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Animal Kingdom Kids | Britannica Kids
  • African fish eagle

    The African fish eagle is a species, or type, of sea eagle. Sea eagles are large eagles that feed on fish. This species is also known simply as a fish eagle or a river

  • bald eagle

    The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States. Its white head feathers stand out against its dark brown body. The bright white head gives the eagle its

  • buzzard

    Buzzards are carnivorous birds, which means that they eat other animals for food. They are in the same family of birds as hawks and are considered birds of prey.

  • eagle

    Eagles are large birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and eat animals for food. They are related to hawks, falcons, and vultures. Eagles have long held a special place

  • falcon

    Falcons are birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and eat animals for food. They are related to hawks and eagles. Falcons are swift, powerful fliers. A sport called

  • hawk

    Hawks are birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and kill animals for food. Hawks are closely related to eagles, kites, harriers, buzzards, and some vultures. Those birds

  • lappet-faced vulture

    The lappet-faced vulture is one of the largest vultures in the world. It has huge wings that allow it to soar almost effortlessly through the air. It is also known as

  • martial eagle

    The martial eagle is the largest species, or type, of eagle in Africa. Martial eagles are quite strong. Stories say that a martial eagle can knock down a man. Where

  • osprey

    The bird of prey known as the osprey is also called the fish hawk because its diet consists mostly of fish. Scientists do not consider the osprey to be a true hawk,

  • owl

    Owls are birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and eat animals. Unlike most other birds of prey, owls are nocturnal, or active at night. Their nighttime activity,

  • peregrine falcon

    Peregrine falcons are birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and eat animals for food. They are also called duck hawks. The scientific name for the peregrine falcon is

  • secretary bird

    The secretary bird is a large bird of prey. Unlike nearly all other birds of prey, the secretary bird lives and hunts on the ground. The scientific name of the secretary

  • Verreaux’s eagle

    The Verreaux’s eagle is a large bird of prey. It lives in the mountainous areas of southern and eastern Africa. It is also called the African black eagle. The scientific

  • vulture

    Vultures are large birds of prey. Unlike other birds of prey, vultures usually do not hunt for live animals. They mostly eat dead meat and garbage instead. When one

  • African penguin

    The African penguin is a small bird that lives in southern Africa. It is also known as the black-footed penguin or Cape penguin. It is an endangered bird species.

  • emu

    The emu is a large bird that cannot fly. There were once several types of emu, but over the course of many years humans hunted and killed off all but one type. Emus live

  • kiwi

    Kiwis are small birds that cannot fly. They are the national symbol of New Zealand, where their image appears on the country’s money, postage stamps, and road signs.

  • ostrich

    The ostrich is the largest living bird. Its scientific name is Struthio camelus. Unlike most other birds, the ostrich cannot fly. But it can run very fast. To escape

  • penguin

    Penguins are the only birds that can swim but cannot fly. These black and white seabirds move about very easily in the water. On land they stand upright and waddle

  • rhea

    Rheas are large birds that are similar to ostriches and emus. Like those birds, rheas cannot fly. There are two species, or types, of rhea, and they both live in

  • blackbird

    There are many species, or types, of blackbird—songbirds named for the black color of the males’ feathers. The Old World, or common, blackbird is related to thrushes,

  • bluebird

    Bluebirds are songbirds named for the males’ bright blue feathers. The soft whistles of their song are among the earliest sounds of spring in North America. Bluebirds

  • canary

    The canary is a small bird known for its singing. Canaries are found wild in the Canary, Azores, and Madeira islands off the coast of northwestern Africa. Hundreds of

  • cardinal

    Cardinals are American songbirds known for the male’s bright red feathers. Both the male and the female sing a loud, clear whistling song year-round. The northern cardinal

  • crow

    Crows are large birds with shiny black feathers. They often live together in large families. They are known for their loud voices and their intelligence. These

  • finch

    The finch family is made up of several hundred kinds of small songbirds. These birds have a cone-shaped bill and eat seeds. Well-known finches include the canary,

  • magpie

    Magpies are bold, noisy birds that have many calls. They belong to a group of birds called songbirds. However, their voices are rather harsh sounding. Like their

  • mockingbird

    Mockingbirds are songbirds known for imitating the songs of other birds. The common, or northern, mockingbird may learn the songs of more than 30 other kinds of birds. It

  • nightingale

    The nightingale is a small, plain-looking bird with a big voice. Many people think its highly varied, musical songs are beautiful. Sometimes people call other birds

  • raven

    Ravens are large, black birds that are closely related to crows. They belong to a scientific group of birds called songbirds. However, their voices do not sound very

  • robin

    Robins are familiar and much-loved songbirds with reddish chest feathers. Several species, or types, of bird are called robins. The best-known types are the American

  • sparrow

    Many types of small, brownish or grayish songbirds are called sparrows. They are among the best-known birds in the world. They live in a wide range of places,

  • warbler

    The warbler is a small songbird. It eats insects and is found in gardens, woodlands, and marshes. There are two groups of warblers: the Old World warblers and the New

  • blue crane

    The blue crane is the national bird of South Africa. It appeared on South Africa’s five-cent coin until 2012. The scientific name of the crane is Anthropoides paradiseus.

