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Animal Kingdom Kids | Britannica Kids
  • bobcat

    The bobcat is a North American wildcat. Its name comes from its tail, which looks “bobbed,” or cut short. The bobcat is sometimes called a bay lynx. It is closely related

  • cat

    The domestic cat, or house cat, is a small mammal that has lived among people for thousands of years. People have kept cats as pets, used them as hunters, and even

  • cheetah

    What does it mean that the cheetah is the fastest land animal on Earth? A cheetah can’t run really fast for a long time, but it can accelerate faster than any other

  • jaguar

    The jaguar is the largest cat that lives in the Americas. It is found mainly in the Amazon rainforest of South America. The scientific name of the jaguar is Panthera

  • leopard

    The leopard is a wild cat of Africa and Asia. It is known for its spotted coat. Leopards are sometimes called panthers. The scientific name of the leopard is Panthera

  • lion

    The lion is the second largest member of the cat family after the tiger. Lions live in parts of Africa and India. Their loud roar is among the most terrifying sounds of

  • lynx

    Lynx are wild cats that live in the forests of Europe, Asia, and northern North America. They are known for their sharp vision. Lynx are about 30 to 40 inches (80 to

  • ocelot

    The ocelot is a spotted cat of the Americas. It is found in tropical forests, grasslands, or brush-covered regions from the U.S. state of Texas to Argentina. The

  • puma

    The puma is a large cat of North and South America. It is also commonly called a mountain lion, cougar, or panther. It is about the same size as a jaguar, the only

  • tiger

    The tiger is the largest of the cats. Like lions, tigers are very strong and fierce hunters. Tigers are found in the wild only in parts of Russia, China, and South

  • African hunting dog

    The African hunting dog is a wild dog. It is an endangered species, or a type of animal that is in danger of dying out. There are only about 5,000 African hunting dogs

  • Arctic fox

    The Arctic fox is a fox that is adapted to life in the Arctic. It is also called the polar fox or the white fox. Where Arctic Foxes Live Arctic foxes live throughout

  • Basset hound

    A basset hound is a breed, or type, of dog. Like other hounds, it was developed to be a hunting dog. Basset hounds have short, stocky legs and long, droopy ears. The head

  • beagle

    A beagle is a breed, or kind, of dog. Beagles are popular as pets. They are very friendly and playful, and they like to be around other dogs and humans. Beagles have

  • Bernese mountain dog

    A Bernese mountain dog is a large breed, or type, of dog. It is named for an area in Switzerland called the canton of Bern, where the dogs were first bred. The

  • border collie

    A border collie is a breed, or type, of dog. It has been used to herd sheep along the border between England and Scotland for hundreds of years. The border collie

  • boxer

    A boxer is a breed, or type, of dog. It gained its name from the way it fights. The dog stands on its back legs and moves its front paws as if it is boxing. Boxers are

  • bulldog

    A bulldog is a breed, or type, of dog. It is a powerful but gentle dog that is very loyal and protective. There are two types of bulldog—the English and the French.

  • collie

    A collie is a breed, or type, of dog. It is very loyal and friendly and is popular as a family pet. There are two types of collie, though the main difference is in the

  • coyote

    The coyote is a wild member of the dog family. Its scientific name is Canis latrans. It is known for its cleverness and its nighttime howls. The coyote lives over a

  • dachshund

    A dachshund is a breed, or type, of dog. The name means “badger dog” in German. This is because the dogs were bred to hunt badgers. The dachshund’s short legs and long,

  • Dalmatian

    A Dalmatian is a breed, or type, of dog. In the past the dogs liked to run alongside horse-drawn carts, including fire wagons. In more modern times they rode along with

  • dingo

    The dingo is a type of wild dog that lives in Australia. It is also called a warrigal. The name dingo also is used to describe wild dogs of Malaysia, Thailand,

  • Doberman pinscher

    A Doberman pinscher is a breed, or type, of dog. Dobermans are strong and loyal and are therefore good guard dogs. Doberman pinschers stand about 24 to 28 inches (61 to

  • dog

    Dogs have a special relationship with humans. Today, many dog owners often treat their dogs as members of the family. This comes from the more than 12,000 years that

  • fox

    The red fox lives in more places all over the world than any other land mammal except humans. Because of this, the red fox is a character in the folklore of many

  • foxhound

    A foxhound is a breed, or type, of dog. Like other hounds, it was developed to be a hunting dog. Foxhounds were bred to hunt for foxes in particular. Foxhounds can track

