Kozo Uno

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Kozo Uno
Kozo Uno, 1952
Born(1897-11-12)November 12, 1897
DiedFebruary 22, 1977(1977-02-22) (aged 79)
Kugenuma, Fujisawa
Academic career
FieldPolitical economy
School or
Marxian economics, Marxist revisionism
InfluencesHegel, Marx, Sombart, Kautsky, Hilferding, Lenin, Weber, Ōuchi Hyōe, Sakisaka Itsurō

Kozo Uno (宇野うの 弘蔵こうぞう, Uno Kōzō, November 12, 1897 – February 22, 1977) was a Japanese economist and is considered one of the most important theorists on the field of Marx's theory of value.

He is an influential Marxist economist in Japan, where his school of thought is called the Uno School (Uno gakuha) . His main work Principles of Economics [経済けいざい原論げんろん] was published in 1950-52. Among his scholars are Thomas T. Sekine and Makoto Itoh.


Uno based his work on a rigorously Hegelian reading of Marx's Capital. This led him to his well-known conclusion that Marxian analysis had to be conducted at three separate levels:

  1. Theory of Principles [原理げんりろん]: The "pure" theory of Capital, freed from the complications of history – highly abstract exercises in dialectical logic on the basic, core dynamics of capitalist economy.
  2. Theory of Stages [段階だんかいろん]: A "middle" level, which traces the general development of capitalism through distinct historical stages – mercantilism, classical liberalism and so on.
  3. Analysis of the Present [現状げんじょう分析ぶんせき]: The analysis of the 'messy' details of capitalist economy in the real world, concentrating on particular narratives rather than an overall picture.[1]

Uno and his followers have come in for criticism from the wider Marxist tradition for insisting on this separation. Simon Clarke[2] sees this schema as "scholastic formalism", and the second level as an arbitrary addition to provide a link between the other two, rather than an analytically necessary one. As Kincaid[2] points out, though, Capital is primarily a logically rather than chronologically argued work, which looks at the laws of capitalist development and draws mainly supporting evidence from historical data. Thus, the separation of the Uno school represents an acknowledgement of this logical nature, and registers the key problem of how the critique can be linked to actual economic development in a way that competing schools often cannot.



  • November 12 — Born in Kurashiki Town, Okayama Prefecture [岡山おかやまけん倉敷くらしきまち]


  • March — Graduates from Okayama Prefectural Takahashi Middle School [岡山おかやま県立けんりつ高梁たかはし中学校ちゅうがっこう]
  • July — Enrolls at the Sixth Higher School [だいろく高等こうとう学校がっこう]


  • June — Graduates from the Sixth Higher School
  • July — Enrolls in the German Law section at the Faculty of Law, Tokyo Imperial University [東京とうきょう帝国ていこく大学だいがく法科ほうか大学だいがくどく法科ほうか] but soon transfers to the Economics section


  • April — Graduates from Economics section at the Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Imperial University [東京とうきょう帝国ていこく大学だいがく経済学部けいざいがくぶ経済けいざい学科がっか]
  • May — Becomes a non-regular employee [嘱託しょくたく] at the Ōhara Institute for Social Research [大原おおはら社会しゃかい問題もんだい研究所けんきゅうじょ]


  • July 2 — Marries Takano Maria [高野たかのマリア]
  • September — Leaves for Europe to research economics, residing mainly in Berlin



  • September — Returns to Japan; brings back Hilferding's Finance Capital and studies it
  • October — Appointed as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and Literature, Tohoku Imperial University [東北とうほく帝国ていこく大学だいがく法文学部ほうぶんがくぶ]


  • September — Becomes responsible for the Economics III module (Theory of Economy Policy) [経済けいざいがくだいさん講座こうざ (経済けいざい政策せいさくろん)] at Tohoku Imperial University


