(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
<COVID-19> Key Point: Observe all of the following to reduce your risk of infection! | Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation

Key Point: Observe all of the following to reduce your risk of infection!

Make prevention a part of your daily life.
Avoid the “Three Cs”
(1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation; 2. Crowded places with many people nearby; 3. Close-contact settings such as closerange
Wash your hands and disinfect your fingers.
Wear a face mask
Maintain a distance of 2m between persons.
◎Keep air circulating in the rooms.
Be particularly careful when visiting or returning from a place known to have cases of infection.
PDF : https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/secure/1210664/200520chirashi_corona-kokufuku-3kajou_COVID-19_4000dpi.pdf  (鳥取とっとりけんwebsite)