  • German shepherd

    A German shepherd is a breed, or type, of dog. It is sometimes called an Alsatian. German shepherds stand 22 to 26 inches (56 to 66 centimeters) tall at the shoulders

  • golden retriever

    A golden retriever is a breed, or kind, of dog. It is known for its thick, golden brown coat and for its gentle nature. It has been trained as a guide dog for the blind

  • greyhound

    A greyhound is a breed, or type, of dog. Greyhounds can run very fast and are often used in racing or hunting. They can reach speeds of about 45 miles (72 kilometers)

  • hyena

    Hyenas are mammals of Africa and Asia. They look something like dogs, but they are not related to them. There are three species, or types, of hyena: spotted, striped,

  • Irish setter

    The Irish setter is a breed, or type, of dog that is known for its deep red coat of hair. It was developed in the early 1700s in Ireland to locate birds for hunters. It

  • jackal

    Jackals are wolflike animals that are related to dogs. At night jackals howl to communicate with each other. The howl can be quite bothersome to humans. People often

  • Labrador retriever

    The Labrador retriever is a breed, or kind, of dog. Labradors, or Labs, have been used in military and police work, as rescue dogs, and as guide dogs. In general, they

  • Maltese

    A Maltese is a breed, or type, of dog. It is known for its long, silky white hair. The dog is named for the island of Malta, but people all over the world have raised

  • Old English sheepdog

    The Old English sheepdog is a breed, or type, of dog known for its long, shaggy hair. The dog is sometimes called a bobtail because the tail is bobbed, or cut very

  • pit bull terrier

    A pit bull terrier is a dog known for fighting, but it is also a popular pet. The name pit bull can refer to a number of different dogs, including the bull terrier,

  • Pomeranian

    A Pomeranian is a breed, or type, of dog. It belongs to the toy group of dogs, which means that it is very small and is usually kept as a pet. Pomeranians stand about 6 to

  • poodle

    A poodle is a breed, or type, of dog. It is known for its thick, curly hair that is often shaped into many different styles. Poodles vary in size. There are three

  • Saint Bernard

    A Saint Bernard is a breed, or type, of dog. For centuries these dogs helped people travel through the Swiss Alps in winter. Saint Bernards have been credited with saving

  • sheepdog

    A sheepdog is any type of dog that was developed to guide or herd sheep. Sheepdogs are known for their heavy coat, intelligence, and willingness to please. The

  • Shetland sheepdog

    The Shetland sheepdog is a breed, or type, of dog that was developed to herd the small sheep of the Shetland Islands in Scotland. They are also known as Shelties.

  • spaniel

    A spaniel is a breed, or type, of dog. Most spaniels were developed to be hunting dogs. They would flush, or chase, birds out from their hiding places for hunters. They

  • terrier

    The name terrier is applied to a group of dog breeds. Terriers were developed, mostly in England, to fight and kill vermin, rodents, and foxes. The dogs would dig up

  • Welsh Corgi

    Welsh corgis are dogs that have short legs and long, stocky bodies. They belong to the herding group of dogs. Their short legs allow them to run under cows as they round

  • wolf

    Wolves are members of the dog family. They are known for their intelligence and courage. Wolves are also noted for traveling very long distances. North American Indians

  • echidna

    Echidnas are unusual mammals. Along with their relative the platypus, echidnas are the only living mammals that lay eggs. Echidnas are also called spiny anteaters. There

  • platypus

    The platypus is an unusual mammal of eastern Australia and Tasmania. The platypus and its relatives the echidnas are the only mammals that lay eggs. The platypus also

  • cattle

    Cattle are large, hoofed mammals that people raise for their meat, milk, or hides. In some places cattle also pull carts or farm equipment. Cattle belong to the

  • donkey

    The donkey is a member of the horse family. The words donkey and ass are used to identify the same animal. However, the term donkey is used for domesticated, or

  • goat

    Goats are horned mammals that can be either wild or tame. People keep goats for their meat, milk, and wool. They are hardy animals that can live on coarse, thin grass.

  • horse

    The horse is a mammal that people have valued for thousands of years. In the past people commonly used horses to get from place to place and to pull heavy loads. People

  • pig

    Pigs are stout, barrel-shaped mammals that are known for their big appetites. Some kinds of pigs are wild, while others are domestic (raised by humans). Farmers

  • sheep

    Sheep are among the most valuable of all domestic animals. Domestic animals are ones that have been tamed for use by humans. People eat sheep meat and drink sheep milk.

