(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 The Chinese Script (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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Chinese Typography

Mar 23, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald

Unlike other logographic scripts like Egyptian hieroglyphs or cuneiform scripts, the Chinese script consists of characters that all have the same size. This has to do with the fact that one character stands for one syllable and one word. A simple character like じん occupies the same space as a complicate one like 囊. Components of characters are accordingly reduced in size:

Figure 1. Scaling of character components
The more complex characters are, the smaller are individual components. Yet standing alone, simple components like or また occupy all the space reserved for one character.

Chinese texts can be thought of as written in a grid of square fields (fangkuai ほうかたまり) that have to be filled to all edges. Beginners therefore use to train writing by the use of grid-pattern paper. Yet such boxed are also used for drafts.

Figures 2-3. Grid-pattern paper for writing
Left: Modern grid-pattern paper for drafting texts (written in rows from left to right). Right: Example of the manuscript edition of the Qingguoshi 清國きよくに (detail, written in columns from right to left). The blank cell signifies respect for the following words (xianshi さき "former generations"). In ready-made prints, this is done by a "line break" and positioning the first word a line higher than the usual line (see below).

Because of predefined space for each character, complex characters are often not readable in prints of minor quality. Simple characters (wen ぶん, modern term dutizi どくたい) are quite rare, at least seen from the whole thesaurus of characters, while compound characters (zi , modern term hetizi 合體がったい) make out 90 per cent of all characters. Most of the latter consist of two parts, either left and right or top and bottom. One of the two parts is mostly a phonetic part (sheng こえ, the phonetic, modern term shengfu こえ), indicating roughly the pronunciation, and the other part indicates the field of meaning (xing かたち, the signific, modern term yifu ). This type of character, to which most characters belong, is called xingsheng zi 形聲けいせい.

Characters can be divided into thirteen types according to their graphic composition (with examples):
Figure 4. Patterns of graphical composition of Chinese characters
The composition of characters can be divided in solitary characters (like ちゅう), horizontally divided ones (in two or three parts), vertically divided ones (in two or three parts), and various enclosures of differnt grades, from total enclosures like こく to enclosures from three sides or just from two sides. The last type () consists of two overlapping components.

The position of signific parts is relatively fixed. The components 亻彳こう氵火扌犭礻足, for instance, are mostly standing to the left, かたな卩阝攴見ぺーじほことり to the right, and 宀穴艹竹 to the top of other modules. This has become a standard with the creation of the chancery script, just like the sequence of the brush strokes that always go from left to right, from top to bottom, and from outside to inside.

The signific part of a character is called its radical (bushou 部首ぶしゅ). The term bushou came up during the Later Han dynasty. The oldest surviving character dictionary, the Shuowen jiezi, classifies all Chinese characters it records into 540 radicals. During the Ming period あきら (1368-1644) the number of radicals was reduced and was fixed at 214. This number is traditionally connected with the Kangxi zidian かん字典じてん dictionary (as the so-called Kangxi radicals やすし部首ぶしゅ).

Character simplification in the People's Republic and attempts by various scholars to make character lookup easier has resulted in different systems of radicals. Characters that do not follow the principle of combining a phonetic with a signific element, like the huiyi or zhishi characters, are arbitrarily subsumed under one radical, for example こう "good, to like" under おんな "wife", not "child"; "to erase, to do away" under 厶 and not under , and "not" under いち, and not under . In the last two cases, the radicals are purely graphical and have nothing to do with the meaning of the characters.

What has also changed significantly in the last 2,000 years is the monosyllabic character of the language. Most nouns and verbs in modern Chinese are disyllabic, and it is therefore not any longer justified to say that one character represents one word. One has therefore to discern between character dictionaries (zidian 字典じてん) and word dictionaries (cidian 辭典じてん or てん).

Punctuation and orthography in Modern Chinese

Chinese is traditionally written in columns from right to left, according to the natural material of bamboo strips. Still today, plates or rolls on the left and right sides of entrances or of altars, and also the title on the back of a book are written in single columns. Horizontal plates are traditionally written from right to left, like in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the overseas Chinese communities. In the People's Republic, the Western style of writing in rows from left to right has generally been adopted.

Figure 5. Examples for writing direction in Chinese

"Wishing good luck and prosperity"
(New Year's Roll, from top to bottom)




Left: Beginning of the "Great Learning"
(in columns from right to left)
Commentaries on the main text are often written
in smaller characters and in two columns within one.

"What the Great Learning teaches (commentary: 'Great Learning' means the way to study by adult people), is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined, a [...]"
Shiu Fat Machinery and Tools Co., Ltd.
(Hong Kong, from right to left)
"Long live the People's Republic of China"
(from left to right)

In imperial times, words and expressions pointing at the emperor or the emperor's forebeards were written a line higher than the usual text.

Figure 6. Position of words of honour in premodern texts
Foreword of the the Shengyu guangxun ひじりさとしこうくん, instructions by Emperor Shizong きよしむね, the Yongzheng Emperor 雍正みかど (r. 1722-1735) of the Qing dynasty きよし (1644-1911). When words occur pointing at the emperor's father or having the meaning of "emperor, imperial", a line break is made, and the word of honour is put a line higher, in this example no less than nine times. This is somewhat confusing because a line break does not singify the end of a sentence. Siku quanshu edition よん全書ぜんしょ.

