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Azụ̀ Austrinus - Wikipedia, Njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ Jump to content

Azụ̀ Austrinus

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ


Piscis Austrinus bụ ọrụ na ndị mmadụ mbara igwe .  Aha bụ Latin maka "azụ nrịda", n'ụzọ dị iche na nnukwu m ike Pisces, nke na-amị anya azụ.  Tupu tupu afọ nke 20, a ndọ ya dị ka Piscis Notius .  Piscis Austrinus bụ n'ime m ike 48 nke onye na-egosi mbara igwe nke mbụ afụ nke abụọ Ptolemy depụtara, ọ bụkwa otu n'ime ike 88 nke oge a.  Kpakpando nke mkpọ nke oge a Grus kpụrụ "ọdụ" nke Piscis Austrinus.  Na 1597 (ma ọ bụ 1598), Petrus Plancius weputara ike dị iche iche iche iche ya aha crane.

Ọ bụ ikike ikike na-esighị ike, ndị mmadụ otu ndị na-eso ndị ọzọ ogo nke anọ: Fomalhaut, nke bụ 1st magnitude na ihe nke 18 na-emekarị na mbara igwe .  Fomalhaut bụ diski mkpuchi gbara ya gburugburu, ma ọnọdụ anya na-akwado mbara ala.  Ihe ndị ọzọ dị n'ime mgbaka nke mkpọ mkpọ Lacaille 9352, mkpegharị dwarf na-acha uhie na- ọdịdị na mbara igwe igwe (n'agbanyeghị na ọ ka na-agwụ ike iji anya gbapụta);  na PKS 2155-304, ihe BL Lacertae bụ otu n'ime ihe na-akpa na mbara igwe.

Enwere ike ịhụ ka ebipụrụ Piscis Austrinus na ala nke Urania's mirror '1825 ngosi nke Aquarius .  N'okwu nke akwụkwọ Ballon Aerostatique nke ochie .

. [1]Pisces Austrinus sitere na ike ike nke a mara nke ọma dị ka Azụ (MUL.KU).  [1] [2] Prọfesọ na-ahụ maka mbara igwe Bradley Schaefer atụwo aro na ọ ga- መሪ na ndị na-ekiri n'oge ochie ga-ahụhụ na ndịda Mu Piscis Austrini iji ọbụdị yiri azụ.  [3] Tinyere ugo Aquila na crow Corvus na ụgbọ mmiri Hydra, Piscis Austrinus bụ ndị e webatara na ndị Gris oge ochie gburugburu 500 TOA;  mmụta na-akara oge mmụta na oge oyi, n'otu n'otu.

[2]Na ቀለሞች ifo ndị Gris, a na-akpọ mkpọ a dị ka nnukwu azụ̀ na-egosi na ọ na-eloda mmiri nke Aquarius na-awụpụ, mkpị na-ebu mmiri.  A na-ekwu na azụ̀ nke abụọ mkpọ Pisces bụ ụmụ nke nnukwu azụ̀.  Na pasto ifo ndị Ijipt, azụ atụra ndụ chi Ijipt Isis, ya mere o na-azụ a na ụmụ ya n'imereeb dị ka ndị ማለፍ.  [1] Na apụ nke ise BC, onye Gris na-akọ ihe mere eme Ctesias dere na a Jer na azụ̀ ahụ bi n'otu ọdo mmiri dị nso na Bambyce dị na Siria ma anọ Derceto, ada Aphrodite, na n'  ihi na e debere omume a n'obi.  N’ihi nke a, azụ̀ dị ns ma ọtụtụ ndị Siria erighị ya.

Piscis Austrinus is a constellation bordered by Capricornus to the northwest, Microscopium to the southwest, Grus to the south, Sculptor to the east, and Aquarius to the north. Its recommended three-letter abbreviation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is "PsA".[3] Ptolemy called the constellation Ichthus Notios "Southern Fish" in his Almagest; this was Latinised to Piscis Notius and used by German celestial cartographers Johann Bayer and Johann Elert Bode.[4] Bayer also called it Piscis Meridanus and Piscis Austrinus, while French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille called it Piscis Australis. English Astronomer Royal John Flamsteed went with Piscis Austrinus, which was followed by most subsequently.[5] The official constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of four segments (illustrated in infobox). In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between Àtụ:RA and Àtụ:RA, while the declination coordinates are between −24.83° and −36.46°.[6] The whole constellation is visible to observers south of latitude 53°N.[7]Àtụ:Efn

  1. Frank (2015). "10: Origins of the "Western" Constellations", Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy. New York City: Springer, 147–163. 
  2. Condos (1997). Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Phanes Press, 163–65. ISBN 9781609256784. 
  3. Russell (1922). "The new international symbols for the constellations". Popular Astronomy 30. 
  4. Ridpath. Piscis Austrinus - The Southern Fish. Star Tales. self-published. Retrieved on 23 March 2019.
  5. Wagman (2003). Lost Stars: Lost, Missing and Troublesome Stars from the Catalogues of Johannes Bayer, Nicholas Louis de Lacaille, John Flamsteed, and Sundry Others. Blacksburg, Virginia: The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, 251–54, 457–58. ISBN 978-0-939923-78-6. 
  6. "Piscis Austrinus, constellation boundary". The Constellations. Retrieved on 20 August 2012. 
  7. Ian Ridpath. Constellations: Lacerta–Vulpecula. Star Tales. Self-published. Retrieved on 25 November 2018.