  • alpaca

    The alpaca belongs to the camel family and resembles the llama, to which it is closely related. The alpaca’s Latin (or scientific) name is Lama pacos. It is valued for

  • antelope

    Antelopes are a group of plant-eating mammals that belong to the same family as sheep, goats, and cattle. The impala, the addax, gazelles, gnus, and kudus are all

  • bison

    Bison are the largest land mammals in North America and Europe. There are two species, or types, of bison: the American bison and the European bison. The animal

  • buffalo

    Buffalo are mammals of Africa and Asia. The American bison is often called a buffalo, but it is not a true buffalo. Buffalo are closely related to bison, cattle, and

  • camel

    Camels are large mammals that live and work in several of the world’s deserts. They are known for their humps. The Arabian camel, or dromedary, has one hump on its back.

  • cattle

    Cattle are large, hoofed mammals that people raise for their meat, milk, or hides. In some places cattle also pull carts or farm equipment. Cattle belong to the

  • deer

    Deer are the only animals that can grow large antlers. They are hoofed mammals that belong to the scientific family Cervidae. There are about 30 different species, or

  • donkey

    The donkey is a member of the horse family. The words donkey and ass are used to identify the same animal. However, the term donkey is used for domesticated, or

  • eland

    Elands are the largest antelopes in the world. There are two species, or types, of eland, and they both live in Africa. The giant eland lives in woodland areas of

  • elk

    The term elk refers to different animals in different parts of the world. In Europe it is used for the mammal known in North America as the moose. The name is also used

  • gemsbok

    Gemsbok are large antelopes that live in the southern parts of Africa. The scientific name of the gemsbok is Oryx gazella gazella. Gemsbok are powerfully built, with

  • giraffe

    The giraffe is the tallest living animal. It can reach a height of more than 18 feet (5.5 meters). Giraffes live on the plains of eastern Africa. The scientific name of

  • goat

    Goats are horned mammals that can be either wild or tame. People keep goats for their meat, milk, and wool. They are hardy animals that can live on coarse, thin grass.

  • guanaco

    The South American mammal known as the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is a relative of the camel. The guanaco is believed to be the wild animal from which ancient humans bred

  • hippopotamus

    The hippopotamus is a huge mammal that lives only in Africa, south of the Sahara. The largest numbers are found in the eastern and southeastern parts of the continent.

  • horse

    The horse is a mammal that people have valued for thousands of years. In the past people commonly used horses to get from place to place and to pull heavy loads. People

  • hyrax

    Hyraxes, or dassies, are small animals that are found all over southern Africa. There are six species, or types, of this rodent-like mammal. Physical Features Hyraxes

  • impala

    The impala is an antelope of eastern and southern Africa. The scientific name of the impala is Aepyceros melampus. Where Impalas Live Impalas are found from southern

  • kudu

    Kudus are large antelopes with long, twisted horns. There are two species, or types, of kudu. The greater kudu is the largest antelope after the eland. The lesser kudu is

  • llama

    The llama is a mammal that belongs to the camel family. Unlike camels, llamas do not have humps. But like most camels, llamas are domesticated, or tamed to help people.

  • moose

    The moose is the largest animal of the deer family. It is best known for its large head and antlers. The scientific name of the moose is Alces alces. Moose are called elk

  • mountain goat

    Mountain goats are great climbers. They can climb on snow-covered cliffs and icy mountainsides. They also can jump more than 10 feet (3 meters) in one leap. Mountain

  • musk-ox

    The musk-ox is a large, shaggy mammal of the Arctic. It is not really an ox at all. Rather, it is related to sheep and goats. The scientific name of the musk-ox is

  • okapi

    Okapis are hoofed mammals that are related to giraffes. They are found only in the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. Scientists did not

  • peccary

    Peccaries are animals that are similar to pigs. They are sometimes called javelins or javelinas because they have upper front teeth that look like small spears, or

  • pig

    Pigs are stout, barrel-shaped mammals that are known for their big appetites. Some kinds of pigs are wild, while others are domestic (raised by humans). Farmers

  • reindeer

    Reindeer are mammals of the deer family along with moose and elk. They are also called caribou. All reindeer grow pairs of antlers, which are large bony growths on the

  • rhinoceros

    Rhinoceroses are heavy animals with thick skin and hooves. There are five species, or types, of this mammal. Illegal hunting has left most of them in danger of dying out.

