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Discussioni utente:Ludwigzhou - Wikipedia

Beinvgnû su Wikipedia!


Beinvgnû su Wikipedia, l'enziclopedìa lébbra ech tótt i pólen cambièr! -- Dragonòt 16:01, 30 ott 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much. Where can I learn your language? --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 15:43, 1 lug 2014 (UTC)
Where are you from? From China, perhaps? Welcome here in "Emilia-Romagna" wikipedia: we are few people writing here, but very strong in our editing way. I think you can learn a little bit of our emilian language if you go to read this good page, which explains many rules of this language. Good reading and... learning, :-) --Gloria (discussioni) 17:02, 1 lug 2014 (UTC)
Yes, I was from China. Thank you so much. That page looks very impressive. It is still too difficult for me to understand :( --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 19:52, 1 lug 2014 (UTC)
I understand... you must believe that our language is still involving about 2 millions people, who speak it but almost don't write it. So I think you could read it better here, in its english version, or in the similar italian page. Best whishes and let us know if you need anything else. :-) --Gloria (discussioni) 20:19, 1 lug 2014 (UTC)
Thank you again. I would love to contribute to your wikipedia in the future when I can understand more words. --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 21:04, 1 lug 2014 (UTC)

Hi, dear, I was thinking about what you were saying..


...and my recent edited pages, in which I write about numbers (universal language)... If you really want to contribute in this wikipedia, why not doing it about any numerical subject, as you can see in this category? Let me know, and if you agree, we could edit our sand-page, where before your publication of any article, by four hands, you and me together we will write some math article... Soon, --Gloria (discussioni) 19:09, 3 lug 2014 (UTC)

Thank you. That sounds interesting! How can I start?--Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 19:17, 3 lug 2014 (UTC)
Oh, please forgive my delay in answer to you, but I was watching the mini-show of my daughter and his friends at the oratory here behind my house... very good guys! So, you could look at this effort that I hope to make less heavy in this manner, compacting paragraphs in the list that now appears so long... This seems like a tough job... And so on.. Tell you now, --Gloria (discussioni) 21:38, 3 lug 2014 (UTC)
Hi, I have edited the numbers from 1000 to 1999. Can you see if I am doing it in the right way?--Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 12:08, 4 lug 2014 (UTC)
Hello, friend, at the moment I cannot control because here in Italy it's time to work, not to edit... tonight I 'll tell you. ;-) --Gloria (discussioni) 13:26, 4 lug 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, you made a good job - Sè, 't ê fat un bel lavōr. I think that I'll answer you in the 2 languages (English and Emilian) so that you 'll probably learn it.
If you created your Sandbox, S' et creìs al tó Fói ed pròva, you could write there more saved edits te prèv scrìv'r-egh piò salvamèint and then copy them in few times over there in the right page... e pò cupièr-i là in pochi vòlti in dla pàgina giòsta. What do you think about? S'in pèins-et? --Gloria (discussioni) 20:31, 4 lug 2014 (UTC) (You must also consider that my teaching emilian to you wants in exchange you to teach me mandarin chinese... ;-P)
Great. I just created my Sandbox and put some number into it. 谢谢!(Thank you!)--Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 22:55, 4 lug 2014 (UTC)

By the way...


You are welcome, dear friend; An fèr mìa di cumplimèint, chèr al mé amìg; by the way, fin 't î chè, I was watching A era drē ch'a guardèva the different letters i caràter diferèint used here and there druê chè e in the English page in dla pàgina ingléśa, to explain us the Mandarin Chinese ch'i stàn a spieghèr-es al cinéś mandarèin: What's wrong? Quèl'ē-la quèla śbaglièda? Thank you Gràsi, --Gloria (discussioni) 13:25, 5 lug 2014 (UTC)

