(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Job 35:5 Multilingual: Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the skies, which are higher than thou.
Job 35:5
King James Bible
Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou.

Darby Bible Translation
Look unto the heavens and see; and survey the skies: they are higher than thou.

English Revised Version
Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the skies, which are higher than thou.

World English Bible
Look to the heavens, and see. See the skies, which are higher than you.

Young's Literal Translation
Behold attentively the heavens -- and see, And behold the clouds, They have been higher than thou.

Jobi 35:5 Albanian
Sodite qiellin dhe shiko me kujdes; shih retë, që ndodhen më lart se ti.

Dyr Hieb 35:5 Bavarian
Blick aufhin, wie dyr Himml ausschaugt; schaug d Wolkenn an, dös gantze Ghilb!

Йов 35:5 Bulgarian
Погледни към небесата и виж; И гледай облаците, [колко] по-нависоко са от тебе.

現代げんだいしるべてん和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Simplified)

やく はく 35:5 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
よう こう てん かん , 瞻 もち だか 於 你 てきあお

やく はく 35:5 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
よう むかい たかし , 瞻 もち だか 於 你 てき 穹 苍 。

Job 35:5 Croatian Bible
Po nebu se obazri i promatraj! Gledaj oblake: od tebe su viši!

Jobova 35:5 Czech BKR
Pohleď na nebe a viz, anobrž spatř oblaky, vyšší, než-lis ty.

Job 35:5 Danish
Løft dit Blik imod Himlen og se, læg Mærke til Skyerne, hvor højt de, er over dig!

Job 35:5 Dutch Staten Vertaling
Bemerk den hemel en zie; en aanschouw de bovenste wolken, zij zijn hoger dan gij.

Jób 35:5 Hungarian: Karoli
Tekints az égre és lásd meg; és nézd meg a fellegeket, milyen magasan vannak feletted!

Ijob 35:5 Esperanto
Rigardu la cxielon, kaj vidu; Rigardu la nubojn, kiel tro alte ili estas por vi.

JOB 35:5 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Katso taivaasen ja näe, ja katso pilviin, että ne ovat korkiammat sinua.

Westminster Leningrad Codex
הַבֵּ֣ט שָׁמַ֣יִם וּרְאֵ֑ה וְשׁ֥וּר חָקִ֗ים גָּבְה֥וּ מִמֶּֽךָּ׃

WLC (Consonants Only)
הבט שמים וראה ושור חקים גבהו ממך׃

Job 35:5 French: Darby
Regarde les cieux et vois, et contemple les nuees: elles sont plus hautes que toi.

Job 35:5 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Considère les cieux, et regarde! Vois les nuées, comme elles sont au-dessus de toi!

Job 35:5 French: Martin (1744)
Regarde les cieux, et les contemple; vois les nuées, elles sont plus hautes que toi.

Hiob 35:5 German: Modernized
Schaue gen Himmel und siehe, und schaue an die Wolken, daß sie dir zu hoch sind.

Hiob 35:5 German: Luther (1912)
Schaue gen Himmel und siehe; und schau an die Wolken, daß sie dir zu hoch sind.

Hiob 35:5 German: Textbibel (1899)
Schau zum Himmel auf und sieh, blicke hinauf zu den Wolken, die hoch über dir sind.

Giobbe 35:5 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
Considera i cieli, e vedi! guarda le nuvole, come sono più in alto di te!

Giobbe 35:5 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
Riguarda i cieli, e vedi; E mira le nuvole, quanto sono più alte di te.

AYUB 35:5 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Hendaklah engkau menengadah ke langit; lihatlah olehmu dan pandanglah akan awan-awan, bagaimana tingginya dari padamu.

Iob 35:5 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Suspice cælum, et intuere : et contemplare æthera quod altior te sit.

Job 35:5 Maori
Kia matatau atu tau titiro ki nga rangi; matakitakina atu hoki nga kapua e tiketike ake na i a koe.

Jobs 35:5 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
Vend ditt øie mot himmelen og se, gi akt på skyene høit over dig!

Job 35:5 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
Mira á los cielos, y ve, Y considera que las nubes son más altas que tú.

Job 35:5 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Mira a los cielos, y ve, y considera que los cielos son más altos que tú.

Jó 35:5 Portuguese: Bíblia King James Atualizada
Atenta para os céus e observe; contempla as nuvens, tão elevadas e seguras no firmamento.

Jó 35:5 Portuguese: João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada
Atenta para os céus, e vê; e contempla o firmamento que é mais alto do que tu.   

Iov 35:5 Romanian: Cornilescu
Uită-te spre ceruri, şi priveşte! Vezi norii, cît de sus sînt faţă de tine?

Иов 35:5 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
взгляни на небо и смотри; воззри на облака, они выше тебя.

Иов 35:5 Russian koi8r
взгляни на небо и смотри; воззри на облака, они выше тебя.[]

Job 35:5 Swedish (1917)
Skåda upp mot himmelen och se, betrakta skyarna, som gå där högt över dig.

Job 35:5 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Tumingala ka sa mga langit at iyong tingnan; at masdan mo ang mga alapaap na lalong mataas kay sa iyo.

โยบ 35:5 Thai: from KJV
จงมองดูท้องฟ้าเถิด ดูเมฆซึ่งอยู่สูงกว่าท่าน

Eyüp 35:5 Turkish
Göklere bak da gör,
Üzerinde yükselen bulutlara göz gezdir.

Gioùp 35:5 Vietnamese (1934)
Hãy ngước mắt lên xem các từng trời; Hãy coi áng mây, nó cao hơn ông.

Job 35:4
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