ruler of Jin in 679
Ji Guang ひめひかり, son of Jin Ehou, kidnapped and murdered by Quwo Wugong
Ji Cheng ひめたたえ, son of Quwo Zhuangbo
Marquis Xiaozi of Jin すすむしょうこう Ji Xiaozi ひめしょう, son of Jin Aihou, murdered by Quwo Wugong 710-706
Duke Yi of Jin
(Jin Yihou すすむつばさこう)
or Min, Marquis of Jin すすむこう
Ji Min ひめ湣, younger brother of Jin Aihou, installed and later dethroned by Quwo Wugong 706-678
Duke Xian of Jin
(Jin Xiangong すすむけんじこう)
Ji Guizhu ひめ佹諸 or 詭諸, son of Jin Wugong 678-651
Duke Hui of Jin
(Jin Huigong すすむめぐみおおやけ)
Ji Yiwu ひめえびすわれ 651-637
Duke Huai of Jin
(Jin Huaigong すすむふところこう)
Ji Yu ひめ 637
Duke Wen of Jin
(Jin Wengong すすむぶんこう)
Ji Chonger (Chong'er) ひめしげるみみ, younger brother of Jin Huigong 637-628
Duke Xiang of Jin
(Jin Xianggong すすむじょうおおやけ)
Ji Guan ひめ 628-621
Duke Ling of Jin
(Jin Linggong すすむれいこう)
Ji Yigao ひめえびす 621-607
Duke Cheng of Jin
(Jin Chenggong すすむなりこう)
Ji Heitun ひめくろしり 607-600
Duke Jing of Jin
(Jin Jinggong すすむけいこう)
Ji Nou ひめ 600-581
Duke Li of Jin
(Jin Ligong すすむ厲公)
Ji Shouman ひめひさし 581-573
Duke Dao of Jin
(Jin Daogong すすむ悼公)
Ji Zhou ひめあまね 573-558
Duke Ping of Jin
(Jin Pinggong 晉平しんぺいおおやけ)
Ji Biao ひめぴょう 558-532
Duke Zhao of Jin
(Jin Zhaogong すすむあきらおおやけ)
Ji Yi ひめえびす 532-526
Duke Qing of Jin
(Jin Qinggong すすむごろおおやけ)
Ji Qubing ひめやまい 526-512
Duke Ding of Jin
(Jin Dinggong すすむていおおやけ)
Ji Wu ひめうま
Jin dominated by the Six Ministerial Clans (Liuqing ろくきょう): Han かん, Zhao ちょう, Wei , Fan 范, Zhonghang ちゅうゆき, and Zhi (さとし)
Duke Chu of Jin
(Jin Chugong すすむおおやけ)
Ji Zao ひめ 475-457
Duke Ai of Jin
(Jin Aigong すすむあいこう)
Ji Jiao ひめおご 457-438
Duke You of Jin
(Jin Yougong すすむかそけおおやけ)
Ji Liu ひめやなぎ 438-420
Duke Lie of Jin
(Jin Liegong すすむれつおおやけ)
Ji Zhi ひめとめ 420-393
Duke Xiao or Huan of Jin
(Jin Xiaogong すすむこうこう, Jin Huangong すすむ桓公かんこう)
Ji Qi ひめ 393-378
Duke Jing of Jin
(Jin Jinggong すすむせいこう)
Ji Jujiu ひめ俱酒 378-376
376 Jin destroyed by the Three Clans Han かん, Wei , and Zhao ちょう (Sanjin さんすすむ "Three Jin").
Shiji 史記しき, 39, Jin shijia すすむ.
Luo Shilie れつ (1992). "Jin すすむ", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 1, 470-471.