English wikipedia is right. Mandarin Chinese or Cinés mandarèin should be かん话/官話かんわ. While Chinese should be 汉语/漢語かんご, 华语/はな, or ちゅうぶん. Mandarin is a group of dialects of Chinese.--Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 13:35, 5 lug 2014 (UTC)
Dear friend, Cher al mé amìg, I have corrected the corresponding Cinese letters A sun andèda a coréger i só caràter cinéś which mean Mandarin Chinese, ch'i stàn per Cinéś Mandarèin, but after that, I was reading the relative Italian page mo dòp a'ndèva a léśer la só pàgina in Itagliàn and I went back in confusion e a turnèva a fèr dla féra: why does the Italian page write perchè la pàgina itagliàna la stà a scrìver Il mandarino standard è conosciuto ufficialmente in Cina come putonghua (cinese tradizionale: 普通ふつうばなし, cinese semplificato: 普通ふつう话, pinyin: pǔtōnghuà, letteralmente "lingua comune"), that means the standard Mandarine is officially known in China as putonghua (traditional chinese: 普通ふつうばなし, simplified chinese: 普通ふつう话, pinyin: pǔtōnghuà, litterally "common language")? ch'a stà per al Mandarèin standard 'l è cgnusû uficialmèint in Cina cuma putonghua (in dal cinéś tradisionêl: 普通ふつうばなし, in dal cinéś simplifichê: 普通ふつう话, e in dal pinyin: pǔtōnghuà, a la lèttra "lèngva cumùn")? Do you think that's right or perhaps there is an inaccuracy? Tè pèins-et ch'al sìa giòst o gh'prèv èser n'impreciśiòun? (As you can see, me too, I want to learn your language... Cuma 't pō vèder, a gh'sun anca mè ch'a vój imparèr la tó lèngva...) --Gloria (discussioni) 07:30, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)
It is complicated. 這很複雜ふくざつChinese language has about ten dialects, 漢語かんごゆう大約たいやくじゅうしゅ方言ほうげんincluding Mandarin, Yue, Min Nan. 包括ほうかつ官話かんわ、粵語、閩南とう
(Some linguists believe they are actually different languages,ゆう些語げんがくみとめため它們實際じっさいじょう不同ふどうてきげん and Chinese is a group of languages instead of a language;而漢いち些語げんてき集合しゅうごう; However,しか而, most Chinese linguists believe Chinese is a single language,だい多數たすう中國語ちゅうごくごげんがくみとめため漢語かんご一門いちもんげん and Mandarin etc. are dialects of Chinese.而官はなしとう漢語かんごてき方言ほうげん)
A standardized form of Mandarin dialect is used in China, Taiwan, Singapore as the official standard form of Chinese language,一種官話方言的標準化形式在中國、台灣たいわんしん作為さくい漢語かんごてき標準ひょうじゅん形式けいしき and linguists call it Standard Chinese(Traditional Chinese: 標準ひょうじゅん漢語かんご, simplified chinese: 标准汉语, Pinyin: Biāozhǔn Hànyŭ).かたりげんがくしょうため(しげるたい: 標準ひょうじゅん漢語かんご, 簡體: 标准汉语, 拼音: Biāozhǔn Hànyŭ)。 It is called Putonghua (Traditional Chinese: 普通ふつうばなし, simplified chinese: 普通ふつう话, pinyin: Pǔtōnghuà) in China, Guoyu (Traditional Chinese:國語こくご, Simplified Chinese: くに语, pinyin: Guóyŭ) in Taiwan, and Huayu (Traditional Chinese:はな, Simplified Chinese: 华语, pinyin: Huáyŭ) in Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries.它在中國ちゅうごくしょうため(しげるたい: 普通ふつうばなし, 簡體: 普通ふつう话, 拼音: Pǔtōnghuà),ざい台灣たいわんしょうため(しげるたい: 國語こくご, 簡體: くに语, 拼音: Guóyŭ),ざいしん坡和其他東南とうなん國家こっかしょうため(しげるたい: はな, 簡體: 华语, 拼音: Huáyŭ)。
However,しか而, Mandarin (官話かんわ/かん话) actually has two meanings.官話かんわ實際じっさいうえゆうりょうたね含義。 One is as I mentioned above, a dialect of Chinese used in most parts of North and Southwest China.一種是如上面我說的,一種在中國北方和西南大部分地區使用的漢語方言。 Another meaning is Standard Chinese (普通ふつうばなし/普通ふつう话 or 國語こくご/くに语 or はな/华语).いちしゅ標準ひょうじゅん漢語かんご(普通ふつうばなし ある 國語こくご ある はな).。 The second meaning can lead to confusion,だい二種含義會導致混亂。 so linguists don't encourage the use of the meaning. 所以ゆえんげんがく使用しよう這種含義。
