(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
binke 賓客, congshishi 從事史, menke 門客, mensheng 門生, moushi 謀士, sheren 舍人, shike 食客, yishike 衣食客 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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menke もんきゃく, mensheng 門生もんせい, sheren 舍人とねり, retainers

Oct 17, 2017 © Ulrich Theobald

Retainers or clients (binke 賓客ひんきゃく, congshishi 從事じゅうじ, menke もんきゃく, menshen 門生もんせい, moushi はかりごと, sheren 舍人とねり, shike 食客しょっきゃく, yishike ころも食客しょっきゃく) were clients and supporters of influential persons. Against board and lodging, retainers offered advice and skills to their patron. Some of these "housemen" were kinsmen of their patron.

The high tide of consultant retainers (moushi) was the Warring States period 戰國せんごく (5th cent.-221 BCE), when wandering advisors provided the rulers of regional states (zhuhou 諸侯しょこう) or influential persons political strategies and plans. Particularly famous for the skills of his retainers was Lord Mengchang はじめ嘗君 (died c. 280 BCE) of the regional state of Qi ひとし (11th cent. - 221 BCE). He won reputation and popular support, for instance, through the advice of Feng Xuan 馮諼.

Warring States period retainers were well known as adherents of certain philosophical schools, like Confucianism (rujia 儒家じゅか) or legalism (fajia 法家ほうか), or masters in diplomacy or the forging of coalitions. The most famous diplomatists (zonghengjia 縱橫じゅうおう) were Zhang Yi ちょうただし (d. 310 BCE) and Su Qin はた (late 4th cent. BCE). Retainers were often entrusted with missions on behalf of their patrons, and thus took over important political functions. Lord Pingyuan 平原ひらはらくん (d. 251 BCE) from the state of Zhao ちょう, for example, was accompanied by twenty retainers during a mission to the kingdom of Chu すわえ.

The number of retainers a patron fed run in the thousands. Lü Buwei りょ韋 (d. 253 BCE), a rich merchant who engineered the dynastic succession of the state of Qin はた, is said to have nourished three thousand retainers.

Mensheng was a term used for the disciples (dizi 弟子でし) of Confucian scholars during the Han period かん (206 BCE-220 CE). Acceptance as "disciple" of a Confucian master required expertise in the Confucian Classics. For this reason, government and private schools became more widespread in many parts of the empire. Yet the relationship between master and disciple (in modern terms, guanxi 關係かんけい) was often just an important prerequisite for eventually obtaining an office, which mainly happened via recommendation. Huan Rong 桓榮 (1st cent. CE), Chamberlain for Ceremonials (taichang ふとしつね), nourished several hundred "disciples" or retainers. Among these, Ding Hong ちょうひろし (d. 94 CE) rose to the post of Chamberlain for the Palace Revenues (shaofu しょう). Ding had several thousand retainers himself. Lou Wang ろうもち (21-100 CE), Chamberlain for the National Treasury (da sinong だいつかさみのり) and Chamberlain for Ceremonials, even fed more than 9,000 persons.

In the later decades of the Eastern Han, distinguished families (menfa 門閥もんばつ) won polical influence. They kept many retainers over several generations. The most famous of them were the Yang family from Hongnong ひろのう楊氏 and the Yuan family from Runan なんじみなみ袁氏. "Disciple" retainers often disbursed high sums to enter the service of a powerful family, and supported them in many fields of their activities, even in illegal ones, as the examples of the eunuch Wang Fu おうはじめ shows who instructed his retainers to sell official posts for luxurious prices. It was common for retainers to behave to their patron like sons to a father, including a three-year period of mourning when the patron died. In the very late Eastern Han period, retainers were used to create private armies (buqu きょく) against bandits and rebels like the Yellow Turbans (huangjin はば).

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties period 南北なんぼくあさ (300~600), the term mensheng was used in the sense of menke "retainer" (literally "house guest") and had totally lost the meaning of "scholarly disciple". The institution of private armies remained, as well as the custom to buy one's way into the household of a politically influential person.

Retainers of the Southern Dynasties 南朝なんちょう (420-589) served in the private armies, and were assembled in large numbers. Liu Huaizhen りゅうふところめずらし from the Southern Qi period みなみひとし (479-502), for instance, kept a private guard (suwei 宿衛しゅくえい) of no less than 1,000 men, and famous politician and poet Xie Lingyun しゃれいうん (385-433) had an army of several hundred men. Among the more than 1,000 retainers of Xu Zhanzhi じょじん (410-453), most hailed from rich, but necessarily influential families in the southeast. To bring an example of recommendation and promotion, the case of Xie An しゃやす (320-385) might serve well. When he was a cavalry commander under general Huan Wen 桓溫 (312-373), he was able to bring several dozen of his retainers into official posts.