  • June — Debut article 'The Necessity of Money: Hilferding's Monetary Theory Reconsidered' [貨幣かへい必然ひつぜんせい——ヒルファディングの貨幣かへい理論りろんさい考察こうさつ] published in the journal Shakai Kagaku [社会しゃかい科学かがく]


  • February — Arrested in Sendai in connection with the so-called Rōnōha Professors Incident [労農ろうのう教授きょうじゅグループ事件じけん] and remains in custody until May
  • December — Indicted under the National Security Law [治安ちあん維持いじほう] and ordered to take a leave of absence


  • October — Ruled not guilty in the first hearing at the Sendai District Court


  • December — Ruled not guilty in the second hearing at the Miyagi Court of Appeal


  • January — Reinstatement is approved by the Committee of Professors [教授きょうじゅかい] of the Faculty of Law and Literature, Tohoku Imperial University, but declines and resigns
  • March — Employed at the Institute for Japanese Trade at the Japan Trade Promotion Association [財団ざいだん法人ほうじん日本にっぽん貿易ぼうえき振興しんこう協会きょうかい日本にっぽん貿易ぼうえき研究所けんきゅうじょ]


  • June — Resigns from the Institute for Japanese Trade at the Japan Trade Promotion Association
  • July — Employed at the Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute [財団ざいだん法人ほうじん三菱みつびし経済けいざい研究所けんきゅうじょ]



  • January — Resigns from the Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute and becomes a non-regular employee [嘱託しょくたく] at the Institute of Social Science, Tokyo Imperial University [東京とうきょう帝国ていこく大学だいがく社会しゃかい科学かがく研究所けんきゅうじょ]
  • June — Appointed as a Professor at Tokyo Imperial University and employed at their Institute of Social Science


  • June — Appointed as the Director [所長しょちょう] of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo



  • January — Becomes a Secretary [理事りじ] of the Institute of Statistical Research [財団ざいだん法人ほうじん統計とうけい研究けんきゅうかい]
  • May — Given a role at the Social Science section at the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo [東京大学とうきょうだいがく大学院だいがくいん社会しゃかい科学かがく研究けんきゅう] and becomes responsible for their theoretical economics and history of economics courses [理論りろん経済けいざいがく経済けいざい史学しがく専門せんもん課程かてい]


  • December — Receives a doctorate in economics


  • March — Resigns from the University of Tokyo after reaching their mandatory retirement age
  • April — Appointed as a Professor at the Department of Sociology, Hosei University


  • March — Resigns as Professor from Hosei University
  • April — Becomes a lecturer for the Social Science section of the Graduate School of Hosei University [法政大学ほうせいだいがく大学院だいがくいん社会しゃかい科学かがく研究けんきゅう]
  • Junes — Becomes a non-regular employee [嘱託しょくたく] at the Institute for Economic Research, Rissho University [立正大学りっしょうだいがく経済けいざい研究所けんきゅうじょ]



  • March — Resigns as non-regular employee from the Institute for Economic Research, Rissho University
  • May 21 — Suffers a stroke and is bedridden thereafter


  • February 22 — Dies at home in Kugenuma, Fujisawa City [藤沢ふじさわ鵠沼くげぬま]


