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Kukochihiko (いぬさとし卑狗) as described in the Wajinden was an official of the Kununokuni and a described as the real power behind the government there.

The original text of Wajinden reads.

其南ゆういぬやつこく 男子だんしためおう官有かんゆういぬさとし卑狗 ぞく女王じょおう

Various theories

  • Since the Wamyō Ruijushō is written as "Kikuchi", it is thought that Kikuchi-jibei dog is "Kikuchihiko" (Japanese) and is associated with Kumamoto Prefecture Kikuchi-gun.[1][2][3][4]
  • Since his name is written before Himikoko it is theorized he had the true power in Kununokuni
  • Some think that the derogatory meaning is removed from the official name.[5] The word "いぬ" is fierce, and is thought to be "commitment (けん, Takeru, タケル)," meaning a heroic and brave man. Kochi (さとし)" means "old wisdom," but the opposite of "new (ふる, Furui)" is "New (あたらしい, Atarashii)," and it is thought to be originally "New wisdom (あたらしい知恵ちえ, Atarashii Chie). The word "(卑狗)" is "Hiko," which is thought to be "Prince ()" or "High sun (日高ひだか)" or "Sun child (日子にっし)"..[5]

In popular culture

Kukochihiko is a character in Fate/Grand Order. In it he is depicted as a villain who overthrew Himikoko and conquered Kununokuni, and attempted to conquer Yamatai

See also

External links


  1. ^ 請見(in Japanese)菊池きくち祖先そせん Archived 2019-01-31 at the Wayback Machineてき內文。
  2. ^ 白鳥庫吉しらとりくらきちやまと女王じょおう卑弥呼ひみここう」『白鳥庫吉しらとりくらきち全集ぜんしゅう』(岩波書店いわなみしょてん、1969ねん)など多数たすう
  3. ^ 卑弥呼ひみここう雑誌ざっし藝文げいぶん明治めいじ43ねん(1910ねん)5,6,7がつごう所載しょさい
  4. ^ しんてい こころざし倭人わじんでんこう漢書かんしょやまとでんそうしょ倭国わのくにでんずいしょ倭国わのくにでん 中国ちゅうごく正史せいし日本にっぽんでん(1)』 石原いしはらみちはくへんやく 岩波いわなみ文庫ぶんこ P44-45、P79
  5. ^ a b 邪馬台国やまたいこく』 石原いしはら洋三ようぞうろう れい元年がんねん10がつ 第一印刷だいいちいんさつ P61-62