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Do Children Cooperate Conditionally? Adapting the Strategy Method for First-Graders. (2018). Wagner, Valentin ; Schmidt, Felix ; Schunk, Daniel ; Hermes, Henning ; Mechtel, Mario ; Hett, Florian ; Muller, Henning.
In: Working Papers.

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Cited: 7

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Citations received by this document

  1. The Roots of Cooperation. (2021). Baic, Zvonimir ; Zoller, Claudia ; Sutter, Matthias ; Romano, Angelo ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Bindra, Parampreet C.
    In: Discussion Paper Series of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.

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  2. The roots of cooperation. (2021). Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Bindra, Parampreet C ; Bai, Zvonimir ; Zoller, Claudia ; Sutter, Matthias ; Romano, Angelo.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. The Roots of Cooperation. (2021). Sutter, Matthias ; Romano, Angelo ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher ; Baic, Zvonimir ; Zoller, Claudia.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  4. The Roots of Cooperation. (2021). Zoller, Claudia ; Sutter, Matthias ; Romano, Angelo ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher ; Basic, Zvonimir.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  5. The Roots of Cooperation. (2021). Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Bindra, Parampreet C ; Bai, Zvonimir ; Zoller, Claudia ; Sutter, Matthias ; Romano, Angelo.
    In: ECONtribute Discussion Papers Series.

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  6. Economic behavior of children and adolescents – A first survey of experimental economics results. (2019). Sutter, Matthias ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Zoller, Claudia.
    In: European Economic Review.

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  7. Economic Behavior of Children and Adolescents - A First Survey of Experimental Economics Results. (2018). Sutter, Matthias ; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Zoller, Claudia.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Angerer, S., D. Glätzle-Rützler, P. Lergetporer, and M. Sutter (2015). Donations, risk attitudes and time preferences: A study on altruism in primary school children. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 115, 67 – 74.

  3. Angerer, S., D. Glätzle-Rützler, P. Lergetporer, and M. Sutter (2016). Cooperation and discrimination within and across language borders: Evidence from children in a bilingual city. European Economic Review 90, 254 – 264.

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  6. Burton-Chellew, M. N., C. E. Mouden, and S. A. West (2016). Conditional cooperation and confusion in public-goods experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(5), 1291–1296.
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  7. Cárdenas, J. C., A. Dreber, E. von Essen, and E. Ranehill (2015). Cooperativeness and competitiveness in children. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 59, 32–41.

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  24. Herrmann, B. and C. Thöni (2009). Measuring conditional cooperation: a replication study in russia. Experimental Economics 12(1), 87–92.

  25. Hett, F., M. Kröll, and M. Mechtel (2018). Choosing Who You Are: The Structure and Behavioral Effects of Revealed Identification Preferences. Working Paper.

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  27. Kocher, M. G., T. Cherry, S. Kroll, R. J. Netzer, and M. Sutter (2008). Conditional cooperation on three continents. Economics Letters 101(3), 175–178.

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