As author

  • Theory of Economic Policy, Vol. 1 [経済けいざい政策せいさくろん 上巻じょうかん] (Kōbundō [弘文こうぶんどう], 1936; reprinted 1948; 2nd ed. 1954; reprinted in SW7).
    • In the 1954 edition, "Vol. 1" was dropped from the title.
  • Prolegomena to the Agrarian Question [農業のうぎょう問題もんだい序論じょろん] (Kaizōsha [改造かいぞうしゃ], 1947; 2nd ed. Aoki Shoten [青木あおき書店しょてん], 1965; reprinted in SW8; reprinted Kobushi Bunko [こぶし文庫ぶんこ], 2014).
  • Theory of Value [価値かちろん] (Kawade Shobō [河出かわで書房しょぼう], 1947; reprinted Aoki Shoten [青木あおき書店しょてん], 1965; reprinted in SW3; reprinted Kobushi Bunko [こぶし文庫ぶんこ], 1996).
  • Introduction to Capital [資本しほんろん入門にゅうもん] (Hakujitsu Shoin [白日はくじつ書院しょいん], 1948; 2nd. ed. Sōgen Bunko [そうもと文庫ぶんこ], 1952; reprinted Aoki Shoten [青木あおき書店しょてん], 1968; reprinted in SW6; reprinted Kōdansha Gakujutsu Bunko [講談社こうだんしゃ学術がくじゅつ文庫ぶんこ], 1977).
  • Studies on Capital [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1949; reprinted in SW3).
  • Introduction to Capital, Vol. 2 [資本しほんろん入門にゅうもん だいかん解説かいせつ] (Hakujitsu Sho'in [白日はくじつ書院しょいん], 1949; reprinted in SW6; reprinted Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1977).
  • Principles of Economics [経済けいざい原論げんろん] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1950–52; reprinted in SW1).
  • For Social Science [社会しゃかい科学かがくのために] (Kōbundō [弘文こうぶんどう], 1952; most of it reprinted in SW9-10).
  • Studies on the Theory of Value [価値かちろん研究けんきゅう] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1952; reprinted in SW3).
  • Theory of Crisis [恐慌きょうこうろん] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1953; reprinted in SW5; reprinted Iwanami Bunko [岩波いわなみ文庫ぶんこ], 2010).
  • Capital and Socialism [『資本しほんろん』と社会しゃかい主義しゅぎ] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1954; reprinted in SW10; reprinted Kobushi Bunko [こぶし文庫ぶんこ], 1995).
  • Studies on the Principles of Marxist Economics [マルクス経済けいざいがく原理げんりろん研究けんきゅう] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1959; reprinted in SW4).
  • Methodology of Economics [経済けいざいがく方法ほうほうろん] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1962; reprinted in SW9).
  • Economics Seminar, Vol. 1: Method of Economics [経済けいざいがくゼミナール1 経済けいざいがく方法ほうほう] (Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankai [法政大学ほうせいだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1963).
  • Economics Seminar, Vol. 2: Issues in the Theory of Value [経済けいざいがくゼミナール2 価値かちろん問題もんだいてん] (Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankai [法政大学ほうせいだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1963).
  • Economics Seminar, Vol. 3: Problems of the Theory of Crisis and the Theory of Commercial Profit [経済けいざいがくゼミナール3 恐慌きょうこうろん商業しょうぎょう利潤りじゅんろんしょ問題もんだい] (Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankai [法政大学ほうせいだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1963).
  • Principles of Economics [経済けいざい原論げんろん] (Iwanami Zensho [岩波いわなみ全書ぜんしょ], 1964; reprinted in SW2; reprinted Iwanami Bunko [岩波いわなみ文庫ぶんこ], 2016).
    • The abridged but revised edition of the 1950-52 Principles of Economics.
  • Fundamental Problems of Social Science [社会しゃかい科学かがく根本こんぽん問題もんだい] (Aoki Shoten [青木あおき書店しょてん], 1966; reprinted in SW9-10).
  • Discussion on Economics [経済けいざいがくかたる] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1967).
  • Economics as Social Science [社会しゃかい科学かがくとしての経済けいざいがく] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1969; most of it reprinted in SW9-10; reprinted Chikuma Gakugei Bunko [ちくま学芸がくげい文庫ぶんこ], 2016).
  • Problems of Marxist Economics [マルクス経済けいざいがくしょ問題もんだい] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1969; Part 1 reprinted in SW4, Part 2 in SW10).
  • Economic Theory of Capital [資本しほんろん経済けいざいがく] (Iwanami Shinsho [岩波いわなみ新書しんしょ], 1969; reprinted in SW6).
  • Fifty Years with Capital [資本しほんろんじゅうねん] (Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankai [法政大学ほうせいだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1970–73).
    • Published in 2 volumes. In interviews, Uno details his intellectual biography.
  • Theory of Economic Policy [経済けいざい政策せいさくろん] (Kōbundō [弘文こうぶんどう], 1971; reprinted in SW7).
    • The revised edition of the 1936 Theory of Economic Policy.
  • Utility of Economics [経済けいざいがく効用こうよう] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1972).
  • Selected Works of Uno Kōzō [宇野うの弘蔵こうぞう著作ちょさくしゅう] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1973–74).
    • Published in 11 volumes [SW].
  • Learning from Capital [資本しほんろんまなぶ] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1975; reprinted Chikuma Gakugei Bunko [ちくま学芸がくげい文庫ぶんこ], 2015).
  • Capital and Me [『資本しほんろん』とわたし] (Ochanomizu Shobō [御茶おちゃみず書房しょぼう], 2008).