  • sheep

    Sheep are among the most valuable of all domestic animals. Domestic animals are ones that have been tamed for use by humans. People eat sheep meat and drink sheep milk.

  • springbok

    The springbok is a well-known antelope of southern Africa. The scientific name for the springbok is Antidorcas marsupialis. Physical Features Springboks stand about 30

  • tapir

    Tapirs are mammals that live in swamps and in forests near rivers. They are related to horses and rhinoceroses. Four kinds of tapirs live in Central and South

  • vicuna

    The vicuña is an animal that is related to the llama, the guanaco, and the alpaca. As a group these four animals are known as lamoids. The vicuña is known for its soft

  • wapiti

    The wapiti is a North American deer that is often called American elk. Scientists sometimes consider wapiti to be of the same species, or type, as the red deer of

  • warthog

    Warthogs are members of the pig family. They are wild mammals that live only in Africa, usually in grasslands or lightly forested areas. A male warthog is called a boar.

  • wildebeest

    The wildebeest is a large antelope. There are two species, or types, of wildebeest: the common wildebeest and the black wildebeest. There are many more common

  • yak

    The yak is a large shaggy ox with humped shoulders. It lives on high land, mostly in the part of China called Tibet. For centuries the people of Tibet have tamed yaks to

  • zebra

    Zebras are mammals that are known for their black and white stripes. They belong to the horse family of animals. There are three species, or types, of zebra: the

  • bilby

    The bilby is a small, burrowing animal that lives only in Australia. Bilbies belong to a group of animals called marsupials. A marsupial is an animal that carries its

  • kangaroo

    Kangaroos are animals that get around by hopping on their back legs. They belong to a group of animals called marsupials. These animals carry their young in a pouch.

  • koala

    The koala is a small, furry animal of eastern Australia. It is sometimes called a “bear” because it looks like a living teddy bear. But the koala is not really a bear.

  • marsupial

    Marsupials are a group of mammals that are known for carrying their young in a pouch. Kangaroos, koalas, and opossums are well-known marsupials. Marsupials live in

  • opossum

    Opossums are marsupials, or animals that carry their young in a pouch. They are sometimes called possums. Most opossums live in forests of Central and South America.

  • Tasmanian devil

    The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial that looks cute until it shows its fierce temper. When threatened, devils open their jaws widely to display their strong teeth. They

  • wallaby

    Found mainly in Australia, wallabies are unusual animals that look like small kangaroos. They belong to the group of animals called marsupials, meaning that they carry

  • wombat

    Wombats are sturdy animals that are built for digging. They belong to the group of animals called marsupials. Where Wombats Live The three species, or types, of wombat,

  • ape

    Apes are the animals that are most closely related to humans. Both apes and humans are members of the scientific group of animals called primates. Monkeys are primates,

  • baboon

    Baboons are large monkeys that move around both on the ground and in trees. They are very smart, noisy, and often ferocious. Where Baboons Live Baboons are found in

  • bonobo

    The bonobo, along with the chimpanzee, is the closest living relative to humans. It is an ape related to the gorilla and the orangutan, as well as the chimpanzee. All

  • chacma baboon

    The chacma baboon, or Cape baboon, is the largest of the five types of baboon. Baboons are large monkeys that live in dry areas. Where Chacma Baboons Live Chacma baboons

  • chimpanzee

    Chimpanzees are apes that are closely related to bonobos—and to human beings. In fact, chimpanzees and bonobos are the closest living relatives of humans. Chimpanzees

  • gibbon

    Gibbons are small apes of the rainforests of southeastern Asia. They spend most of their time in trees. They use their long arms to swing quickly from branch to branch.

