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Christmas baking


On the third day of Smoon-Mas the Jester gives to you~

Gingerbread cookies! And some bonding time for Chica and Sun!


He/him Sun
He/they Moon
They them is bolded for both
She/her Chica

I’m a lil slow with doing these (Its finals season wooooo) but have some fluffy interactions! Enjoy!!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Chica was humming to herself as she went about the kitchen smoothly, knowing the place by heart. As she got out bowls and the ingredients they'd need, she looks over to Sun with a smile seeing the taller animatronic completely engrossed in reading through the recipe they would be making.


Gingerbread cookies!

Of course, they could easily take pictures and memorize the information, Sun was adamant on reviewing the recipe book a few times before they started, having never tried his hand at baking before.

Chica just shakes her head, smiling to herself as she sets the last item they’d need down.


“You ready there sugarpie?” She asks smiling, hands on her hips.


Sun looks up at her, spinning his rays as he puts down the cookbook clapping his hands. ”Oh, yes, yes! I think I’m alllll set to start baking with you Ms. Chica!“ He chirps.


Chica giggles. “First you need to put your ribbons away to wash up and put on that spare apron I got you Sunny.” She tells him amused at the nickname and his excitement.


“O-oh...right! Got to clean up, clean up first!” He chirps and does just that, Chica grabbing her own matching pink apron and washing her hands up.


Chica works swiftly as they start to work on making the dough, Sun eagerly following the instructions she gives him. Its not perfect, a few mishaps do happen as it's his first-time baking. Animatronics or not they still make mistakes now and again.

Getting a littttttle too excited with the story he was telling her as he mixed the dry ingredients, rays spinning a mile a minute and...blowing some of the flour out of the bowl.

Sure, she gets some flour on her and so does a bit of their surroundings, but she just laughs at this as Sun frets, telling him not to worry and they'll clean it up later after they put the dough in the fridge.

He still continues to apologize and tries to refrain from spinning his rays at all until Moon calls him out for this and Chica tells him he doesn't need to stop himself just because a little mishap.


Things go smoother after that.



That is...until they get to the eggs.


As Chica cracks the first egg, Sun asks to try to crack the next one.

Chica is more then happy to let him try, telling him to just be careful to not get any eggshells in the bowl.

It had seemed easy enough to Sun, just...carefully tap the egg to the edge of the counter and then split the egg over the bowl after its cracked. However, he ends up tapping WAY too gently each time he tries, and the egg remains perfectly whole.

Chica ends up trying to hide her giggles at this, Sun getting embarrassed as he keeps trying.


Eventually...after having watched Sun repeatedly struggle to crack the egg Moon asks to switch to try themselves.

Already rather...embarrassed, Sun agrees to let Moon try.


Confident in themselves Moon looks at the egg in his hand after the switch before giving the egg a good smack into the counter edge.

And he does in fact manage to crack the egg!

But...he used a bit too much force and its completely shattered as the egg goop drips from his hand.


He stands there, frozen, just looking at it.



The feeling is...not pleasant.



Thankfully Chica is quick to help clean it up, Moon quickly withdrawing back as Sun comes out.

Moon doesn't think baking is for them, much preferring to watch Sun or others enjoy doing it instead.

Sun tries once again to crack an egg, and finally succeeds!



Once the dough is made, they put it in the fridge to rest as they start on cleaning up.


Chica animatedly tells Sun all about how much fun she'd had recently when her and Roxy had a girl's night and that they should have Sun join them one time soon.

Sun is thrilled at the idea! Rays spinning as he chatters just as excitedly with her at the idea, already looking forward to it as they make the kitchen nice and clean again.


After the dough has rested long enough, they take it out and start rolling it out and cutting out different shapes like suns, moons, stars, trees, gingerbread people, and even little heads of the glams!

It's a lot of fun, both chattering away about anything and everything as they put the first batch in the oven and start on cutting out the rest.


As the cookies bake, they start making some simple icing to decorate the cookies with.

Sure, they can't eat them, (not that this will stop Chica from snagging a few to 'eat' anyways) but the cookies will be given to the human staff to enjoy as a bit of holiday cheer.

The decorating ends up being Sun's favourite part of baking, its like edible painting! Chica laughs when he tells her this.


Chica hums and dances about as she decorates, Sun swaying along to her humming.


They had both tried convincing Moon to come out to try his hand at decorating some cookies.

He declines this, Sun can FEEL the others distaste at the idea, not keen on anything else ending up on their hands as he sees the icing, sprinkles and worst of all edible glitter (Sun disagrees with the sentiment). Far more content to watch Sun have his fun instead.


Sun just giggles and doesn't push the other on the matter.


They end up with a good two dozen decorated gingerbread cookies for the staff to enjoy, Sun is a little sad he can't keep the pair he decorated after himself and Moon, but food spoils and that would be very unsanitary.

Lots of pictures and the memory files of them will have to do.


He doesn't think baking will be a new favorite thing to do, but he's happy to have the memories and the time shared with his friend!

Maybe he can bake with Chica again sometime or convince Moony to join him and try to make something.


Either way, he knows he'll cherish the memories of spending Christmas with


And the time they all share this year.


This feels like it’s written differently then some of my other stuff (idk, maybe that’s just me XD) But this was fun to write, just some simple bonding time in the name of Christmas!!
Thank you all for reading, I appreciate you all and all the kudos, comments, and bookmarks! (I may not often respond to comments…but I appreciate them all I promise!!!! >-<
If you like my writing (and my Smoon content) maybe check out some of my other stuff! I have a handful of stuff for this Au and some other Au’s of mine! And maybe check out my Tumblr, I post mostly about my Au’s be it rambles, drabbles that don’t make it on here and doodles!!! You can find a link in my profile! (Sorry it’s just easier then trying to put a link in… >-<)
And feel free to join in for Smoon-Mas!!!