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Business Wireともえぐん•哈撒韋旗てき企業きぎょうため新聞しんぶん稿こうぶんはつかんかん披露ひろう方面ほうめんてきたまきだまりょうさき企業きぎょう


Business Wireざい1961ねん成立せいりつ新聞しんぶん機構きこう記者きしゃ投資とうしせん及監かん機構きこう信賴しんらいてき消息しょうそくらいげん。Business Wire運用うんようせんもうからま新聞しんぶんNX技術ぎじゅつこう新聞しんぶん機構きこうてきへん系統けいとう權威けんいもう上新かみしん聞來げん直接ちょくせつはつ稿こう。 Business Wireてき編輯へんしゅうへん佈全だまため世界せかい各地かくちてきつて訊專ぎょう人員じんいん新聞しんぶん媒體ばいたいずい時候じこういのち

160+ 分發國家


100,000+ 媒體轉載


200+ 行業類別



Business Wireてき辦事しょへん佈全だま於北おうしゅう及亞しゅうてき辦事しょひとしのう提供ていきょうぜん方位ほういてき新聞しんぶん編輯へんしゅう服務ふくむつとむもとめ提供ていきょう緊貼當地とうち市場いちばてき需要じゅようしょ不同ふどう辦事しょ經驗けいけん豐富ほうふてき編輯へんしゅう必定ひつじょうのう安全あんぜん及準かくぶんはつ您的新聞しんぶん稿こう


わが們的編輯へんしゅうだんたいぜん經驗けいけん豐富ほうふごうどもたち150めい編輯へんしゅう平均へいきんにんしょく 12 ねん以上いじょう。 此外,はつ速度そくどじゅんかくせい同樣どうよう重要じゅうようわが們的編輯へんしゅうだんたいようゆう豐富ほうふてき專業せんぎょう知識ちしきほら悉行ぎょうはしいきおい了解りょうかい如何いかはた新聞しんぶん稿こうぶんはつとくさらかいとしさらじゅんかく




わが們將新聞しんぶん稿こう傳送でんそういたよしれんしゃみち瓊斯、もりとおる、彭博及其新聞しんぶん媒體ばいたいてき管理かんり系統けいとう方便ほうべん記者きしゃざい系統けいとう內查您的新聞しんぶん稿こう確保かくほ您的新聞しんぶん稿こういたおうゆうてきせきちゅう發送はっそうせんこう涵蓋ぜんたま20多種たしゅげん包括ほうかつ200+ ぎょうぎょう貿易ぼうえき類別るいべつ絕對ぜったいぜんたまゆうしつてきせん新聞しんぶんもうからま

Business Wire is my go-to wire service and responsible for helping secure optimal media coverage surrounding Toshiba’s many initiatives. The team is ultra-competent, reliable and responsive, attributes which are essential for all comms professionals. I consider Business Wire to be an extension of Toshiba’s communications team and an essential partner for conveying our news to the world.

— Rick Havacko, Corporate Communications

At Accenture I have worked with Business Wire for over 10 years, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Business Wire’s staff is always available, always helpful, always reliable and goes above and beyond in ensuring we get our media announcements to the public accurately and on time.

— Todd Petruska, Corporate Communications

Our first press release with Business Wire was a rousing success. It was an important news story for us as it was our Series A announcement. The service was top notch and the results were stellar. As CEO, ROI is very important and Business Wire exceeded our expectations.

— Chris Brunner, CEO and Founder

One of the best things about working with Business Wire is the great customer service they provide. Whether it’s questions about our account, updates to the platform or assistance from the editorial group, the Business Wire team is always available and eager to help meet our needs.

— Tom Beermann, Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs

We count Business Wire among our trusted partners because of the level of protection their team of editorial experts provide. After so many people involved have looked at a press release countless times, it’s critical to have a fresh set of eyes do a final review. We recommend Business Wire for this, especially for companies who have a large announcement. Working with Business Wire and having their editorial team review our material is a standard part of our process.

— Curtis Sparrer, Principal


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