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List of Japanese court ranks, positions and hereditary titles

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(Redirected from Senior First Rank)

The court ranks of Japan, also known in Japanese as ikai (位階いかい), are indications of an individual's court rank in Japan based on the system of the state. Ikai as a system was originally used in the Ritsuryo system, which was the political administration system used in ancient China, and the indication of the rank of bureaucrats and officials in countries that inherited (class system).

Currently, the Japanese court ranks and titles are among the types of honours conferred to those who have held government posts for a long time and to those who have made distinguished achievements. In recent times[when?], most appointments, if not all, are offered posthumously. A notable recipient of such a court rank is the late former prime minister Shinzo Abe received Junior First Rank (したがえいち, ju ichi-i) on 8 July 2022.[1][2]

Court ranks


The national system for ranking politicians and officials who served the Japanese dynasty began in 603 when Empress Suiko enacted the Twelve Level Cap and Rank System. Each rank was identified by the color of a crown the person with the rank wore. There were twelve ranks: Greater Virtue (大徳だいとく, dai-toku), Lesser Virtue (しょうとく, shō-toku), Greater Benevolence (大仁おおひと, dai-jin), Lesser Benevolence (しょうひとし, shō-jin), Greater Propriety (大礼たいれい, dai-rei), Lesser Propriety (しょうれい, shō-rei), Greater Sincerity (大信たいしん, dai-shin), Lesser Sincerity (しょうしん, shō-shin), Greater Justice (大義たいぎ, dai-gi), Lesser Justice (しょうよし, shō-gi), Greater Knowledge (大智たいち, dai-chi), and Lesser Knowledge (小智しょうち, shō-chi), from top to bottom.

The ranking system underwent several amendments and was developed by the Taiho Code enacted in 701. Under this system, ranks were established for the Imperial family members and vassals like the following:

Ranks for Imperial family members


An Emperor was not ranked.

Princes, princesses, and other Imperial family members were ranked depending on the extent of their contribution to the nation or other factors as follows:

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
First Rank 一品いっぴん ip-pon
Second Rank ひん ni-hon
Third Grade 三品みしな san-bon
Fourth Grade よんひん shi-hon

Ranks for subjects


Under the Taiho Code, politicians and officials other than Imperial family members were graded according to the following ranking system.

First to Third Ranks


Each of the First to Third Ranks is divided into Senior (ただし, shō) and Junior (したがえ, ju). The Senior First Rank (せいいち, shō ichi-i) is the highest in the rank system. It is conferred mainly on a very limited number of persons recognized by the Imperial Court as most loyal to the nation during that era.

The Junior First Rank (したがえいち, ju ichi-i) is the second highest rank, conferred in many cases on the highest ministers, premier feudal lords, and their wives.

Nobles with the Third Rank or upper were called kugyō.

Successive Tokugawa shoguns held the highest or near-highest court ranks, higher than most court nobles. They were made Shō ni-i (せい, Senior Second Rank) of court rank upon assuming office, then Ju ichi-i (したがえいち, Junior First Rank), and the highest rank of Shō ichi-i (せいいち, Senior First Rank) was conferred upon them upon their death. The Tokugawa shogunate established that the court ranks granted to daimyo by the imperial court were based on the recommendation of the Tokugawa shogunate, and the court ranks were used to control the daimyo.[3]

Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi were Shō ni-i (せい, Senior Second Rank)[4] and Ju ichi-i (したがえいち, Junior First Rank)[5] respectively, but both were elevated to Shō ichi-i (せいいち, Senior First Rank) in the Taisho era, about 300 years after their deaths.[6]