Traditional texts do not know any punctuation. This fact even poses a problem to modern Chinese readers of old writings. Punctuation has only been introduced in the early 20th century. Western names and surnames (Bālākè Hóusàiyīn Oūbāmǎ ともえひしげかつこうさいいんおうともえ "Barack Hussein Obama") are divided by a • mid-level dot.

Figure 7. Example from an early Republican-period text
Example from the Republican-period book Zhongguo zhexue shi dagang 中國ちゅうごく哲學てつがく大綱たいこう by Hu Shi えびすてき, published in 1917 (in Minguo congshu みんこく叢書そうしょ, Series 1, Vol. 2). Waved lines are used to stress book titles (Mozi ぼく), straight lines for personal names (Mo Di ぼく翟), and circles 。。。 to highlight important phrases.

There are two types of commas, one of them the one、 two、 and three listing comma. 「Quotation marks quoting 『what someone has said』」 are different from those known in the West, but 〝Western-type quotation marks〞are also used, mainly in the People's Republic. 《Book titles》 are often written in in double or 〈single parentheses〉, and there are also some special brackets for 〔remarks〕 and 【entries in lexica】. Punctuation marks of all types (。?!:;,.…) are broader than Latin letters in order to fit with the space of Chinese characters. The repetition sign 々 is quite rare in Chinese prints, but is quite commonly used in Taiwan (following the Japanes example, where it is widespread).

In very old inscriptions (oracle bone and bronze vessels) the repetition of a word was signified by a small character "two" ニ. For texts written in columns, special marks are provided (︽︾︻︼﹁﹂). In older texts, important words are marked by dots to the right to signify the author stressing this passage. Some modern editions of ancient texts, especially those of the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華ちゅうかしょきょく, underline personal and place names, as well as the titles of books. In Taiwan, the texts of many books are accompanied with the Zhuyin transcription written in small letters to the right of the characters.

Cao Xianzhuo 曹先擢 (1988). "Gujinzi 古今ここん", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuyan wenzi かたりげん文字もじ (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 97.
Chen Fu ひね紱 (1993). "Benzi 本字ほんじ", "Chongwen 重文じゅうぶん", "Gujinzi 古今ここん", "Huiyi 會意かいい", "Jiajie 假借かしゃく", "Jiezi ", "Leizengzi 累增るいぞう", "Tongjia どおりかり", "Yitizi 異體いたい", "Zhuanzhu 轉注てんちゅう", in Zhongguo xiaoxue jiaoxue baike quanshu zong bianji weiyuanhui Yuwen juan bianji weiyuanhui 中國ちゅうごく小學しょうがく教學きょうがく百科全書總編輯委員會語文卷編輯委員會 (ed.), Zhongguo xiaoxue jiaoxue baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごく小學しょうがく教學きょうがく百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuwen かたりぶん (Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe), 151-154.
Wang Jihuai おうきちふところ (2000). "Zai lun Dawenkou de taoke 再論さいろんだい汶口てきすえこく, Dongnan wenhua 東南とうなん文化ぶんか 2000/7, pp. 6-14.
Xu Zhongshu じょちゅう舒, ed. (1990). Jiaguwen zidian 甲骨文字こうこつもじてん (Chengdu: Sichuan cishu chubanshe).
Zhang Zhenglang ちょうまさし烺 (1988). "Bafen はちふん", "Caoshu 草書そうしょ", "Guwen 古文こぶん", "Lishu 隸書れいしょ", "Niaochongshu とりむししょ", "Xingshu 行書ぎょうしょ", "Zhenshu 真書しんしょ", "Zhouwen 籒文", "Zhuanshu 篆書てんしょ", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuyan wenzi かたりげん文字もじ (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 10, 31-32, 257-258, 303-304, 430, 515-516, 538, 542-543.
Zhou Zumo しゅう謨 (1988). "Hanzi 漢字かんじ", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごくだい百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuyan wenzi かたりげん文字もじ (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 195-199.
Zhu Xiaojian しゅしょうけん (1993). "Bihua 筆畫ひっかく", "Bishun 筆順ひつじゅん", in Zhongguo xiaoxue jiaoxue baike quanshu zong bianji weiyuanhui Yuwen juan bianji weiyuanhui 中國ちゅうごく小學しょうがく教學きょうがく百科全書總編輯委員會語文卷編輯委員會 (ed.), Zhongguo xiaoxue jiaoxue baike quanshu 中國ちゅうごく小學しょうがく教學きょうがく百科全書ひゃっかぜんしょ, Yuwen かたりぶん (Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe), 156.
Zhongguo shehui kexue yuan kaoguxue yanjiusuo 中國ちゅうごく社會しゃかい科學かがくいん考古學こうこがく研究所けんきゅうじょ, ed. (1984). Yin-Zhou jinwen jicheng いんしゅう金文きんぶん集成しゅうせい (Shanghai: Zhonghua shuju).