  • crane

    The crane is a tall, graceful, wading bird. In Asian countries it is a symbol of long life and happiness. Where Cranes Live Most cranes are migratory, which means they

  • duck

    The waterbirds called ducks are related to geese and swans. There are about 100 species, or types, of duck. They are found almost all over the world. Many types migrate,

  • Egyptian goose

    The Egyptian goose is a water bird that belongs to the duck, goose, and swan family. It is not a true goose. Rather, it is a sheldgoose. Sheldgeese are ducks that have

  • flamingo

    Flamingos are tall, mostly pink birds with long legs. A flamingo often stands with its long, thin neck curved into an S shape. Flamingos fly and feed in large flocks

  • goose

    Geese are large birds with loud, honking calls. Along with ducks and swans, they belong to a group of birds called waterfowl in North America and wildfowl in Europe.

  • gull

    The waterbirds called gulls can be found nearly all around the world. They are commonly heard screaming and seen swooping over the water at seacoasts and lakeshores.

  • hadada ibis

    The hadada, or hadeda, is a large, gray-brown bird with a long, curved beak. It is a species, or type, of ibis. Its name comes from its loud call, which sounds a bit

  • heron

    Herons are long-legged birds typically found in ponds, marshes, and swamps. They also live along coasts and freshwater lakes and streams. Herons are wading birds, which

  • ibis

    Ibises are birds with long, slender bills that curve downward. They are wading birds, meaning that they typically walk through shallow water when feeding. They usually

  • loon

    Loons are large waterbirds known for their unusual wailing calls. They are excellent swimmers and divers. In fact, these birds are called divers in Great Britain. Their

  • pelican

    Pelicans are among the largest flying birds. They are famous for their huge throat pouches. A pelican uses its pouch and its very long bill to scoop up fish. Pelicans

  • sandpiper

    The small shorebirds called sandpipers are often seen running up and down beaches. Sandpipers belong to the scientific family Scolopacidae, which also includes the

  • stork

    Storks are large birds with long legs, necks, and bills. They are wading birds, which means they typically walk or stand in shallow water while feeding. There are 17

  • swan

    Swans are waterbirds with heavy bodies and long necks. They swim gracefully, seeming to glide across the water. They are also strong fliers. Along with ducks and geese,

  • tern

    The slim, graceful birds known as terns can fly great distances. The Arctic tern makes a longer annual migration than any other bird—a round trip of about 20,000

  • albatross

    Albatrosses are large ocean birds with very long, narrow wings. They can fly long distances with little effort. They glide gracefully for hours, even in heavy

  • chicken

    The chicken is a bird that people all over the world raise for its meat, eggs, and feathers. It belongs to the group of domesticated, or tame, birds called poultry.

  • cowbird

    As their name suggests, cowbirds often live among cattle and other large mammals. They feed on insects stirred up as these animals graze. Cowbirds are songbirds that

  • cuckoo

    The birds called cuckoos are named for the sounds they make. Because of their shy personality, these birds are more often heard than seen. More than 125 different types

  • guinea fowl

    Guinea fowl are African birds that live in the wild and on farms. Wild guinea fowl are popular targets for hunting. Domesticated, or tame, guinea fowl are raised for

  • hummingbird

    A hummingbird is a small bird with a long, slender bill. Many hummingbirds have brightly colored, glittery feathers. Often the males are more colorful than the females.

  • kingfisher

    Kingfishers are generally brightly colored birds that often fish for their food. There are about 90 kinds of kingfisher throughout the world. Most of these live in

  • kookaburra

    Kookaburras are birds that belong to the kingfisher family. One type is known as the laughing kookaburra because its call sounds like a person laughing. The most

  • parrot family

    Most of the birds of the parrot family are known for their colorful feathers, noisy calls, and curved beaks. They are among the world’s most popular pet birds. They are

  • peacock

    With a huge fan of colorful tail feathers, the peacock is famous as an ornamental bird. Only the male birds have tail feathers. Strictly, the male is a peacock and the

  • pigeon and dove

    The bird called the domestic pigeon is a familiar sight on city streets. It is only one species, or type, of pigeon. About 250 species of pigeons and doves are found

  • quetzal

    Several kinds of beautifully colored birds of the Americas are called quetzals. The best known of these is the resplendent quetzal. The tail feathers of the male

  • red-eyed dove

    Red-eyed doves are found in Africa south of the Sahara. Large numbers of them live in cities and towns. Like other doves, the red-eyed dove is a member of the pigeon

  • roadrunner

    Certain birds in the cuckoo family are called roadrunners. Roadrunners can fly, but they are rather clumsy in flight and get tired quickly. They prefer to dash around

  • toucan

    Among the many striking birds of the American tropics, the toucans stand out because of their enormous, brightly colored bills. There are about 41 species of toucan,

  • turkey

    Turkeys are large birds. They are found in the wild and they are also raised for food. The two species, or types, of turkey are the common turkey and the ocellated

  • whippoorwill

    The whippoorwill is a North American bird that is nocturnal, or active at night. It is named for its call—three whistled notes that sound like “whip-poor-will.” It may

  • woodpecker

    The birds called woodpeckers are known for pecking holes in tree bark to find insects to eat. Most woodpeckers live in forests, spending their lives mainly in trees.