So I think the page on English wikipedia is better than the one one Italian wikipedia.所以ゆえんわがみとめため英語えいご維基百科的頁面要優於意大利語維基百科的頁面。
I hope my comments are clear.わが希望きぼうてき評論ひょうろん是清これきよ晰的。 If not, just ask me! 如果清楚せいそ,請問わが吧! --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 11:44, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, you were really clear, Sè, 't î stê dimòndi cèr, except - let me say - in the chinese hieroglyphs, fóra che - làs-'m-el dìr - in di geroghlìfic cinéś, which I find too different from our way of writing and I'll never learn ch'a càt tròp diferèint da la nostra manéra 'd scrìver, e dòunca a n'gh'la cavarò mai 'd capìr-i (but if you will write in pinyin letters, may be something I will understand mo s'te scrivarê in dla scritùra pinyin, a s prèv dèr che 'n quèl al capirèv). Soon, A présti, --Gloria (discussioni) 13:49, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)
All right,Hǎode, I will write in Pinyin.Wǒ jiānghuì yòng Pīnyīn xiě. Are you going to create two new pages for Chinese language and Standard Chinese on this Wikipedia? Nǐ yào zài zhège Wéijī Bǎikē shàng chuàngjiàn liǎngge dāndú de tiáomù gěi HànyǔBiāozhǔn Hànyŭ mā?--Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 14:06, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)
Yes, I'll adjust that existing page Sè, a giustarò la pàgina ch'a gh'è già and I'll go writing another one e 'n in scrivarò n'ètra whith your specifications... cun quèl 't 'm ê dìt... But another time, mo in 'n èter mumèint because you must also consider perchè 't dév anca pinsèr that I'm mother, wife, daughter of over 80 year old parents... ch'a sun màma, mujér, fiōla ed nòn ed piò 'd 80 an... I don't have much time in this moment... A 'n gh'ò mia dimòndi tèimp adès... Read you later, A léś'r-es piò terd --Gloria (discussioni) 14:29, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)
It seems that I might as well do it... A sèmbra ch'a prèv anc cavèr-'gh-la... ;-PP --Gloria (discussioni) 22:26, 6 lug 2014 (UTC)

So I understand Alora mè a capìs from your words here above dal tó paròli chè in sìma...


...that if I would translate che se mè a traduśìs the English page about Mandarin Chinese la pàgina inglesa in sìm'a 'l Cinéś mandarèin, that one is all right quela là l'è bòuna and then I 'll write here some true words e alóra mè a scrivarèv anc chè dal robi véri... Anyway, it can be that A ogni manéra, a s prèv dèr che I 'll come yet here mè a turnarò incòr chè to ask you any little suggestions a dmandèr-et di lavór... Soon, A présti --Gloria (discussioni) 20:58, 8 lug 2014 (UTC)

Excuse me, what do you mean by "write here true words"? Thanks for the effort. --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 22:11, 8 lug 2014 (UTC)
Sorry for my bad English, I wanted to say that if you approve the English words, so its translation also will be true, without double meaning.. --Gloria (discussioni) 22:23, 8 lug 2014 (UTC)
I see. Wǒ míngbái le. Thank you! Xièxiè! --Ludwigzhou (discussioni) 08:46, 9 lug 2014 (UTC)