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The 2021 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

The 2021–22 Confirmation will begin on 05 February, and will finish on 26 February.

The 2021–22 Steward Confirmations are an opportunity for the Wikimedia community to comment on the performance of existing stewards. To make the process as smooth as possible, the confirmations are organized as follows.

To comment, please log in with an account that has edits (on any wiki) before 05 February. During the 2021 Elections, please mention if you are comfortable or unhappy with the use of steward tools of any of the people listed below and why.

After the election, stewards (including the newly-elected ones) are invited to review the confirmation comments and to give their impression of the outcome (consensus to confirm/remove etc.) on Talk:Stewards/Confirm/2021 for every steward who stood for confirmation. Of course, they are not required to do this for every candidate and will be especially careful to do it regarding someone about whom they expressed strong opinions in the confirmation. Non-steward comments are welcome outside of the "Final Decision" section, subject to the usual expectations of civility. Confirmation discussions will last one week after the appointment of the newly elected stewards. This may be extended to two weeks for one or more confirmations at the discretion of the Election Committee if the committee believes further input is required before concluding. The Election Committee will close these discussions and implement the outcome (which also means making a decision in non-obvious cases).

All stewards elected before February 2021 will undergo this process.

See also:

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Stewards should create their statements. They can use the preload below:

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: ko, en-3
  • Personal info: I was quite sick early 2020, to the point that I had to get a COVID testing just to be admitted to the hospital (tested negative though) - later when I was recovering, the "Wikipedia Foundation" saga happened and my activity in Wikimedia dropped to near-zero. (I was also busy with IRL event that suddenly emerged with COVID.)

    After few months, I started to edit again, but at a lower frequency. I am not sure if I am still needed at the WMF projects, given WMF's "We don't care about community" attitude. I actually thought of resigning, but decided to stand for renewal this year because I think community still benefits from having one more steward from Asian timezone.

    Only excuse I have for this year's low activity is COVID (yeah, easy excuse, but that's the largest hit around the world.). At least I expect my IRL pressure to (sorta) drop, so I will be more active this year. I've still processed some OS request and global locks involving suppression of usernames, in addition to what is publicly visible.

    These days, I am not sure if I want to be a part of this movement, but I still believe in the community, not the WMF.

    Full disclosure

    My contract with WMF is over, as indicated by SE2020 statement. (See also: SE2018 / Confirmation 2019 / Confirmation 2020)

    — regards, Revi 10:23, 20 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about -revi

Temporarily change the ticket. For some reasons, I decided to vote Keep Keep.--うみこうてきだ! 03:15, 19 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: uk-N, ru-4, be-3 (only understanding), en-2.5, fr-0.5, es-0.5, nl-0.5, ja-0.5, slavic-0.5, romance-0.25, ukl-0.25
  • Personal info: Hello, this is my second confirmation as a steward.

    Last year the main issues that were brought up about my stewardship were low activity that also had a large gap in it. This time I have managed to be active quite evenly throughout the year. The total quantitative statistics of my stewardship aren't great, but if you discount global blocks and locks which were not the areas I have focused on, you will find me somewhere in the middle of the list actions wise.

    What I did focus on was primarily permission management on SRP and SRGP, communication with WMF in the monthly calls (I've attended roughly a half of them) as well as with the fellow stewards via our communication channels. The most uncommon actions I have taken this tenure were a couple of bigdelete usages in some major Wikipedias, requested at SRM. I've also been doing some user renames, being one of the two Ukrainian and one of the few Russian speakers with the access, as well as an amount of GS domain actions. Actions aside I was trying to be active in Wikimedia Stewards User Group, in particular making sure we do not stand asides regarding branding open letter. I've also done some outreach explaining the role of the stewards to other users, especially Ukrainian community and to lesser extent Russian community and just individual Wikimedians or groups of them on various formal and informal platforms (chats, regular virtual meetings, a Wikiconference)

    The challenges I've faced mostly are related to being conscious with the boundary I have to keep regarding my home community while also being helpful to deal with LTAs originating from it. I do act when I need to, and try to inform the community members on where the boundary shall lie, but if this ends up being uncomfortable I plan discussing it at a relevant administrator forum.

    If I am confirmed for another tenure I will continue doing at least the same, I do also hope to login to OTRS more, potentially dedicate some more time to do some counter-vandalism work I mostly prioritise low for myself. I hope to also work on some technical tools. It is heart-warming for me to see that many stewards are using my GIPBE logging gadget created last tenure for instance. I am also looking forward towards WMF figuring out the procedure to verify people's 2FA statuses proactively, I plan to get involved in this if there is room to help. If not confirmed I still plan to eventually work on the technical things, will stick around the usergroup and will probably eventually request permissions necessary to do some of the actions I've been doing as a steward, such as global renames.

    Thank you for the feedback and I am looking forward finally hitting 10 years as a Wikimedian this year either as a steward or not :) And for those reading the same day I wrote this, Happy Wikipedia Day! --Base (talk) 10:14, 15 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Base


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages:
  • Personal info: Hello everyone. A lot of unexpected things happened last year, and my activities decreased significantly in the later months. I am still trying to recover, but the progress is slow. I think I will only be able to be back by the end of this year, so I am not standing for confirmation this year. I will occasionally be active in other areas so that I could still keep that wikimedian feeling alive within me. Thank you :)

Comments about BRPever


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages:
  • Personal info: I have been part of the steward team now for 10 years and hope to continue working with my colleagues. I have been primarily focused on handling vandalism and spambots across the projects. One of my goals for this year is to do other tasks that I have not spent more time on (such as rights changes).

Comments about Bsadowski1


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: pt-N, en-2, es-1
  • Personal info: It has been an honor and privilege to assist the community as a steward since 2017 and if I still deserve the confidence of the community, I would be delighted to serve for another term. I couldn't be as active as I wished to be in the past year due to personal circumstances and the pandemic, but I'm confident I will be more active this year. I'm looking forward to your feedback. Thank you for considering. Defender (talk) 06:02, 4 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Defender


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<2021 (translate this) not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en-3, es-1
  • Personal info: I was elected a steward in 2007. 2020 has been a tough year for many of us. I had to find some onwiki activity to cover the many offwiki activities which used to keep me motivated. I found it in categorization and structured data on Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. Hence, also my activities as a steward dropped a bit. However, I found some more motivation for steward activities some months ago. My main focus of steward activities changed a couple of times, and so I still help fight some long-time vandals and be available for various tasks. I try to help out in the background with my long-time experience and reach out to our partners. For example, I am one of the co-organizers of the Wikimedia Stewards User Group which I helped set up, and wrote the report for our 2020 activities. Since I got my IRC client fixed, I returned to a more active level there, too. With having these things on my table, I still think that I can enrich this group. I still enjoy playing a part in the stewards group although I am not anymore one of their most active members and I would like to provide my service once again. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Comments about DerHexer
