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zongdu 總督 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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zongdu 總督そうとく, governor-general

Jun 23, 2016 © Ulrich Theobald

Governors-general (zongdu 總督そうとく, between 1519 and 1551 called zongzhi そうせい; also known as zhitai せいだい, zhijun せいぐん, zhixian 制憲せいけん or zhifu せい) were high military officials controlling military units of one or several provinces during the Ming あきら (1368-1644) and Qing きよし (1644-1911) periods.

During the Ming era, some governors-general were entrusted with special tasks, namely the transport of tribute grain (zongdu caoyun 總督そうとくこげうん, see caoyun zongdu こげうん總督そうとく), the management of the Grand Canal (zongdu hedao 總督そうとくかわどう, see hedao zongdu かわどう總督そうとく), or the storage of grain (zongdu liangchu 總督そうとくかてもうか). These governor-generals were allowed to mobilize military personnel for the transport and management of grain. The office over local military garrisons was but a temporary one, when rebellions had to be suppressed or wars in the borderlands were waged.

In 1441, for instance, the Minister of War (bingbu shangshu 兵部ひょうぶ尚書しょうしょ), Wang Ji おう驥 (1378-1460), was temporarily entrusted as Governor-General suppressing a rebellion in Luchuan ふもとがわ (today's Longchuan 隴川, Yunnan). Yu Qian 于謙 (1398-1457), also Minister of War, took also over a similar task. The Minister of War in the Southern Capital (Nanjing 南京なんきん) carried concurrently the title of Governor-General of the metropolitan garrison (zongdu jingshi 總督そうとく京師けいし) and was also responsible for military affairs around Nanjing. In 1452 Wang Ao おう翱 (1384-1467) supervised the military affairs of Liang-Guang りょうひろ.

The first office of a governor-general that had a relatively permanent character was created in 1469 for the twin-provinces of Liang-Guang (Guangdong and Guangxi), with Han Yong かん雍 (1422-1478) taking over the post. In 1497 the office was created for the "three borders" (sanbian さんへん) in Shaanxi (zongdu Shaanxi sanbian junwu 總督そうとく陜西きょうせいさんへん軍務ぐんむ), in 1510 those for Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan and Hu-Guang (Hubei and Hunan), in 1513 that of Xuanda せんだい and Shanxi (concurrently responsible for grain used to supply the border troops), in 1150 that of Ji-Liao あざみりょう and Baoding じょう (also including the supply organization), and in 1554 that of Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangnan and Jiangxi.

After the office had become a permanent character, governors-general and provincial governors (xunfu めぐなで) were called du-fu とくなで or du-fu dayuan とくなでだいいん. While the former was responsible for military matters, the latter administrated the province in civilian terms. Yet the governors-general had a higher status than governors. In some places, both offices were occupied by just one person. Most governors-general administered more than one province, some up to seven provinces. They were selected from high personnel in the ministries or the Censorate (duchayuan 察院). Quite a few had been Ministers (shangshu 尚書しょうしょ), Vice Ministers (shilang さむらいろう), Censors-in-chief (duyushi ), Vice Censors-in-chief (fu duyushi ふく) or Assistant Censors-in-chief (qian duyushi 僉都) before being appointed as governor-general. Governors-general entrusted with special duties mostly came from ministerial directorates.

The Qing dynasty made the office of governor-general a permanent one. They controlled one or more provinces, yet the area of jurisdiction changed oftenly during the 18th century, particularly in the critical border zone of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan. Governors-general (rank 2A, or 1B in case they held the title of Minister of War) were superiors to provincial governors. Their total number was about eight at a time. In the nineteenth century, there were governors-general for Zhili ちょく隸 (today's Hebei), Liang-Jiang りょうこう (Jiangsu and Jiangxi), Shaan-Gan 陜甘 (Shaanxi and Gansu), Min-Zhe 閩浙 (Fujian and Zhejiang), Liang-Hu りょうみずうみ (or Hu-Guang ひろ, Hubei and Hunan), Liang-Guang りょうひろ (Guangdong and Guangxi), Sichuan 四川しせん, and Yun-Gui くもとうと (Yunnan and Guizhou). Governors-general sometimes concurrently held the title (xian 銜) of Minister of War or Vice-Minister of War, or Right Censor-in-chief (you duyushi みぎ). They were the highest officials of the local administration and reported directly to the Council of State (junjichu 軍機ぐんきしょ) and the emperor.

Unlike during the Ming period, the Qing governors-general also controlled civilian affairs and evaluated officials. The Western powers had to do with governors-general, which they called "viceroy", as the latter were virtually representatives of the emperor. After the First Anglo-Chinese War (1838-1842), the status of viceroys became even more prominent. Some of them were important modernizers, others can be called proto-warlords.

There were also three specialized governors-general, namely one for grain transport (caoyun zongdu), one for the northern or "eastern" parts of the Grand Canal (donghe zongdu ひがしかわ總督そうとく), and one for its southern parts (nanhe zongdu 南河みなみかわ總督そうとく). In 1906 the three northeastern provinces (dongsansheng ひがしさんしょう) were transformed into regular provinces, and the office of Banner General was replaced by that of a governor-general.

Liu Youzhou りゅうゆうしま (1998). "Zongdu 總督そうとく", in Tang Jiahong から嘉弘よしひろ, ed. Zhongguo gudai dianzhang zhidu da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい典章てんしょう制度せいどだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 1138.
Lü Zongli りょそうつとむ, ed. (1994). Zhonggu lidai guanzhi da cidian 中國ちゅうごく歷代れきだい官制かんせいだい辭典じてん (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe), 636.
Pi Chunxie がわじゅんきょう, Xu Liming じょさとしあきら, Cao Wenguang 曹文こう, ed. (1986). Jianming zhengzhixue cidian 簡明かんめい政治せいじがく辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe), 531.
Wang Songling おうまつよわい, ed. (1991). Shiyong Zhongguo lishi zhishi cidian 實用じつよう中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし知識ちしき辭典じてん (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 78.
Wang Tianyou おうたかしゆう, Chan Shikui たんさきがけ (1992). "Zongdu 總督そうとく", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Zhongguo lishi 中國ちゅうごく歷史れきし (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 3, 1625.
Zhang Zhenglang ちょうまさし烺, ed. (1990). Zhongguo gudai zhiguan da cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだいしょくかんだい辭典じてん (Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe), 785.
Zhou Fazeng しゅうはつぞう, Chen Longtao ちんたかし濤, Qi Jixiang ひとし吉祥きっしょう, ed. (1998). Zhongguo gudai zhengzhi zhidu shi cidian 中國ちゅうごく古代こだい政治せいじ制度せいど辭典じてん (Beijing: Shoudu shifan daxue chubanshe), 21.