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Comparative army enlisted ranks of the European Union

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Rank comparison chart of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and enlisted personnel for all armies and land forces of the European Union member states.

NCO and enlisted ranks

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
 Austrian Land Forces[1]
Vizeleutnant Offiziersstellvertreter Oberstabswachtmeister Stabswachtmeister Oberwachtmeister Wachtmeister Zugsführer Korporal Gefreiter Rekrut
 Belgian Land Component[2]
Adjudant-majoor Adjudant-chef Adjudant 1ste sergeant-majoor 1ste sergeant-chef 1ste sergeant Sergeant 1ste korporaal-chef Korporaal-chef Korporaal 1ste soldaat Soldaat
Adjudant-major Adjudant-chef Adjudant 1er sergeant-major 1er sergeant-chef 1er sergeant Sergeant 1er caporal-chef Caporal-chef Caporal 1er soldat Soldat
Majoradjutant Chefadjudant Adjudant 1er Sergeant major 1er Sergeant chef 1er Sergeant Sergeant 1er Korporal chef Korporal chef Korporal 1er soldat Soldat
 Bulgarian Land Forces[3]

Офицерски кандидат
Ofitserski kandidat
Старши сержант
Starshi serzhant
Младши сержант
Mladshi serzhant
 Croatian Army[4]
No insignia
Časnički namjesnik Stožerni narednik Nadnarednik Narednik Desetnik Skupnik Razvodnik Pozornik Vojnik
 Cypriot Ground Forces[5]
Arm/corps insignia only
Έφεδρος Λοχίας
Éfedros Lochías
 Czech Land Forces[6]
Štábní praporčík Nadpraporčík Praporčík Nadrotmistr Rotmistr Rotný Četař Desátník Svobodník Vojín
 Royal Danish Army[7]
Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Sergent
Korporal Overkonstabel af 1. grad Overkonstabel Konstabel
 Estonian Land Forces[8]
Ülemveebel Staabiveebel Vanemveebel Veebel Nooremveebel Vanemseersant Seersant Nooremseersant Kapral Reamees
 Finnish Army[9]
Sotilasmestari Ylivääpeli Vääpeli Ylikersantti Kersantti Alikersantti Korpraali Sotamies
Militärmästare Överfältväbel Fältväbel Översergeant Sergeant Undersergeant Korpral Soldat
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
 French Army[10]
Major Adjudant-chef Adjudant Sergent-chef BM2/
Maréchal-des-logis-chef de 1ere classe
Caporal-chef de 1re classe Caporal-chef/
Soldat de 1re classe Soldat
 German Army[11]
Ober­stabs­feldwebel Stabs­feldwebel Haupt­feldwebel Ober­feldwebel Feldwebel Stabs­unteroffizier Unteroffizier Stabskorporal Korporal Ober­stabs­gefreiter Stabs­gefreiter Haupt­gefreiter Ober­gefreiter Gefreiter Soldat
 German Army
(Officer designate)
Oberfähnrich Fähnrich Fahnenjunker
 Hellenic Army[12]
Arm/corps insignia only
 Hungarian Ground Forces[13]
Főtörzszászlós Törzszászlós Zászlós Főtörzsőrmester Törzsőrmester Őrmester Szakaszvezető Tizedes Őrvezető Közkatona
 Irish Army[14][15]
No insignia
Sergeant major Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Company sergeant Company quartermaster sergeant Sergeant Corporal Private, 3 star Private, 2 star Recruit
Maor-Sáirsint Cathlán/Reisimint[b] Ceathrúsháirsint Cathlán/Reisimint[b] Sáirsint Complacht[c] Ceathrúsháirsint Complacht[c] Sáirsint Ceannaire Saighdiúr Singil, 3 Réalta Saighdiúr Singil, 2 Réalta Earcach
 Italian Army[16][17]
Maresciallo capo Maresciallo ordinario Maresciallo
Gradutato aiutante Primo graduato Graduato capo Graduato scelto Graduato
Primo luogotenente Luogotenente Primo maresciallo Sergente maggiore aiutante Sergente maggiore capo Sergente maggiore Sergente Caporal maggiore Caporale Soldato
 Latvian Land Forces[18]
Augstākais virsseržants Galvenais virsseržants Štāba virsseržants Virsseržants Seržants Kaprālis Dižkareivis Kareivis
 Lithuanian Land Force[19]
Seržantas majoras Viršila Štabo seržantas Vyresnysis seržantas Seržantas Grandinis Vyresnysis eilinis Eilinis Jaunesnysis eilinis
 Luxembourg Army[20]
Adjudant-major Adjudant-chef Adjudant Sergent-chef Premier sergent Sergent Premier caporal-chef Caporal-chef Caporal de première classe Caporal Premier soldat-chef Soldat-chef Soldat de première classe Soldat
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Army of Malta[21]

No insignia
Warrant officer class 1 Warrant officer class 2 Staff sergeant Sergeant Bombardier Lance bombardier Gunner
(or equivalent)
 Royal Netherlands Army[22]

Adjudant-onderofficier Sergeant-majoor/
Sergeant der 1e klasse/
Wachtmeester der 1e klasse
Korporaal der 1e klasse Korporaal Soldaat/
Kanonier der 1e klasse
Kanonier der 2e klasse
Kanonier der 3e klasse
 Polish Land Forces[23]
Starszy chorąży sztabowy Starszy chorąży Chorąży Młodszy chorąży Starszy sierżant Sierżant Plutonowy Starszy kapral Kapral Starszy szeregowy Szeregowy
 Portuguese Army[24]
Sargento-mor Sargento-chefe Sargento-ajudante Primeiro-sargento Segundo-sargento Furriel Segundo-furriel Cabo de secção Cabo-adjunto Primeiro-cabo Segundo-cabo Soldado
 Romanian Land Forces[25]
Plutonier adjutant principal Plutonier adjutant Plutonier-major Plutonier Sergent-major Sergent Caporal clasa I Caporal clasa a II-a Caporal clasa a III-a Fruntaș Soldat
 Slovak Ground Forces[26]
Štábny nadrotmajster Nadrotmajster Rotmajster Rotný Čatár Desiatnik Slobodník Vojak 2. stupňa Vojak 1. stupňa
 Slovenian Ground Force[27]
Višji štabni praporščak Štabni praporščak Višji praporščak Praporščak Višji štabni vodnik Štabni vodnik Višji vodnik Vodnik Naddesetnik Desetnik Poddesetnik Vojak
 Spanish Army[28]
Suboficial mayor Subteniente Brigada Sargento primero Sargento Cabo mayor Cabo primero Cabo Soldado de primera Soldado
 Swedish Army[29]
Regementsförvaltare Förvaltare Överfanjunkare Fanjunkare Översergeant Sergeant Överfurir Furir Korpral Vicekorpral Menig 4 Menig 3 Menig 2 Menig 1 Menig
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted

See also



  1. ^ Greece has only one level of Warrant Officer. According to the current issue (2021) of STANAG 2116, the Greek Warrant Officers are included in OR-9, however they are afforded the privileges of an officer. See STANAG 2116 note 29, page D-9
  2. ^ a b Battalion (Cathlán), Regiment (Reisimint)
  3. ^ a b Battery (Ceallraí) in the Artillery. Squadron (Scuadrún) in the Cavalry.


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