(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Guangya 廣雅 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Guangya こうみやび

Jul 17, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Guangya こうみやび "Extended [Er]ya" is a glossary compiled during the Three Empires period さんこく (220-280) by Zhang Yi ちょう揖 (early 3rd cent.), courtesy name Zhirang ややゆずる.

It was written as an extension of the glossary Erya しかみやび, which is only quite selective and does not cover all words in the sense of a dictionary. The arrangement follows that of the Erya. In bibliographies, the Guangya belongs to the category of books of "lesser learning" (Xiaoxue 小學しょうがく), often translated as "lexicography".

The Guangya includes many sources from the Han period かん (206 BCE-220 CE), including contemporary dictionaries like the Fangyan 方言ほうげん and the Shuowen jiezi せつぶんかい. The Guangya was originally divided into 3 juan, but was rearranged during the Sui period ずい (581-618), when Cao Xian 曹憲 (c. 541-645) wrote phonetic comments to the Guangya glossary. During this time the title was changed to Boya 博雅はくが in order to avoid the personal name of emperor Sui Yangdi ずい煬帝 (r. 604-617), Yang Guang 楊廣. After the Sui period the title was changed back to Guangya.

The version including Cao's commentary was 4 juan long, according to other sources, 10 juan.

During the Qing period きよし (1644-1911), Wang Niansun おうねんまご (1744-1832) wrote the commentary Guangya shuzheng こうみやび疏證. Wang's scholarly approach was that characters with similar sounds should also have a similar meaning. His commentary influenced Hao Yi's 郝懿 commentary on the Erya and Qian Yi's ぜに繹 (early 19th cent.) commentary on the Fangyan, and vice versa.

The oldest extant prints of the Guangya are full of errors which were amended by Wang Niansun and his son Wang Yinzhi おう引之 (1766-1834). There are three printings of the Wang commentary available: the Xuehaitang Studio がく海堂かいどう print, that included in the series Jifu congshu 畿輔叢書そうしょ, and a private printing of the family Wang. There is also a supplementary chapter (Buzheng 補正ほせい) written by Wang Yinzhi. It is included in the print of the Shanghai Guangcang Xuejiong Press 上海しゃんはいこうくらがく窘 from 1918 and Luo Zhenyu's たま (1866-1940) edition of the series Yinlizaisitang congshu いんれいざい斯堂叢書そうしょ from 1929.

There is another Qing-period commentary, namely Qian Dazhao's ぜに大昭たいしょう (1744-1813) Guangya yishu こう雅義まさよし疏. Recent publications of this commentary, like the print of the Japanese Seikadō Studio せいよしみどう also include a comment by Lu Wenchao ぶん弨 (1717-1795).

Bai Jianxin しろけんしん (1997). "Guangya こうみやび", in Pu Pang 龐樸, ed. Zhongguo ruxue 中國ちゅうごく儒學じゅがく (Shanghai: Dongfang chuban zhongxin), だいさんかんだい151.
Hu Jiming えびすまましあきら (1995). "Guangya shuzheng de zi yi er yi tong 《こうみやび疏證》てき而義どう”", Gu Hanyu yanjiu 漢語かんご研究けんきゅう, 1995 (9).
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Jian Changchun あしなえ長春ちょうしゅん (1988). "Guangya こうみやび", in Zhao Jihui ちょうよしめぐみ, Guo Hou'an かくあつしやす, ed. Zhongguo ruxue cidian 中國ちゅうごく儒學じゅがく辭典じてん (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 397.
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Li Bingzhong 秉忠, Wei Canjiin まもる燦金, Lin Conglong りんしたがえりゅう, ed. (1990). Jianming wenshi zhishi cidian 簡明かんめいぶん知識ちしきてん (Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe), 583.
Li Hengguang ひさしこう (2009). "You Guangya shuzheng xi Wang Niansun fuzi dui shuguxue de gongxian ゆかりこうみやび疏證》析王ねんまご父子ふしたい訓詁くんこがくてき貢獻こうけん", Tangshan Xueyuan xuebao 唐山からやま學院がくいんがくむくい, 2009 (3).
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Rui Sheng するどごえ (1998). "Guangyu Guangya zuozhe Zhang Ji せき於《こうみやび作者さくしゃちょう揖", Zhongguo yuwen 中国ちゅうごく语文, 1998 (5).
Wang Yu おう瑜 (2008). "Qianxi Guangya de gongxian あさ析《こうみやびてき貢獻こうけん", Liaoning Jiaoyu Xingzheng Xueyuan xuebao 遼寧りょうねい教育きょういく行政ぎょうせい學院がくいんがくむくい, 2008 (7).
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