As co-author

  • Uno Kōzō and Umemoto Katsumi [梅本うめもと克己かつみ], Social Science and the Dialectic [社会しゃかい科学かがく弁証法べんしょうほう] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1976; reprinted Kobushi Bunko [こぶし文庫ぶんこ], 2006).
  • Uno Kōzō, Ōuchi Tsutomu [大内おおうちつとむ] and Ōshima Kiyoshi [大島おおしまきよし], Capitalism: Its Development and Structure [資本しほん主義しゅぎ——その発達はったつ構造こうぞう] (Kadokawa Sensho [角川かどかわ選書せんしょ], 1978).
  • Uno Kōzō and Fuji'i Hiroshi [藤井ふじいひろし], The Archetype of Modern Capitalism [現代げんだい資本しほん主義しゅぎ原型げんけい] (Kobushi Bunko [こぶし文庫ぶんこ], 1997).

As editor

  • Studies on the Bloc Economy as Seen through the Sugar Industry [とうぎょうよりたる広域こういき経済けいざい研究けんきゅう] (Kurita Shoten [栗田くりた書店しょてん], 1944).
    • "広域こういき経済けいざい" is the Japanese translation of 'Großraumwirtschaft'.
  • Lectures on the Principles of Economics [経済けいざい原論げんろん 経済けいざいがく演習えんしゅう講座こうざ] (Seirin Shoin [あおりん書院しょいん], 1955; 2nd ed. Seirin Shoin Shinsha [あおりん書院しょいんしんしゃ], 1969; Q&A section reprinted in SW2).
  • Economics [経済けいざいがく] (Kadokawa Zensho [角川かどかわ全書ぜんしょ], 1956; reprinted Kadokawa Sophia Bunko [角川かどかわソフィア文庫ぶんこ], 2019).
    • Published in 2 volumes.
  • Studies on Land Tax Reform [地租ちそ改正かいせい研究けんきゅう] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1957–58).
    • Published in 2 volumes.
  • The Present State of the Rural Economy in Japan under Economic Stability [日本にっぽん農村のうそん経済けいざい実態じったい——経済けいざい安定あんていにおける] (Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai [東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい], 1961).
  • Capital Studies, Vol. 1: Commodity, Money and Capital [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう1 商品しょうひん貨幣かへい資本しほん] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1967).
  • Capital Studies, Vol. 2: Surplus Value and Accumulation [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう2 剰余じょうよ価値かち蓄積ちくせき] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1967).
  • Capital Studies, Vol. 3: Distribution Process of Capital [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう3 資本しほん流通りゅうつう過程かてい] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1967).
  • Capital Studies, Vol. 4: Production Price and Profit [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう4 生産せいさん価格かかく利潤りじゅん] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1968).
  • Capital Studies, Vol. 5: Interest and Rent [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう5 利子りし地代じだい] (Chikuma Shobō [筑摩書房ちくましょぼう], 1968).

