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 Strong's Hebrew: 4911. מָשַׁל (mashal) -- like
4911. mashal
Strong's Concordance
mashal: like
Original Word: משׁל
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: mashal
Phonetic Spelling: (maw-shal')
Definition: to represent, be like
I. [מָשַׁל] verb represent, be like (Arabic stand erect (compare FlDe Proverbs 1:1), II. effigiavit, representavit (rem alicui), see imitate, use a verse as a poverb; description by way of comparison; Assyrian mašâlu, DlHWB 451 f.; Ethiopic become like; Aramaic מְתַל be like, compare).

Niph`al Perfect3masculine singular נִמְשַׁל Psalm 49:13; Psalm 49:21; 2masculine singular נִמְֹשָׁ֑לְתָּ Isaiah 14:10; 1singular נִמְשַׁלְתִּי Psalm 28:1; Psalm 143:7: — be like, similar, with אֶל Isaiah 14:10; עִם Psalm 28:1 = Psalm 143:7; כְּ Psalm 49:13; Psalm 49:21.

Hiph`il Imperfect2masculine plural suffix וְתָמְשִׁלוּנִי compare Isaiah 46:5.

Hithpa`el Imperfect1singular וָאֶתְמַשֵּׁל Job 30:19 (with כְּ) and I have become like dust..

II. מָשַׁל verb denominative use of proverb, speak in parables or sentences of poetry, especially Ezekiel; —

Qal Imperfect יִמְשֹׁל Ezekiel 16:44; 3masculine plural יִמְשְׁלוּ Ezekiel 12:23; Imperative מְשֹׁל Ezekiel 17:2; Ezekiel 24:3; Infinitive construct מְשֹׁל Ezekiel 18:3 Participle משֵׁל Ezekiel 16:44, plural משְׁלִים Ezekiel 18:2; Numbers 21:27; — use a proverb: מָשָׁל׳מ Ezekiel 12:23; Ezekiel 18:3; a parable with אֶלֿ Ezekiel 17:2 ("" חוּד חִידָה), Ezekiel 24:3; with עַלֿ Ezekiel 18:2, and (מָשָׁל apparently omitted) הִנֵּה כָּלֿ הַמּשֵׁל עָלַיִךְ יִמְשֹׁל Ezekiel 16:44 (but this is awkward; point הִנֵּה כֹּל הַמָּשָׁל); משְׁלִים Numbers 21:27 (JE).,

Pi`el Participle הֲלֹא מְמַשֵּׁל מְשָׁלִים הוּא Ezekiel 21:5 is he not a maker of parables?

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
become like, compare, use as a proverb, speak in proverbs, utter

Denominative from mashal; to liken, i.e. (transitively) to use figurative language (an allegory, adage, song or the like); intransitively, to resemble -- be(-come) like, compare, use (as a) proverb, speak (in proverbs), utter.

see HEBREW mashal

Forms and Transliterations
הַמֹּשְׁלִ֖ים הַמֹּשֵׁ֔ל המשל המשלים וְ֝נִמְשַׁ֗לְתִּי וְתַמְשִׁל֖וּנִי וָ֝אֶתְמַשֵּׁ֗ל וּמְשֹׁ֣ל וּמְשֹׁ֤ל ואתמשל ומשל ונמשלתי ותמשלוני יִמְשְׁל֥וּ יִמְשֹׁ֖ל ימשל ימשלו מְמַשֵּׁ֥ל מְשֹׁ֛ל מִשְׁלֵי־ מֹֽשְׁלִים֙ ממשל משל משלי־ משלים נִמְשַׁ֖ל נִמְשָֽׁלְתָּ׃ נמשל נמשלת׃ ham·mō·šə·lîm ham·mō·šêl hammōšêl hammōšəlîm hammoShel hammosheLim mə·maš·šêl mə·šōl memashShel məmaššêl meShol məšōl miš·lê- mishlei mišlê- mō·šə·lîm mōšəlîm mosheLim nim·šā·lə·tā nim·šal nimšal nimšālətā nimShal nimShalta ū·mə·šōl umeShol ūməšōl vaetmashShel venimShalti vetamshiLuni wā’eṯmaššêl wā·’eṯ·maš·šêl wə·nim·šal·tî wə·ṯam·ši·lū·nî wənimšaltî wəṯamšilūnî yim·šə·lū yim·šōl yimšəlū yimsheLu yimShol yimšōl
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Englishman's Concordance
Numbers 21:27
HEB: כֵּ֛ן יֹאמְר֥וּ הַמֹּשְׁלִ֖ים בֹּ֣אוּ חֶשְׁבּ֑וֹן
NAS: Therefore those who use proverbs say,
KJV: Wherefore they that speak in proverbs say,
INT: after that say use Come to Heshbon

Job 13:12
HEB: זִֽ֭כְרֹנֵיכֶם מִשְׁלֵי־ אֵ֑פֶר לְגַבֵּי־
INT: your memorable be like of ashes your defenses

