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Carol of the Pizza


On the second day of Smoon-Mas the Jester gives to you~
Christmas Carols!!
And of course, the Company has some trademarked Christmas carols of their own, and Sun loves them! Moon on the other hand…


He/him Sun
He/they Moon
They them is bolded for both

Ended up writing this twice, first was from Moon’s perspective and…wasn’t feeling it, didn’t feel very christmas-y just very Moon is done with this thing. So, Sunny boi gets to enjoy christmas carols!
Enjoy reading some christmas fluff!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Sun was humming along to one of the Freddy Fazbear Christmas SongsTM. A Great way to get into the holiday spirit after all!

He was working away at one of the many, many, MANY gifts he had planned for allllllll their friends! Yes, yes, yes! And everywhere else but the daycare had Christmas carols looping sooooo...he thought he'd join in as well.


Completely absorbed into all his little ideas for his project and simply enjoying the tune of 'Map bot the red-nosed STAFF bot' it took Sun a good bit to realize he hadn't heard anything from Moony in a bit.

Moon wasn't asleep in their headspace, he could still feel in waaaaaaayyyyyy, way, way in the far recesses of the shared space, they were active but not actively watching or keen on engaging with Sun.




Maybe Moony just wanted some time to himself, and that's ok!


They can be so secretive around any kind of holiday where gifts are exchanged, wanting to keep Sun from finding out prematurely or...getting too excited about gifts for others and spoiling surprises on accident occasionally.

Not thinking much of it, he continues humming and working away.


He eventually starts quietly saying the words to the carols aloud, not exactly singing them just saying them with a tune as he is...a terrible singer, not that it stops him from having fun when he does try anyways!

As he gets to the song 'Carol of the Pizza' He hears a drawn-out tired groan of despair.


Pausing his work, searching their headspace for the other, still tucked away deep in 'solitude'. “Moony...?” He calls into the digital space.


” more...please Sun, no more...“ Moon rasps pleadingly in a whisper.


A bit alarmed, Sun focus is completely pulled into making sure Moon is ok.


”A-are you ok Moony? Is something wrong? No more what?“ Sun questions, words becoming more and more anxious


“...the carols.” Moon answers.


All the anxiety that was growing in Sun comes to a halt from how thrown off he is by that answer.


“The...carols?” Sun questions, baffled.


“Yessssssss...” Moon hisses out.


”I hate the company carols, they're just so...“ Moon trails off making a few vague noises of frustration at not finding the words to express WHY they hate the companies carols so much.


”Oh.“ Sun pauses, thinking over what Moon said.  ”But...I thought you liked Carols Moony?“


”Yesssss...the classssssics...not imitationsssss“ He drawls in mild annoyance as they pull themselves from the depths of their mindscape.


Moon plays a recorded file of the song 'Carol of the Bells'.


Sun immediately perks up swaying with the music.

”Ohhhh, hoh-ho! It really is different! Hmm...I still like the companies Carols because they include our friends! But I can play this instead for now Moony!“ Sun chirps.


”But you sounded like a bit of a 'grinch' there Moony!“ Sun giggles.

Moon grumbles he's not a grinch as they relax back into their headspace, watching Sun work as 'Carol of the bells' plays on loop in their head.


I think it turned out kinda cute, simple but cute still, I wanted to actually try to write in lil lyrics of classic songs ‘fazbear’ified but….honestly what kinda lyrics would ‘Carol of the Pizza’ have??? If anyone comes up with an answer I’d love to hear it!! This one was a lil tricky, had no prior ideas but…who knows maybe the next one will go smoother!
And…for anyone interested in the version of this that did NOT make it, well…I may end up posting it on my tumblr cause why not?

Thank you all for reading and all the kudos, comments and bookmarks! I appreciate them all even if I don’t reply to the comments I appreciate every single one and every single one of you who reads my works! It really makes my day seeing y’all liking what I write! :3