(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The House of Fan 范 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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The House of Fan 范

Oct 26, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

The house of Fan 范 was a noble family that were vassals to the dukes of Jin すすむ during the Spring and Autumn period 春秋しゅんじゅう (770-5th cent. BCE). It produced several persons serving in high government positions.

The viscounts (zi ) of Fan occupied the office of one of the Six Ministers Commander (liuqing ろくきょう) that highly influenced the government in Jin. The others were the houses of Zhao ちょう, Han かん, Zhi , Zhonghang なかぎょう and Wei .

Fan is the name of the oldest estate of this family, while the family name, Shi , referred to the high offices its members held. According to the genealogical book Yuanhe xingzuan 元和がんわせい纂 and the chapter on genealogy (Shizu lüe 氏族しぞくりゃく) in the encylopedia Tongzhi つうこころざし, the house of Fan was founded by descendants of Liu Lei りゅうるい, who was a great-grandson of the mythological Emperor Yao 堯.

During the early Zhou period しゅう (11th. cent.-221 BC), the family was called Tang Du からもり because they lived in Du もり, near the royal capital, and because they were descendants of Yao, who bore the kin's name (shi ) Tang とう. The family head was therefore also called Earl of Du (Du Bo もりはく). King Xuan of Zhou しゅうせんおう (r. 827-782 BCE) killed the Earl of Du, and his son Xian Shu "Uncle Xian" 隰叔 (also called Du Xian もり隰) fled to Jin. The duke of Jin appointed Xian Shu Minister of Justice (shishi ). His son Shi Wei 蒍 was the first person to use Shi as a family name.

His great-grandson Shi Hui かい (also called Sui Hui ずいかい, posthumously called Fan Wuzi 范武) was appointed ruler of the town of Fan (modern Fanxian 范縣, Henan). The place name thereafter became the kin's name of this family. The houses of Fan and Zhonghang were destroyed by the viscounts of Zhao, Han, Zhi and Wei in 490.

The most important members of the house of Fan were:

Table 1. Genealogy of the House of Fan 范
Du Bo もりはく Affiliation unknown:
Xi Shu 隰叔
Shi Wei 蒍 (Ziyu 輿こし) Shi Gu
Fan Chengbo 范成はく
Fan Wuzi 范武 (Fan Hui 范會, Shi Hui かい, Shi Ji , Sui Hui ずいかい, Sui Ji ずい, Sui Wuzi ずい武子たけこ) Shi Muzi きよし Fan Wuxu 范無恤
Fan Wenzi 范文 (Shi Xie 燮, Fan Shu 范叔) Fan Gongzi 范共 (Shi Fang 魴, Zhi Ji 彘季) Shi Zhenzi 貞子さだこ (Shi Zhenbo さだはく, Shi Wozhuo 渥濁, Shi Bo はく)
Fan Xuanzi 范宣 (Shi Gai 匄, Fan Gai 范匄) Zhi Qiu 彘裘 Shi Zhuangzi そう (Shi Zhuangbo そうはく, Shi Ruo じゃく) Shi Fu とみ
Fan Xianzi 范獻 (Shi Yang 鞅, Fan Yang 范鞅, Fan Shu 范叔) Shi Wenbo ぶんはく (Shi Gai 匄, Bo Xia はくきず)
Fan Zhaozi 范昭 (Shi Jiyi きち, Fan Jiyi 范吉しゃ) Shi Jingbo けいはく (Shi Mimou わたる牟, Sima Mimou 司馬しばわたる牟, Shi Bo はく)
Fan Gaoyi 范皋えびす (Shi Gaoyi 皋夷)
Shi Mie
Sources: Chunqiu shizu pu, juan 1, fol. 19b-20a. Chunqiu shizu jilüe, juan 1, fol. 34b-35a.
Chen Houyao ちんあつし耀 (1800). Chunqiu shizu pu 春秋しゅんじゅうぞく (Lianghu Shuyuan Zhengxuetang edition りょうみずうみ書院しょいんせいがく堂本どうもと, 1899).
Chen Mingyuan ちんあきらとお, Wang Zonghu ひろしそうとら, ed. (1995). Zhongguo xingshi cidian 中國ちゅうごく姓氏せいし辭典じてん (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe), 95, 387.
Wang Wenyuan おうぶんげん (1845). Chunqiu shizu jilüe 春秋しゅんじゅうぞく輯略 (Xuxiu siku quanshu ぞくおさむよん全書ぜんしょ. 124).