(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Jin Wengong 晉文公 Duke Wen of Jin (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Jin Wengong すすむぶんこう, Duke Wen of Jin

Dec 2, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Jin Wengong すすむぶんこう (r. 636-628) was a ruler of the state of Jin すすむ during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent. BCE) and the second of the so-called five hegemons (wuba 霸). His personal name was Ji Chong'er ひめしげるみみ, and he was a son of duke Xian すすむけんじこう (r. 676-651), who made him grand master (dafu 大夫たいふ) of the town of Pu がま (modern Xixian 隰縣, Shanxi).

During the unrest caused by Li Ji 驪姬, Mingzhong took refuge to the Di 狄 tribes, and to a whole series of states. He stayed abroad for nineteen years and suffered all hardships of the common man. In 636 he was able to return under the protection of an army of Qin はた to mount the throne of Jin. He first killed his uncle, Duke Huai すすむふところこう (r. 637), and his ministers Lü Sheng りょしょう and Xi Rui 郤芮.

Through a centralisation of the government he was able to make Jin a powerful state. His first international activity was the re-enthronment of King Xiang of Zhou しゅうじょうおう (r. 651-619). In 632 he defeated the army of Chu すわえ at Chengpu じょう濮 (modern Zhengcheng ていしろ, Shandong), a victory that enabled him to assemble the regional rulers (zhuhou 諸侯しょこう) at Jiantu 踐土 (modern Yuanyang はらよう, Henan), and, in the presence of the king, he proclaimed himself the hegemonial lord (houbo ほうはく).

Although Duke Wen of Jin was only the second hegemonial lord, after Duke Huan of Qi ひとし桓公かんこう (r. 685-643), he was actually the one who institutionalized this position.

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