検索 に移動
Uses for this sequence[
Mathmatical Properties[
Practical Use[
1987[編集 | ソースを編集 ]
These are the first four letters of the well known mathematical number sequence, dating. It runs as follows: 19875944765603780247890138478395746238596048362416474385969483729564830482729485302847658300374628464913497869178461341394876134913649871234698374697813649817234697861347634863473782916463738291647382916473829147638333333.
Uses for this sequence[編集 | ソースを編集 ]
cooking onions.
Mathmatical Properties[編集 | ソースを編集 ]
1987 + Onion = Cooked Onion
Practical Use[編集 | ソースを編集 ]
- Cooking Onions.
- 양파 요리.
- Cozinhando Cebolas.
- Kook Uie.
- Mahandro tongolobe.
- Kuiranta Cepoj.
- Ruoanlaitto sipulit.
- בצל בישול.
- Cebula Gotowania.
- Maisto gaminimas Svogūnai.
- Koken Uien.
- Soğan Cooking.
- Kupikia Vitunguu.
- Цибулю.
- Hành Động.
- Ukupheka Anyanisi.
- Cocinar Cebollas.
- પાકકળા ડુંગળી
- पाक कला प्याज
- طبخ البصل.