With the introduction of the civil examination system, the word mensheng was used by graduates of the provincial and metropolitan examination referring to themselves when speaking with the chief examiner (zhukao guan しゅこうかん). The word had lost any sense of dependency, but had regained the meaning of a person who was learning from another one. During the Song period そう (960-1279), graduates of the palace examination even called themselves "disciples of the Son of Heaven" (tianzi mensheng 天子てんし門生もんせい). The practice of graduates to use the word mensheng was forbidden many times.

The word sheren 舍人とねり occurs in the ritual Classic Zhouli しゅうあや, where it is mentioned as an office caring for the grain supply of the imperial palace.

From the Han period on, the term sheren was used for minor officials in certain institutions. The Grand and Junior Mentor of the Heir Apparent (taizi taifu 太子たいしふとしでん, taizu shaofu 太子たいししょうでん) as well as the Empress and Princesses were served by sheren. Yet the word was at that time still used for private "housemen" of higher officials. General Wei Qing まもるあお (d. 105 BCE) for instance, kept one hundred retainers.

During the Wei 曹魏 (220-265), Jin すすむ (265-420) and Southern and Northern dynasties periods, sheren were secretaries or drafters in the offices of princes, dukes and generals. Under the Liang dynasty りょう (502-557), sheren secretaries in the office of dukes occupied rank 3 (see official rank), but under the Northern Wei きたたかし (386-534), just rank 7b.

During that period, the posts of drafters (zhongshu sheren 中書ちゅうしょ舍人とねり) or receptionists (zhongshu tongshi sheren 中書ちゅうしょ通事つうじ舍人とねり) in the Palace Secretariat (zhongshusheng 中書ちゅうしょしょう) were created, as well as that of secretaries of the Heir Apparent (taizi sheren 太子たいし舍人とねり).

The land quota system (zhantian zhi うらない田制たせい) of the Jin dynasty allowed members of eminent families (shizu ぞく) to keep private, untaxed retainers (yin yishike かげ衣食いしょくきゃく) with a number depending on the official rank (guanpin mendi かんひんもんだい) of the family. Officials or families of rank 6 and higher were allowed tax exemption for three retainers, those of ranks 7 and 8, for two, and families of rank 9 for one retainer.

The secretaries of central government agencies, princes and princesses had official rank 2-4. Emperor Xuanzong からげんむね (r. 712-755) of the Tang dynasty とう (618-907) abolished the posts of secretary of a princedom (wangfu sheren おう舍人とねり). In the eastern wing of the imperial palace, the Heir Apparent was served by four secretaries (zhong sheren ちゅう舍人とねり) of rank 6a belonging to the Right Secretariat of the Heir Apparent (you chunfang みぎはるぼう). The staff of the imperial archive included secretaries for the imperial diary (qiju sheren 起居ききょ舍人とねり). Many of these offices were just nominal during the 9th and 10th centuries, yet endowed with a salary (jiluguan よせ祿ろくかん). The terms zhongshu sheren and tongshi sheren were used until the end of the imperial period, for instance, for petty officials in the Grand Secretariat (neige 內閣).

Dong Guodong こおくにとう, Gao Shendong こうさるひがし, ed. (1998). "Mensheng 門生もんせい", in Tang Jiahong から嘉弘よしひろ, ed. Zhongguo gudai dianzhang zhidu da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい典章てんしょう制度せいどだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 514.
Li Bingzhong 秉忠, Wei Canjin まもる燦金, Lin Conglong りんしたがえりゅう, ed. (1990). Jianming wenshi zhishi cidian 簡明かんめいぶん知識ちしきてん (Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe), 66, 430-
Lü Zongli りょそうつとむ, ed. (1994). Zhongguo lidai guanzhi da cidian 中國ちゅうごく歷代れきだい官制かんせいだい辭典じてん (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe), 528.
Ning Ke やすし, Yang Shengmin 楊生みん, Zhao Kaiqiu ちょう凱球 (1992). "Mensheng 門生もんせい", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 2, 650.
Shi Xuanyuan ほどこせせんえん et al., ed. (1987). Zhongguo wenhua cidian 中國ちゅうごく文化ぶんか辭典じてん (Shanghai: Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe), 404.
Zhang Zhenglang ちょうまさし烺, ed. (1990). >Zhongguo gudai zhiguan da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだいしょくかんだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe), 672.
Zhao Kaiqiu ちょう凱球 (1992). "Yishike 衣食いしょくきゃく", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 3, 1392.