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Selected recipients
Senior First Rank せいいち shō ichi-i Fujiwara no Fuhito (720), Sugawara no Michizane (993), Tokugawa Ieyasu (1617), Lady Saigō (1628), Tokugawa Hidetada (1632), Tokugawa Iemitsu (1651)
Junior First Rank したがえいち ju ichi-i Isonokami no Maro (717), Taira no Kiyomori (1167), Ōmandokoro (1585), Nene (1588), Maeda Toshiie (1599), Oeyo (1626), Takatsukasa Nobuko [jp] (wife of shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi) (1702), Keisho-in [jp] (mother of shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi) (1702), Iso no Miya Tomoko (wife of shōgun Tokugawa Ieharu (1783), Shimazu no Shigehime (wife of Tokugawa Ienari) (1792)
Senior Second Rank せい shō ni-i Minamoto no Yoritomo (1189), Toyotomi Hideyori (1602), Konoe Tadahiro (1824)
Junior Second Rank したがえ ju ni-i Hōjō Masako (1218), Taira no Tokiko (12th-century), Toyotomi Hidenaga (1587), Tokugawa Muneharu (1839), Lady Kasuga (1628)
Senior Third Rank せいさん shō san-mi Fujiwara no Matate (764), Takano no Niigasa (781), Kitabatake Tomonori (1557)
Junior Third Rank したがえさん ju san-mi Asa no Miya Akiko (1658), Tenshō-in (1858)

Fourth Rank


The Fourth Rank is divided into Senior and Junior, and each is subdivided into Upper (うえ, ) and Lower (した, ge) Grades. The Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade (せいよんじょう, shō shi-i no jō) is the highest Fourth Rank and the Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade (したがえよん, ju shi-i no ge) the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade せいよんじょう shō shi-i no jō
Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade せいよん shō shi-i no ge Matsunaga Hisahide (1561)
Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade したがえよんじょう ju shi-i no jō
Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade したがえよん ju shi-i no ge Taira no Tadamori

Fifth Rank


The Fifth Rank is divided into Senior and Junior, and each is subdivided into Upper and Lower Grades. The Senior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade (せいじょう, shō go-i no jō) is the highest Fifth Rank and the Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade (したがえ, ju go-i no ge) the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade せいじょう shō go-i no jō
Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade せい shō go-i no ge Kusunoki Masashige
Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade したがえじょう ju go-i no jō Sanada Nobuyuki (1591), Yamakawa Futaba
Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade したがえ ju go-i no ge Hojo Ujinao (1575), Hayashi Narinaga (1588)

Sixth Rank


The Sixth Rank is divided into Senior and Junior, and each is subdivided into Upper and Lower Grades. The Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade (せいろくじょう, shō roku-i no jō) is the highest Sixth Rank and the Junior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade (したがえろく, ju roku-i no ge) the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade せいろくじょう shō roku-i no jō
Senior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade せいろく shō roku-i no ge
Junior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade したがえろくじょう ju roku-i no jō
Junior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade したがえろく ju roku-i no ge

Seventh Rank


The Seventh Rank is divided into Senior and Junior, and each is subdivided into Upper and Lower Grades. The Senior Seventh Rank, Upper Grade (せいななじょう, shō shichi-i no jō) is the highest Seventh Rank and the Junior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade (したがえなな, ju shichi-i no ge) the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior Seventh Rank, Upper Grade せいななじょう shō shichi-i no jō
Senior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade せいなな shō shichi-i no ge
Junior Seventh Rank, Upper Grade したがえななじょう ju shichi-i no jō
Junior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade したがえなな ju shichi-i no ge

Eighth Rank


The Eighth Rank is divided into Senior and Junior, subdivided into Upper and Lower Grades. The Senior Eighth Rank, Upper Grade (せいはちじょう, shō hachi-i no jō), is the highest, and the Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade (したがえはち, ju hachi-i no ge), is the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior Eighth Rank, Upper Grade せいはちじょう shō hachi-i no jō
Senior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade せいはち shō hachi-i no ge
Junior Eighth Rank, Upper Grade したがえはちじょう ju hachi-i no jō
Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade したがえはち ju hachi-i no ge

Initial Rank


The Initial Rank (はつ, sho-i) is divided into Greater (だい, dai) and Lesser (すくな, shō), and each is subdivided into Upper and Lower Grades. The Greater Initial Rank, Upper Grade (だいはつじょう, dai sho-i no jō) is the highest Initial Rank, and the Lesser Initial Rank, Lower Grade (しょうはつ, shō sho-i no ge) the lowest.

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Greater Initial Rank, Upper Grade だいはつじょう dai sho-i no jō
Greater Initial Rank, Lower Grade だいはつ dai sho-i no ge
Lesser Initial Rank, Upper Grade しょうはつじょう shō sho-i no jō
Lesser Initial Rank, Lower Grade しょうはつ shō sho-i no ge

Ranking system after the Meiji Restoration


The 1887 Ordinance on Ordination reorganized the ranking system. It abolished the Initial Ranks and the Grades of Upper and Lower of Fourth and lower Ranks. The relationships between ikai and court positions were also abolished. There were then a total of 16 ranks, ranging from the Senior First Rank (せいいち, shō ichi-i) to the Junior Eighth Rank (したがえはち, ju hachi-i), as shown below:

English translation Japanese text Romanized Japanese Notes
Senior First Rank せいいち shō ichi-i Kusunoki Masashige (1880), Nitta Yoshisada (1882), Shimazu Nariakira (1901), Konoe Tadahiro (1904), Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1915), Oda Nobunaga (1917, the last recipient)[6]
Junior First Rank したがえいち ju ichi-i Shimazu Hisamitsu (1887), Tokugawa Yoshinobu (1888), Ōkubo Toshimichi (1901),

Ōkuma Shigenobu (1922), Tōgō Heihachirō (1934), Shigeru Yoshida (1967), Eisaku Satō (1975), Yasuhiro Nakasone (2019), Shinzo Abe (2022)

Senior Second Rank せい shō ni-i Saisho Atsushi (1910), Nogi Maresuke (1916), Shibusawa Eiichi (1931), Ryutaro Hashimoto (2006)
Junior Second Rank したがえ ju ni-i Uesugi Kenshin (1908), Date Masamune (1918), Mori Ōgai (1922), Hideki Yukawa (1981)
Senior Third Rank せいさん shō san-mi Kenkichi Yabashi (1927), Isoroku Yamamoto (1943), Mineichi Koga (1944), Yasunari Kawabata (1972), Kōnosuke Matsushita (1989), Soichiro Honda (1991), Masaru Ibuka (1997), Akio Morita (1999)
Junior Third Rank したがえさん ju san-mi Katō Kiyomasa (1910), Akira Kurosawa (1998), Hisaya Morishige (2009), Isuzu Yamada (2012), Ken Takakura (2014), Donald Keene (2019), Sadako Ogata (2019)
Senior Fourth Rank せいよん shō shi-i
Junior Fourth Rank したがえよん ju shi-i
Senior Fifth Rank せい shō go-i
Junior Fifth Rank したがえ ju go-i
Senior Sixth Rank せいろく shō roku-i Kōrō Sasaki (1978)
Junior Sixth Rank したがえろく ju roku-i
Senior Seventh Rank せいなな shō shichi-i
Junior Seventh Rank したがえなな ju shichi-i
Senior Eighth Rank せいはち shō hachi-i
Junior Eighth Rank したがえはち ju hachi-i

Sanjo Sanetomi was the last living person who received the Senior First Rank (せいいち) in 1891, and all subsequent recipients were posthumously received. No persons have been awarded this rank since 1917 when Oda Nobunaga was posthumously awarded.

The 1925 Decree on Ranks (位階いかいれい) restricted ordination exclusively to the purpose of conferring honors. Since the current Constitution came into effect in 1947, the presentation of ranks has been limited to those who have already died, with the idea of abolishing the privileges associated with conferring honors, and ranks have been presented posthumously.

Today, the Junior First Rank (したがえいち) is the highest available rank, which is posthumously conferred primarily on persons deemed being served most to the nation out of former prime ministers. The Senior Second Rank (せい) is conferred on many former prime ministers, and the Junior Second Rank (したがえ) on top-class politicians, such as former speakers of the National Diet and former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Senior Third Rank (せいさん) is posthumously conferred mainly on civilians who are recognized as having done the most for the nation's development, such as founders of large companies and the novelists and artists who represented Japan. The Junior Third Rank (したがえさん) is in many cases conferred on artists who created Japan's famous masterpieces.

The Junior First Rank is bestowed directly by the incumbent Emperor. The Second through Fourth Ranks are awarded by Imperial decree. The awarding of the Fifth Ranks or lower is decided by a hearing from the Cabinet and a decision by the Emperor to the hearing.[6]

Court positions


In the era when the Ritsuryo system was in place, the official position in the court and ikai of bureaucrats were closely related. For example, becoming the Chancellor of the Realm (太政大臣だじょうだいじん, daijō daijin), the highest position in the administration, required the Senior or Junior First Rank (せいいちしたがえいち, shō ichi-i, ju ichi-i). To become the Minister of the Left, Right, or Center (左大臣さだいじん右大臣うだいじん内大臣ないだいじん, sadaijin, udaijin, naidaijin), he had to be in either the Senior Second Rank (せい, shō ni-i) or the Junior Second Rank (したがえ, ju ni-i). A Major Counselor (大納言だいなごん, dainagon) needed the Senior Third Rank (せいさん, shō san-mi), and a Middle Counselor (中納言ちゅうなごん, chūnagon) needed the Junior Third Rank (したがえさん, ju san-mi). Associate Counselors (参議さんぎ, sangi) required the Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade (せいよん, shō shi-i no ge).[7]

Council of State (太政官だじょうかん, daijōkan)

  • Chancellor of the Realm (太政大臣だじょうだいじん, daijō daijin)—the highest position in the Council of State. This position was used only when it was necessary to place someone in a position above the Minister of the Left.
  • Minister of the Left (左大臣さだいじん, sadaijin)—the highest permanent position in the Council of State.
  • Minister of the Right (右大臣うだいじん, udaijin)—the second highest position next to the Minister of the Left.
  • Minister of the Center (内大臣ないだいじん, naidaijin)—the third highest position next to the Minister of the Right.
  • Senior Counselor (大納言だいなごん, dainagon)—the fourth highest position in the Council of State. The maximum number of this position was originally four and was reduced to two in 705.
  • Provisional Senior Counselor (けん大納言だいなごん, gon-dainagon)—when all Senior Counselors were occupied, and a new person was appointed to the Senior Counselor, he was placed in this position.
  • Middle Counselor (中納言ちゅうなごん, chūnagon)—a newly created position to assist Senior Counselors. The maximum number of this position was three.
  • Associate Counselor (参議さんぎ, sangi)—personnel to participate in political discussions, not Senior or Middle Counselors.
  • Controller of the Left (ひだりだいべん, sadaiben)—controls the Ministers of the Center, Civil Service, Ceremonies, and Popular Affairs.
  • Controller of the Right (みぎだいべん, udaiben)—controls the Ministers of War, Justice, the Treasury, and the Imperial Household.
  • Junior Counselor (少納言しょうなごん, shōnagon)—the top working-level position in the Council of State. The maximum number of this position was three.

Controllers needed the Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade. Junior Counselors required the Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade.

Eight Ministries (はちしょう, hasshō)

  • Minister of the Center (中務なかつかさきょう, nakatsukasa kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of the Center (中務なかつかさしょう, nakatsukasa shō).
  • Minister of Civil Service (治部じぶきょう, jibu kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of Civil Service (治部じぶしょう, jibu shō).
  • Minister of Ceremonies (式部しきぶきょう, shikibu kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of Ceremonies (式部しきぶしょう, shikibu shō).
  • Minister of Popular Affairs (みんきょう, minbu kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of Popular Affairs (みんしょう, minbu shō).
  • Minister of War (兵部ひょうぶきょう, hyōbu kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of War (兵部ひょうぶしょう, hyōbu shō).
  • Minister of Justice (刑部おさかべきょう, gyōbu kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of Justice (刑部おさかべしょう, gyōbu shō).
  • Minister of the Treasury (大蔵おおくらきょう, ōkura kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of the Treasury (大蔵省おおくらしょう, ōkura shō).
  • Minister of the Imperial Household (宮内卿くないきょう, kunai kyō)—the highest position in the Ministry of the Imperial Household (みや内省ないせい, kunai shō).

The Minister of the Center needed the Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade. Other ministers required the Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade.

Shiki (しょく)

  • Chief Surveyor of Palace Apartments (中宮なかみや大夫たいふ, chūgū-dayū)—the first-class officer requiring the Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Palace Assistant (中宮なかみやあきら, chūgū-no-suke)—the second-class officer requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade.

Bureau (りょう, ryō)

  • Chief Curator of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうあたま, kura no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Curation of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうりょう, kura ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade.
  • First Assistant Curator of the Palace (内蔵助くらのすけ, kura no suke)—the second-class officer of the Bureau of Curation of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうりょう, kura ryō), requiring the Junior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Second Assistant Curator of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうまこと, kura no jō)—the third-class officer of the Bureau of Curation of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうりょう, kura ryō), requiring the Junior Seventh Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Alternate Curator of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうぞく, kura no sakan)—the fourth-class officer of the Bureau of Curation of the Palace (内蔵ないぞうりょう, kura ryō), requiring the Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade or the Greater Initial Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Chief Court Architect (内匠たくみあたま, takumi no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Court Architect (内匠たくみりょう, takumi ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Chief Court Musician (雅楽ががくあたま, uta no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Court Musician (雅楽ががくりょう, uta ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Chief Diplomat (玄蕃げんばあたま, genba no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Diplomacy (玄蕃げんばりょう, genba ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Director of the Bureau of Computation (主計しゅけいあたま, kazue no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Computation (主計しゅけいりょう, kazue ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Assistant Director of the Bureau of Computation (主計しゅけいすけ, kazue no suke)—the second-class officer of the Bureau of Computation (主計しゅけいりょう, kazue ryō), requiring the Senior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Director of the Tax Bureau (主税しゅぜいあたま, chikara no kami)—the first-class officer of the Tax Bureau (主税しゅぜいりょう, chikara ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Assistant Director of the Tax Bureau (主税しゅぜいすけ, chikara no suke)—the second-class officer of the Tax Bureau (主税しゅぜいりょう, chikara ryō), requiring the Senior Sixth Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Captain of the Left Division of the Bureau of Horses (ひだり馬頭めず, sama no kami)—the first-class officer of the Left Division of the Bureau of Horses (ひだりりょう, sama ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Captain of the Right Division of the Bureau of Horses (みぎ馬頭めず, uma no kami, or migi no uma no kami)—the first-class officer of the Right Division of the Bureau of Horses (みぎりょう, uma ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Chief Court Astrologer (陰陽いんようあたま, onmyō no kami)—the first-class officer of the Bureau of Court Astrology (陰陽いんようりょう, onmyō ryō), requiring the Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Chief Court Calendar-maker (こよみ博士はかせ, reki hakase)—a person recognized by the state as a learned person in charge of creating the state calendar. He needed the Junior Seventh Rank, Upper Grade.
  • Chief Court Astronomer (天文てんもん博士はかせ, tenmon hakase)—a person recognized by the state as a learned person in charge of astronomy. He required the Senior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Chief Court Timekeeper (漏刻ろうこく博士はかせ, rōkoku hakase)—a person recognized by the state as a learned person in charge of national timekeeping. He required the Junior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade.
  • Imperial Tutor or Reader (侍読じどく, jidoku)—a scholar who served at the Emperor's side and taught learning.

Division of Inner Palace Guards (近衛府このえふ, kon'e fu)

  • Major Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards (ひだり近衛このえ大将たいしょう, sakon'e no taishō)
  • Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (みぎ近衛このえ大将たいしょう, ukon'e no taishō)
  • Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (みぎ近衛このえ中将ちゅうじょう, ukon'e no chūjō)
  • Provisional Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (みぎ近衛このえけん中将ちゅうじょう, ukon'e no gon no chūjō)
  • Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards (ひだり近衛このえ少将しょうしょう, sakon'e no shōshō)
  • Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards (ひだり近衛このえけん少将しょうしょう, sakon'e gon no shōshō)
  • Lieutenant of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (みぎ近衛このえすすむかん, ukon'e no shōgen)
  • Lieutenant of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards (ひだり近衛このえすすむかん, sakon'e no shōgen)

Division of Military Guards (兵衛ひょうえ, hyō'e fu)

  • Head of Left Military Guards (ひだり兵衛ひょうえとく, sahyō'e no kami)
  • Head of Right Military Guards (みぎ兵衛ひょうえとく, uhyō'e no kami)
  • Assistant Head of Left Military Guards (ひだり兵衛ひょうえ, sahyō'e no suke)
  • Provisional Assistant Master of the Left Military Guard (ひだり兵衛ひょうえけん, sahyō'e gon no suke)
  • Assistant Head of Right Military Guards (みぎ兵衛ひょうえ, uhyō'e no suke)
  • Provisional Assistant Master of the Right Military Guard (みぎ兵衛ひょうえけん, uhyō'e gon no suke)

Chamberlain Office (蔵人所くろうどどころ, Kurōdo-dokoro)

  • Head Chamberlain (蔵人くろうどあたま, kurōdo no tō, or kurōdo no kami)
  • Chamberlain (蔵人くろうど, kurōdo)[8]
  • Assistant Chamberlain (侍従じじゅう, ji-jijū)

Provincial Governor (地方ちほう国司こくし)

  • Governor (もり, kami)
  • Provisional Governor (権守ごんもり, gon no kami)


  • Empress Dowager (皇太后こうたいごう, kōtaigō)

Hereditary titles


A hereditary title was conferred by an Emperor on an Imperial family member, a noble, or a clan under the kabane system to signify his political and social status. This title was inherited from generation to generation in the family until the hereditary title system was discontinued in 1871 by law.

  • Mahito (真人まさと)—the highest noble title of the court personnel. Mahito was mainly conferred to Imperial families.
  • Ason (朝臣あそん)—the second highest noble title next to Mahito. Ason was practically the highest title for non-imperial-household clans.
  • Sukune (宿禰すくね)—the third highest noble title. The clans with Sukune represented military and administrative officers.
  • Imiki (すん)—the fourth highest noble title. It was mainly conferred to Hata and Yamato-no-Aya clans.
  • Michinoshi (みち)—the fifth highest noble title. There is no record that this title was conferred.
  • Omi (しん)—the sixth highest noble title. It was recorded to be conferred mainly on Soga, Kose, Ki, Katsuragi, and Hozumi clans.
  • Muraji (れん)—the seventh highest noble title. It was conferred on Mononobe, Nakatomi, Yuge, Otomo and Haji clans.
  • Inagi (稲置いなおき)—the eighth highest noble title. There was no precedent for this title being conferred.
  • Tomo no Miyatsuko (ともづくり)—a title of gōzoku who were subordinate to nobles with Muraji.
  • Momoamariyaso no Tomo (ひゃくはちじゅう)—a lower title than Tomo no Miyatsuko.
  • Kuni no Miyatsuko (国造くにのみやつこ)—a title for officers ruling provinces.
  • Agatanushi (けんぬし)—a title of rulers of a smaller area than a province.


  1. ^ "政府せいふ安倍あべもと首相しゅしょう最高さいこう勲章くんしょう贈呈ぞうてい決定けってい共同通信きょうどうつうしん)". Yahoo!ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 2022-08-20.
  2. ^ "安倍あべしたがえいちだいくん菊花きっかあきら頸飾を授与じゅよ". Sankai (in Japanese). 11 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-09-21.
  3. ^ 家格かかく. Kotobank (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 7 March 2024. Retrieved 7 March 2024.
  4. ^ 麒麟きりんがくる」コラム】織田おだ信長のぶながはどんどん昇進しょうしん信長のぶなが官職かんしょくについてどうかんがえていたのか. Yahoo News. 6 January 2021
  5. ^ NHK大河たいがドラマではスルーされた…豊臣とよとみ秀吉ひでよしなんてき徳川とくがわ家康いえやす自分じぶん配下はいかにするためにった「特別とくべつ提案ていあん」. President Online. 17 September 2023
  6. ^ a b c "叙位じょい最高さいこうせいいち最後さいごおくられたのは1917ねん織田おだ信長のぶなが". News-postseven. Archived from the original on 28 September 2022. Retrieved 7 March 2024.
  7. ^ プレミアムカラー国語こくご便覧びんらん: ISBN 978-4-410-33912-7, pp. 56–57, 2017 (Suken Shuppan)
  8. ^ The Tale of Genji: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)