  • gorilla

    Gorillas are the largest apes. They are also the largest animals of the group called primates, which also includes the other apes, humans, and monkeys. After chimpanzees

  • howler monkey

    Howler monkeys are large animals known for their roaring cries. They are the largest of the New World monkeys. Where Howler Monkeys Live The animals live in tropical areas

  • lemur

    Lemurs are mammals known for their large eyes and monkeylike bodies. They belong to the group of animals called primates, along with lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes,

  • loris

    Lorises are slow-moving mammals with enormous eyes. They are primates, as are lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and human beings. Lorises live mainly in the tropical

  • mandrill

    Mandrills are the largest of all the monkeys. They are colorful relatives of baboons. Mandrills live in the rainforests of west-central Africa from Cameroon southward to

  • marmoset

    Marmosets are small monkeys with long tails. They are related to tamarins and another monkey called Goeldi’s marmoset, or Goeldi’s monkey. True marmosets live in forests

  • monkey

    Monkeys are clever, social animals. They are known for running and leaping through trees with ease. Like apes and humans, monkeys belong to the group of mammals

  • orangutan

    The orangutan is the largest animal that spends most of its time in trees. It is a reddish ape related to gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos. All these animals are

  • primate

    The primates are a group of mammals that includes some of the most intelligent animals. The major kinds of primates are humans, apes, monkeys, tarsiers, lemurs, and

  • spider monkey

    Spider monkeys are large monkeys that can move quickly through the trees that are their home. They live in forests from southern Mexico to Brazil. Physical Features

  • tarsier

    Tarsiers are tiny animals with huge eyes. Their excellent senses of sight and hearing make them good nocturnal, or nighttime, hunters. Tarsiers belong to the group of

  • beaver

    Beavers are mammals known for their building skills. They use branches, stones, and mud to build structures called dams. A dam stretches across a stream and blocks the

  • chipmunk

    Chipmunks are rodents that are closely related to squirrels. They look like squirrels but are smaller. Plus, chipmunks have stripes on their back, while squirrels do

  • gerbil

    Gerbils are small rodents that are similar to mice and rats. There are almost 100 species, or kinds, of gerbil. They live in Africa and Asia, mainly in deserts and other

  • groundhog

    The groundhog is a large rodent that belongs to the squirrel family. It is also called the woodchuck. The groundhog’s scientific name is Marmota monax. The groundhog lives

  • guinea pig

    The domestic, or tamed, guinea pig is a small rodent that is popular as a pet. The guinea pig has also played an important role in medical research and

  • hamster

    Hamsters are small mammals that belong to the rodent family. Like mice, squirrels, beavers, and other rodents, they have large front teeth that they use for gnawing

  • lemming

    Lemmings are small rodents that resemble mice. They live in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. They are known for migrating, or moving from place

  • marmot

    The largest animals in the squirrel family are the marmots. Like all the squirrels, marmots are rodents. The marmots of North America include the woodchuck, or

  • mouse

    Mice are small, gnawing mammals that belong to the rodent family. They can be found almost everywhere in the world. In many countries they are the most common animal.

  • muskrat

    The muskrat is a rodent that looks like a small beaver. Muskrats build homes near lakes, ponds, rivers, and marshes. The scientific name of the muskrat is Ondatra

  • porcupine

    Porcupines are rodents with sharp spines called quills. The quills are stiff hairs about 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) long that act as armor to protect the porcupine.

  • prairie dog

    Prairie dogs are rodents that bark like dogs. They belong to the squirrel family. Prairie dogs are known for their large underground colonies. Sometimes called towns,

  • rat

    Rats belong to the group of mammals called rodents. They live throughout the world, either in the wild or around people. They usually stay out of sight by squeezing

  • rodents

    Rodents are mammals with long, sharp front teeth that they use for gnawing. They are found almost everywhere in the world. More than half the mammals on Earth are

  • squirrel

    Squirrels are rodents that have long bushy tails. In many cities squirrels are seen more often than any other wild mammal. The squirrel family also includes

  • vole

    Voles are small mammals that belong to the rodent family. They look like mice. There are more than 100 species, or types, of vole. They are found in North America,

  • woodchuck

    The groundhog is a large rodent that belongs to the squirrel family. It is also called the woodchuck. The groundhog’s scientific name is Marmota monax. The groundhog lives

  • blue whale

    The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. Like all whales, it is a mammal. About every 10 to 20 minutes, it must come to the surface to breathe. For many years,

  • dolphin

    Dolphins are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and friendliness toward humans. Common dolphins can often be seen swimming alongside boats or leaping through

  • killer whale

    Killer whales, also called orcas, are mighty hunters of the ocean. They earned the name “killer” because they eat other whales. Killer whales are the largest members of

  • manatee

    Manatees are slow-moving mammals that are shaped like seals. From a distance they can look like a person who is swimming. For this reason manatees may have inspired people

  • porpoise

    Porpoises are the smallest members of the large group of animals called whales. People often confuse porpoises with their close relatives, the dolphins. Porpoises

