

検索けんさく結果けっか 170 けん

  • アクアス株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ

    かみわざきょう 78 (3), 225-230, 2024

    ...<br>Today, we provide optimal solutions from diverse perspectives incl. chemicals, equipment and plant design by harnessing our technologies accumulated for over half a century....

    DOI Web Site

  • The first diagnostic excellence conference in Japan

    Taro Shimizu, Yukinori Harada Diagnosis 10 (4), 353-355, 2023-04-05

    ...important to target participants in their 20s–40s, and made efforts to utilize social networking services and advertising strategies, including creating individual posters with the help of professional designers...

    DOI Web Site Web Site 参考さんこう文献ぶんけん2けん

  • GDPからLDP (Local Domestic Products) へ

    宮田みやた 義郎よしお 日本にっぽんデザイン学会がっかい研究けんきゅう発表はっぴょう大会たいかい概要がいようしゅう 68 (0), 12-, 2021

    ...This resulted in the monopoly by professional designers in every aspect of our lives and suppressed our natural potentials and passions for designing our lives....


  • Evaluation of pregerminative treatments in gulupa seeds (P. edulis f. edulis Sims).

    María Antonia Martínez Camargo, Ana Cruz Morillo Coronado, Edilberto Cepeda Mora, Sandra Yaneth Mesa Fernández Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 42 (3), e590-, 2020

    ...<jats:p>Abstract The genus Passiflora, commonly known as fruits of passion, includes numerous species, including gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis), of nutracetic and economic importance, both for consumption...

    DOI PDF 引用いんよう文献ぶんけん1けん
