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EUNIS -Factsheet for Permanent glaciers
Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.

Permanent glaciers

Description (English)

Rock and true glaciers.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 8340)
Habitat type Not priority
Natura 2000 sites 119 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
AT2101000 Austria Hohe Tauern, Kärnten I Map
AT2108000 Austria Inneres Pöllatal Map
AT2109000 Austria Wolayersee und Umgebung Map
AT2129000 Austria Hohe Tauern, Kärnten II Map
AT3101000 Austria Dachstein Map
AT3210001 Austria Hohe Tauern, Salzburg Map
AT3211012 Austria Kalkhochalpen, Salzburg Map
AT3301000 Austria Hohe Tauern, Tirol Map
AT3303000 Austria Valsertal Map
AT3305000 Austria Ötztaler Alpen Map
DE8342301 Germany Nationalpark Berchtesgaden Map
DE8532371 Germany Wettersteingebirge Map
ES0000022 Spain Aigüestortes Map
ES0000149 Spain POSETS - MALADETA Map
ES2410029 Spain TENDEÑERA Map
ES5120002 Spain Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser Map
FR7200744 France Massif de Sesques et de l'Ossau Map
FR7300924 France Péguère, Barbat, Cambalès Map
FR7300925 France Gaube, Vignemale Map
FR7300927 France Estaubé, Gavarnie, Troumouse et Barroude Map
FR7300928 France Pic Long Campbielh Map
FR7300929 France Néouvielle Map
FR7300935 France Haut-Louron : Aygues Tortes, Caillauas, Gourgs Blancs, Gorges de Clarabide, pics des Pichadères et d'Estiouère, montagne de Tramadits Map
FR8201698 France Contamines Montjoie - Miage - Tré la Tête Map
FR8201699 France Aiguilles Rouges Map
FR8201700 France Haut Giffre Map
FR8201736 France Marais à Laiche bicolore, prairies de fauche et habitats rocheux du Vallon du Ferrand et du Plateau d'Emparis Map
FR8201747 France Massif de l'Obiou et gorges de la Souloise Map
FR8201751 France Massif de la Muzelle Map
FR8201778 France Landes, prairies et habitats rocheux du massif du mont Thabor Map
FR8201783 France Massif de la Vanoise Map
FR8202003 France Massif de la Lauzière Map
FR9101471 France Capcir, Carlit et Campcardos Map
FR9101472 France Massif du Puigmal Map
FR9301497 France Plateau d'Emparis - Goleon Map
FR9301498 France Combeynot - Lautaret - Ecrins Map
FR9301499 France Clarée Map
FR9301503 France Rochebrune - Izoard - Vallée de la Cerveyrette Map
FR9301504 France Haut Guil - Mont Viso - Val Preveyre Map
FR9301506 France Valgaudemar Map
FR9301524 France Haute Ubaye - Massif du Chambeyron Map
IT1110029 Italy Pian della Mussa (Balme) Map
IT1120027 Italy Alta Valsesia e Valli Otro, Vogna, Gronda, Artogna e Sorba Map
IT1120028 Italy Alta Val Sesia Map
IT1140004 Italy Alta Val Formazza Map
IT1140016 Italy Alpi Veglia e Devero - Monte Giove Map
IT1140018 Italy Alte Valli Anzasca, Antrona e Bognanco Map
IT1140019 Italy Monte Rosa Map
IT1160056 Italy Alpi Marittime Map
IT1160058 Italy Gruppo del Monviso e Bosco dell'Alevè Map
IT1201000 Italy Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso Map
IT1201010 Italy Ambienti calcarei d'alta quota della Valle di Rhêmes Map
IT1202000 Italy Parco naturale Mont Avic Map
IT1202020 Italy Mont Avic e Mont Emilius Map
IT1204010 Italy Ambienti Glaciali del Monte Bianco Map
IT1204030 Italy Val Ferret Map
IT1204220 Italy Ambienti glaciali del Gruppo del Monte Rosa Map
IT2040010 Italy Valle del Braulio - Cresta di Reit Map
IT2040011 Italy Monte Vago - Val di Campo - Val Nera Map
IT2040012 Italy Val Viola Bormina - Ghiacciaio di Cima dei Piazzi Map
IT2040013 Italy Val Zebrù - Gran Zebrù - Monte Confinale Map
IT2040014 Italy Valle e Ghiacciaio dei Forni - Val Cedec - Gran Zebrù - Cevedale Map
IT2040016 Italy Monte di Scerscen - Ghiacciai di Scerscen - Monte Motta Map
IT2040017 Italy Disgrazia - Sissone Map
IT2040019 Italy Bagni di Masino - Pizzo Badile Map
IT2040020 Italy Val di Mello - Piano di Preda Rossa Map
IT2040021 Italy Val di Togno - Pizzo Scalino Map
IT2040033 Italy Val Venina Map
IT2040034 Italy Valle d'Arigna e Ghiacciaio di Pizzo di Coca Map
IT2040038 Italy Val Fontana Map
IT2040044 Italy Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT2040401 Italy Parco Regionale Orobie Valtellinesi Map
IT2040601 Italy Bagni di Masino - Pizzo Badile - Val di Mello - Val Torrone - Piano di Preda Rossa Map
IT2060401 Italy Parco Regionale Orobie Bergamasche Map
IT2060506 Italy Belviso Barbellino Map
IT2070003 Italy Val Rabbia e Val Galinera Map
IT2070013 Italy Ghiacciaio dell'Adamello Map
IT2070401 Italy Parco Naturale Adamello Map
IT3110011 Italy Val di Fosse nel Parco Naturale Gruppo di Tessa Map
IT3110012 Italy Lacines - Catena del Monteneve nel Parco Naturale Gruppo di Tessa Map
IT3110017 Italy Parco Naturale Vedrette di Ries - Aurina Map
IT3110038 Italy Ultimo - Solda nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT3110039 Italy Ortles - Monte Madaccio nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT3110049 Italy Parco Naturale Fanes - Senes - Braies Map
IT3110050 Italy Parco Naturale Tre Cime Map
IT3120001 Italy Alta Val di Rabbi Map
IT3120002 Italy Alta Val La Mare Map
IT3120003 Italy Alta Val del Monte Map
IT3120129 Italy Ghiacciaio Marmolada Map
IT3120157 Italy Stelvio Map
IT3120158 Italy Adamello Presanella Map
IT3120159 Italy Brenta Map
IT3120160 Italy Lagorai Map
IT3120165 Italy Vermiglio - Folgarida Map
IT3120175 Italy Adamello Map
IT3120177 Italy Dolomiti di Brenta Map
IT3120178 Italy Pale di San Martino Map
IT3320010 Italy Jof di Montasio e Jof Fuart Map
IT3320012 Italy Prealpi Giulie Settentrionali Map
IT3321002 Italy Alpi Giulie Map
IT7110128 Italy Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso - Monti della Laga Map
IT7110202 Italy Gran Sasso Map
SE0810080 Sweden Vindelfjällen Map
SE0820185 Sweden Sarek Map
SE0820201 Sweden Padjelanta Map
SE0820202 Sweden Stora Sjöfallet Map
SE0820216 Sweden Sjaunja Map
SE0820284 Sweden Vadvetjåkka Map
SE0820293 Sweden Norra Torneträsk Map
SE0820334 Sweden Sulitelma Map
SE0820621 Sweden Låktatjåkka Map
SE0820623 Sweden Nissuntjårro Map
SI3000253 Slovenia Julijske Alpe Map
SI3000264 Slovenia Kamniško - Savinjske Alpe Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

Not available
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100