  • seal

    Seals are mammals that live mostly in cold seas. They are related to the walrus. There are more than 30 species, or kinds, of seal. They can be divided into two

  • sea lion

    Sea lions are mammals that live mostly in Pacific waters. They are a type of seal. The sea lion got its name because most males have manes, just like the male lions that

  • southern right whale

    The southern right whale is one of four species, or types, of right whales. Like all whales, right whales are mammals that live in the ocean but breathe air at the

  • walrus

    The walrus is a large mammal that lives in cold Arctic seas of Europe, Asia, and North America. It is closely related to the seals. The walrus can be told apart from seals

  • whale

    Whales are large animals that live in water. Whales may look like fishes, but they are mammals. They breathe air and produce milk for their young. Whales make up an order,

  • aardvark

    The unusual mammal called the aardvark was named by South Africans in the early 19th century. In the local language, Afrikaans, “aardvark” means “earth pig.” This

  • anteater

    Anteaters are curious-looking animals. Their long heads and snouts look like tubes, and they have no teeth at all. Anteaters use their strong front legs and heavy claws

  • armadillo

    Armadillos are small mammals related to sloths and anteaters. They have a tough armor that protects them from enemies and other dangers. The word armadillo is Spanish

  • badger

    Badgers are mammals known for their powerful digging. They are related to weasels, skunks, otters, and mink. Badgers live in many habitats, including grasslands and

  • bat

    Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly. Sometimes people mistake bats for birds. But bats are more closely related to other mammals—including humans—than they are

  • bear

    Bears are large, powerful mammals related to dogs and raccoons. The biggest bears are the world’s largest animals that live on land and eat meat. There are several

  • elephant

    Elephants are the largest living land animals. There are three species, or kinds: the African savanna elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. They

  • hedgehog

    Hedgehogs are small mammals that live in the wild in Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are also kept as pets in some parts of the world. People sometimes call

  • honey badger

    The honey badger, or ratel, is a small mammal that is very strong and tough. It is a member of the weasel family, which includes skunks. The scientific name of the

  • meerkat

    Meerkats are small mammals that are related to mongooses. They are known for the way they stand upright to watch for enemies. They are also known as suricates. Where

  • mink

    Mink are mammals with thick, soft fur. People sometimes use the fur to make coats. There are two species, or types, of mink: the European mink and the North American

  • mole

    Moles are small mammals that are known for digging tunnels. There are more than 40 species, or types, of mole. They can be found in Europe, Asia, and North America.

  • mongoose

    Mongooses are small, quick mammals that are known for killing cobras and other poisonous snakes. A mongoose darts at the snake’s skull, trying to crack it with a

  • otter

    Otters are mammals that live in and around water. Unlike most other animals, otters are playful even as adults. They like to slide down riverbanks and in snow. Otters

  • panda

    The name panda is used for two mammals that live in Asia: the giant panda and the lesser panda, or red panda. Even though they share a name, the two animals look

  • pangolin

    Pangolins are shy mammals that are not seen very often. They are mostly active at night. Pangolins are also called scaly anteaters because they look like anteaters that

  • polar bear

    The polar bear is a burly white bear that lives in the lands surrounding the North Pole. Like all bears, it is a mammal. Where Polar Bears Live Polar bears live in

  • rabbit and hare

    Rabbits and hares are mammals with long ears. There are about 28 species, or types, of rabbit and about 30 species of hare. They all belong to the same animal family,

  • riverine rabbit

    The riverine rabbit is a small mammal that lives in South Africa. It is one of the most endangered animals in the world. The scientific name of the riverine rabbit

  • shrew

    The animals called shrews look like mice. But unlike mice, shrews are not rodents. Instead shrews belong to a group of insect-eating mammals called insectivores. There

  • skunk

    Skunks are black and white mammals known for their foul-smelling spray. When a skunk feels trapped or in danger, it showers this spray on the creature that threatens

  • sloth

    Sloths are slow-moving mammals that spend most of their lives in trees. They cling to the trunks or hang upside down from the branches. Sloths live in the tropical forests

  • weasel

    Weasels are meat-eating mammals that are excellent hunters. They are closely related to mink, ferrets, and wolverines. Weasels live on every continent except Australia

  • wolverine

    The wolverine is a mammal of the weasel family. Like its relative the skunk, the wolverine can give off an unpleasant smell. It is sometimes called a skunk bear.