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OH! Christmas tree!


On the fourth day of Smoon-Mas the Jester gives to you~

Crafts/Tree Decorating!
Sun is helping the stars make crafts and they decide to make a Christmas tree of sorts of their own!

Teen for a single swear!!!


He/him Sun
He/they Moon
They them is bolded for both

Max uses they/them
Sophie uses she/her
Monty uses he/him

Had this idea since this prompt was first suggested for the list, was fun to finally write it!! Silly fluffy shenanigans (with the tiniest tiniest smidge of angst….its hinted at only.)
Enjoy reading!!!!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Today Sun was helping alllllll the little stars work on making Christmas decorations for their trees at home! Not all the children celebrated Christmas, but they still enjoyed making crafts of other things instead.


Sun beams internally as he flits about the tables making sure to help anyone who needs it and keep the children from eating any of the’s happened on a few occasions.

The children were so, so, sooooo creative making little stars and snowman, angels, and gingerbread people, even their favourite Glamrock or popular media characters!

They were so creative, and it made his circuits warm to see them all having fun making crafts!

It always did. As he continues to help the children, he gets dragged into joining them in making decorations.


And that he does!


The plex has a tree of its own that anyone can add decorations to, this includes the animatronics!

And him and Moony had been meaning to make something for the tree, so Sun started to work on making little angels out of construction paper, cotton balls and glittery pipe cleaners.


Each little angel was special.





Not to be forgotten…



Not that him or Moon would be telling anyone what they represent...


As the end of craft time nears, one of the children tugs on his pants, drawing his attention away from the final paper angel.


“Mr. Sun.” Max says, looking up at him curiously.


“Hm? Yes, little star, do you need help?” Sun chirps looking them over for any clues on what they might need, finding nothing wrong with a scan.


“Can you come here, we need you to sit down and put a cape on.” Maz explains taking his hand and leading him away.


Confused, Sun lets the child lead him, a few other children follow giggling as he sits down.

They immediately get to work wrapping him up in one of the costume capes, a green one.


The children all gather round him giggling as he watches them still confused.


“What is it little friends? Is there something on my face?” Sun asks playfully.


They shake their heads holding things behind their backs.

Sun tilts his head at them, curious what his little friends are so excited about.


Max comes up first carefully taping the paper snowflake they made to the cape.


“Friends?” Sun asks.


The children giggle as more and more come up taping little decorations to him and other items they found to dress him up in.


He just lets them, giggling as his rays give a few spins, asking what they're doing.


“Making you into a Christmas tree!” One of the children finally tell him, the others cheering in agreement.


“Oh? Oh golly, friends why am I the Christmas tree?” Sun chirps giggling, enjoying this little game of theirs.


“Cause you're Mr. Sun and your heads like a reaaaaalllllly big star.” Sophie tells him as she tapes her dragon Santa to him.


“O-Oh...So I'm like a star hm?” Sun asks through giggles, flattered.


Cheers of agreement are heard as they continue to decorate him.

The children have a lot of fun, and he does end up looking a bit like a heavily decorated Christmas tree with a giant star topper.


But...he is also stuck, not able to safely move or remove things without damaging them.

Moon who had been watching the interaction with interest in their mind space snickers internally at Sun lamenting this.


As naptime nears, Sun starts to fret, the children need to have their naptime but...oh dear he can't damage any of their creations, no, no, no!


Moon understanding the others worries pings Monty that he's needed at the daycare.




A good 15 minutes later a stomping Gator makes his way to the daycare, knocking on the large doors. Moon doesn't usually ping him during open hours, or ever for that matter, preferring to sneak up and just appear instead of answering his messages.


Monty rolls his eyes thinking of this, hopefully nothings wrong for them to message him.


He hears Sun call out saying to come in if it's Monty as he can't get the door himself.


“What do you mean you- oh...uhh...” Monty cuts himself off as he pushes the daycares doors open seeing why.


Sun is sitting in the middle of the daycare, covered in little paper and Styrofoam ornaments, children surrounding him and giggling. Although, his face can't move it feels a bit like he's giving Monty a sheepish smile.


“Hello Monty! Umm...Could I get your assistance please friend?” Sun asks him.


Sighing to himself as he runs his claws through his mohawk Monty nods making his way over. “Sure Sunman, I gotcha.”


A few children are giggling and bouncing around excited to see him in the daycare.

Monty tries his best to take off all the ornaments as carefully as possible, he's not the best with delicate things...but he wouldn't want any of the kid’s things getting damaged and making one cry.

He’s…not the best with crying kids, but he tries his best to handle them when he has to.


It's a slow and tedious process but it gets done just in time for the lights to dim for the start of naptime.


“Thank you...Monty.” Moon drawls, appreciative of their friend, but feeling a bit...mischievous.


“Ya, ya, no problem Moonman, now I better get going.” Monty says with a wave, starting to head towards the doors.


Only for the children to pounce him, what he didn't see was Moon subtly motion for them to do so.

They make quick work of wrapping him up in a blanket and the green cape previously on Sun. Monty is completely baffled by this but doesn’t struggle out of fear of hurting one of the kids.


“Not so fast gator, we need a new Chrissssssssstmas tree after all.” Moon drawls teasingly.


“Why you...” Monty cuts himself grumbling.


Moon's head gives a quick spin, clearly amused by the other being unable to swear currently.


Moon scoops the grumbling Monty up placing him just outside the naptime nook for the children to decorate him just as they did Sun, but in record time.


Naptime goes smoothly after that, be it with a new grumbling decoration that is Monty.



Sun does eventually help Monty out once the children have all taken their ornaments home with them and telling him how nice it was to see him playing with the children today!


Monty can't stay mad at Sun after he says this, but he still plans on cussing Moon out next time he sees them, the lil shit...



No one questions the sudden appearance of the five paper angels on the Christmas tree.


On a bit of a roll past few days to get back on track with these, partial through the next one as well! (even got a chance to hint at a silly lil shenanigan that I so badly WANT to get around to write but…soon….) Anywho…
Thank you all for reading, I appreciate all the kudos, comments, and bookmarks! If you like my writing maybe check out some of my other works! And feel free to join in Smoon-Mas, you can find the prompt list on my Tumblr! (Maybe check that out for more Smoon content…theres a link for that in my profile!)
I appreciate you all!!!! Till next prompt!!!!
,Jester :3