Job 30:19
HEB: הֹרָ֥נִי לַחֹ֑מֶר וָ֝אֶתְמַשֵּׁ֗ל כֶּעָפָ֥ר וָאֵֽפֶר׃
NAS: me into the mire, And I have become like dust
KJV: me into the mire, and I am become like dust
INT: has cast the mire have become dust and ashes

Psalm 28:1
HEB: תֶּֽחֱשֶׁ֥ה מִמֶּ֑נִּי וְ֝נִמְשַׁ֗לְתִּי עִם־ י֥וֹרְדֵי
NAS: to me, For if You are silent to me, I will become like those who go down
KJV: to me: lest, [if] thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down
INT: not be deaf at will become who go

Psalm 49:12
HEB: בַּל־ יָלִ֑ין נִמְשַׁ֖ל כַּבְּהֵמ֣וֹת נִדְמֽוּ׃
NAS: will not endure; He is like the beasts
KJV: abideth not: he is like the beasts
INT: will not endure is like the beasts perish

Psalm 49:20
HEB: וְלֹ֣א יָבִ֑ין נִמְשַׁ֖ל כַּבְּהֵמ֣וֹת נִדְמֽוּ׃
NAS: understanding, Is like the beasts
KJV: and understandeth not, is like the beasts
INT: without understanding is like the beasts perish

Psalm 143:7
HEB: פָּנֶ֣יךָ מִמֶּ֑נִּי וְ֝נִמְשַׁ֗לְתִּי עִם־ יֹ֥רְדֵי
NAS: Your face from me, Or I will become like those who go down
KJV: not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down
INT: your face at will become who go

Isaiah 14:10
HEB: כָמ֖וֹנוּ אֵלֵ֥ינוּ נִמְשָֽׁלְתָּ׃
NAS: you have been made weak as we, You have become like us.
KJV: unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?
INT: as we have become

Isaiah 46:5
HEB: תְדַמְי֖וּנִי וְתַשְׁו֑וּ וְתַמְשִׁל֖וּנִי וְנִדְמֶֽה׃
NAS: Me And make Me equal and compare Me, That we would be alike?
KJV: me, and make [me] equal, and compare me, that we may be like?
INT: liken and make and compare liken

Ezekiel 12:23
HEB: הַזֶּ֔ה וְלֹֽא־ יִמְשְׁל֥וּ אֹת֛וֹ ע֖וֹד
NAS: longer use it as a proverb in Israel.
KJV: to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel;
INT: this will no use longer Israel

Ezekiel 16:44
HEB: הִנֵּה֙ כָּל־ הַמֹּשֵׁ֔ל עָלַ֥יִךְ יִמְשֹׁ֖ל
NAS: everyone who quotes proverbs will quote [this] proverb
KJV: Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use [this] proverb
INT: Behold everyone quotes concerning proverbs

Ezekiel 16:44
HEB: הַמֹּשֵׁ֔ל עָלַ֥יִךְ יִמְשֹׁ֖ל לֵאמֹ֑ר כְּאִמָּ֖ה
NAS: who quotes proverbs will quote [this] proverb concerning
KJV: Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use [this] proverb against thee, saying,
INT: quotes concerning proverbs saying mother

Ezekiel 17:2
HEB: ח֥וּד חִידָ֖ה וּמְשֹׁ֣ל מָשָׁ֑ל אֶל־
NAS: a riddle and speak a parable
KJV: a riddle, and speak a parable
INT: propound A riddle and speak A parable to

Ezekiel 18:2
HEB: לָּכֶ֗ם אַתֶּם֙ מֹֽשְׁלִים֙ אֶת־ הַמָּשָׁ֣ל
NAS: What do you mean by using this
KJV: What mean ye, that ye use this proverb
INT: What you using proverb this

Ezekiel 18:3
HEB: לָכֶ֜ם ע֗וֹד מְשֹׁ֛ל הַמָּשָׁ֥ל הַזֶּ֖ה
NAS: you are surely not going to use this
KJV: GOD, ye shall not have [occasion] any more to use this proverb
INT: become anymore to use proverb this

Ezekiel 20:49
HEB: לִ֔י הֲלֹ֛א מְמַשֵּׁ֥ל מְשָׁלִ֖ים הֽוּא׃
NAS: They are saying of me, 'Is he not [just] speaking parables?'
KJV: they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?
INT: are saying is he not speaking byword he

Ezekiel 24:3
HEB: וּמְשֹׁ֤ל אֶל־ בֵּית־
NAS: Speak a parable to the rebellious
KJV: And utter a parable
INT: Speak about house

17 Occurrences

Strong's Hebrew 4911
17 Occurrences

ham·mō·šêl — 1 Occ.
ham·mō·šə·lîm — 1 Occ.
mə·maš·šêl — 1 Occ.
mə·šōl — 1 Occ.
miš·lê- — 1 Occ.
mō·šə·lîm — 1 Occ.
nim·šal — 2 Occ.
nim·šā·lə·tā — 1 Occ.
ū·mə·šōl — 2 Occ.
wā·’eṯ·maš·šêl — 1 Occ.
wə·nim·šal·tî — 2 Occ.
wə·ṯam·ši·lū·nî — 1 Occ.
yim·šə·lū — 1 Occ.
yim·šōl — 1 Occ.

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