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Ep 33: shadowsky


Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you had stayed, old sport.

Or, the 33rd Letter to February.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you had stayed, old sport. When you left, your shadow stayed behind to cover me in dark blue, stretching out to become the sky of the city. If you hadn’t left, would I still have ended up in this place? The buildings are warped, but I have grown accustomed to the cracks in the walls and the bots that roam the streets when the sun goes down.


I wish you’d respond. I’ve been stuck here for too long, and the nights are longer than the days. I was nearly killed the other night, nearly dragged away forever. I was lucky to escape with a bit of hair missing, but the longer I stay here the more debt I’m in, and soon I will have to pay in something much more valuable.


The stars on yesterday’s ceiling carried over to tonight’s sky and you aren’t even here to see them. We don’t always have stars in Universe City, you know. Every letter I send is a cry for help, but you’ve yet to respond to a single one. The shadowsky is too much to bear by myself, and yet here I am, alone, crouched in an alleyway and hiding with my radio.


There’s still time, February. The constellations haven’t shifted yet. I am still silhouetted against your dark blue shadow, awaiting your response.


I wrote this at 1am scribbling in a notebook in bed in the dark and it made me feel like Aled which was a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed!