(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Crude/Condensate (English)|RIM Reports|RIM INTELLIGENCE CO.

Crude/Condensate (English)

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About "Crude/Condensate (English)" report

[Daily] Crude/Condensate (English)

This daily report covers crude oil prices as well as demand/supply and trading activities in wide geographical areas including Middle East, Asia, Russia, Africa, Mediterranean Sea and South America. Furthermore, the report elaborates on condensate prices and supply/demand fundamentals, together with procurements by key petrochemical firms, at a time when its demand is expected to grow fast in Asia. The report also focuses on price information for Abu Dhabi Murban on ICE Futures Abu Dhabi which started trading in 2021 and information on deals by independent refiners in China, the world’s largest crude oil importers. Rim also carries benchmark crude prices like Dubai, Japan Dated Brent (JPN DTD) and trends for swap markets. RIM’s price assessments are used by various Asian countries, mainly Indonesia and Malaysia, as a basis for determining their official selling prices (OSPs).

Subscribers' comments: "That's why we are reading the report!"

  • ・We obtain useful information to negotiate with sellers.
  • ・The report gives clues for trading situations for competitors.
  • ・We use Rim’s assessments for term contract prices.

Subscribers' comments: "That's how we use the report!"

  • ・A state-owned oil company: We use Rim’s crude assessments to set our monthly procurement plan and evaluates each crude’s values. To assess crude grades linked to various benchmark prices such as Dubai, JPN DTD, ICP and OSPs with the same measure, we calculate those grades at Dubai based prices, taking RIM’s paper swap prices and spreads into consideration.

Main contents

  • Price assessments on Middle Eastern crude oil and condensate
  • Detailed information in NYMEX WTI and ICE Brent crude trading
  • Price assessments and commentary on regional crude oil and condensate, including Indonesian, Vietnamese and Australian grades
  • Paper swap assessment and commentary
  • Price assessments and commentary on crude oil and condensate outside Asian regions such as North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Russia, Africa like Sudan, Nigeria and Angola, South America
Subscription fees
US$5,520/year(Website), US$5,760/year(Website & Email)
sample report