As co-editor

  • Capital Studies: Commodity and Process of Exchange [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう——商品しょうひん交換こうかん過程かてい] (Kawade Shobō [河出かわで書房しょぼう], 1948).
  • Capital Studies: Process of Distribution [資本しほんろん研究けんきゅう——流通りゅうつう過程かてい] (Kawade Shobō [河出かわで書房しょぼう], 1949).
  • Studies on Marxist Economics: Festschrift for Prof. Ōuchi Hyōe on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Vol. 1 [マルクス経済けいざいがく研究けんきゅう——大内おおうち兵衛ひょうえ先生せんせい還暦かんれき記念きねんろん文集ぶんしゅううえ)] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1953).
  • The World Economy and the Japanese Economy: Festschrift for Prof. Ōuchi Hyōe on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Vol. 2 [世界せかい経済けいざい日本にっぽん経済けいざい——大内おおうち兵衛ひょうえ先生せんせい還暦かんれき記念きねんろん文集ぶんしゅうした)] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1956).
  • Japanese Capitalism and Agriculture [日本にっぽん資本しほん主義しゅぎ農業のうぎょう] (Iwanami Shoten [岩波書店いわなみしょてん], 1959).
  • Dictionary of Capital [資本しほんろん辞典じてん] (Aoki Shoten [青木あおき書店しょてん], 1961).

As translator

  • Friedrich Engels, 'Über historischen Materialismus' [史的してき唯物ゆいぶつろんについて], Marx-Engels Complete Works, Vol. 12 [マルクス=エンゲルス全集ぜんしゅう だいじゅうかん] (Kaizōsha [改造かいぞうしゃ], 1928).
  • Karl Marx, 'Die moralisierende Kritik und die kritisierende Moral' [道学どうがくてき批判ひはん批判ひはんがくてき道徳どうとく], Marx-Engels Complete Works, Vol. 3 [マルクス=エンゲルス全集ぜんしゅう だいさんかん] (Kaizōsha [改造かいぞうしゃ], 1929).
  • Walter Bagehot, Lombard Street [ロンバードがい——ロンドンの金融きんゆう市場いちば] (Iwanami Bunko [岩波いわなみ文庫ぶんこ], 1941).

Uno's works in English translation

  • Principles of Political Economy: Theory of a Purely Capitalist Society, trans. Thomas T. Sekine (Brighton: The Harvester Press, 1980).
    • Translation of the abridged 1964 Iwanami Zensho edition of Principles of Economics.
  • The Types of Economic Policies under Capitalism, trans. Thomas T. Sekine, ed. John R. Bell (Leiden: Brill, 2016).
    • Translation of the 1971 edition of Theory of Economic Policy.
  • Theory of Crisis, trans. Ken C. Kawashima (Leiden: Brill, 2020).



  • Joe, Hyeon-soo (1995). Politische Ökonomie als Gesellschaftstheorie. Studien zur Marx-Rezeption von Isaak Iljitsch Rubin und Kozo Uno (in German). Marburg: Diss. Philipps-Universität.
  • Louisa Lange, Elena (2021). Value without Fetish: Uno Kōzō's Theory of 'Pure Capitalism' in Light of Marx's Critique of Political Economy. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-44990-9. JSTOR 10.1163/j.ctv1v7zbws.



  1. ^ Kincaid 2006.
  2. ^ a b Clarke 1989; Kincaid 2006.
  3. ^ This chronology for the most part follows the one that can be found in 降旗ふるはた節雄せつお伊藤いとうまこと共編きょうへん『マルクス理論りろんさい構築こうちく——宇野うの経済けいざいがくをどうかすか』社会しゃかい評論ひょうろんしゃ、2000ねん、311-12ぺーじ
  4. ^ 宇野うの弘蔵こうぞう経済けいざいがくかたる』東京大学とうきょうだいがく出版しゅっぱんかい、1967ねん、15-20ぺーじ

External links

  • Verified, continuously updated selected bibliography with links and materials. (Broken link. See partial fix for same link at end of page for Isaak Rubin. Also check for other pages re value form school likely to need same fix)