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Congressional Record

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The Congressional Record is a published record of the proceedings of the United States Congress. It includes debates and remarks made by U.S. senators and representatives while on the floor of their respective houses, as well as bills, resolutions, motions, and vote tallies. The Government Publishing Office publishes the Congressional Record after each day that Congress is in session.[1][2][3]


The Government Publishing Office (GPO, formerly the Government Printing Office), has published the Congressional Record since 1873. Before that time, a series of previous publications like the Annals of Congress, the Register of Debates, and the Congressional Globe contained congressional debates and proceedings. According to the Library of Congress, the Congressional Record "is far more comprehensive than its predecessors in reporting Congressional debates."[4][3]

According to the official website of the United States Senate, "more than 20,000 subscribers in legislative offices, government agencies, and depository libraries" receive copies of the Congressional Record.[5]


Each issue of the Congressional Record contains the following sections of content:[3][2]

  • Daily Digest
    • A summary of the daily floor and committee activities of each house of Congress
  • Senate
    • A record of proceedings conducted in the Senate chamber and in Senate committees
  • House
    • A record of proceedings conducted in the House chamber and in House committees
  • Extensions of Remarks
    • Additional statements, submitted by members of the House, but not actually delivered on the House floor

See also

External links
